Monday, July 16, 2007

The Importance Of Child Internet Protection

Child Internet protection is the responsibility of every parent, and it is vital for every parent to keep abreast of the every changing threats faced by children as they navigate the Internet.

Perhaps the most important piece of software in the world of child Internet protection is the Internet filter. These Internet filters work by blocking access to web sites deemed to have content that may be inappropriate for children. When purchasing such filtering software, it is essential to make sure that the product can be fully customized. It is important to be able to customize the software not only for the age of the child, but to selectively allow or block access to various web sites.

The importance of flexibility
For instance, sometimes the web filtering software will block access to legitimate sites, like sites dealing with breast cancer, in an attempt to block sexually explicit materials. It is important that the software be flexible enough to allow access to legitimate sites will still blocking inappropriate sites.

In addition to blocking inappropriate and adult oriented web sites, however, there are a number of other child Internet protection considerations. One of the biggest threats faced by children on the Internet comes from the various chat rooms that populate the Internet. While child friendly chat rooms and web sites can be a great way for children to explore the wider world, they are also unfortunately a gathering place for pedophiles and other criminals. It is vital for all parents to keep track of what their children are doing online, and to talk to them about what is and is not appropriate on the Internet.

There are a number of excellent products that allow parents to keep tabs on where their children go online. Some of these products keep a log of all web sites the child visits each day, and emails the parent a list of those sites. Other monitoring software goes even further to protect the child on the internet, by recording transcripts of all instant messaging and chat room communication as well.

Which products are best?
Which products is the best form of child Internet protection varies somewhat with the age of the child and the concerns of the parent. Parents who are concerned about inappropriate Internet activity on the part of their children should first discuss the issue honestly and openly. Sometimes an open and honest dialogue, especially with an older child or teenager, is the best way to get the desired results. A child who is comfortable enough to come to their parent with any concern will be less at risk than a child who fears the repercussion of such a discussion.

It is also a good idea to keep the family computer in an open location, and not in the child's bedroom. Just as it is difficult to monitor what television programs children watch on their bedroom TVs, so it is very hard to tell where they are surfing on the PC in their room. Keeping the PC in the living room or other common area where all family members can see it when they pass by will help eliminate the temptation for children to use the Internet inappropriately.

It is not easy to protect children on the Internet, but this child Internet protection is now an integral part of every parent's job. It takes a combination of technological savvy, common sense and open communication to keep kids safe from the bad stuff that lurks online.

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