Monday, July 16, 2007

Understanding Your Virus Protection Options

If there is one subject that every computer user, no matter what their level of technical expertise, needs to be aware of, it is how to protect their computer from the damage a virus can bring. As computers become more and more integral to our lives, the importance of virus protection will only grow.

The fact is that every computer is vulnerable to viruses, from the smallest home computer to the largest business computer network. If you use a computer you need virus protection - it is that simple. Unfortunately, many people fail to take this important security step, and that means that there are probably hundreds of thousands of computers running with no virus protection whatsoever.

Know your options
Even many computer users who do use virus protection fail to keep that protection up to date like they should, and that leaves those computers at risk as well. That is because writers of viruses and malicious code are constantly honing their skills, trying to stay one step ahead of the anti-virus software protection. There are hundreds if not thousands of new viruses written every single month, so it is easy to see why keeping your virus protection up to date is so important.

There are quite a wide variety of choices when it comes to virus protection. In addition to the large companies like Symantec, McAfee and Computer Associates there are a number of smaller players as well, offering virus protection at a range of different prices. Some virus protection companies require the purchase of the product plus a yearly subscription fee for updates, while others include unlimited updates in the purchase price. It is important to determine the update policy before purchasing a virus protection product.

Why not buy a security bundle?
In addition, some virus protection comes bundled in with other security products, like spyware detection tools and firewall products. These bundled products can be an excellent way to get a lot of protection from one convenient source, but it is important to examine the offerings and make sure they meet your needs. It is also important to find out how the products are updated, and if there are any costs involved.

No matter what type of virus software you decide to use, keeping it updated is absolutely essential. Computer security experts recommend updating anti-virus software no less than once a week, and many feel that it is best to update the software on a daily basis. Most anti-virus software manufacturers provide the option to schedule an update time, and many users prefer to schedule the virus signature updates for the middle of the night, when the computer is not in use. In this case, the computer simply dials out (if using a modem) and picks up the updated virus protection. If the computer uses a high speed connection it is constantly connected to the internet, making the update even easier. If the update fails for any reason, the user can be notified of the problem so that it can be fixed as soon as possible.

Anyone hooking up a new computer should be sure to install virus protection before connecting the PC to the internet. It is essential that a new out of the box computer be protected before it goes online, since malicious software is always out there, trolling the internet for computers to victimize. The first thing you should do when connecting a new PC to the internet is download the latest virus protection. Only after that protection is in place will you be able to surf the web in safety.

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