Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Find a Job Online

By : Jay Moncliff

The Internet has simplified everything from shopping to banking and now even employment has been made easier because you can have a job online. That is right, as amazing as it sounds you can work from the comfort of your home, while traveling, or anywhere you have a computer because your job online only requires you meet deadlines. You can work whenever fits your schedule, meaning you have more time for the important things like your family and have your job online to help pay the bills. If you are interested in finding a job online, but are not sure what you could possibly do, consider the following job titles. Right now you can find a job online in any of these markets as well as many others.

Job Online Suggestion #1 Writing
The Internet is made up of words, mostly, so writers have a great opportunity for finding a job online. Web sites always need new content, other sites need new e-book titles, and companies need individuals to write things as well. Finding a job online if you are a writer should be a mouse click away.

Job Online Suggestion #2 Transcription
Experienced transcriptionists can find a job online in a hurry simply by doing a quick search in Google. This is because many medical offices prefer to contract out transcription work, which is good for you because it is a job online that lets you live your life and work when you want to.

Job Online Suggestion #3 Administrative Assistant
Many administrative assistant duties can easily be performed online from typing to creating reports, making travel arrangements, and other similar duties. Because of this many administrative assistants have a job online that allows them to meet the demands of their work yet spend time as they choose.

Job Online Suggestion #4 Programming
Computer programmers have long since had a job online simply because of the nature of their expertise. Beyond programming, webmasters, designers and anyone with computer knowledge can find a job online.

5 Easy Ways To Become a Job-Search

By : Jason Adams
According to current Department of Labor statistics, today's college graduates will, on average, have 8 to 10 jobs and as many as 3 careers in their lifetime. In addition, in today's job market with downsizing, rightsizing, layoffs, mergers and acquisitions, etc. your job skills and job-hunting skills need to be constantly updated and refined.

The job market is getting tougher and your competition is getting smarter. That's why you need to gain every advantage you can. You need to become a Job-Search "Commando". Commandos commonly use guerilla tactics to win. What I am about to share with you are tactics that have helped me find good jobs over the last 28 years.

Commando Tactic #1 - Problem solvers get jobs!
All companies have problems. Demonstrate that you can solve a company's problems and the world will beat a path to your door.

What type of issues do companies have?
* Sales are down
* Expenses are up
* Market share is decreasing
* Layoffs are coming
* The company is in acquisition mode
* New departments/divisions are being formed
* Someone is retiring or going on leave
* The company is entering a new market
* A new product has been developed
* New ad campaigns are being discussed
* A department that was outsourced is now being brought in-house (ad agency, Public Relations)
* They are in need of new leadership
* Assignments/goals/objectives are not being met
* The competition is continuing to gain market share.

At this moment, dozens of companies in your surrounding area are in immediate need of someone like you to help solve their problems; you just need to find them. That leads us to broadcast letters.

Commando Tactic #2 - Broadcast letters uncover positions in the "hidden" job market.
A Broadcast or Marketing letter is an excellent way to uncover positions that have not been announced yet. Many people call this the hidden job market. Once you tap into the hidden job market, your chance of success increase dramatically.

Why? Because you are not competing with a "million" other people that answered the same ad. There are no other people because there was no ad!

Broadcast letters can help generate leads for you because companies always problems that need to be solved. As they say, timing is everything so if your letter arrives at the right time, you may find yourself with a job interview.

In addition to solving a problem (see list above) that the company currently has or will have in the near future, considering you might actually save them money.

How? If you are the right candidate to help solve a problem or address a specific issue, they will not have to pay a recruiter, or place any ads on Monster.com, or in dozens of newspapers. - Everyone wins!

Commando Tactic #3 - Answering blind ads lessens your competition.
Many people think that answering blind ads opens yourself up to the possibility that you might be sending your cover and resume to your current company. While there is that possibility, the ad hopefully gives you enough information to recognize it as your won company.

What most job hunters don't realize it that blind ads will usually only get about 50% of the responses that a traditional ad would get. What that means is that you are competing with half the number of people you normally would. This essentially doubles your chances of having your resume and cover letter selected for a follow-up phone call.

Commando Tactic #4 - The best time to answer an ad?
Be the last resume received. I made it a habit of sending in my cover letter and resume 2 weeks after the ad ran. By then I knew I was not competing with 500 other resumes that were sent in right away. My information got more time because the hiring manager did not have to read 499 other resumes the same day.

Commando Tactic #5 - Answer ads twice
If you never hear from a company where you sent in your resume, send another cover letter and resume in about 2 months. Many times, the position was not filled because there was no qualified candidate or the company and candidate could not come to terms on a compensation package. This means they have to start from scratch. Your resume may arrive just at the right time and get a second look.

By following some of these Commando tactics, you chances of finding the job you want will increase dramatically.

Coffee Flavors - Chocolate, French Vanilla, Espresso, Amaretto, Hazelnut, Kona

By : Mike Singh
Who doesn't enjoy waking up to a fresh pot of brewed coffee? With so many different flavors, it can be hard to figure out which are the best ones out there. It is definitely a subjective matter. You should try different varieties to see what appeals to your tastebuds. Try to make your own choices about the best options in coffee flavors.

According to our research from a variety of sources, here are some other most popular coffee flavors:

* Chocolate. Believe it or not, people love their chocolate. Now, this could be a bit of dark or even white chocolate that is added. It can be sweet or bitter. The smooth texture that it adds to the coffee is always a draw in for many.

* French Vanilla. This creamy blend of vanilla and cream is perfect for a luxury coffee drink. You'll find them in all sorts of types. Being one of the most popular options out there, you can find it quite easily to sample.

* Love That Espresso. Yes, especially if you are from Europe, you know the value of a good cup of coffee. In Italy, ordering a cup of coffee will get you this small cup of very strong, very wonderful flavor.

* Go For The Nut. Hazelnut is another one of the wonderful blends of coffee that coffee drinkers are after. When it comes to tasting like a nut, you won't get much of that here. But, you will get an even taste, one that is not too bitter, yet not too sweet either.

* Amaretto. This type of coffee is sure to give you a little zing. That's because it is made to taste like the Italian liquor. Most times you will find it called Almond Amaretto.

* Dark Roast It Has To Be Here! There is just something amazing about the flavor and after taste of a dark roast coffee. If you haven't had it, try it.

* Kona Anyone? Kona is a very wonderful coffee that is much unlike other flavors out there. It has an underlying hint of citrus that is just enough to make you say, "What is that wonderful coffee flavor?"

There you have it. You might've heard of some of these, and the others must be new to you. You'll never know what you're missing out on till you try the others. Have fun.

"Java Kings!" Who Ruled The Coffee World?

By : Don McKay
Coffee was discovered in Ethiopia by a goat herder named Kaldi who while watching his goats noticed that they were acting very bizarre. As he investigated this peculiar behavior he noticed that the goats were dancing from one bush to the next eating cherry colored berries. He started partaking of the berries himself and was soon dancing with his goats. It became an aid for him and fellow goat herders to help them stay alert through out the night as they watched their herd.

Coffee moved north to the Arabia's where it flourished and transcended from raw (green beans) to roasted beans that were grounded and brewed. To gain control over this magical crop Arabians would boil their export beans making them infertile. For almost 600 years from about 1000 A.D. to the 1600's coffee only grew in North Africa the Eastern Mediterranean, and India. This crop was dominated by the nation of Islam for literally centuries. It was when a smuggler named Baba Budan finally opened the coffee market by smuggling live coffee seeds into Europe. This made the coffee empire shift hands in 1615 A.D.

The Turks were at this time known for having a magical drink of black color. A few of their merchants introduced the drink to the Italians. The merchants of Venice introduced coffee to the rest of Europe. In 1616 the Dutch did what was thought to be impossible. They grew what is known as the first coffee plant in Europe. In 1696 they started the first European owned coffee empire in an area called Java, which is now part of Indonesia.

The Dutch soon after their Java conquest moved forward to other areas. Amsterdam, was now growing coffee? This seems to be the case. The Dutch were very prosperous in their coffee conquest. It was in 1714 that King Louis the XIV received his first coffee tree for his royal courtyard the Jard des Plantes. A few years later while on a French expedition to the Caribbean's a Naval Officer petitioned the king for some of the seed from the Jard des Plantes, but his request was denied. Several days later the Naval Officer and a few of his shipmates raided the Jard des Plantes and took a shrub, which later yielded 18 million coffee trees in a fifty-year period.

In 1727 Brazil wanted to have a piece of the coffee empire, but had to find a way to smuggle some seeds from a coffee country. Colonel Palheta was sent to settle a border dispute in France. This smooth talking Officer found the coffee fortress impregnable, so he found a road of lease resistance. That road was none other then the Governor's wife. His plan paid off. At a fair well dinner she presented him with a bush with seedlings. From these seed sprang forth the largest coffee empire ever. By the 1800's Brazil's coffee was no longer a drink for the elite. Everyone was able to partake from this magical drink.

How fortunate we are today that coffee has been made accessible to the Millions who love it. Our history lesson has taught us that coffee was meant to be share the world around. No King can rule the coffee empire!

Over A Cup Of Coffee

I was 15 when I had my 1st cup of coffee and it was a time I will never forget. I was not quite an adult and not quite a child either, so this day was special. My grandma poured the coffee into a big mug and showed me that lifes pleasures are sometimes simple. I have to admit the taste of plain black coffee was not that great, but the acknowledgment to manhood was worth the bitter taste. She showed me the way sugar takes the edge off the taste, and how too much sugar ruined the flavor all together. She also explained that milk & cream were not the same and that creamer was actually smoother than milk.

The days to follow found me experimenting with other coffee ideas. I added whip cream and chocolate sprinkles, and chocolate syrup to give it a chocolate mocha taste. That was just the beginning of my coffee passion. I traveled to Chicago, Illinois and had the greatest tasting cup of coffee at a local diner. I inquired as to the brand of coffee I was drinking and to my surprise it was Folgers. What made this coffee so great? It might have been the victory the Cubs had over the St.Louis Cardnals that day.

On a cold March morning I warmed myself up to a cup of French Roast. The thing that made this coffee so great was on this particular day my son was born and I look forward to his first cup of coffee with me. Hopefully I remember all that Grandma said to me, so that day will be special for him.

It was in Luling, Texas that I remember the freshest coffee I ever had. What made this particular cup so special? I bought my first house and was able to sit on my back pourch and watch the sunrise for the 1st time. As I sit there and reflect on my life it amazes me at what can take place over a cup of coffee.

Can Coffee Be Used As A Fertilizer?

Used coffee grounds have been discarded as trash by millions of people around the world. Is there another use for your used grounds? The answer is "yes," and the more you learn about the used coffee grounds the more sense it makes to use them as a fertilizer. My Grandmother taught me years ago the secret of used coffee grounds. She said that the grounds give your plants more life. I always wondered what she meant by more life. Then as I watched her plants grow I seen some amazing things. Her tomato garden was huge, and much larger than our neighbors. Tomatoes the size of a softball grew in her garden and at a fast pace. When the neighbors would inquire as to her secret she said I have rich soil. She did not lie; because due to those used coffee grounds her soil was rich indeed.

Used coffee grounds are a great fertilizer for gardens because of their high nitrogen content. Of all the mineral nutrients in the soil, nitrogen is generally the most difficult for plants to acquire. The reason plants have difficulty is because of the way they acquire the nitrogen. It is primarily thru their roots, which are buried in the soil. Most plants depend on mineral forms of nitrogen in the soil, and this is where your coffee grounds come into place. Your used grounds give your soil the added nitrogen that your plants need. Coffee grounds also contain potassium, phosphorus, and many other elements that aid in plant development. Many rose gardeners report that used coffee grounds aid in their roses development. Reports also add that when used coffee grounds have made their roses more colorful and larger than normal. In fact, when added to a compost pile used coffee grounds compost very quickly.

Nitrogen is a component of all proteins, and is crucial to life. In several studies, plants that have a nitrogen rich soil grew faster and larger then plants that grew in natural soil. It is clearly wiser to save those used coffee grounds and use them in your gardens or household flowerpots. If you are not using used coffee grounds you are wasting a great resource.

Coffee Tips & TEAzers

By : Don McKay
It is said that change is good, but not for everyone. I like my coffee fresh, hot, and black. Many people are sick of the same old routine, and want to try something different. I want to introduce you to my Coffee Tips & TEAzers. These are a few tips and recipes given to me by various people over the years. I hope you are able to enjoy them as much as I have.

Coffee Tip #1
The only thing that beats a hot cup of coffee in the morning is a FRESH cup of hot coffee. The only way to guarantee fresh Coffee & Tea every time is to vacuum pack your beans, grounds, tea bags, or loose-leaf teas. This prevents the air from making your coffee and teas stale. It will keep your coffee & teas fresher longer.

Coffee Tip #2
If you are board with the traditional way coffee is presented then I have some ideas that will give your coffee some pizzazz. Try flavored syrups there are many different flavors to choose from and you can combine the flavors to make something unique. Try adding some chocolate syrup to your coffee. Then add a splash of half & half creamer. Stir completely until your coffee is a tan color. Then add whip cream and chocolate sprinkles. Presto! You have a hot cup of chocolate mocha!

Coffee Tip #3
This is a unique recipe Cafe Speciale
· 4 teaspoons chocolate syrup
· 1/2 cup heavy cream
· 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
· 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
· 1 tablespoon sugar
1-1/2 cups extra-strength hot coffee
Put 1 teaspoon chocolate syrup into each of 4 small cups. Combine cream. 1/4-teaspoon cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar. Whip. Stir remaining 1/2-teaspoon cinnamon into hot coffee. Pour coffee into cups. Stir to blend with syrup. Top with whipped cream. Makes 4 servings.

The problem with tea bags is that you really don't know how fresh the tea is. With loose-leaf teas you can feel the texture and see the tea more clearly. The smell alone can be deceiving. Some companies have been known to spray their teas with scents that make them smell fresh, but are they really?

Mango Tea (By The Pitcher)
Fill Pitcher with Ice
Add 5 oz. Monin Mango Tea
Fill with 50 oz. Water
Stir Well

Raspberry Tea (By The Glass)
Fill 12 oz. Glass with Ice
Add 1 oz. Monin Raspberry Tea
Top off with 10 oz. Water
Stir Well

Minted Mango Tea
1 cup chopped refrigerated mango slices
1-cup pineapple juice
8 green tea bags
2 4-inch mint sprigs
4 cups boiling water
1 to 2 tablespoons sugar
Ice cubes

1. In a medium saucepan bring water to boiling. Add tea bags, anise, and cinnamon stick. Reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, for 3 to 5 minutes. Discard tea bags and cinnamon stick. Stir in nectar, honey, and lemon juice. Heat through.
2. Pour tea mixture into four heatproof cups, floating a star anise on top of each. Makes 4 servings.

Why Is Coffee Not My Cup Of Tea? Is it Stale?

By : Don McKay
Most everyone that I have talked to that does not like coffee said that it is the bitter taste they don't like. Fresh coffee is never bitter. In fact, fresh coffee is smooth and tasty even undoctored. So what is giving coffee such a bad rap? After some research it a cured to me that the problem is lack of freshness, and coffee that was brewed hours ago. Stale coffee itself is horrible to drink. Stale coffee can leave a bad taste in your mouth, but if you buy coffee that is guaranteed fresh when you brew it then it will taste smooth and refreshing. How does coffee get to the point of being stale? In many cases it is due to poor packaging, but in most cases it is due to over stocking.

Poor packaging is when the product is not properly sealed from the manufacture, or the seal is broken along the way. Most containers are plastic these days, but many still use the steel cans. The difference is the cost plastic is much cheaper to produce. Plastic is not as durable and sometimes is easily damaged. If the seal is broken then the coffee is exposed to the air, which dries out the coffee. This is the main reason coffee gets to the point of being stale. Another problem is over stocking.

When a store over stocks there products the product sits longer on the shelf or in the back and over time the freshness fades away. Many distributors of coffee buy by volume to get the coffee at a cheaper price. The problem is they can sit on that coffee for month, or even years until it is sold. How long can coffee remain fresh in a vacuum-sealed container? It can vary, but the average length is about 6 months. Do you see the problem now? I have worked for a grocery store before and I have seen products stay on the shelves for months. If you were to brew a cup of coffee from beans roasted a year ago then that cup of coffee will be horrible. What about coffee that was brewed 4 hours ago?

In many cases the coffee appears thicker because the water is vaporized over time. The coffee can have a burnt taste that is also bitter. If it is not fresh don't drink it. My wife hates coffee because of her first bad experience, and after I roasted her a fresh batch she admitted that it was really good and not bitter. How fresh is your coffee?

Coffee Or Tea - Which Is Better For You?

By : Lee Dobbins

Most people cannot function without either their morning cup of coffee or tea. While, it's mostly the caffeine that gets people going, a side benefit from drinking these beverages is that you may be boosting your immune system and helping to fight disease.

While the health benefits of drinking green tea have been much publicized, few people realize that drinking coffee can have health benefits as well but recent studies show that coffee may share some of the healthy attributes that green tea has shown.

Like green tea, coffee has antioxidants including quinines, chlorogenic acid and tocopherols as well as essential minerals such as magnesium. All of which help in glucose metabolism and result in those who regularly drink coffee having a reduced risk of diabetes. Both coffee and green tea have been shown to contain compounds which have antibacterial properties that can help prevent tooth decay and may help to fight food poisoning.

Green tea has been shown to have a role in the prevention of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, and to help boost your immune system. In addition, green tea may also help you lose weight and is said to help lower blood sugar and cholesterol as well as slow the aging process.

Coffee is said to contain compounds that boost the activity of enzymes which may protect against colon cancer (according to animal studies published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry). Other health benefits of coffee include a reduced risk of developing Parkinsons Disease, help in relieving asthma symptoms, stopping tension headaches, and inhibiting the formation of gallstones.

When it comes to the question of how much coffee or tea you need to benefit the answers can be a bit confusing. While most everyone agrees that the caffeinated should only be taken in small amounts (no more than 3 cups of coffee a day) to avoid the addictive qualities of the caffeine, it's a bit more vague on how much tea is recommended. Some say 10 cups a day, others say you can experience the benefits with 3 cups a day.

Hot Coffee: Getting The Delicious Taste You Want

Coffee is everywhere in our society. Many people love the rich delicious flavor of a nice hot cup of coffee as soon as they wake in the morning. In fact, many people prefer to set their coffee makers so that the first thing they will sense when they wake is the fragrant aroma of fresh brewed coffee.

When it comes to keeping coffee hot, there are some steps that you can take to ensure that each cup of coffee is deliciously fresh, aromatic, and refreshing. First, you should make sure that you always brew your coffee fresh when you want some. For some people it may mean choosing a small coffee maker that only brews a cup at a time.

You'll also find that you should use the freshest and purest water for your coffee. Since coffee uses mostly 90 percent water, make sure that you use high quality water. If you use tap water, you can filter it or use special coffee filters that will help remove any impurities before brewing.

You will need to make sure that you measure your coffee grounds according to the amount of brewed coffee you desire. You can purchase coffee according to its strength as well as adjust the amount of coffee grinds that you measure to make the coffee the strength you desire. However, it should be noted that everyone prefers a different strength to his or her coffee, and what may be the perfect cup of coffee to you, may be too strong or too weak to someone else. A standard cup of coffee is basically six ounces of water and two tablespoons of coffee grinds. By using this basic formula, you can determine how many tablespoons you need to brew a perfect pot.

To ensure that your coffee remains hot, choose your choice of coffee mug or thermos carefully. Make sure that it is well insulated. Glass and stainless steel will not affect the taste of the coffee and are recommended as suitable thermos materials. Also, you will find that coffee that has been percolated or brewed in an automatic coffee maker will retain the best flavor.

Coffee that has been brewed in a French Press may not taste as well if it has been kept in a thermos. This in part due to the remaining sediment that exists in the coffee, it will continue to heat and cause the coffee to lose its flavor. The same is true of Espresso coffee. By brewing your coffee fresh and storing it in the proper thermos, you will continue to enjoy fresh hot coffee.

Tips For Choosing A Great Coffee Maker

By : Adrian Adams
The right coffee maker can turn a cup of coffee into a sensuous work of art. There's nothing that can match the aroma or the taste of a perfect cup of coffee. With coffee makers available in so many different styles and sizes, finding the right one can be daunting task for the inexperienced as well as the coffee connoisseur. To make it a little easier for you here are a few tips for choosing a coffee maker that's just right for you!

Size matters - Size is most important when choosing a coffee maker. How big a coffee maker you choose should depend on your coffee drinking life-style. If you usually need just a single cup of coffee at a time, then you should opt for a single-cup coffee maker that will brew you a fresh cup of coffee every time you feel the need to recharge.

On the other hand, you will need a coffee maker with a larger carafe if you have a host of people, all clamoring for a cuppa at the same time.

Programmable coffee maker - Do you like to wake up and smell the coffee? - If you do, then you should consider buying a programmable coffee maker. Set it to start a few minutes before you wake up and you can literally wake up and smell the coffee.

Drip coffee makers - These coffee makers are very popular as they can be used to process almost all types of coffee beans including very fine and very coarse. Drip coffee makers come in a wide range of sizes from the gigantic ones capable of brewing 12 cups for a large family to the smaller-sized, 4-cup coffee makers.

Espresso machine - You most definitely need one of these coffee makers if you are looking to get a big kick from your tiny cup of espresso. This machine works by pumping 1.5 ounces of water through coffee grounds that are highly packed. This produces a shot of rich, dark and significantly concentrated coffee that is perfect for a quick pick-me-up.

French Press coffee maker - This one-cup coffee maker is sure to take you back to the cafes of Paris. Hot water, forced through ultra-fine coffee grounds, maximizes the flavor and oil extraction from the coffee, giving you that ultimate, full-bodied cup of coffee that every coffee aficionado dreams of.

Some of the other features you should look for when selecting a coffee maker include a built-in grinder for that delicious aroma of freshly ground coffee, a removable drip tray for easy cleaning and an automatic shut-off feature that can help prevent your house burning down if you accidentally leave it on and go off on vacation.

Why Banking Works

When it comes to financial management, even business professionals reach a consensus as to what is the most effective, reliable, and secure means to manage your money, and that is through the bank. Your bank is an effective means to manage your bills payments, keep track of your transactions, receive your income and whatever extraneous cash inflow, and help you save effectively.

The last one is perhaps the most obvious feature of the bank that people do not take advantage of. A bank, being a financial intermediary, can actually help you save money efficiently. Here’s how.

First, you are required to keep what is called a maintaining balance in your bank account. This means that even if you make deductions in your account, the bank requires you to save a bare minimum in order to continue enjoying their services. And yes, that translates to a forced saving on your part.

Another feature of bank saving is the fact that you are free to continuously add to your account whenever you can. Otherwise, your money will remain safe in your bank. Moreover, while it’s staying in the bank, you are actually earning interest rates on your money.

What are savings interest rates? These are payments made by the bank to you for leaving your money in the bank. By depositing your money in the bank, your bank utilizes a portion of it in its loan operations where it subsequently earns through interest and loan charges. In effect, the income they receive trickles down to you, their source of money. This savings interest rate is actually an effective incentive system. Why so? If you save more money in your bank account through your deposits and savings, you end up receiving a higher return on the savings interest rate than other people would.

Banks have a threshold amount for you to be able to participate in the bank’s long-term, higher yield savings schemes. Time-deposit accounts, mutual funds and the like require you to leave your money untouched for a longer period of time. In exchange for the bank’s use of your money for a longer period of time, the percentages of interest return are double those that you would get in a regular savings account. You can add increments of a certain amount in order to increase the capital you invest in your time-deposit account or mutual fund. An increased account obviously translates to bigger interest gains.

Talk to your local bank about their savings schemes. They offer various mechanisms to encourage us consumers to entrust their money to them. In a bank, your money is in a safe place, and it is growing while it stays there.

How To Save Money By Defining List Of Expenses

With the institution of malls, affordability of technology, and rising cost of health care, loans, and rising inflation, it has become very difficult for one to spend less and save money for future use.

Current statistics show that banks are showing a considerable decline on each bank account holder’s savings and have shown an increased in the number of withdrawals per month leaving people little money to spend before the next salary strikes their account.

Along this fact shows a relative increase in the amount of spending made in private institutions marketing different products.

While these facts and a host of temptations are a commonplace scenario in the real world, there are many ways by which you can keep yourself from getting into the hype and aid you in creating and developing your personal and unique habit of saving a few dollars from your basic salary.

- Compulsive Buying – Given enough money, 7 out of 10 people lure into the idea of buying a personal item they like in a store at a first glance.

In a simulated sociological study, people who originally planned on window-shopping ended up buying personal stuff if they are taking their personal bankcards with them.

If you are doing window-shopping, limit your spending to a few bucks and try making your list the next time you plan on buying such items. Buy only the store items you need and abandon those that do not satisfy an immediate need.

- Budgeting – Along with your pursuit to saving money, it is also important to keep an organized and effective, yet reasonable budgeting technique. Budgeting eliminates buying temptations that would tend to build up during malling and help you save money along the process due to preformed lists of items you need to buy.

- Performing Price Comparison – The World Wide Web provides a great avenue on providing a checklist of prices on specific items that you plan on buying.

This is great for you if you are into bulk buying and plan on conducting your malling activity in one place. This will give you a good idea if the usual store from where you usually get all your everyday household needs provides you a reasonable price for specific products.

- Take All The Convenience At Home – Lunch, snacks, and major meals are something which you can prepare at home. If you are serious on saving money, you can prepare all this from home and get away with some amenities of the gut by replacing soda with water. This is not only beneficial to your pocket but does a great deal for your health as well.

Finding The Best Adware Removal Tool For Your Needs

As the problem of adware, spyware and other malicious software grows, so too will the number of companies offering adware removal tools. With all these adware removal tools on the market, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which one is truly best for your needs.

The best way to remove adware
Perhaps the best strategy for finding an adware removal tool you can trust is to download several different types and run them against your PC. Fortunately, most manufacturers of adware removal software make a free trial version available, so customers are free to try before they buy. This makes it easy to try out several different versions in a short amount of time.

It is important to evaluate each adware removal tool not only for its effectiveness but for its ease of use as well. If two products work the same but one is easier to use, it is important to favor the easy to use product. If the product is intuitive and user friendly, you will be more likely to use it often, and frequent scans are the best way to prevent your computer from being compromised.

It is also important that the adware removal tool be easy to update, and that those updates be provided free of charge. Just as with anti virus software, some manufacturers of adware removal products will charge for updates. If this is a concern, be sure to look for an adware removal program that provides free updates for life.

Keeping your computer clean
Removing the adware from your computer is only the first step, of course. It is up to each computer user to keep his or her machine clean going forward. The best way to accomplish that important goal is to run frequent scans using the adware removal tool of your choice. Running the scan frequently is the best protection against the new adware and spyware that is constantly being unleashed on the Internet.

Many computer users prefer to schedule their computer's anti virus scans, updates and scans for the same time. Scheduling each of these scans, one right after the other, makes a lot of sense. Of course you may need to run each scan separately at first to see how long each takes. And be sure to check the log the next day to make sure each of the scans ran properly.

What do I do next?
After the scans are complete, the next step is to review the results and determine which of the programs identified are truly adware. It is not unusual for some adware programs to identify some legitimate programs as adware, so be sure to review the programs before giving the program the authority to remove them. After you have indicated that a particular program is legitimate, the adware removal tool should ignore it in the future and not identify it again.

Keeping your computer free of adware, spyware and other malicious software is not always easy, but buying a good quality adware removal tool is an important step. Installing such a program, and learning how to use it properly, will go a long way toward keeping your computer, and the valuable information it contains, safe from prying eyes.

Tips On How To Teach Your Kids To Save Money

A lot of teens nowadays do not understand the value of earning and spending money. They were not oriented that investing is necessary even if they are still students. As parents, you play a crucial role in this area.

You should be able to teach your kids on how to save money. They should be able to understand the concept of money and investment as early as childhood. This will prepare them to learn money management, as they grow old.

Here are some tips on how you can teach your children how to save money:

1. Your children should be educated of the meaning of money. Once your children have learned how to count, that is the perfect time for you teach them the real meaning of money. You should be consistent and explain to them in simple ways and do this frequently so that they may be able to remember what you taught them.

2. Always explain to them the value of saving money. Make them understand its importance and how it will impact their life. It is important that you entertain questions from them about money and you should be able to answer them right away.

3. When giving them their allowances. You need to give them their allowances in denominations. Then you can encourage them that they should keep a certain bill for the future. You can motivate them to do this by telling them that the money can be saved and they can buy new pair of shoes or the toys they want once they are able to save.

4. You can also teach them to work for money. You can start this at your own home. You can pay them fifty cents to one dollar every time they clean their rooms, do the dishes or feed their pets. This concept of earning little money will make them think that money is something they have worked for and should be spent wisely.

5. You can teach them to save money by giving them piggy banks where they can put coins and wait until they get full. You can also open bank accounts for them and let them deposit money from their allowance. You should always show them how much they have earned to keep them motivated.

Money and saving is not something that is learned by children in one sitting. You should be patient in teaching them and relating the value of money in all of their activities. Children will learn this easily if you are patient and consistent in guiding them and encouraging them in this endeavor.

The Advantages Of Using Money Budgeting Software

The problem with most people these days is that they get so comfortable with their expenses through the aid of credit cards. They become so indulged with cashless shopping that more and more people are spending more than what they can afford.

For this reason, experts contend that budgeting can definitely alleviate the consumers from “financial strain” by managing their expenses and income instead of falling into the pit of liabilities.

However, some people just contend that they cannot simply do budgeting alone. They insist that they need some help in order to come up with a reliable and workable budget.

That’s why some financial experts have created some money budgeting software that will facilitate the creation of a good budget in order to promote wise money-saving strategies.

Basically, money budgeting software assists an individual in his or her expenditures and uses the money sensibly. These new technologies will help distribute the money into various aspects and areas and will also help add to savings.

So, if you still don’t know what the money budgeting software can do for you, here is a list of its advantages:

1. It Helps You Keep Track Of Your Expenses

Money budgeting software can definitely allow you to keep track of your expenses. With this kind of technology, you get to understand your cash flow and allow you to be aware of how much money you spend and earn.

2. It Helps You To Create Some Probable Projections Of The Future

While some people are comfortable with the usual type of budgeting on paper, utilizing a money budgeting software can give you more than what you expect. You can even make some possible projections using your integrated money budgeting software. And if you are really into hard copies, you can even print them out for record keeping.

3. It Gives You Control

The problem with most people who do not have a budget to guide them is that they tend to overspend with what they have.

With this kind of help, you can gain control of your expenditures. You will be able to know when you are already overspending or not. Plus, you become attentive of the blow of every money decision that you make.

The bottom line is that money budgeting software can definitely give you the kind of assurance and control that you need to keep track of your expenses. In this way, you can be surer that all of your spending activities are based on reason and plan and not just sheer indulgences.

Take Charge Of Your Finances: Tips On Budgeting

With prices of commodities increasing day by day it is proper to make your very own strategic plan on maximizing your financial resources and making sure that every penny earned is well spent.

Make your move on coordinating your finances and list of expenditures that may affect the way you use your income and empower you on your economic stability as a working individual.

Your source of income, lifestyle, spending habits, current job and house location, cost of living, payables and loans determines your level of budgeting needs. Starting to take charge of your finances is one sure way of becoming successful in a field of self-fulfillment and success.

The following tips and recommendations will provide you details on how you can help yourself manage your finances and assume a new outlook to become responsible in your spending.

- Treat Math As Your Lifetime Partner – Do the entire math in your purchasing needs. Try to compare prices across your current location for the price of a range of grocery and household items you need in a day-to-day basis.

Save as much as you can in an item you are trying to buy. Chinese businessmen exercise effective buying techniques. They save as much as they can and usually purchase in bulk to increase their revenue index on the item they plan on selling as well.

- Gambling – Gambling tops the chart in making your life as chaotic as it could get. Gambling strips you off your finances and keeps you vulnerable from the threats of bankruptcy.

- Know Your Wants and Needs – Limit your spending on something which you are not in dire need of. According to a recent study, luxuries are second to gambling in terms of the degree of money-stripping capability.

- “Do Not Spend More Than you Earn” – Rags-To-Riches stories do not fail to mention this famous cliché. There is always truth to this phrase for you cannot live in a world where you consume more than what you can produce.

- Keeping A List – Making your own budget list is vital to your success to becoming prudent. A wise buyer needs to consider the amount of a certain commodity and how will it impact his life as an individual.

An unconscientious consumer would not care about what is being purchased as long as he or she has money to buy for them. Unless you are someone who has a considerable amount of wealth and income resources, you can not afford to disregard this recommendation and go ahead with your practice.

Tips For Finding The Best Free Anti Virus Download

While there are many types of software that run on the typical home computer, none is more important than virus protection software. Cost should not be an inhibition to running strong anti virus protection, and indeed there are free anti virus downloads available to protect computer users who lack the funds to buy more traditional software.

Why you need to protect yourself
There are many reasons to use such a free anti virus download, and cost is only one factor. In fact, many of these free anti virus downloads are superior in quality to some of the more well known commercial products, and they tend to be very user friendly as well. And with the existence of a free anti virus download there is no excuse for any computer owner not to run strong virus protection on his or her computer.

There are many places to start looking for a free anti virus download. Simply using a search engine to search for a free anti virus download is a good place to start, and a simple search will most likely reveal many such programs to choose from.

It is of course important to read the terms and conditions of each free anti virus download carefully. For instance, some types of free anti virus protection are intended for home use only, and business owners are required to purchase a license for the otherwise free anti virus download. In addition, some free anti virus software can only be run on a single PC, and additional PCs require the purchase of a license. It is important for everyone, but particularly those who run a home based business, to read the terms carefully, and to make sure the product is properly licensed.

Try it before you buy it
It is also important to use the free anti virus download for a few days to make sure it is user friendly and easy to use. That is because a free anti virus download that is difficult to use will not be useful. It is important to be sure that the updates are easy to download, and that the software is updated on a regular basis. Many people make the mistake of not updating their anti virus software often enough, and a virus software product that is out of date is almost as bad as running no protection at all.

The first step, however, is the most important. No matter what type of free anti virus download you choose, it is important to install and configure it properly before connecting to the internet. After you have established a connection, the first step should be to download the latest update. Running a good anti virus program, and keeping it up to date, is the best way to protect yourself from the bad things lurking on the internet.

Protecting yourself with a good free anti virus download is essential if you are to enjoy the convenience of the internet without falling pretty to viruses, spyware and other malicious software. Using a combination of diligence, good software and common sense is the best way to make your computing experience is both safe and productive.

The Importance Of Determining Your Expenses

Society is becoming so commercialized that no person is exempt from this world-wide phenomenon called spending and mounting expenses. The high cost of living has paved the way for an increase in the spending habits of people.

An expense refers to the disbursement or spending and it generally has something to do with money. Anyone who lives in the 20th century isn't exempt from having expenditures even just for day to day living.

Expenses can either be essential or those expenses necessary for the survival of a person, or non-essential expenses, which refer to expenses that aren't really necessary or are considered as luxury expenses.

The most common and essential expense are those spent for food and for the daily subsistence of a person. A person couldn't survive without food and water so almost all people are forced to spend money on these items. Expenses for housing utilities like water and light are also considered essential expenses because any household couldn't operate efficiently without them.

For people on the go, the cost of fuel or fare is also considered an essential expense because they couldn't go about their daily work without spending for these items.

Essential expenses are the expenditures that a person couldn't live without because these are necessary for the day to day subsistence of a person. Try scrimping on food expenses and any person will soon realize how essential food is in the daily household budget.

People work so they will earn money that will be used to pay for their essential expenses. A person who isn't lucky enough to get a good paying job will definitely have no choice but to lessen the budget even for his essential expenses. This means cutting back on his basic needs like food, water and power consumption and even his toiletries.

However, there are some people who earn less but still spend more for their household expenses. These people have failed to manage their finances and they will soon be deep in debt. The key to successful household management is to limit the expenses to the minimum.

The expenses of every person differ and the money allotted for each type of expenses depends on the priorities of the person. While each person has a household expense, there are other expenses that are necessary to fulfill his various responsibilities in life.

A person who is engaged in business will definitely be familiar with business expenses. These are the necessary expenses to run a business and sometimes it is called overhead expenses. Any entrepreneur should keep his expenses at a minimum and it should be much less than the total sales of the business so that the business will be able to make a profit.

An entrepreneur can have expenditures related to the promotion of the business, advertising, maintenance of the business establishment like expenses for power and water, salaries and wages for the employees and other expenses. A person who works at home can claim a certain percentage of the household expense as a business expense.

While business enterprises should cut back on their overhead expenses to get a decent margin of profit, a homeowner should keep his household expenses to the minimum to achieve a reasonable savings. Savings advocates however argue that savings shouldn't be the remaining cash after the expenses are deducted from the total income. They say savings should be deducted from the total income first and the remaining cash should be the basis of the monthly budget of the person.

Every person who wants to profit and to achieve savings should be a wise spender. Each person can keep the expenses at a minimum by availing of grocery sales, promotions, and free coupons. A person can choose to buy a cheaper product with the same functions and quality as another known product which is more expensive.

It is always wise to become a critical spender so manage your finances wisely and keep the expenses low by availing of different strategies like buying from the bakeshop when it is near closing time as most shops discount their bread products by as much as fifty percent during this time.

There are a thousand and one ways to save money and keep expenses low; it is however up to you to achieve these goals.

Finding The Best Internet Protection

Every computer owner is looking for the best Internet protection, but determining which product is truly the best can be quite a challenge. There are literally hundreds of such products, all claiming to provide the utmost in computer protection for the user. Knowing which products truly live up to their hype, and which ones do not, can be quite a difficult process.

One of the best ways for the average user to find the best Internet protection is to use several different products and evaluate each one carefully. It is important to run each product, evaluating things like how easy it is to use and update, how reliable it is, and the reputation of the company who makes it.

Try before you buy
Fortunately, it is quite easy to evaluate several different Internet protection products to determine which one best suits your needs. Most software companies provide some sort of trial version, and this makes it quite easy to try out several different products at no cost to you. It is easy to try several different products, and then buy the Internet protection software package that best suits your individual needs.

Of course it is important to always have some sort of internet protection running at all times, even before you plug your computer into the internet. There are plenty of threats circulating on the Internet at any one time, so the time to install your Internet protection is before you go online. In fact, many computer manufacturers, recognizing the threats posed by malicious software, have begun to pre-install Internet protection on their equipment before it leaves the factory.

This makes it much easier for users to protect themselves before they go online. Of course, even the best internet protection software will need to be updated, as new threats will likely have been introduced from the time the new computer left the factory to the time it landed on your desk. That is why it is so important to learn how to update the software before you plug the PC in, and to update it as soon as it is online.

Keep it up to date
After you have found the best Internet protection for your needs, it is important to keep it updated, and to keep up with any upgrades that may have occurred since you installed the program. Most software companies are quite good at keeping their customers informed about new versions, upgrades and software patches, but it is always a good idea to periodically check the manufacturers web site to see if a new version is available. And of course it is important to keep the product updated.

Most Internet protection software gives the user the option of scheduling regular updates. In most cases it is best to schedule those updates for when the computer is not in use. That is because updating the software can take a lot of system resources, and this could slow the performance of web surfing, word processing, email and other programs. Many users find that scheduling the Internet protection software updates for overnight is a good practice.

No matter what type of Internet protection software is best for your needs, perhaps the most important thing is to have such software up and running at all times. It is vital for all computer users, no matter what they use their machine for, to take the steps necessary to protect themselves from the bad side of the Internet.

A Couple's Guide To Following A Budget

If you are a couple who both use the same account or even dealing with separate accounts and checkbooks, your goal is to control your budget with proper maintenance. You and your spouse or partner will have to design your own system, but it should include the following five principles so you'll spend only what your income allows according to a predetermined plan.

1. Assigned accountability. Each of you needs to have your own areas of budget responsibility. Someone needs to be in charge of paying the utilities and the rent or mortgage. Someone else may be in charge of the food, clothes and entertainment budget. You both might be responsible for gifts, vacations and so on. It's not important who has what responsibility but rather that each of you understands what your accountability is for the budget.

2. Immediate feedback on how actual spending compares to planned spending. This is similar to operating out of a cookie jar or an envelope. When the envelope or cookie jar is empty, you should stop spending. Your system, whether it involves a check register, literal envelopes or another system you design, should likewise give you immediate feedback on how you stand against your plan. My wife has a budget amount for which she's responsible in our family, and she enters that in her checkbook at the beginning of the month. She can look in her register at any time and tell how she's doing relative to our original plan.

3. Strict limitation of credit card use. Credit cards should be handled just like checks. When cards are used, they're entered in your check register as a check would be. Under the check number you merely put Visa, MasterCard or whatever card you use. Then you fill in the store at which the card was used and the amount, which is deducted from your bank balance just as if you'd written a check. That way, you're effectively setting aside the money to pay the account balance in full at the end of the month.

4. Accumulation of all excess income. If money is not spent by the end of the month, it should be put into a savings account or some other type of account (such as a money market fund) that can be used to make planned purchases. It can even be used as a reward fund. Understand, however, that this is money left over only after you've paid all your bills, including taking savings or investing out of your cash flow as a first priority. If you've already done that, the excess left in the checkbook really is underspending that can be used as you desire.

5. Flexibility. It will take at least two years of living on a budget before you feel comfortable with it. Once the budget has been established and lived with, however, living within your income is extremely easy. But because circumstances change, a budget must be flexible. If you find you budgeted too low or too high in an account, the budget can be adjusted during the year.

The Best Way To Find And Delete Malware

Every computer owner should know that spyware, adware and other types of malware are growing threats, and that they are playing an important role in the problem of identity theft. Indeed, the ability to detect and delete malware should be in place before any new PC is placed online.

For those computers that are already online, purchasing a product that can detect and delete malware should definitely be a priority. If you have been online for awhile without running such protection, chances are your computer has already been infected with some type of malware. Finding and deleting that malware, before it can do any damage, should be your first order of business.

What can malware do?
Malware does its dirty work in a variety of ways. Some malware, including a lot of adware, merely generates ads as we surf the web. While this type of malware is not necessarily destructive, it can be quite annoying, and the number of pop up ads can quickly overwhelm the computer and bring it to a crawl. Getting rid of this type of malware can make your web surfing experience far more pleasant and productive.

Other types of malware are far more dangerous however, and it is vital to detect and delete the malware as quickly as possible. In particular, some forms of spyware can be highly destructive, not just to your computer but to your identity as well. Spyware and other forms of malware are increasingly being used to steal valuable personal information from computer users as they surf the web.

The type of information sought can run the gamut from pin numbers and passwords to account numbers, logon ids and even Social Security numbers. Armed with this information, a tech savvy thief can use it to open credit cards in your name, obtain loans and perform all kinds of financial activities while posing as you. This type of identity theft can be devastating, both financially and emotionally, so it pays to take all the steps necessary to protect yourself.

Finding the right solution
There are a great many programs on the market, all claiming to be the best way to delete malware. Perhaps the best way to proceed is to download the free trial versions of several different products. Try those products out for a couple of days to determine both which one is most effective and which one is easy to use. Ease of use is important, since you will want to run the program and delete malware on a regular basis.

Many computer users find it useful to keep several different programs to delete malware running on their computer. That is because different software companies use different techniques to detect malicious programs. Running two different types of programs often provides better protection than can be achieved with a single program. Fortunately, most software packages designed to detect and delete malware are inexpensive, so it is possible to run a couple without breaking the bank.

Tips On How To Save Money When Shopping

Shopping is very addictive. Most of the time, the household budget is sacrificed once you go shopping. Shopping should not give you headaches as long as you know how to budget. Here are the things that you need to remember:

1. Always remember to spend your money wisely whenever you go shopping. Bring only the exact amount of money you need in buying your items. To ensure that you only buy the important things, you have to make a list of the items that you need to buy. You may then budget your money wisely and will prevent you from buying things that are not that important.

2. It is advisable that you compare prices from different stores before buying an item. Do not limit yourself to just one store. There are stores that offer the same quality but can have a lower price. A smart thing you may do is to be attentive to the prices of the items that you buy regularly when shopping. There are instances that a store has an untimely changing of prices on different items.

3. It is recommended that you do your shopping during the end of the season. Prices of many items, especially clothes, are very low and affordable during this time of the year. You may buy clothes in the months of August and September if you are looking for bargain clothes for your summer wear.

4. You may shop in dollar stores where you can find items that are on sale and where prices are low. Although the quality of some items is not the same when you buy in malls and shopping galleries but the merchandises are still new and not yet used. These stores can provide you the best prices that can cope with on your budget.

5. Another way to save money while shopping is to economize the travel you make in finding the stores you want to buy an item. You may take a stop on your daily route to check if the items you buy regularly have not changed their prices or are still in the price of your budget. You may purchase the item even before you do your shopping schedule. This can save you fuel and time.

6. Try to find discount stores that offer quality items that have discounts and can offer a very affordable price on your desired item. The prices on discount stores may vary depending on the season of the year. These stores can be located in large shopping areas like in malls and shopping galleries.

Finding The Best Spyware Virus Remover For Your Needs

There is no doubt that the internet has changed our lives in many ways. Fortunately, most of those ways are positive, from faster approvals on loans and mortgages to instant access on even the most obscure subjects. With every new technological breakthrough, however, there will be those who seek to profit in a criminal manner, and this is certainly true of the internet. From investment scams to spyware, it pays to be cautious and to keep your valuable financial information secure and protected.

The importance of strong spyware protection
One of the most effective ways to keep your information and your computer secure is to buy a quality spyware virus remover for your PC. In fact, the spyware virus remover is quickly becoming just as valuable as anti virus software. Few computer owners would dream of surfing the web without having strong anti virus protection in place, and it is becoming just as important to have a good anti spyware program in place before heading to the internet.

Fortunately, computer owners have many products to choose from when it come time to purchase a spyware virus remover. Just about all of the major anti virus software manufacturers have incorporated some sort of spyware protection into their product line, either through including spyware detection in their anti virus products or by creating separate products to detect and remove spyware from computers.

In addition, there are a number of software companies that focus on creating spyware virus removal tools, and many of their products are excellent. Those who are in the market for such tools may want to head online, or read some of the many computer magazines in the newsstand. Reading a few reviews of spyware virus remover products will help you determine what to look for when you shop.

Seek the advice of experts
In addition, soliciting the advice of a tech savvy friend is often a smart strategy when it comes time to choose a good spyware removal tool. If you have a friend or family member who is into computers, why not ask him or her for advice. Ask what they use to protect their own computer from not only viruses but from spyware and other malicious software as well. In many cases, computer savvy users will have used several different spyware virus remover products, and they most likely have strong opinions on which ones are the best and most reliable.

In fact, many users find that running several different spyware detection and removal tools on the same computer is the best way to get adequate protection. It seems that some forms of spyware are detected by one product and not by others, and vice versa. Running two or more products often provides greater protection than a single product alone. And unlike two anti virus programs, which can often conflict with each other and cause problems, most spyware virus removers seem to be able to get along just fine.

Most manufacturers of spyware detection and removal tools provide users with a trial version of their software, making it easy to try out several different products easily and at no cost. The best way to proceed is to download a few different products and run them on your computer. See what problems they find and note which product is best at detecting problems. If you have been online for awhile without running a spyware detection tool, chances are your computer is infected, so this should be a good test.

After you have determined which product or combination of products works best, buying that product is usually as simple as providing a credit card number and receiving an activation code for the software. Then all you need to do is run that spyware virus remover on a regular basis to keep your computer clean and your valuable information safe from prying eyes.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Best Way To Remove A Trojan From Your System

Most people who have been using a computer for awhile, and many new computer users as well, are all too familiar with the concept of the computer virus. It seems that computer viruses have been around for as long as computers themselves, and every new technological advance seems to bring with it a new rash of computer security problems. One of the most persistent threats to computer users is the Trojan horse virus, and unfortunately it is not always easy to remove a Trojan once it has implanted itself on your PC.

Taking the first step
The first step toward removing a Trojan horse, of course, is to know it is there in the first place. Trojan horse viruses are notoriously tricky and they are often difficult to detect. That is but one more reason why it is so vital to keep your anti virus protection, firewall software and spyware detection tools up to date. New threats are constantly being unearthed, and as solutions are found they are posted to the various companies' web sites in the form of updates. Most computer protection products provide users with an easy way to get these automatic updates, and every computer owner should take the time to turn these automatic updates on.

Of course keeping the software updated is not enough to protect yourself and to remove a Trojan you may have. It is also important to schedule a daily scan of your entire computer, using your anti virus software and your spyware removal tools. These daily scans can help you quickly spot potential problems and eliminate them right away. If you do find a virus on your system, the maker of your software should be able to provide detailed instructions on the best way to remove the Trojan or email virus from your system. Different forms of virus have different removal procedures, and most anti virus software companies make the process easy by providing automated tools that are meant to remove the Trojan from everywhere it has implanted itself.

After the cure
Any time a Trojan horse or other type of virus is found, it is a good practice to reboot your computer after it has been cleaned. That is because some viruses, particularly so called back door Trojans, have the ability to hide out and start each time the PC is restarted. Running the scan again after rebooting is the best way to make sure that you have successfully removed the Trojan from your computer.

In order to prevent a recurrence, it is important to download any patches and updates to your operating system. Most computers are built months ahead of time, and by the time they are received and set up by the buyer than can be dangerously out of date. When connecting a new computer to the internet, it is important to update the anti virus software, and to download any updates to the operating system as quickly as possible. Doing so is the best defense against the malicious software that can lurk on the internet.

The Dangers Of The Trojan Virus

Everyone who has ever surfed the internet or used a computer should be concerned about the safety and security of not only their own computer but the data that flows through it. With so much personal data floating through cyberspace every day, it is vital for every computer owner to take steps to protect their personal information from the Trojan viruses, adware and spyware that roam the internet.

The growth of the threat
The sophistication level of the average Trojan virus has grown quite a bit just in the last few years. While the first Trojan viruses were crude attempts to infect computers, and relied on those users to click a link or open a file, many of today's more sophisticated viruses and Trojan horses can be activated simply by visiting a web page or viewing an email.

To make matters worse, it is all but impossible to completely avoid coming into contact with Trojan viruses, adware, spyware and other malicious software. This harmful software is everywhere, and the best thing computer users can do to protect themselves is to run strong anti virus protection on your computer.

Anti virus software is perhaps the most important software product you can run on your home computer, and no computer, whether used for business or home, should ever be allowed to connect to the internet until it has that strong anti virus protection in place. In addition, in order to be fully protected from the new Trojan viruses that show up every day, it is essential that the anti virus software be updated on a daily basis. In the past many security experts felt that weekly updates were sufficient, but today that is simply not adequate. Most anti virus software products provide the user with the ability to schedule automatic updates, preferably at a time when the computer is not in use.

The importance of anti virus protection
Good anti virus software is the main way to keep a Trojan virus at bay. Another excellent way is to install a personal firewall on your home computer. Software based firewalls are becoming less expensive and easier to use every day, and there are a number of excellent products on the market. Firewalls provide an extra layer of protection by blocking attempts to access your computer and by notifying you when your computer is trying to access the outside world. Most of the software based firewalls on the market today are quite easy to set up and easy to understand.

Many firewall products come bundled with other security products, like anti virus software and internet security software. Others are standalone products; the decision is up to each user whether to buy a standalone anti virus product and a standalone firewall or to buy a package that contains both products. As long as both products are good it is often more cost effective to buy them together. It is important to be sure that both products are capable of blocking all the Trojan viruses, spyware products, etc., that prey on internet users. Reading reviews of several products online or in your favorite computer magazine should give you a good idea of what to look for in both types of products. After you have your protection and security up and running, you will be able to surf the web knowing that your valuable personal information is well protected.

Keeping Yourself Safe From An Email Virus

While it was once the good old floppy disk that was responsible for most computer virus infections, today it is email that is most often the source. When floppy disks were the problem, the solution was often as simple as sealing the floppy drive on office computers, but unfortunately such low tech solutions are no longer the answer. With just about everyone using email these days, it is up to every computer user to take steps to protect themselves and their valuable information from harm.

Fortunately, there are a number of concrete steps every computer user can take to avoid the dreaded email virus. These steps include:

> Run strong anti virus protection on your computer. This point simply cannot be stressed enough. It is absolutely vital for every computer connected to the internet to run a quality anti virus software package that is updated at least once a day. The anti virus software should be set to download updates at least on a daily basis, and the computer owner should be notified in the event the update fails. Quality anti virus protection is the backbone of protection against all viruses, including email viruses.

> If you use a public email account like Yahoo, Hotmail or Google, be sure to research how the company responds to email virus threats. Most email companies do a good job at detecting and blocking viruses, but it is important to evaluate the company's security practices before signing up for service.

> Never click a link in an email unless you are 100% certain that it is from a legitimate source. Links in spam email are a prime source of email viruses, and all spam emails should be promptly deleted and removed from the trash folder. Even if you think you recognize the source, remember that the email could be an phishing expedition. Phishing occurs when an individual sends a legitimate looking email appearing to be from a bank, from eBay or a similar source. The link embedded in the email appears to open a legitimate site, but in fact, the site is owned by a scam artist determined to steal personal information like passwords and account numbers. The best practice is to go directly to the web site of the bank or other business, and not to click the link in the email.

> If you do not recognize the return address of the email sender, delete the email. If you are not expecting the email, chances are it is a spam email, and spam emails often contain email viruses, spyware and other malicious code. Spam writers are getting more and more clever with their subject lines, and some of them even make the emails appear to come from someone you know. If you cannot authenticate the email, the best practice is to delete it.

> If you suspect that you have acquired an email virus, immediately run a virus scan and spyware scan on your entire computer. It is important to find any infection quickly, before it can do any damage. By running your anti virus program and spyware removal tool promptly, you will be able to protect yourself and remove the infection right away. After the infection has been removed, it is a good idea to reboot your computer and run a second scan. That is because some email viruses set themselves to start when your computer does. If you have gotten one of these self starting email viruses, you may need to run the scan again to make sure it has truly been removed from all locations.

The Importance Of Child Internet Protection

Child Internet protection is the responsibility of every parent, and it is vital for every parent to keep abreast of the every changing threats faced by children as they navigate the Internet.

Perhaps the most important piece of software in the world of child Internet protection is the Internet filter. These Internet filters work by blocking access to web sites deemed to have content that may be inappropriate for children. When purchasing such filtering software, it is essential to make sure that the product can be fully customized. It is important to be able to customize the software not only for the age of the child, but to selectively allow or block access to various web sites.

The importance of flexibility
For instance, sometimes the web filtering software will block access to legitimate sites, like sites dealing with breast cancer, in an attempt to block sexually explicit materials. It is important that the software be flexible enough to allow access to legitimate sites will still blocking inappropriate sites.

In addition to blocking inappropriate and adult oriented web sites, however, there are a number of other child Internet protection considerations. One of the biggest threats faced by children on the Internet comes from the various chat rooms that populate the Internet. While child friendly chat rooms and web sites can be a great way for children to explore the wider world, they are also unfortunately a gathering place for pedophiles and other criminals. It is vital for all parents to keep track of what their children are doing online, and to talk to them about what is and is not appropriate on the Internet.

There are a number of excellent products that allow parents to keep tabs on where their children go online. Some of these products keep a log of all web sites the child visits each day, and emails the parent a list of those sites. Other monitoring software goes even further to protect the child on the internet, by recording transcripts of all instant messaging and chat room communication as well.

Which products are best?
Which products is the best form of child Internet protection varies somewhat with the age of the child and the concerns of the parent. Parents who are concerned about inappropriate Internet activity on the part of their children should first discuss the issue honestly and openly. Sometimes an open and honest dialogue, especially with an older child or teenager, is the best way to get the desired results. A child who is comfortable enough to come to their parent with any concern will be less at risk than a child who fears the repercussion of such a discussion.

It is also a good idea to keep the family computer in an open location, and not in the child's bedroom. Just as it is difficult to monitor what television programs children watch on their bedroom TVs, so it is very hard to tell where they are surfing on the PC in their room. Keeping the PC in the living room or other common area where all family members can see it when they pass by will help eliminate the temptation for children to use the Internet inappropriately.

It is not easy to protect children on the Internet, but this child Internet protection is now an integral part of every parent's job. It takes a combination of technological savvy, common sense and open communication to keep kids safe from the bad stuff that lurks online.

How to Handle Illegal Interview Questions

By Todd Anten
Interviews are already stressful enough. Between promoting your skills, showing enthusiasm and laughing at the interviewer's bad jokes, you have plenty to concentrate on.

But when you suspect you've been asked an illegal interview question, stress levels can shoot even higher.

Fortunately, if you know in advance what kind of illegal questions are most apt to sneak into an interview, you can diffuse the situation immediately and move on to more important tasks -- like landing that job.

Three Ways to Answer Illegal Interview Questions

Most interviewers are not out to discriminate against job applicants. Many of the illegal questions that interviewers ask are unintentional -- in fact, if you tactfully point out the question is illegal, the interviewer will likely realize his or her gaffe and immediately retract the question.
The challenge for you is to figure out what to say while you're sitting in that chair, faced with an illegal question. You have three basic options:

Just answer the question. If you don't mind providing the information and you don't want to make waves, you can respond to the question and move on to the next one. Keep in mind, however, that you should only answer the question if you truly are comfortable providing the information -- it could come back to haunt you.

Refuse to answer the question. Inform the interviewer that the question doesn't seem to be legal or relevant to the specific requirements of the job. Be forewarned, though, that such a direct response should really be saved for questions that are offensive or deeply troubling.

Don't answer the question, but answer the intent behind the question. This is usually the best option, since it allows you to provide a tactful answer without sacrificing your rights. To answer the intent behind the question, try to figure out what the interviewer REALLY wants to know. For example, if the interviewer asks if you are a U.S. citizen (which is an illegal question), a smart answer would be, "If you mean to ask if I am legally authorized to work for you, the answer is yes." In cases like these, it's best to rephrase the question into a legal one and then answer it. This displays flexibility and composure -- strong job skills.

An Age-Old Question

Recent reports say that workers are planning to hold jobs well into their senior years. Many even plan to hold off retirement until their 70s or 80s in order to continue bringing in paychecks.

Unfortunately, this has resulted in an increase in complaints from older workers of age discrimination in the workplace, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

The good news is that interviewers are not allowed to ask you your age during an interview. With some rare exceptions, the only age- related question they can ask is if you're over the age of 18.

One thing to keep in mind: The EEOC's Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 only protects workers who are 40 years old and older from age discrimination and in workplaces with 20 or more employees. However, some local governments have laws that also enforce age discrimination rules for younger applicants and smaller workplaces.

Married ... With Children?

Women make up nearly half of the U.S. workforce, according to the Department of Labor. And as their numbers grow, so do the potential pitfalls they may face during an interview, especially when asked about marriage, children and pregnancy.

While illegal interview questions surrounding relationships, marriage and children are generally more problematic for female job candidates, protection from discrimination applies equally to male candidates.

Basically, you should be suspicious if you are asked any questions about your marital status, your family status, your future plans for children or your child care accommodations.

So what can employers ask? Questions that deal directly with the job requirements (e.g., "Are you willing to relocate?").

Yes, many proud parents enjoy telling stories about their children, and there may be a temptation to trade toddler stories with a friendly interviewer who has a family picture on his or her desk. But to avoid potential problems, err on the side of silence.

A Race for a Job

A recruiter friend of mine told me a story of how she accidentally asked someone an illegal interview question.

"Oh, you have such an interesting name! What does it mean?" she asked a candidate with a beautiful name that was obviously of non-English origin.

Fortunately, my colleague caught herself and told the candidate that she didn't have to answer the question. But it does show how subtly the issues of race, ethnicity and religion might sneak into an interview.

For instance, according to Nolo.com, interviewers are not allowed to ask if you are a U.S. citizen or ask where you were born. However, they can ask if you are legally authorized to work in the United States on a full-time basis.

So if you are asked about your race, color, religion or national origin, be aware -- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from making employment decisions based on such factors.

Somebody Call the EEOC!

Discrimination is an ugly word, but you can't deny that it does occasionally happen. If you are certain that an interviewer asked you an illegal interview question with the intent of using your answer as a basis for a hiring decision, it's time to talk to the pros.

The EEOC is the government agency in charge of handling complaints of workplace discrimination.

While laws can vary from state to state, the EEOC recommends that you file a charge of discrimination if you feel you have been discriminated against on the basis of any of the categories below:

National origin

To file a charge, contact your local EEOC office. To find your local branch, go to the EEOC "Filing a Charge" Web page here:


Keep in mind that there are time limits by which you must file a complaint. For more information on these limits, contact your local EEOC branch.

Alternatively, find a lawyer and have them help you with your complaints.

While illegal questions do add an extra level of stress to an interview, remember that as long as you are aware of what's fair game and what isn't, you'll be one step ahead.

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How to Get Answers to 5 Key Questions Before Taking a Job

By Margaret Steen
Three times during his career, Leslie G. Griffen has asked a prospective employer whether he can walk around the company and talk with employees about how they like their jobs. Twice the employers gave him the go-ahead, which told Griffen they were confident their employees were happy. One employer balked - a sign that this was not a good match.

"Most companies will talk the talk. They'll talk about how important employees are," says Griffen, who is now principal of The Griffen Group, which provides human resources and career coaching and consulting services, in Lee's Summit, Mo. How an employer responds to this request is almost as telling as the answers employees give. "If they pull back in their chair and say, 'You want what?' it's probably an indication that they might not be being straight up with you."

When you're considering taking a new job, it's important to find out how a potential employer treats employees. But getting the answer to that question, along with others that will help you determine if you'll be happy at the company, may take some sleuthing. Here are five questions that will help you decide if the company is a fit - and some unconventional ways to find the answers:

What makes employees join this company and stay here? You can always ask your potential manager this question in an interview. But if you ask the employees you see while walking around the premises, as Griffen did, you'll get a wider variety of answers - and possibly more honest ones.

How are people treated here? You may not even need to ask anyone this - just observe carefully from the time you set foot in the building. When you arrive for your interview, are you kept waiting with no explanation? Does the interviewer interrupt your conversation to take phone calls? "Try to come at different times if you have multiple interviews," advises Gail Ginder, a leadership coach with the Claros Group in Healdsburg, Calif. That way you'll see if the mood around the building changes with the time of day.

What are the unspoken rules? For this and other questions that are best asked of employees, you have two options. One is to use your network to find employees who work at the company but aren't involved in hiring you. The other is to ask your interviewer - but only when it's clear that the interviewer has decided you're the best candidate and is trying to get you to sign on. "When they've decided you're the one, you can ask pretty much anything as long as you ask it well," Ginder says.

What happens when people make mistakes? The answer to this will give you insight into the company's management and culture. You can ask it of an interviewer late in the interview process, or ask employees who aren't involved in hiring. The key is to pose the question without sounding like someone who is planning to make a lot of mistakes. Use humor, Ginder advises. "Say, 'If I were lucky enough to be offered this job, I would never want to make a mistake. But what happens here when people make a mistake?'"

What is a typical week like? The answer to this question can give insight into everything from how long the workdays are to how many after-hours phone calls you can expect. Vic Snyder, senior career counselor at the University of Washington's Center for Career Services in Seattle, suggests that in informal conversations with employees, you pair this question with one about how often employees take their full vacations.

Understanding Your Virus Protection Options

If there is one subject that every computer user, no matter what their level of technical expertise, needs to be aware of, it is how to protect their computer from the damage a virus can bring. As computers become more and more integral to our lives, the importance of virus protection will only grow.

The fact is that every computer is vulnerable to viruses, from the smallest home computer to the largest business computer network. If you use a computer you need virus protection - it is that simple. Unfortunately, many people fail to take this important security step, and that means that there are probably hundreds of thousands of computers running with no virus protection whatsoever.

Know your options
Even many computer users who do use virus protection fail to keep that protection up to date like they should, and that leaves those computers at risk as well. That is because writers of viruses and malicious code are constantly honing their skills, trying to stay one step ahead of the anti-virus software protection. There are hundreds if not thousands of new viruses written every single month, so it is easy to see why keeping your virus protection up to date is so important.

There are quite a wide variety of choices when it comes to virus protection. In addition to the large companies like Symantec, McAfee and Computer Associates there are a number of smaller players as well, offering virus protection at a range of different prices. Some virus protection companies require the purchase of the product plus a yearly subscription fee for updates, while others include unlimited updates in the purchase price. It is important to determine the update policy before purchasing a virus protection product.

Why not buy a security bundle?
In addition, some virus protection comes bundled in with other security products, like spyware detection tools and firewall products. These bundled products can be an excellent way to get a lot of protection from one convenient source, but it is important to examine the offerings and make sure they meet your needs. It is also important to find out how the products are updated, and if there are any costs involved.

No matter what type of virus software you decide to use, keeping it updated is absolutely essential. Computer security experts recommend updating anti-virus software no less than once a week, and many feel that it is best to update the software on a daily basis. Most anti-virus software manufacturers provide the option to schedule an update time, and many users prefer to schedule the virus signature updates for the middle of the night, when the computer is not in use. In this case, the computer simply dials out (if using a modem) and picks up the updated virus protection. If the computer uses a high speed connection it is constantly connected to the internet, making the update even easier. If the update fails for any reason, the user can be notified of the problem so that it can be fixed as soon as possible.

Anyone hooking up a new computer should be sure to install virus protection before connecting the PC to the internet. It is essential that a new out of the box computer be protected before it goes online, since malicious software is always out there, trolling the internet for computers to victimize. The first thing you should do when connecting a new PC to the internet is download the latest virus protection. Only after that protection is in place will you be able to surf the web in safety.

What To Look For In Firewall Protection

While there are many ways to protect yourself and your computer on the internet, from anti virus protection software and adware detectors to internet filtering software and child protection software, perhaps none is more important than a strong level of firewall protection. Where firewalls for the home user were once virtually unknown, today firewall protection is in such demand that Microsoft built it into the Windows XP operating system.

Of course not all firewall protection is the same, and it is important to know what to look for as you shop for a home based firewall solution. It is important, for instance, that a firewall provide two way firewall protection. That means that traffic coming into your computer is scrutinized, as is traffic going out of your computer. While the firewall that ships as part of Windows XP is not bad, it lacks this two way protection.

Should I choose a hardware or software based firewall protection product?
This may be the first question the home internet user will have to ask, and it may also be one of the easiest to answer. In many cases, a piece of hardware like a wireless router will have a hardware based firewall built into it. If you do buy a router that includes a firewall, you will need to determine if the firewall protection provided is adequate for your needs. If not, you may want to add an additional software based firewall as an extra layer of protection.

In most cases, the typical home internet user will not need a standalone hardware based firewall. Hardware based firewalls tend to be more expensive, and more difficult to configure, than software based firewall protection. In addition, updates to hardware based firewalls are more difficult. Hardware firewalls are still mainly used in business situations.

Software based firewall protection, on the other hand, tends to be less expensive, easier to configure and easier to update. For this reason, most home users will opt for a software based firewall protection plan.

Standalone product or security suite?
The next question to ask yourself is whether you should buy a firewall protection product as a separate purchase or buy an internet security suite that includes a firewall as part of the package. The answer to this question will depend on your own needs for the other products that make up and suite, as well as your personal preference.

For instance, those who already have an anti virus solution they like may be less inclined to buy a security suite that includes anti virus protection in addition to the firewall they need. For those starting from scratch without virus protection, however, the integrated set of products may be a more attractive and more cost effective option.

No matter what type of firewall protection you decide to implement, however, the most important decision is to get started. It has been said that putting a computer on the internet without firewall protection in place is akin to leaving the keys in your ignition and the doors unlocked. While that may be a bit of an exaggeration, it is true that not having firewall protection puts your computer, and the valuable personal data it contains, at significant risk.