Sunday, June 24, 2007

How To Find a Good Boss

By Marilyn Haight
Whether you get hired for a new job, promoted, or reassigned to a new position, you will most likely have a new boss. Each time that happens, you must develop a new professional relationship with the person you rely on for direction, development, and future advancement. You need to quickly determine if this new boss is a good match for you and your career goals. But how can you tell? Try these five questions.

1. Does your boss showcase your work? If you're not sure, you could ask him, "What leadership opportunities will I have in my job?" If he says something like, "There's only one leader here -- me," you may have what I call a "Suppressor Boss." A boss who replies, "We're all leaders here; you'll be in charge of projects that need your expertise," will have no problem appreciating your role and contribution.

2. Does your boss solve problems? Try asking, "How should I escalate problems to you when I think you need to get involved?" If she insists you must solve your issue alone, then she could be a "Confounder Boss" who ignores problems, which makes them worse. A good boss might say, "Give me detailed examples; I'll determine the cause and work with managers at my level to correct the issues."

3. Does your boss let you complete your work? When in doubt, try asking him or her when you can start handling tasks from start to finish. If the answer is, "I'm a hands-on manager; we do everything as a team," you've got trouble. This is a "Player Boss" who does parts of your job he likes and leaves problems for you. If you hear, "Tell me when you think you're ready; I'll give you guidelines and be available only when you need me," you'll know your boss trusts your skills.

4. Does your boss listen to your suggestions? If not, tell her that when she cuts you off you wonder if she values your opinion. A reply like, "I have the final word," could mean she's a "Manipulator Boss." A good boss will say something like, "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was doing that. Please bring it to my attention next time it happens." A good boss always listens attentively.

5. Does your boss treat you and your co-workers equally? If you notice preferential treatment among your co-workers, try asking your boss, "What measurements will you use to evaluate my job performance?" If he says, "Every case is different; I use my judgment," he could be a "Dumbfounder Boss" who uses the wrong measures to evaluate job performance. A better answer, like, "Your work will be evaluated according to the documented standards we've already agreed upon," will signal your boss's fairness.
Listening skills, problem-solving, a sense of fairness, and an ability to trust are just some of the hallmarks of a good boss. A good employee will learn to spot and appreciate those attributes, and then move toward building a mutually successful relationship.

Marilyn Haight is the author of "Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Boss? 13 Types and How to Survive Them" (available in the United States and soon to be released in China and Korea). Visit her Web site at for more workplace advice.

Don't Let Your Job Get Toxic

By Debra Davenport
Sometimes no matter how hard you try to do all the right things at work, a job may feel as if it's hurting you more than helping you. Maybe the job is a bad fit, maybe volatility in your industry gives you anxiety about the future, or maybe a salary cut is making too many of your purchases stress-inducing.
If you find yourself in a similar position, you have to assess whether your work situation is toxic or revivable. If you decide your job is toxic, take control and formulate an exit plan. It's simply not worth staying in a situation that can negatively impact your health, relationships, and peace of mind.
If you decide to create some changes in your job, you can take the following proactive self-care measures to protect your well-being as you focus on the challenges ahead.
Speak up. Talk with your boss (if he or she is not the problem) and engage in a solutions-oriented dialogue. You may not be able to change the company, but you might be able to make your department a much more pleasant place to work.
Move. Fifteen minutes of yoga or Pilates will reduce stress, increase focus and mental clarity, and improve overall well-being.
Relax. Massage, meditation and positive visualization will reduce stress, improve circulation, remove toxins from the body, and help you sleep.
Blow the 5:30 whistle. Don't stay in a toxic workplace any longer than absolutely necessary, and don't take your toxic job home with you. When 5:30 p.m. rolls around, leave.
Take a break. It's actually smart to take a "mental health day" every now and then. Don't feel guilty for taking a day off to get your life back in balance.
Get fueled. Proper nutrition is one of your best defenses. Keeping your body fortified helps to boost energy, prevent illness, and minimize the harmful effects of stress.
Go green. Living plants enhance the air quality of indoor environments, and also have been shown to induce positive energy.
Breathe. Recycled air in office buildings and enclosed work areas can be very unhealthy. If you have the option of opening windows, let the fresh air in! Otherwise, use air purifiers and natural aromatherapies to lift spirits and freshen the air.
Color your world. Finally, don't underestimate the psychological impact of color. Surround yourself with greens and blues to create a sense of tranquility.
In fact, putting some of these tips into practice may change how you perceive your job and its challenges. It's all about perspective.
The important thing is to give yourself permission to seek a healthy working environment where you can thrive instead of just survive.

Debra Davenport is president of DavenportFolio, a licensed firm with offices in Phoenix and Los Angeles that provides career counseling, Certified Professional Mentoring, professional employment placement and executive search services. She is the creator of the Certified Professional Mentor(R) designation, and you can contact her at

Five Tips for Switching Career Paths

Jennifer Merritt, Carolyn Bigda and Donna Rosato, MONEY Magazine
Switching fields may seem taboo, but it's quite doable, especially now when labor markets are tight. Almost half of the 164 employers who responded to our MONEY Magazine/ survey say they regularly target mid-career changers when recruiting. One reason: Switchers are dedicated to their move, with 32 percent saying they'll spend "as long as it takes" to get the necessary certification and schooling. What are they looking for? Pay and advancement, sure, but also fulfillment and a sense that they can control their career paths.
Steve Mullins, 44, already has a good job: He's a telecommunications engineer for a pharmaceutical company. But he's studying to become a nurse -- it's a top job for career changers because demand is so high. "They can offshore my job any day of the week," says Mullins of Noblesville, Indiana. "And of course, when you fix a router, it doesn't say thanks."
To make your case to a hiring manager, follow these tips.
1. Show your commitment.
"Employers are seeing high turnover," says Kimberly Bishop, a senior client partner at recruiter Korn/Ferry International. "They want to make sure you will be the right fit."
You'll be more convincing if you take classes, join industry organizations or moonlight (even on a volunteer basis) within the field you're exploring before you try to go full time -- and you'll also have a much better idea if this really is the right move for you.
2. Quantify your skills.
It may not be obvious how what you know translates into what they do. So focus on your transferable skills -- not your experience -- in interviews and on your resume.
Quantify your accomplishments: Show that you increased sales X percent or managed Y number of people. "It helps provide the scope and breadth of your accomplishments," says Bishop, "and it shows you very clearly understand what you've done."
Also highlight areas in your background that give you an advantage. When interviewing for an IT position, Randy Jensen, 36, of Riverton, Utah, pointed out that after 15 years in radio, he has good communication skills. "I can string two sentences together," he says. "I'm not going to be a hermit in a cubicle."
3. Talk the talk.
Learning industry lingo is critical. "If you want to be a brand manager, you need to talk like one," says Ricki Frankel, a career coach who specializes in transitions. Read trade publications and job postings. And start networking.
To make the switch from sales engineer to marketing, Todd Cox, 39, of Atlanta, has been reading books and seeking out mentors. "It may be someone I read about or hear speak," he says. "I tell them what I'm trying to do and ask if they'll coach me along. It doesn't always work, but everyone gives me little tidbits."
4. Take a two-step approach.
"Every career is composed of two main factors, a job title and a particular industry," says Dick Bolles, author of "What Color Is Your Parachute?" "An easier way to transition is to change just one of those factors at a time."
So if you're a lawyer itching to become a travel writer, work as a writer for a legal publication first (new title) and then eventually move into travel writing (new industry).
Or do legal work for a travel publication and contribute pieces until you're able to pick up a writing position.
5. Give yourself enough time.
Quitting on a whim often results in a frantic scramble for a paycheck. Plus, you need to think through logistics. If you have to take a salary cut, how will you cover it? Are you willing to relocate?
It took Susan Rubin, 48, of Armonk, New York, four years to give up her legal practice and become a yoga instructor.
"I was hesitant to make the jump," she says, "but in the meantime, I was training and saving money. It was very hard for me to close the doors of my practice. But once I did, I never looked back."

Friday, June 22, 2007

Do You Have DSL or Cable Internet Service

By : Steve Lee
With the ever changing world of technology there remains one constant. People do not understand all of the terminology when it comes to computers and the internet. At a basketball game I overheard two people discussing their internet and what kind of service they had. One guy said he had a DSL router through his cable company. The other disagreed and said he had high speed internet through the phone company and he thought it was DSL.

Here are a few simple ways to remember what kind of internet service you have if you want to keep you conversation accurate.

1. Many people still have the old slow dial up internet connection. It ties up your phone line and is not the fastest way to be online. Because of where they live this may still be the only option they have.

2. Cable broadband internet comes from the local cable company. You get access to it right through the cable coming into your home. The cable guy will come out to your house and do the installation for you. To do this he splits the connection from your TV to a cable modem box. Then he plugs it into your computer or router.

One benefit of having internet access from your cable company is it doesn't matter how close you live to cable company's office. Wherever you live you will get it at the same speed as everyone else in your neighborhood. One thing that does matter is the number of households subscribing will affect the bandwidth available and at certain times of the day your service will be slower.

3. DSL is short Digital Subscriber Line and is provided by a phone company. You will probably not need an installer to come out to your home to get started. Your phone company will turn on your service and they will send you a DSL modem and DSL router or filters. You can use the phone line you have without ordering another one.

To get connected, you plug one end of a DSL modem into a regular phone jack and the other end into your computer or DSL router. The filters are used to eliminate potential DSL static from phone jacks in which phones are used. These filters fit easily into the phone jacks and then the phone connections are plugged into the filters.

Because you are using your phone line sharing bandwidth with your neighbors is not an issue. However the further away you live from the phone companies office the slower your system will operate.

If you live too far away you may not even be able to get DSL service and would not need a DSL router, modem or filters. You will have to check with your cable company to see what your options are at that point.

Shopping For Low Cost Computers

By : Ben Franklin
Computers are today our basic requirements. When we work we need them to connect with other people, retrieve information and control manufacturing units. At home we chat, play games, use them for interactive activities like pod casting and for watching movies etc. There are lots of places you can shop for computers, if you are planning to either replace an existing one or buy a new one. One resource for low cost computers is Dell.

Dell is a leading US-based computer hardware company, Dell Inc. Dell has over 63,700 employees the world over. Dell's operations span development, manufacture, support and marketing of personal computers, servers, data storage devices, network switches, personal digital assistants (PDAs), software, peripherals, etc. The location of Dell headquarters is in Round Rock, Texas, USA.

In 2005, Forbes 500 ranked Dell 28th among the largest US companies revenue-wise. Dell topped Fortune magazine's annual list of the most admired US companies the same year. The company's press releases in January 2005 revealed increased international sales for the first two quarters of the fiscal year 2005. An ominous article "It's Bad to Worse at Dell" appeared in the November 2005 edition of BusinessWeek, predicting decline in earnings and sales and a pessimistic third financial quarter prediction. Faulty capacitors on motherboards of the Optiplex GX270 and GX 280 had already been acknowledged by Dell at a loss of $300 million, which CEO Kevin Rollins partially blamed a low-end PC focus on.

Around 2004, a Dell Dimension desktop PC was marketed with different brand names for different consumer segments. OptiPlex, Latitude and Precision were for medium and large business clients, advertising durability, reliability and functionality. The Dimension Inspiron and XPS brands are ideal for consumers, students and small offices due to value, performance and expansion. The recently re-introduced Dell XPS targets the gaming segment. Silver instead of black cases is used for Dell XPS desktops. Non-computer products started with the portable digital audio player, Digital Jukebox or Dell DJ, apart from USB keydrives, LCD tvs, Windows mobile PDAs and printers.

Brand names for product ranges include OptiPlex for office desktops, Dimension for desktops, Latitude for commercial laptops, Inspiron for consumer laptops, Precision for workstations and high-performance laptops, PowerEdge for larger corporate servers; PowerVault for direct-attach and network-attached storage (NAS), Dell EMC for storage area networks, XPS for enthusiast/high-performance systems and Axim for PDAs utilizing Microsoft's Windows Mobile.

Microsoft Windows XP is Dell's current choice for most new computers along with Red Hat and SUSE for servers. Bare-bones computers minus pre-installed software have considerably lower rates. Licensing contracts with Microsoft ensures availability on request only, with a FreeDOS disk included. A Windows refund is issued after a regular retail price sale.

Dell's Windows comes with substantial software. There have been accusations of spyware and instructions to technical support team to avoid de-installation. Dell made no secret of an offer to Apple for a future Intel version of Mac OS X but the latter chose to run OS only on Macs, declining to license Mac OS X to Dell.

Why Cisco Routers Offer A Comprehensive Network Solution For Your Business

By : Steve Lee
Businesses today demand more from their networks than in the past. Networks today now need to support all forms of media including video, voice and data. Access has also changed as thousands of new devices connect to the network via wireless and wired connections. A systems approach requires an integrated system and Cisco routers can provide this for all of your business needs.

A systems approach combines packaging with intelligent services while putting in security, voice, application and routing services all in one. You end up with a more secure system and better use of network resources.

With its integrated services router, Cisco offers a comprehensive solution that minimizes network down time while allowing access to the most critical business needs. Regardless of the size of your business if you need fast secure access Cisco routers offers many features and benefits.

To solve the many challenges of your business your network needs intelligence to play a big role in securing applications in a way that is easy to manage.

IP-based voice, wireless, and security are only the first in a new wave of advanced applications that are beginning to change the ways in which businesses operate. Organizations must consider how they can best enable their networks today so that their business can continue to take advantage of new applications quickly and securely to meet their goals.

The main point of preventing and responding to security threats from internal and external sources comes from an integrated strategy of multiple types of protection.

Voice, video, and other types of data are woven into a converged network. Tight integration into the infrastructure of your business means that each new application whether it is video, web, or telephony, is just another media type rather than an entirely different communications system. The applications themselves can intelligently communicate with the infrastructure to meet the constantly changing needs of the system.

Wireless cannot be viewed as an isolated application. This is especially true when wireless access points scale into the hundreds or thousands. An intelligent network provides the framework that enables a wireless LAN solution to take full advantage of existing tools, knowledge, and resources of the wired infrastructure to address critical wireless LAN security, deployment, and control issues.

Unlike specialized niche products, Cisco Integrated Services Routers embed security and voice services as a single system for lower operating costs, simplified management and ease of deployment.

Cisco routers provide the secure communications solutions to thousands of businesses all over the world today. Why not yours as well.

Why Do So Many People Use Linksys Routers

By : Steve Lee
Linksys is a division of Cisco Systems, Inc., and are the recognized global leader in VoIP, Wireless and Ethernet networking for home, and small business users. They are based in Irvine, California.
A Linksys router is the most popular model available today. There are several reasons for that. Linksys offers a very user friendly way to network all of your computers together. A few benefits of networking your computers with a Linksys router include:

- Share a high-speed, broadband cable or DSL Internet connection so everyone can surf the web simultaneously. Linksys Wireless Broadband Routers have four Ethernet ports and support up to 32 wireless users.

- Access your own private e-mail account while others surf the web. This is a perfect example of the flexibility Linksys gives everyone in your network.

- Share all types of files, including music, digital pictures, and documents

- Store your library of music, pictures, and files all in one place

- View digital pictures and listen to your music anywhere in the house

- Secure your computers against viruses

- Enjoy multi player and head-to-head games with friends or family from any room in the house

- Enjoy playing games online with people all over the world

- And many more...

A common complaint when using a Linksys router is interference between a 2.4 GHz phone system and the wireless network. A few things you can do is change the channel of the phone or the Router so they use different channels. You could also move the phone's base station so that it's farther away from the Router.

It is good to know that Linksys Routers only work with external cable or DSL modems featuring Ethernet ports. They do not work with ISDN, satellite connections, dial-up modems or modems featuring USB or RJ-11 connections. Linksys Routers are compatible with any platform that supports Ethernet and TCP/IP. The router must be connected to a cable or DSL modem.

Linksys offers a great support system for any problems you may be having. You view the FAQ's online at They have a discussion forum where you can ask questions to other Linksys users anywhere in the world. You can submit an email support ticket or call their 1-800 technical support hot line as well.

If you are not wireless or just need to upgrade the hard wired system you currently have Linksys offers the best protection and system performance on the market today. You can buy Linksys products online or at many different retailers including Best Buy, Radio Shack, Comp USA, Circuit City, Office Depot, and more.

Why Do So Many People Use Linksys Routers

By : Steve Lee
Linksys is a division of Cisco Systems, Inc., and are the recognized global leader in VoIP, Wireless and Ethernet networking for home, and small business users. They are based in Irvine, California.
A Linksys router is the most popular model available today. There are several reasons for that. Linksys offers a very user friendly way to network all of your computers together. A few benefits of networking your computers with a Linksys router include:

- Share a high-speed, broadband cable or DSL Internet connection so everyone can surf the web simultaneously. Linksys Wireless Broadband Routers have four Ethernet ports and support up to 32 wireless users.

- Access your own private e-mail account while others surf the web. This is a perfect example of the flexibility Linksys gives everyone in your network.

- Share all types of files, including music, digital pictures, and documents

- Store your library of music, pictures, and files all in one place

- View digital pictures and listen to your music anywhere in the house

- Secure your computers against viruses

- Enjoy multi player and head-to-head games with friends or family from any room in the house

- Enjoy playing games online with people all over the world

- And many more...

A common complaint when using a Linksys router is interference between a 2.4 GHz phone system and the wireless network. A few things you can do is change the channel of the phone or the Router so they use different channels. You could also move the phone's base station so that it's farther away from the Router.

It is good to know that Linksys Routers only work with external cable or DSL modems featuring Ethernet ports. They do not work with ISDN, satellite connections, dial-up modems or modems featuring USB or RJ-11 connections. Linksys Routers are compatible with any platform that supports Ethernet and TCP/IP. The router must be connected to a cable or DSL modem.

Linksys offers a great support system for any problems you may be having. You view the FAQ's online at They have a discussion forum where you can ask questions to other Linksys users anywhere in the world. You can submit an email support ticket or call their 1-800 technical support hot line as well.

If you are not wireless or just need to upgrade the hard wired system you currently have Linksys offers the best protection and system performance on the market today. You can buy Linksys products online or at many different retailers including Best Buy, Radio Shack, Comp USA, Circuit City, Office Depot, and more.

Tips For Going Wireless With Your Own Notebook Computer

By : Steve Lee
In this article we are going to look at the basics of a wireless router. How they work and what you can do to make sure it stays that way. If you have a recent model notebook computer you probably have wireless technology built into it. If not you can get a wireless card to install into your notebook to work in conjunction with your wireless router.

Once you are wireless you will know the joy of picking up your computer and walking anywhere around your house with it. Depending on your signal strength you may even be able to hang out on your patio.

Newer notebooks are Wi-Fi ready. It already has the wireless hardware and software built into your computer. Several people in your family may be wireless as well. It is a beautiful thing to see everyone hang out in the family room with their notebooks all able to work or play online at the same time.

You will always be able to connect using the Wi-Fi network at work or steal bandwidth from someone else. There are hotspots everywhere you go including your own neighborhood. You are better off setting up your system in a secure way to avoid your neighbor's doing this to you and then you do not do it to them either.

If you are not wireless yet you will need a few things to convert your home network into a wireless network.

1. You need a Broadband connection using a Cable or DSL modem. You can not have a wireless network if you are on Dial-Up connection
2. A router to broadcast the wireless signal
3. A wireless computer

To set up your wireless network turn off the power to your computers and your Broadband modem. Your computer will communicate with your router automatically when you start it up enabling you to get on the network without any confusion. The router and your notebook should not need any further configuration. The default settings should work.

Your Internet connection should be present. The Modem will have two connections. One for the Cable or DSL modem and one for your computer.

Take the Ethernet cable that is connecting your computer to the Modem. Reconnect it to your wireless router in the WAN connector. If all the cables are correctly placed, you should now be able to get on the Internet from your existing computers and your wireless computers.

A wireless router allows you to communicate to the Internet. A wireless computer communicates to the router. When the two are working in harmony you have a great system that allows you flexibility to enjoy your notebook whenever and wherever you want.

How A Router Works

By : Steve Lee
In the past when you referred to a router you were talking about a tool that was used to design and shape wood. The internet has changed that.

In its simplest form a router is defined as a device or setup that finds the best route between any two networks. A router is the most important part of a computer network in that it helps data get where it is supposed to be. When it is given the choice of where to make it's delivery one of the tools a router uses to decide where information should go is a configuration table. A configuration table is a collection of information, including:

- Information on which connections lead to particular groups of addresses
- Priorities for connections to be used
- Rules for handling both routine and special cases of traffic

The internet is really an unbelievable invention. Think about this. You can send an email to someone anywhere in the world and they receive your message in a matter of seconds. You can download a file or surf from web page to web page very easily today. All of this because of routers.

An easy way to understand a router is like this. You send a letter to a friend in Australia. They read it and send it back to you. This might take several days or weeks with snail mail. On the internet routers are the mailman that gets your letter to your friend and then their letter back to you.

Routers are very versatile. For example they allow two computers to receive the internet under one IP address simultaneously. An IP address is what allows your computer to connect to the internet. If you have a network of computers a router will allow them to use the Internet with the same access.

In many households today a cable modem is the router. The internet is accessed through the modem directly into a computer. If you have more than one computer you can purchase a router and connect it to the cable modem. The internet is passed through the router and delivered to the computers either through a wire or more commonly today now through wireless technology.

Wireless routers allow you to connect computers, portable computers, personal desk assistants, and printers without using wiring. Wireless routers are excellent for connecting notebook computers to the Internet and networks.

As you are running more computers on your network you may experience a slight drop in speed, but today many broadband routers are able to deliver the internet without much of a slowdown. You probably will not even notice it.

Wireless Networking: The Cutting Edge Of Technology

By : Adrian Adams
One of the fastest growing and most exciting technologies these days is devices that use some sort of wireless network. Wireless networking has allowed almost anyone to use many different devices in a way that not too long ago was unheard of. The most exciting thing about wireless networking is that the development of new technologies is only just beginning.

A new wireless protocol, 802.11N, should be released later this year, which will allow wireless networks to connect over longer distances, and at faster speeds. With this new advancement companies will be able to allow all of their users to connect to the network wirelessly.

This new protocol, coupled with recent advancements in secure connections to wireless networks, will allow businesses to perform tasks wirelessly that they have never been able to do before. Companies utilizing this new protocol will also be able to save quite a bit of money trying to hard wire their offices, by using less wireless routers to do the same task that wired routers did in the past.

Wireless networks have become a very important part of many businesses, because you can construct a wireless network that is separate from your main network that only allows visitors access to the internet and not to any of your precious information. This will also allow you to setup places for visitors to connect to the internet that do not require a desk to be setup or a dedicated computer setup for their access. Instead you can utilize a sitting area and a laptop to achieve the same functionality, without the security risks of someone connecting directly into your network.

Many of the reasons why wireless networks were a faux pas in the past have been addressed and now wireless networks are looked at more and more as a viable alternative to a hard wired network. The best thing about wireless networks is that many new technologies are being released every year that extend the functionality and availability of this fascinating new technology.

The new technologies that are available to construct, and connect to wireless networks is unbelievable. You can connect to a wireless network with a laptop through Wi-Fi, GSM, and even through satellite data cards. Many businesses are creating free hotspots that allow their patrons access to the internet to conduct business, or just send a friend an email.

Many car manufacturers are now offering satellite broadband internet access from within a certain distance of the car, so that people can get an internet connection while they are traveling. Many new types of cell phones and PDAs will allow you to check your email, get your contacts, your calendar, and even access certain web pages right from the phone.

Right now many web pages are not easily viewed, or fully functional on a cell phone or PDA, but many programmers and web designers are working on making their web sites more accessible from all forms of wireless devices.

Many other forms of wireless devices are now being developed that will allow information to be obtained in real-time over great distances. RFID has revolutionized process chain management, because now businesses can track their product from manufacturing to delivery, and everywhere in between. New technologies have been developed recently that allow RFID wireless networks to be formed that can calculate distances between the different devices contained within the network. This will allow a sort of "smart" network to be formed that will allow the devices to "know" when one is on the move, or if one has been lost.

Another very important development in recent years is the use of GPS tracking and navigation. Now we have the ability to know exactly where our products are, and where they are going so we can ensure shipment delivery in a timely manner. When all of these wireless networks are tied together an efficient and productive business can be sure to follow. Wireless networks are a must in this new on-demand world that we live in. If you do not keep up with the times, then you will be quickly left behind.
Author Resource:- For more information: UK Broadband Supplier, Wireless Broadband Modems, UK Broadband Deals

Wireless Networking: What It Is, What It Does, And How To Use It

By : Adrian Adams
Wireless networking involves a computer network that transmits data. It is commonly called WiFi. Wireless networking is used to transmit internet service to a large number of customers from a central internet service provider. This is the result of technology advancing to meet the demands of the consumer when it comes to computers and communications. Wireless networking has dramatically changed the way we access the internet, and the impact it has on our lines.

Everything plugged into the network can work together, such as your printer working with your computer to print something you accessed on the internet. Wireless networking relies on a router to receive the transmitted materials and read them. The same router brings information in and sends it back out. A wireless router can handle large volumes of data in just a few seconds, allowing everything to operate very quickly for you.

Wireless networking has lead to millions of individuals relying on their computer for work and for organizing their life. Many of us turn to the internet for everything. We read the news, shop, check the weather, get directions, compare prices, read reviews, even watch movies and listen to music. Wireless networking has allowed the internet to grow and to give us this access to this type of information anytime we want it.

The most common type of wireless networking is the Local Area Network, known as LAN. This involves using radio waves to transmit the data between computers on the same network. Global System for Mobile Communication, or GSM, has three systems - the base station, operational station, and support system. They one you will use is going to depend on your wireless networking needs as well as what is available from service providers in your area. It is likely you with have a LAN server. Both types are effective.

Setting up a wireless network is very simple as well as inexpensive. They are well received because they allow you more mobility with your computer or laptop as there are no wires or cables to be concerned with. With so many of us being on the go in our society, this is the perfect solution for getting everything accomplished. Especially when you consider how many of us use a computer for our personal activities as well as for work on a daily basis.

A wireless network is the perfect solution for sharing resources including internet connections, data storage, printers, and software. It is also enabling more individuals in the work force to operate out of their homes instead of having to commute to an office.

There are some disadvantages of that you should be aware of as well. The connection is often slower. You won't notice it for most of you internet activities, but you will be able to tell a difference when it comes to downloading videos. Due to the limited amount of bandwidth, you may not be able to get online when you need to.

Wireless networks are also easier for hackers to access because they can get into the signal. Security has been a huge issue with wireless networking, and one that the service providers are striving to improve upon.

Compatibility issues are another area of frustration for consumers. Third party certification has been working well to eliminate some of these compatibility issues, but many things still have to be improved upon. You may find the troubleshooting process very difficult with wireless networking because there are too many variables to contend with.

Each individual will have to decide if what wireless networking has to offer them out weighs the disadvantages. Many people find wireless networking to be a viable solution for them, and they make it work. Expect to see many changes to the area of wireless networking as providers continue to improve their wireless networking services.

Extending The Range Of Wireless Networks

By : Ken Snow
Although a wireless transmitter is limited in its range, wireless extension points can be installed to boost its signal and make the range of the network much larger. These wireless extension points are commonly known as repeaters.

Several companies have started to manufacture wireless repeaters, despite the fact that these devices are not part of the wireless standard. Wireless repeaters are designed to resolve certain problems with wireless coverage. The further away you are from where the wireless signal originates, the weaker the signal becomes. Eventually, you can't receive the signal at all, regardless of what equipment you have. The problem is sometimes addressed by running wires out as far as the network coverage is desired, and then have it 'break out' into wireless every now and then using a wireless access point. This is generally more trouble that it is worth, since the idea behind a wireless network is to avoid installing wires! Wireless repeaters resolve the problem in a much better way.

Wireless repeaters work as a relay, taking existing wireless signals and making them stronger. This makes the range of a signal bigger each time. If the repeaters are placed correctly, you can move computers a considerable distance from the wired portion of the network, the router or access point, for example, without failure. The single requirement of this arrangement is that the extension points must overlap; a repeater can't repeat signals that it doesn't receive. Since wireless networking signals are essentially radio signals, repeaters take all the radio signals they receive on a specific frequency and use their power to amplify the signals and rebroadcast them. The signal is not degraded in this process, so it can be repeated as many time as required.

Theoretically, wireless repeaters could be placed in a line for several miles, extending the network out that far, and because these extension points don't need complicated computer technology to operate, they are much cheaper than routers or access points. Some companies combine repeaters and direction antennas to link to LANs that are several miles apart. This is a cheaper method than worrying about connecting over the Internet or installing their own underground lines. In the future, repeater technology could create wireless networks that cover entire cities.

As a consumer, you are currently limited to getting your repeater from large manufacturing firms such as Linksys and D-Link. These companies call their repeaters by different names, including Linksys' Range Expander and D-Link's Range Extender. There are several issues to consider when buying a wireless extension point. The most important is to make sure that it is compatible with the equipment you have. Because there is no standard for wireless extension points, you're better off staying with the same company that makes the rest of your equipment or at least investigate whether any new equipment will work with your system. You should also find out whether an extension point has any Ethernet ports. While it isn't necessary that this is included, it is useful if you want to connect the extension to a wired network. This issue arises basically if you want to connect two LANs in a wireless manner.

Set Up A Wireless Network And Unchain Yourself From Your Desk

By : Gregg Hall
You no longer have to go to Starbucks to enjoy wireless Internet connections. That's right, you can enjoy your coffee from the privacy of your home and access the Internet. Wireless Internet has come home as well, and Internet connections can now be shared among family members without stringing wires through the living room. On the negative side, however, setting this up can be quite a chore.

With a wireless network, not only can you share Internet connectivity, but you can share files. You can put a file on a shared drive, and then anyone on any computer in your house can access it.

Additionally, you can share a printer. You can literally press "print" while working on your laptop in the bedroom, and the printer in your office will start spewing out your latest reports.

To start out with, you need a gateway the Internet. Any computer can serve as your gateway. This system must be directly plugged into the Internet in order for other users to be truly wireless. Thus one computer is stationary, you cannot move it.

To connect your wireless systems to the Internet, set up your gateway. Click on the Start menu and scroll up to the Control Panel. Then double click the Network Connections icon. At this point you can run through the series of steps in the Network Set up Wizard. Make sure to select "set up a home or small office network."

Continue moving through the wizard until you reach the "select a connection method" page. You'll need to select the option that states that your computer is directly connected to the Internet. Keep moving through the steps until you arrive on the final page with your reward: the finish button.

At this point you only have one computer hooked up to the Internet, and you can't move it around the house. To gain mobility, you'll need to go through the same steps with each of your other computers, only this time, you should select the option that states you're your computer is connected to the Internet through a network and not directly connected to the Internet.

Unfortunately this sort of network does have a downside: the wireless connection relies on the gateway. When you turn your gateway off, the rest of your systems drop their Internet connection too. You might also want to consider purchasing a wireless router. Check out our article configure a network that always stays on.

Overall a wireless connection offers the freedom that no other Internet service does. You can even sit outside your home within a reasonable distance and access the Internet. Imagine that: shopping online from your deck. You could work from the kitchen, the bedroom, and even the bathroom. And while no one wants to become a workaholic, some people need the variety of setting to stay productive. So take the necessary steps to get hooked up and go wireless today.

How The Advancements In Wireless Technology Have Totally Changed Our Lives

Wireless technology has literally changed our lives. This up and coming method of communication has literally changed the way we live. Many of us cannot imagine a day without using a wireless device. In fact, we use them so much, that we barely recognize them as wireless anymore.

Telephone lines were originally designed to send news reports. Ever heard of getting something over the wire? Journalists still refer to their Associated Press reports as coming over the AP wire, though they most likely travel through the air like all other pieces of information. The invention of the radio demolished the idea of news sent over a wire. In fact, it completely destroyed the concept of the telegraph and eventually the landline telephone.

Computer networking works in a similar manner. Who would choose an immobile stationary system over a wireless one? Why would you choose to actually be chained to a desk when you could move freely about, accessing the internet and other files on a network from the comfort of a couch, a recliner, or a coffee shop. Additionally, while many believe that wireless costs more, this price too is going down, and soon anyone will be able to afford a wireless connection.

WiMAX, short for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, is steadily making its way unto the wireless market. Its biggest advantage lies in the distance that it spans. Instead of a wireless connection reaching a few meters, it will reach kilometers. Currently some of the strongest WiMAX network reach over 30 miles. It literally spans the length of metropolitan areas, and thus with WiMax, you'll no longer have to search for hot spot sign. Check out for more information about this up and coming form of wireless technology.

Bluetooth has become a mysterious wireless term to non-geeks, but its quickly becoming a household word thanks to its technology in cellular phones. Bluetooth basically is a way to connect hardware. The hope is that instead of seeing a mass of cords behind your television, you'll just have the necessary blue tooth hardware, a wireless connection that connects your DVD player to your television. Everyone hates those mass of wires, or any mass of wires that threatens to ruin the aesthetics of a room, and Bluetooth has the potential to improve the look of just about any system.

Eventually wireless technology will make life simpler. We'll be able to do things in places that we never imagined before. After all, who would think that you could contact a person from across the globe while sitting in a cafe across town, with no cost to either of you. Grandparents in California can talk to their grandkids in Florida while soaking in the rays on the beach. I predict that not only will wireless make life simpler in the future, but that we'll function with it so smoothly, that we won't even notice the wireless technology.
Author Resource:- Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as high speed internet at

How to Get FREE Internet Access on Your Computer on the Move?

Will mobile internet ever be possible? Mobiles phone service providers give you access to the internet or at least that is the claimed. However, there are issues of boundaries, availability of good signals, telephone memory which affects down load speeds and the most prohibitive aspect is the cost. You can have access to the internet via your computer on the move using s data card with a starting price of nearly £50 per month for limited access. Unlimited access via data card can cost as much as £150 per month.

WEBAROO soon to be on the market is about to change all that. This device in conjunction with a computer or other mobile tool for the first time gives you the ability to have "Web on your computer on the move". This clever little tool does google searches on the underground, on a plan, on top of a mountain or even in the wildest part of the Amazon jungles.

How does Webaroo add the power of internet to your computer?

Cutting edge compression technology which is the core of this device saves the internet on the hard drive of your computer or on your memory chip of your computer. The whole internet is compressed into 2 gigabytes of memory and it is thereafter yours to take it with you to where you want to take your computer.

What are the benefits of this technology?

There are no wifi issues to be concerned about.
There are no costs for the use of internet on the move.
You simply have free internet at your finger tips on your computer to use as you please.
You can access useful information like maps, encyclopaedia and even news stories.

Short comings of Webaroo?

You don't have access to the entire web. Your access to the web is limited to the internet as seen by google.
The amount of information being help does depend on the memory of your computer.
Depending on the popularity of your search term, the search results are limited to the first few pages as opposed to the entire search results for your chosen term.
Updates are only possible when the machine is hooked up to the internet the next time.

Finally, Webaroo is not just another internet device or tool to fit neatly in a niche that has remained available for a long while. It is innovation itself. Webaroo; for the first time, has made it possible for people to have internet on their computer and in their pocket at its very first attempt. And, all that technology, information and system for free onj your computer and on the move. Because of this achievement, Webaroo is therefore a very serious contender on the market with a myriad of possibilities. Webaroo is very good news for the market because it will encourage other suppliers in the market to come up with even more innovative products. Cheaper internet access via your computer on the move is really needed and I hope that Webaroo makes big inroads into that area by its very presence.

Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid Of Wireless Routers And Networks

By : Gregg Hall
Many people are afraid to consider a wireless router because wireless routers are relatively new technology. But wireless routers can really simplify Internet access in your home, small business, or large company.

With a regular Windows Internet network you are easily able to access the Internet from any of your computers that are connected to the Network. Most small businesses are extremely happy with this type of set up. The problem that many businesses run into is that the modem has to be on before any of the other computers are able to get Internet.

For businesses that are use to turning off all their equipment in the evenings, remembering to turn the modem on in the mornings can become an ongoing issue.
Sometimes employees may even spend hours with technical support trying to figure out why their Internet is not working, when the problem is simply that the modem was never turned on. A wireless router can solve this dilemma very inexpensively.

With a wireless Internet router all your computers can have Internet accesses easily without worrying about the modem computer being turned on first. Plus employee laptops can easily access reports and other business material without first having to save information to a disk and transfer it to their office computer.

When looking for a wireless router you need to look for both price and quality. You definitely do not want to skimp on this piece of equipment. Look at the speed of the router as well as its range. You want to make sure that you choose a router that will be able to handle the Internet access for all your office computers, this means finding a router that has enough speed to comfortably keep all your employees connected to the Internet at the same time.

Residential customers and very small businesses are all finding the convenience of wireless Internet a great thing. The easy of use that a wireless router provides is perfect for almost any person or business. Plus you don't have to be a technical genius to install a wireless router at home or in a business.

Most wireless routers simply get plugged into a hi-speed Internet line and you go through a basic step by step computer set up. Some computers don't even need a set up process and they will automatically recognize the wireless router and connect to it.

After plugging in your wireless router you might need to have a brief conversation with your Internet provider to register your device and confirm your set up. But after that, you are really off and running. You can connect as many computers as you would like to your system and easily use laptops throughout the office. Plus you will no longer be wasting man hours trying to figure out why your Internet is not working, when the problems was simply that the main modem computer had not been turned on yet.

Video Games: Therapy Or Addiction?

By : Joaquin Reveron
If you are one of those video games aficionados currently addicted to shooter games or fighting playing games online, you are not alone. Games like "Fight Night 3" from Xbox 360 or perhaps the worldwide Xbox favorite "Halo 2", that is still making history through the fun play of both national and International audiences through online multi-gaming experiences. Not only can you start having the excitement of playing it with your brother or friend back home, if you are in the states you can play with Canada, Pakistan, China, Australia, Brazil, Puerto Rico and many other places to shout "I beat you and I will beat you again", "Wow you are really horrible, even my 10 years old brother can beat you with his eyes closed", among many other adrenaline "Who is the boss" type of rush comments to a guy thousands of miles away from you.

Personally, one of the best games for Xbox 360 right now is "Fight Night 3". That is if you are into the adrenaline mode and like to sweat when things are not going the way you like in one of those Roy Jones Jr vs. Oscar De La Hoya types of matches. In that video game you can choose from over twenty plus fighters and you get to re-live old time matches along with ESPN commentators, Madison Square Garden at your back and even pre-fight weight count rumbles. It does not get any better when you see our Oscar De La Hoya being beaten in a pre-fight weight certification area, and then you live when De La Hoya hammers and beat to the punch Joe Frazier and Ali. Not sure how that comes close in our reality world, however, I believe that is of interest to any boxing fan wishing to encounter and position themselves in matches where the differences are between 40-50 pounds between opponents. One of the most realistic developments through the game is when a fighter is delivered an uppercut upon being low on stamina and has a major cut in one of the eyes. You will hear the sound of the head currently having a 4th of July explosion while seeing all the ketchup spread all over the air in slow motion before the fighter gets KO to the floor. Some make call this game exciting and others see it just to violent even for grown ups.

Then there is Halo 2 still with a worldwide video games buzz. This game has been so successful that they are even in the final stages of finishing the production of the soon to be released "Halo 3". If Xbox 360 console was hard to get even four month and even five months later after launch, I can't imagine the best game ever to hit the Xbox market being re-released in a final version shortly. The beauty of this whole Xbox addiction remains through games like Halo and subsequent versions. Not only you get hooked one, two or three hours without having nothing to drink or eat, but time passes and immediately upon finishing or taking a break you think that you have only played 15 minutes.

Are games like these addictive or therapeutic? In my conclusion as a gaming fan and video games addict, it is both therapeutic and addictive at the same time. It is my believe that many of us mix positive therapy and addiction as equal words with the same definitions. In all, Xbox 360 games along with their many competitors will remain a force to a billion dollar market that should never stop growing. Games like Halo and Fight Night 3 are here to stay. Have fun while you have the fortune and time to enjoy them.

The Truth About Bluetooth Headsets

By : Christopher Smith
Everywhere you look, companies are producing Bluetooth Headsets faster than the rising cost of gasoline. Nokia, Sony, even Verizon Wireless is unveiling the newest trend in Blue Tooth technology, the headset. Demand is high, and understandably so. Studies have shown that many accidents occur while people are dually driving and speaking on cell phones. A Blue Tooth headset can solve the problem by freeing both hands for the wheel and allowing people to focus their attention on the task at hand-driving.

Now, for those who are unfamiliar with Blue Tooth and headsets that utilize this mobile technology, don't let the name fool you. Maybe you have conjured up images of geeky brains in MIT walking down the street with electric pulsating wires stemming from football helmets as they signal to each other in modified walkie talkies- nothing could be further from the truth. Today's modern headsets are little more than a comfortable, small and lightweight piece that rests over the ear. This technology is revolutionizing the way people communicate wirelessly and if modern manufacturers and patents are a clue to the future, will soon replace the traditional hand held cell phone.

Not exactly a headset, but you can see a great pair of Blue Tooth wireless sunglasses worn by "Dog" on the A&E hit series, "Dog the Bounty Hunter". I wonder what other nifty gadgets the Dog has on the show! But if you look closely, you can catch the Dog speaking into his glasses (no and not in common "Bond" spy fashion) and see the rest of the team hear his words loud and clear.

With the announcement that Verizon is releasing the Logitech Headset and making it available to all of their wireless customers, we are sure to see a sudden rise in the amount of Bluetooth headset wearers.

As testament to the sudden interest in headsets, the company Late On has just received an order for their mobile headsets to be released. These headsets are so versatile; they can be clipped on to a collar and are perfect for conducting phone conversations, as well as for listening to MP3 files.

One of the world's leading manufacturers of mobile phones is also embracing the design of Blue Tooth headsets, Nokia. With three new Nokia headsets soon to be released we can see that the major companies are investing their own dollars in the production of these wireless devices that give users greater freedom and mobility. The world is pulling the wires on many of their devices and now we can see that Blue Tooth headsets are winning the race in mobile technology, with hands waving freely at the finish line.

How To Make A Podcast

A podcast is an easy way of distributing media files over the internet, and this article will tell how to make a podcast. The first thing necessary is a domain, and a host on which to store the media files for the podcast.

Getting a domain is simple and easy, there are many domain registrars that can register a domain for someone for a small fee. Some of these domain registrars are, Dotster, or Network Solutions are some that provide domains. The domain registrar will, for a small fee, enter the chosen domain, provided it is not being used, into the computers that form the backbone of the internet.

These computers will be told where the domain is located on the internet; what host it is that holds the domain's information. In order to give them that information, the name servers that are held by the host need to be associated with the domain. Once the domain is in place, a good host should be found. The host that is chosen should offer a large amount of both disk space and a much larger amount bandwidth. Disk space is neccessary because the site which holds the podcast will be storing large media files; audio or video files that take up a lot of space and are difficult to compress.

The large bandwidth is necessary because transferring these large files many times to many different people will use up the quota quickly. A good amount of diskspace would be several GigaBytes, bandwidth should be in the tens or hundreds of Gigabytes. Once the host is set up, it should offer you a couple of addresses called nameservers. Inputting these server addresses into the site where the domain was registered will complete the domain setup and allow the site to be found on the internet.

The next step for people who want to know how to make a podcast is installing the software necessary to maintain the podcast. A small piece of coding called dircaster.php can be used to set up a basic level of podcast. Dircaster.php can be found easily by searching for it in any search engine. Once it is located, it should be edited to reflect the particulars of the domain and uploaded to the site. Dircaster.php will generate an RSS file, or feed, that tells the subscriber about the new files available for downloading.

To begin podcasting, create the audio files that should be podcast, fill in the information about the file such as date, author, etc, and upload them to the same directory that contains dircaster.php. You now have a podcast, and all that is needed is to publicise the address of the file dircaster.php. To update the podcast with new information, just upload the new files. Other things to make the podcast better might be a site that contains information about the podcast, but it isn't necessary.

Building Cheap Computers in 3 Easy Steps

Just a decade ago, the only people who put computers together were those individuals who possessed an extensive technical background. Advancements in technology have eliminated some of the complexities in how computers work. This change has resulted in average people who have a basic understanding of computers being able to build a system themselves. Whether you are interested in building computers to establish a new hobby or to start a business, you can so in only a few easy steps and on a shoestring budget.

The first step in building cheap computers is to determine the route you want to use to build systems. You basically have three choices when considering building cheap computers: build a system from scratch, expand on a bare bones computer, or upgrade an existing system. Building a system from scratch can be a rewarding experience. However, it is not for everyone. If you are impatient or are intimidated by mechanical tools, you are better to choose one of the other two options.

Regardless of the method you choose, you will follow three basic steps:

1. Plan
2. Assemble
3. Test

The planning phase of your project involves determining the specifications for the computer you want to build. Once you know this information you can start shopping for parts that meet those specifications. Your main considerations should be
hard-disk, memory, and CPU (central processing unit). The harddrive is important because it determines how much information you are able to store on the computer. While you could build a computer with a harddrive smaller than 2 GB (gigabytes), it is not recommended.

The harddrive and memory work together. The amount of memory you place in your computer will directly affect how the system is able to complete the different processes that you request when using the system. If you have no idea what size hard-drive and the amount of memory you need, you should consider the type of operating system you intend to load on the system. You can consult the manufacturer of your hard-drive or review the information on, which features a list of minimum harddrive and memory requirements for various operating systems, and use this information as a guide.

The equipment presented in this article includes the basics of a computer system. Of course, nowadays people want far more than the basics and you undoubtedly feel the same way. There are optional components available that you may want to add to your systems, which include CD or DVD drives, a modem or other communication component for Internet connectivity, or a video graphics card.

Once you have decided on the specifications of the computer you want to build, you are ready to assemble the system. In addition to detailed information about the parts you will need to build your computer, includes step-by-step instructions for assembling a cheap do-it-yourself computer.

When you have finished assembling the computer, you will then need to test to make sure that the system boots and that all components are functioning properly. Once you have completed all these tests you will have built your own cheap computer.

Finding Cheap Computer Deals to Upgrade Your Computer

It seems that the time that it takes for computers to become obsolete is shortening more than ever. If you go out and purchase a top-of-the-line computer, it is very likely that in less than six months it will no longer be considered top-of-the-line. If you currently have a computer and you want it to be able to perform more functions, you don't have to get rid of it and spend a lot of money on a new system. You can simply purchase components to upgrade your computer. If you seriously consider upgrading your computer, now is a perfect time to do so. As with computers, prices of computer components are at an all-time low. Depending on they type of specifications you're after, you can spend as little as three hundred dollars to update your desktop or laptop computer.

Finding all the components you need to upgrade your own computer system is as easy as visiting This website features detailed information about parts and includes a buyer's guide to make buying your components a snap. The first task that you need to perform to upgrade your computer system is to make a list of the computer's specifications. If you're not sure what specs you want the system to have, you can consider what you will do most with the computer and then generate a list of specifications. People typically choose to upgrade their existing computer systems because it does not include a particular component to enable them to perform a particular task.

A processor is an important component in your computer. Whether or not you should upgrade your processor depends on the tasks you will perform with the computer and the type of processor that currently exists in your computer. If the system you are planning to upgrade does not use one of the fast processors on the market, you may want to invest in a motherboard bundle that includes a motherboard, CPU, and fan. These bundles generally cost less than if you were to buy the parts separately. Of course, you could purchase an Intel Celeron with a speed of 2.6 gigahertz or an AMD Athlon 2700+. Both of these processors are sufficient for general computer use as well as browsing the Internet and gaming.

In addition to the processor, you will probably want to upgrade your system with memory, a graphics card or video card, a monitor, and keyboard and pointing device. Finding cheap computer deals of these components should be easy since activities that require high-quality video such as gaming are very popular. The important thing to remember when shopping for these components is that you need to make sure they are compatible with your system. For example, an AGP graphics card is an excellent choice if you plan to do a significant amount of gaming because it processes graphics faster. However, your motherboard will need to have an AGP slot. If you're not sure which components are most compatible, the website features information about computer components that are not only compatible with most systems, but that are also cheap.

Tips for Entertaining a Sick Child

By : Mitch Johnson
Only parents know how difficult it can be to take care for a sick child. In this article you will find some creative way comfort and entertain your child with some light games.

If your youngster likes pets, and most of them do, try having a goldfish bowl nearby or a tiny turtle, or a tadpole or two in the bowl. Of course a bird is company too, but if you don't already have one it would run into more money than these other pets I have mentioned. Dogs are usually too active to have in the room, and cats are usually frowned upon as sickroom pets by the medicos.

If the child must have medicine on schedule, make a medicine clock out of a paper plate. Use cardboard hands secured with a metal paper fastener. Then set the hands on the medicine clock at the time when the next dose is to be taken. Place near this a real clock. When the hands on the real clock coincide with those on the medicine clock, even a rebellious youngster will think it fun to remind you that it's medicine time. At least he'll be mentally prepared for the visit of bottle and spoon.

A play clock can be made in a similar manner. Perhaps the invalid will enjoy making this second clock himself. On this clock set the hands ahead every hour. When the real clock catches up to the play clock the young patient will enjoy an automatic change of occupation.

Another interesting sickroom adjunct is a bulletin board. This needs to be no more than a large sheet of paper on the wall. On it post messages for the doctor, news from Dad's office, and cartoons snipped from the current papers or magazines.

And don't forget pinwheels or windmills. They are lots of fun for young patients. Take a piece of colored construction paper about four inches square and cut or tear from each corner to within three-fourths of an inch of the center. Pick up on the end of a pin piercing from the back to the front four alternate half corners. After you have the four half corners on the pin, put the point through the exact center of the paper and mount the wheel on the end of a stick or against some flat surface where the wind will make it whirl. The eraser end of a pencil is a good spot on which to stick your windmill.

Youngsters will spend oodles of time blowing the windmill, or the wind will blow it if it is fastened in an open window. To add variety to the windmill making, let the child use white paper and color designs on the square before it is pinned into shape.
If they are busy they are more likely not to complain and feel pain. Make them feel comfortable and fun

Best Pocket PCs - Which Ones Are These?

A pocket personal computer (pocket pc or ppc) is exactly what you would imagine. It is a small computer designed to be easily held in the hand or carried in a pocket. Pocket pcs come loaded with Windows CE operating system and can be downloaded with a wide variety of additional software programs to customize them to the user's needs. These handy computers have most of the capabilities of a full desktop computers including:

* Email
* Appointment reminders
* Multimedia players
* Gaming
* Text messaging
* Web browsing
* Word processing
* Touchscreen

Pocket pcs come with many add-ons such as cameras, barcode readers, cradles, docking stations, bluetooth capability, GPS receiver and other features. Many are WIFI capable, while some come equipped with mobile phone features.

Pocket pcs on the market-one for every need

There are many pocket pcs available on the market. All have different features, so it is important to consider what you need before you make a decision. Just a few pocket pcs and their features are highlighted below:

* IPAQ hx2000 series uses the Windows Mobile 2003 second edition operating system. It has a replaceable battery and is bluetooth and Wi-fi compatible. This pocket pc is designed for business users and comes loaded with iTask utilities, Hp Image Zone and iPAQ mobile media to name a few.

* Garmin X51 Series pocket pc uses the same operating system and includes QueMap, QueFind, System manager and QueRoute among other programs. This pocket pc comes with a built-in GPS receiver/antenna and has applications as a GPS device. Docking cradle and carrying case are part of the unit. This unit is not bluetooth or Wi-Fi capable. This system is great for the traveler.

* Dell pocket pcs are available with Windows Mobile 5.0 as the operating system. They have a replaceable battery and are both Wi-fi and bluetooth capable. Some of the programs preloaded are Resco Picture Viewer, Toy Golf, Media Player 10 and Dell WLAN utility. This pocket pc comes with a USB cable and cradle. This pocket pc would be terrific for a student.

There are many other models of pocket pcs on the market. Checking and comparing features will allow you to purchase the pocket pc that is right for you.

Should I Buy A Laptop Or A Desktop?

By : Gregg Hall
With the advances in computer performance technology moving forward in quantum leaps it has created some difficult questions for us, one is deciding between a laptop or a desktop.

Now, not only do we have the problem of our computers being outdated very rapidly but we also need to decide which route to take.

Let's look at the pros and cons and identify what we will use our computer for so that we will be able to make an intelligent decision about it.

First let's look at the laptop. Obviously the greatest benefit to a laptop that is glaringly apparent is the mobility. This allows you to always be able to take your computer with you to work, school, on vacation, etc. At the same time this portability also allows anyone else the ability to walk off with your laptop as well. If this happens, not only are you out a computer but you have also lost all the data you had on it as well so security is a concern.

Another issue is the price difference. While prices have come down, there will still be a good disparity in the price of a laptop to a comparable desktop so you have to weigh that out as well. The difference is usually $400 or $500. Do you need the mobility enough to pay the difference in price?

Another concern with purchasing a laptop is the availability of parts and how upgradeable the unit is. Don't buy some off brand laptop that you won't be able to buy parts for and don't buy one that you can't upgrade later.

A big issue for me is the size of the screen, yeah size matters. If you get a laptop with a small screen you will be aggravated, trust me. I have a 17" screen on my desktop and a 15" on my laptop and it really makes a difference. You can get a laptop with a 17" screen, it will just set you back a bit more in cash outlay.

So ask yourself these questions:

Do I mainly use my computer at home or do I need it at work or school?

Do I travel a lot?

Will I use the laptop?

Am I willing to pay more for the convenience?

Trip Planning With Children

There is some important pattern which you need to follow when vacationing by car with your family. Find out what this pattern is.

We plan with the boys what toys they would like to take along to play with in the car, restricting each to a small bag container. We have found such things as small mosaic blocks, small cars and airplanes, color crayons, books to color, and packages of colored construction paper ideal to take along. Such things require little space and provide much entertainment.

Endless snowflake designs can be made from toilet tissue by tearing off the little squares and folding them into smaller squares, and clipping off various corners with round-tipped shears or making notches in the sides or centers. When the squares are unfolded each one is different and surprisingly attractive. To add to the fun the flakes can be colored, even though we've never seen purple snow.

In addition to the things the boys take with them we have a surprise box. From the dime store we buy small articles and wrap them in separate packages to be opened on the way. On one of our last trips we purchased a small cardboard barn of the folding variety, which was set up on the ledge above the back seat in the car.

This was surprise package Number One. Packages for the following days were small animals, wagons, and tractors. Any small piece that belonged to a farm was wrapped each in a separate package, and each boy had one package a day to open. Great was the speculation as to what each package contained.

The back ledge made an ideal place to set up the farm equipment. The boys rested on their knees on the car seat and spent many happy hours playing farm. When they grew tired we all joined in various games. One of our old favorites is "Cities," described on page 198. It is interesting and surprising to note how quickly even the youngest child catches on to the sounds of the letters and soon becomes familiar with the names of many cities.

Another old standby that can be used for a car game is "My Grandmother." Someone starts off with some statement like "My Grandmother likes wasps but she doesn't like bees." The trick is for the following players to name objects not beginning with the letter "B" for her to like, and name others beginning with the letter "B" for her to dislike. In this case one could say, "My grandmother likes milk or honey or trees but she doesn't like bread or butter or black walnuts." Another basic sentence can start the game. "My grandmother likes coffee but not tea (T), or "My grandmother likes tomatoes but not peas (Ps)." For young children keep the words simple. The older children like to branch out a bit. This game makes the children very word conscious.

The "Color" game is always good. "I see something blue." Then the rest of the family name "blue" objects in the car. The one guessing the correct answer is "IT" and he'll probably choose some other color.

The youngsters like to play "I'm going to New York and take along". The first player names something he'd like to take, the second repeats the first-named objects and adds one of his own, and so on around the group. Of course, the sillier the objects named the funnier the game, especially when the list gets long and involved.

When you think you'd like a little quiet in the car suggest that the first one that speaks is a "Monkey's tail." You would be surprised how quiet small fry can be to avoid being a "Monkeys tail."

This is the pattern we follow when vacationing by car with the family. We have found that not only the youngsters but the oldsters as well thoroughly enjoy these family trips. So don't postpone that trip by car, waiting for the children to grow up. Always remember that nothing is more educational for all ages than travel.

Tablet PC Review - The Best Table PCs On The Market

A tablet pc is a personal computer that has a touch screen. Much lighter and more manageable in small spaces than a laptop, a tablet pc is a truly personal computer. While a built in keyboard is not standard on a tablet pc a keyboard may be plugged in if the user prefers. To enter information on a tablet pc you simply write on the screen. The tablet pc is able to read your writing based on handwriting recognition. The handwriting is stored as a graphic and can be converted to text either in real time or stored and completed after you have finished your notes. If you would prefer to be more natural, comments, notes and doodles can be left in your own handwriting. Tablet pcs use Windows XP Professional as their operating system. There are a wide variety of additional software programs available to customize a tablet pc to meet your individual needs.

Tablet pcs are lightweight and are designed for students and business people alike. With their wireless capabilities tablet pcs are great for checking emails and keeping important files and information at your fingertips.

Tablet pcs on the market

* Hewlett-Packard offers a tablet pc that comes equipped with wireless options, integrated security and an outdoor viewable display. Battery life is up to 5.5 hours and an additional travel battery can be purchased for all day use. This tablet pc comes with a three-year warranty.

* Gateway offers a full bundle tablet pc that comes with USB keyboard, dock for a desktop, and DVD-ROM/CD-RW drive. It is a slate type model and comes with Windows XP Tablet PC software. Standard battery for this tablet pc lasts at least 3 hours. With a weight of three pounds this tablet pc is perfect for students or business people on the move.

* Toshiba is marketing a dockable tablet pc that combines a notebook pc with the versatility of the tablet pc. The fully rotating screen allows viewing in either the landscape or portrait orientation. This model of tablet pc is must for adding personal notes or diagrams to presentations.

How To Build A Computer - 8 Steps To Build Your Own Computer

By : Mike Singh
There are several advantages to building your own computer. Probably the most important is that you can customize your pc to fit your exact needs, rather than having to buy a pre-assembled pc and then make changes. Understanding how your computer is put together will help you if you need to make repairs or add new components at a later time. Building your own computer allows you to make the decisions on what type of components are used in putting the computer together to assure high quality materials are included.

There are eight basic steps to build your own computer.

Step 1 - Design

Decide what specific needs you have for the computer and make a list of components.
Research hardware and software needed to provide for the determined needs.
Decide if you are going to use reconditioned or used components or buy new. Test all used components. Most parts over five years old are not worth using, as they may be incompatible with newer parts.

Step 2 -Setting up a workspace

Find a clean, dry, bright and dust free workspace. Avoid work areas that have carpet as this can lead to problems with static.
Collect the basic tools needed such as screwdrivers and pliers. At the very least use an antistatic wrist strap when building your own computer. It would be even better if an anti-static mat were placed on the floor of the work area.

Step 3 - Getting Started

Remove the cover from the computer case. Mount the feet, power supply and cooling fan using the screws provided.
Prepare the motherboard for installation by attaching the standoffs to the removable plate on the cover. If the cover does not have a removable plate the rest of the components will need to be installed first. Screws should be tightened just enough to be snug and keep the motherboard in place, but not overly tightened.

Step 4 - Start configuring

Configure your motherboard using the product manual settings.
Install the CPU, memory and heat sink or cooler.
As with all components follow manufacturers recommendations for settings and installation.

Step 5 - Power

With the motherboard in place begin by attaching the large power cable from the power supply to the motherboard.
Attach the smaller power cords to the LED and other components.
Attach the flat ribbon looking drive cables to the motherboard.

Step 6 - Installing the Drives

Configure the hard drive, CD-ROM drive, DVD or floppy drive using manufactures specifications.
Ensure the setting for "master" and "slave" is correct.
Physically mount the drives to the front of the cover.
Ensure power is hooked up correctly to the drives; attach drive cables to the devices.

Step 7 - Operating System

Determine which operating system works best for your needs.
Install the operating system
Set up a security system for your computer.

Step 8 - Enjoy

Relax, sit back, and enjoy your new computer.
Feel proud that you were able to build your own computer to meet your exact needs.

Video game addiction: A new diagnosis?

The telltale signs are ominous: teens holing up in their rooms, ignoring friends, family, even food and a shower, while grades plummet and belligerence soars. The culprit isn't alcohol or drugs. It's video games, which for certain kids can be as powerfully addictive as heroin, some doctors contend.

A leading council of the nation's largest doctors' group wants to have this behavior officially classified as a psychiatric disorder, to raise awareness and enable sufferers to get insurance coverage for treatment.

In a report prepared for the American Medical Association's annual policy meeting starting Saturday in Chicago, the council asks the group to lobby for the disorder to be included in a widely used mental illness manual created and published by the American Psychiatric Association. AMA delegates could vote on the proposal as early as Monday.

It likely won't happen without heated debate. Video game makers scoff at the notion that their products can cause a psychiatric disorder. Even some mental health experts say labeling the habit a formal addiction is going too far.

Dr. James Scully, the psychiatric association's medical director, said the group will seriously consider the AMA report in the long process of revising the diagnostic manual. The current manual was published in 1994; the next edition is to be completed in 2012.

Up to 90 percent of American youngsters play video games and as many as 15 percent of them — more than 5 million kids — may be addicted, according to data cited in the AMA council's report.

Joyce Protopapas of Frisco, Texas, said her 17-year-old son, Michael, was a video addict. Over nearly two years, video and Internet games transformed him from an outgoing, academically gifted teen into a reclusive manipulator who flunked two 10th grade classes and spent several hours day and night playing a popular online video game called World of Warcraft.

"My father was an alcoholic ... and I saw exactly the same thing" in Michael, Protopapas said. "We battled him until October of last year," she said. "We went to therapists, we tried taking the game away.

"He would threaten us physically. He would curse and call us every name imaginable," she said. "It was as if he was possessed."

When she suggested to therapists that Michael had a video game addiction, "nobody was familiar with it," she said. "They all pooh-poohed it."

Last fall, the family found a therapist who "told us he was addicted, period." They sent Michael to a therapeutic boarding school, where he has spent the past six months — at a cost of $5,000 monthly that insurance won't cover, his mother said.

A support group called On-Line Gamers Anonymous has numerous postings on its Web site from gamers seeking help. Liz Woolley, of Harrisburg, Pa., created the site after her 21-year-old son fatally shot himself in 2001 while playing an online game she says destroyed his life.

In a February posting, a 13-year-old identified only as Ian told of playing video games for nearly 12 hours straight, said he felt suicidal and wondered if he was addicted.

"I think i need help," the boy said.

Postings also come from adults, mostly men, who say video game addiction cost them jobs, family lives and self-esteem.

According to the report prepared by the AMA's Council on Science and Public Health, based on a review of scientific literature, "dependence-like behaviors are more likely in children who start playing video games at younger ages."

Overuse most often occurs with online role-playing games involving multiple players, the report says. Blizzard Entertainment's teen-rated, monster-killing World of Warcraft is among the most popular. A company spokesman declined to comment on whether the games can cause addiction.

A woman in the New Haven, Conn., area who bought the game for her 15-year-old son last year, says he got hooked on it.

"Now that I look back on it, it's like I went out and bought him his first Jack Daniel's," said the 49-year-old woman who didn't want her name used to spare her son from ridicule.

Dr. Martin Wasserman, a pediatrician who heads the Maryland State Medical Society, said the AMA proposal will help raise awareness and called it "the right thing to do."

But Michael Gallagher, president of the Entertainment Software Association, said the trade group sides with psychiatrists "who agree that this so-called 'video-game addiction' is not a mental disorder."

"The American Medical Association is making premature conclusions without the benefit of complete and thorough data," Gallagher said.

Dr. Karen Pierce, a psychiatrist at Chicago's Children's Memorial Hospital, said she sees at least two children a week who play video games excessively.

"I saw somebody this week who hasn't been to bed, hasn't showered ... because of video games," she said. "He is really a mess."

She said she treats it like any addiction and creating a separate diagnosis is unnecessary.

Dr. Michael Brody, head of a TV and media committee at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, agreed. He praised the AMA council for bringing attention to the problem, but said excessive video-game playing could be a symptom for other things, such as depression or social anxieties that already have their own diagnoses.

"You could make lots of behavioral things into addictions. Why stop at video gaming?" Brody asked. Why not Blackberries, cell phones, or other irritating habits, he said.

The Medical Risks of Owning An Xbox

By : Sandra Stammberger
One of the issues facing today's teen-agers is obesity. Doctors stress that more teen-agers need to exercise more, or at least get their hearts pumping. They note that even a few minutes of cardio-vascular exercise can lead to a number of advantages for them, such as muscle tone, less plaque in the blood, and, of course, less body fat. In order to encourage this, I suggest more Xbox gaming.

Contrary to the rather staid image of a boy with a controller in hand concentrating on the television screen, a group of boys is a far different creature. Pummeling each other's virtual counterparts, they occasionally hit the real-life thing as well. Talking trash faster than they can skate down a stairwell railing, while at the same time communicating with each other to put them in the position so that their team can accomplish their mission.

A group of teen-age boys are not the members of the gang, but a force of nature. They easily expend enough calories to match the same boys on a basketball court. That level of energy expenditure can be a scary, but also works out for the boys health as well. After a good hour or so of gaming, they are out of breath, sweaty, and definitely ready for the showers.

There are other advantages to game-play as well. They are learning how to communicate with others on several levels at once, insulting their friends, insulting people that aren't there, and still finding ways to accomplish their virtual mission. Teamwork is assumed, as is finding the role that they fill better than anyone else. A boy finds out a lot about himself when under any fire, virtual or real.

It can be fun for spectators as well, as four boys running high on adrenalin are on an emotional high as well as physical. Because of that, they feel whatever they feel much more intensely than normal, and can fall faster than a rock, and fly faster than a rocket. There is nothing more fun than watching a group of boys taking names in the safety of their own home. There is nothing more natural or more nostalgic than looking at the four boys holding the controllers and remembering when that was you with a piece of plastic in your hands at the corner store with your friends.

Any game can provide benefits in terms of physical and mental health. There is the charge of adrenalin that gets the heart pumping, causing the blood to speed through the body. It can be interesting to watch the group of boys bond, and in ways that will cement them together in ways that merely going to the same school can't. And it's healthy behavior for boys of that age. Now, when they're doing that a decade later...well, at least they're not out committing crimes...

Gaming: On Your Time On Your Phone

By : Sandy Baker
There are many individuals who love to use their phones for other reasons beyond making a phone call. The good news is that for everyone out there that loves to use their phones to play games, there are many options to consider. Many mobile phones do come preprogrammed with a few pretty decent games, but these are not enough, most of the time, to keep the individual entertained.

But, with the use of gaming solutions through the mobile phone, there are many more options that can be utilized. By plugging into services that allow for games to be downloaded to the mobile phone, the user can now play many more games and play them whenever they want, wherever they want.

These services allow for some of the hottest games to be downloaded to the mobile phone as well. They are not just the same old games, but games with excellent graphics and very cool tools to use with them. As long as the mobile phone has the technology to handle it, there is no limit to the type of game that can be downloaded.

So, what? Many don't realize why this is so valuable. But, a good look at the average day will reveal many times where the user of the mobile phone could be enjoying some gaming time instead of wasted time. Car rides, waiting for appointments, and just plan old down times all can be utilized much better this way. There is little doubt that there is room to play with these.

The services range in price and in game selection but the most experienced gamer to the least can benefit in a number of ways from these services hands down. Those that have the right technology and the love of games of all sorts, have the opportunity to take advantage of this at any time that they want to.