Thursday, October 25, 2007

How To Kill A Back Door Trojan Virus

There are unfortunately many threats lurking on the internet, from viruses to spyware. It is vital for every computer owner to be aware of these threats and take the steps necessary to avoid them. If the question of how to kill a back door Trojan virus, has not yet come up in your life, consider yourself lucky. If, however, you have already encountered such a beast, you are no doubt all too familiar with the sometimes difficult and painful process of removing a back door Trojan from your computer without doing any harm to your system.

A significant danger
What makes back door Trojan viruses so dangerous and so difficult to spot is the fact that they are able to exploit flaws in the operating system of the computer itself, or sometimes in the software that connects users to the internet. No software program can provide perfect security, and operating system software, such as Windows XP, has been vulnerable to these types of attacks.

These back door Trojan viruses come from a number of sources, including links in emails, clicking on certain web sites or embedded in file attachments. Regardless of how these infections are acquired, the question of how to kill a back door Trojan virus can be somewhat tricky. Since these programs exploit the operating system, they often hide in unique ways and in unexpected places. In addition, these virus programs often rename themselves to avoid detection.

While it may seem impossible to remove such a clever program, that is not the case, and anti virus software companies are already hard at work determining how to kill a back door Trojan virus, and they are constantly adapting and developing removal tools for each new malicious program that appears on the horizon.

Using the removal program
Most anti virus software companies make it easy for their customers to remove Trojan horses and other viruses from their system through developing custom tools for this removal. These tools are generally executable programs, and as they run they remove the back door Trojan from its various hiding places. These programs are also designed to look for all the known alternate names that the virus may use to escape detection. If you feel you may be at risk it is important to protect yourself by running a scan on your entire computer. If no back door Trojan or other infection is found, great.

If you do find an infection, however, be sure to visit the web site of the anti virus software company for instructions on how to remove it. Most companies post complete instructions on how to remove the virus, in addition to any special tools that they have developed to combat the infection. After you have run the program and eliminated the infection, be sure to reboot your computer and run the scan again. While the instructions on how to kill a back door Trojan virus are most likely correct, it is important to make sure that the infection has not hidden itself elsewhere on your system.