Monday, July 16, 2007

Finding The Best Anti Virus Software

The importance of a good anti virus software product has never been more important than it is today. Today's computer user faces a never-ending list of threats, from viruses and Trojans to phishing scams and spyware. It is vital for every computer user, from the most casual home user to the most serious business user, to have anti virus software in place before the computer ever gets near the Internet.

When evaluating the need for strong anti virus software protection, it is important to know that bored hackers and teenage whiz kids do not write not all viruses and other malicious software programs. Today's viruses and Trojans are as likely to be written by organized criminal gangs, whose purpose is to steal vital personal information like passwords, account numbers and even Social Security numbers. Indeed, many criminal gangs have turned to computer crime as a high profit, low risk enterprise, and anti virus software companies have to constantly stay ahead of their activities.

The importance of staying up to date
That is why it is so important to look at how often the anti virus software is updated. An anti virus software package that is updated only once a month is virtually worthless, and weekly updates can be almost as useless. It is important that the anti virus protection you choose be updated on a daily basis, and that you download those updates on a daily basis as well. A few years ago, most computer security experts felt that downloading updates to anti virus software on a weekly basis provided adequate protection, but most agree that this is no longer the case.

Fortunately, most software companies make it quite easy for users to keep their anti virus software up to date automatically. Most software can be configured to download the updates in the middle of the night, when the computer is not in use. In the case of a modem connection, the computer can be set to dial the software company and download the update each night. If the computer has a high-speed Internet connection, it can simply connect to the software vendor's web site at the prescribed time and download the update.

Protect yourself before going online
No matter what type of anti virus software product you choose, however, it is important that the product be installed and ready for use before the computer is connected to the Internet for the first time. That is because malicious software products and viruses are constantly scouring the web for new computers, and a computer without proper virus protection is quite an easy target. It is important that the anti virus software is installed before the computer is online, and that it be updated as quickly as possible after the connection is made. Running quality anti virus software, and keeping it constantly up to date, is the best way to make your computing experience safe and trouble free. It is up to every computer user to protect him or herself from the malicious side of the Internet.

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