Thursday, January 31, 2008

7 Reasons Why Newsletters Get Good Real Estate Leads

Newsletters are publications issued by a specific real estate firm or real estate association geared towards a specific readership population, of a certain State, buyer preference or for the general real estate consumer. Such publications contain various information about the industry and its related fields, as well as about new products and services that the specific firm or association is promoting. Here are the top seven reasons why you should use the real estate newsletter to find good real estate leads.

1. Free Information

Newsletters are free. For that reason alone, active real estate buyers and investors should be on the mailing list of major real estate firms and associations. Most newsletters will definitely have sections on "free tips" in the intent of firms to show that they have a genuine concern to help consumers and in a way, demonstrate their company’s expertise in the field. Such free articles are also a way to attract readers, and get them hooked to read on to the sales pitches, which is the primary intent of issuing the newsletter. Nevertheless, anything that is free and informative at the same time should always be the searcher’s first stop.

2. Credibility

In general, newsletters have more credibility than the usual ads. The real estate firms that publish newsletters use it as a venue to establish their company’s leadership and authority in the profession. Thus, they most likely will publish reliable, well-researched and relevant market information, geared towards the benefit of the consumer, in order to maintain their credibility. Get historical real estate market trends, sound predictions and reliable leads through information in the newsletters.

3. In-depth Information

Real estate newsletter articles provide more in-depth information than real estate ads. The intent of real estate newsletters is to have a venue to better educate consumers about real estate details that are not covered in advertisements like construction quality assessment, safety, after move-in support, etc. Having such information will allow you to look into more details about the property that you intend to buy.

4. Financial Information

Aside from real estate leads, newsletters also provide other information that are related to the industry. Financial information such as mortgage rates, mortgage calculators and bank or lending institutions contact information are among the additional information that you can get from a newsletter. Occasionally, real estate newsletters will publish full-length articles on financial information such as “How To Compute Amortization” or “The Benefits of Refinancing.” Watch out for those articles and make sure to clip them for future use, unless you are into the habit of compiling the newsletter itself.

5. Locations

Aside from financial information, real estate newsletters also feature full-length articles and facts on hottest real estate locations as well as uncharted lands that have yet to join the boom. Depending on the profile of the property you intend to buy, such information will be beneficial for your search.

6. Seminars And Viewings

Information on real estate seminars and property viewings are also in newsletters. As a buyer, this is your opportunity to have first-hand experience on the property or the real estate firm without any financial commitment from your end. Most seminars and viewings are free, transportation and meals included and at times, discounts are handed out for the select who signed up. Now that’s one opportunity you should not pass up!

7. Testimonials

Testimonials are an essential part of real estate newsletters. Use such actual consumer experience to understand the capabilities and extent of service of the real estate firm. If, based on the published first-hand experience by actual customers, their profile or the rundown of their properties fit the portfolio of service you are looking for, then the company should be able to support you and give you good leads.

Modern day newsletters are already issued electronically; the e-newsletter, sent via e-mail or downloaded from the publication’s website, but offers the same useful real estate information without the hassle of piling paper. Whatever form you prefer, real estate newsletters are definitely promotional materials, but are of the informative kind. As a consumer, you should take advantage of all the available information, which can help you in the search for real estate leads.

Making Bio Diesel

By : Daniel Roshard

Bio diesel is not a new concept it has been around for quite some time, it is largely the idea of using oils such as vegetable oil and canola to power a diesel vehicle. This is not really a strange concept since the first diesel engine was not made to run on our modern day fossil fuels, but instead was run on peanut oil.

Diesel motors do not require the same refined process that is used with modern cars, this in mind diesel engines are not designed for smooth high powered running either, they are more like the draft horse of engines, and will generally last a lot longer than a normal car motor.

Many people who make bio diesel themselves use either used cooking oils or grow crops of canola, and crush it to get oil. Ideally if you have the acreage to grow a crop of canola this is the best method as you are getting clean oil to begin making bio diesel so no time will be wanted in the process of cleaning it. Although used oil from fish and chip shops is just as effective provided that you clean and drain it properly the end result is just as good.

There are many different methods available for making Bio Diesel, A simple one that I have found uses the following ingredients: used cooking oil, Methanol, Sodium Hydroxide. Please note that this procedure is risky and I do not recommend making biodiesel without further research of the process, these are just general guidelines of the making process, if you wish to actually make your own bio diesel please consult expert companies or professionals.

Note that the oil must be heated and drained twice to ensure that you have got all of the muck out of it, if you don't take the time to do this you will block up your fuel filters. It is advisable to begin with a test batch of bio diesel, this is easily done by using kitchen scales and a blender, with a ratio of 6 grams of sodium Methoxide to 1 liter of cooking oil. This measurement is only a guide that is why you do a test batch, to find out the exact calculation that will be required to make a larger batch.

Heat the oil, add the Methoxide solution and mix this in the blender, and let the mixture stand to settle. If the test batch is successful you will see that the glycerin has sunk to the bottom of the mix once settled, Glycerine looks black, and sinks to the bottom of the blender, but the bio diesel will be an amberish color and will float to the top. This means you have separated the mixture and changed the molecular structure of the oil, it can never revert back to its original status again.

Once you have your calculations correct you can start mixing bigger batches, You will then need to make up a plant for handling larger amounts of oil. There are blue prints of designs all over the internet, they vary in design, just as much as the recipe for bio diesel does! Find one that you feel is easy to make and understand.

On a final note, be sure that you always test the oil first as once you have began the process you cant change your formula. So take care to make sure that all of your calculations are correct before trying to make larger batches. When working with Methanol and Sodium Hydroxide be very careful to take safety precautions to protect yourself from burns, or injury.

The Future of Alternative Energy for Cars

By : Mike Batta

During the old hot rodding days,oil was king. It was also only about 25 cents a gallon, and everyone thought there was an endless supply. Then we were hit with the oil shock of the seventies, and we realized that there was not an endless supply of oil (only of lines at the gas tanks) and we had to change our ways. Big, gas guzzling cars had to give way to economy models,and many of the traditional car companies suffered. But continued hish oil usage still threatens the supply.

This fact has forced the world to look at alternative sources of energy to fuel our vehicles. What knd of alternatives are suitable to running cars? Let's have a look at the facts.

There are many forms of alternative energy, primarily from the forces of the earth: water (tidal or hydroelectric), air,waste (biomass), the sun and the earth itself. But currently, we only meet 10% of our energy needs through these alternative natural sources. Coal, gas and nuclear fuel supplies 88% of our needs, and oil 2% For vehicles, however, oil is by far the biggest source of power. Diesel and gas oils powers most of the cars, trucks and SuVs on the roads today. Biodiesel fuel such as vegetable oil, methanol and ethanol are starting to be used in some buses. Using the same logic, we should be able to make our cars into mini-windmills or mini solar panels. But this use is limited and we nee to find a longer-range solution.

What does the future hold?

Using alternative energy directly in cars is not practical. What' the solution, if not windmills and solar panels? Hydogen as a source of fuel for vehicles has proven to be the most viable. Many hydrogen powerd vehicles exist today, and more are being developed.

How do we involve alternative energy more in our lives? Hydrogen as a source of power is extracted form a number of different natural resources, such as water, biomass, coal and methane. The best source is water and many cars today are being run on fuel cells that extract hydrogen from water.

There are many processes to extract hydrogen molecules. But, in general, all of these processes require electricity tofunction. As the world's population grows, the demand for power and energy grows with it. That will help the popularity of hydrogen power, but this type of alternative power will eventually be replaced by other, more efficient types of alternative energy.

So the quest for other, better energy sources for our vehicles will continue. We may see the day when an extremely powerful solar cell or roof mounted turbine will power a car for miles.

For now, the present problem of finding alternative energy solutions to power our vehicles continues. The task is large, but it is certainly is achievable.

Portable Playstation At Your Own Hands

Having a portable Play station of your very own is a very pleasant thing to have. Just think of this... you will be able to move it as easy as you can without any of the hustle and bustle of carrying heavy electronic devices.

As far as portable Play station is concerned, it is a well-accepted pastime for both grown person and children. All boundaries recognize that PSP (Portable Play Station) is also available as a part of the well-sold video games machines.

It was on the later part of July 2005 when Sony Corporation learned how to deal with the fast approaching competition against video games rivalry. Because of this, they had introduced a more earthenware white portable play station. In fact, a follow up release of this happened. During September 15, 2005, Sony Incorporated made another launching in South Korea.

What is it about the games in PSP?

The PSP are equipped by for playing games rather than having a multimedia outcome. PSP has a two shoulder push buttons. You can use it in starting the games inside the play station.

A descending plane panel is the one to use in this new games but not the old and habitual way of using the analog stick. Through this, you be able to control the games and buttons. You can also be able to use the panel in getting the analog input and a four directional pad.

The graphics and potential of the PSP lies somewhere among those of the original Play station and Play station 2, but PSP are portable and easy to carry around with. At the same, most of the available games are less difficult than games presented in the PS2.

The graphics nevertheless, have a propensity to be a great deal nearer in features to PS2 compared to the features in PS1.

This is provably the great component that the PSP because of the fact that it has a small range of monitor, joint with information that unlike PS1 has the PSP graphics can be able to execute a texture filtering.

How powerful is PSP?

In terms of powers PSP use a battery for power and endurance. Aside from the fact that it is rechargeable, it also offers that will you are using it, the battery continuously charges. PSP battery has a manual variety of system.

The life of the battery will surely depend on how brilliant and colorful the game is. It also depends on how long you will use the PSP. On the other hand, the volume level can also affect the battery.

On some points if you happen to choose, the game, which consumes more in the energy of battery of course you, will easily be drained. To be precise having more complicated games will completely use the power of your battery. Simple and uncomplicated games do not consume as much as the complicated games.

Now, several companies are now proposing to have a much powerful type of battery. These are similar to the cheap but long life batteries we hade in our cell phones.

However, some critics find it hard to deal with the PSP systems. Critics usually say that they perceived that PSP are lacking of quality games. They were condemned as high-priced machines compare to the old versions.

However due to the loyalist and devoted players, PSP still run in video game business world. The industry formulated it to produce more versions of PSP.

Types of Vehicle Fuels

By : Mitch Johnson

Are you aware of the different types of alternate fuels, which can run your car? Check the names of the different fuels for your car.

With the high demands for gas, the prices of gas are rising very week. So to keep a good track of the current price you can use a software to keep you updated about the latest market prices in the country. These are the advice, tips and information that we provides to help you save your gas money. It all depend now on you how you use them for your benefits and starts saving your money.

Here is a listing of the types of alternate fuels that are available depending on what type of vehicle that you drive. Researching these different fuel types might give you the incentive to drive a vehicle that uses a lower priced fuel so that you can save money on your transportation costs.

- Biodiesel
- Ethanol
- Battery-electric and hybrid vehicles
- Fuel cells and hydrogen
- Natural gas
- Propane

Current gas prices at time of December 8th, 2004. You can purchase software that will give you a daily reading of what the price of gas is in the area in which you live.

Much emphasis has been placed on finding the lowest prices of gas in your local area. When you pay attention to how much you are paying for your gasoline instead of just stopping at the first convenient gas station you can be assured that you are taking some control for saving money at the gas pump.

Keep a log of gas prices for a few weeks and you may find that you see a pattern emerging. Many gas stations raise the cost of gas on weekends when people are traveling or when they are home with their families and making more trips on a per day basis.

If you see this pattern emerging in the cost of gas prices you will be able to take advantage of the lower prices that gas stations have during the week. Make sure that you purchase your gas before the weekend so that you can avoid those high costs.

Make sure that you check out the website for current information of daily gas prices . Prices are in US dollars per gallon.

After reading through this article you should have all the advice, tips, and information that you need to start saving money at the gas pumps today.

Start by slowly implementing one or two of the money saving tips and before long you will start to see a sizeable difference in the amount of money that you spend each week buying gas for your vehicle. By the end of one year you will have saved yourself from USD 100 to USD 500 just by following the suggestions in this article.

Keep track of all your auto expenses in safe place so that you can have access to any information that you need in a single moment. This will come in handy if you are trying to determine how much you are spending in fuel costs or when the last time it was that you had your car serviced.

Saving money at the gas pumps is as easy as making a few simple changes in your life and your driving habits. All this money is yours after reading this article.

You don't need to make big changes all at once but if you try to adopt as many of the tips and suggestions listed in this article you will be able to spend your saved money elsewhere next year.

You can always have an alternative fuel when you run out of gas. This depends on what kinds fuel can be alternatively used in your car.

Keep yourself updated about the current prices and make your bulk gas purchase accordingly. This will help you cut your fuel cost drastically.

Top PC Hardware Accessories to Boost your Gaming Performance

Admit it; your home computer isn't just about work, paying bills, and emailing out resumes, is it? You sneak off from time to time to play the newest computer games, and that is certainly okay. So you probably also know that sometimes you just need certain accessories to fully enjoy the gaming experience. That is especially true with games like flight simulators that are a lot more enjoyable if you have joystick or sports games that are easier with a game pad. In that spirit, here are five hardware accessories that will boost your performance.

First of all, you are probably going to want a joystick. If you are going to do it, though, you might as well go all out and not cheat yourself. Some of the best have as many as 8 programmable buttons on them, and usually include gaming extensions software to allow you to program the joystick to whatever game you are playing at any given time. Look for something that allows you to adjust head tilt, palm rest, and all of the other movable parts for your comfort. Look for something that hooks up easy, like via USB and that can be used on whatever type of computer you have.

Second, make sure you have a good mouse. A good wireless optical mouse is best for your gaming needs. An optical mouse determines motion by imaging the surface it is gliding on over and over again. It then compares the successive frames to determine motion. This will give you a much quicker advantage over competitors when playing games on the internet. Try to find something that connects via USB. The one thing to be aware of with optical wireless mice, though, is that they run on batteries that tend to die fast. So, think about rechargeable batteries with your mouse.

Third, you will need a game pad, especially if you play console games. Many are set up just like the ones for home game systems. Find one with a comfortable grip, so if you have a long gaming session you won't find yourself with tired hands. Most will be easy to install and will connect through your USB connection. Try several out in the stores to make sure it is one with which you will be comfortable and will be able to use effectively.

The fourth must have hardware accessory for your gaming needs is a 3-piece computer speaker set. You don't need the fanciest set in the world, but a set of two speakers and sub woofer will have excellent quality for you. Look for a set where you will simply need to set the speakers up on your computer desk, put the subwoofer under the desk, and start gaming. Good speakers like this will enhance your gaming experience by bringing the sounds and effects of the game right to you. Along with your speakers you may consider headphones. Headphones will let you escape to another world and allow you to play late at night without waking up the entire household. Find some that fit you comfortably and that will not distort sound if turned to a moderate volume and you will find your gaming experience enhanced and perhaps improved.

Fifth, every gamer worth his salt knows that the best way to fully enjoy gaming is with lots and lots of random access memory (RAM). If you enjoy graphic intense games (and who doesn't?) then you know that they are resource hogs. The more RAM you have the better your games will be. In fact, if you notice some of the games you are playing now seem to be slowing down, RAM will very likely help. Most of the time, RAM can be increased via a simple hardware piece you plug into your motherboard. However, consult your computer manual to find out the best way to increase RAM in your particular PC.

Gaming can be a lot of fun on your PC. You have access to the internet and unlimited opponents and teammates, plus it's a good way to get away without actually going anywhere. Healthy competition and just good old fashioned fun, but to really enjoy it you may want to consider some hardware purchases or upgrades. By making these few adjustments you can enhance your gaming experience and perhaps improve your performance.

Cheap Computers - Ideas For Getting A Home Computer

By : Jay Moncliff

What kind of computer do you use? I personally enjoy a Mac Ibook G4. This baby does everything I want it to and more. It's great the way they make them so compact and they weigh less than five pounds. Technology is a dream these days, and it's only getting better. You can literally buy a notebook computer that's a mere half inch thick, but yet still packs a high level of gigabytes. It's truly amazing. As you know by now, folks around the globe enjoy the benefits of computers in their very own homes. In fact, if you still don't have a PC or Mac, then you're probably slightly out of the loop. Well folks, now days you don't have to grapple with gargantuan computer costs. There is a vast spectrum of cheap computers to choose from. What are you looking for?

When it comes to our home computers, many of us would have difficulty getting along without them. There are just so many conveniences that come from Internet access. The World-Wide-Web grants us the ability to do our taxes without paper, handle our bank accounts from home, and order groceries and have them delivered. Wow, now that's ideal. The great thing now days is the fact that computer prices have come down significantly. It's feasible to purchase cheap computers and not miss out on the finer features. I can remember just back in 98 when I purchased a massive Gateway desktop computer, and paid like 1600 bucks for it. What a rip-off! These days we would all laugh at such a price tag on such a mediocre PC. I mean it didn't really have anything great or exclusive. A 15 inch monitor, tower, keyboard, mouse, and 13 gigs aren't saying much. Heck, I only gave a grand for my Apple notebook that has loads more features and 60 gigabytes of memory. Man, did things change. Thank God for cheap computers! Therefore, if you're new to home computers, then I would suggest getting online. Although superstores such as Best Buy and Circuit City are great for browsing, I still think the best deals are found in cyberspace. Now, I realize that you may not have a computer in order to browse for cheap computers, but one of your buddies or family members surely does. Get on and search for the lowest prices on PCs. Dell is one of the finer companies that offer specials on package deals. You can get the entire setup for around 300 bucks. Now that's a lot better than 1600. Yes indeed, the net is loaded with cheap computers now days.

Tips For Transition At Senior Levels

There is a lot of support for the emotional and psychological stress that is endured by executives looking for a new job. It is important to remember that it is not only the executive who is unemployed is stressed, but also the whole family as it affects them in several ways, too. There is also an abundance of tips on improving resumes and appearance. You can also get tips from career experts, who can guide you on how to improve your chances of landing a suitable position.

Job hunting is a very good learning experience. Once you have done it for your transition as a senior level executive, it is going to be that much easier and simpler for you, as you have already been through the process. And what makes it simpler is the fact that you have let go of the old methods and accept the riskier, more competitive methods of today.

The Job Tool Kit

To get on the right track of job-hunting you need to have a few things in your job "tool kit". These are things that are going to benefit you and make your transition simpler:

Match It

Whatever employers are looking for, make sure you match your skills and talents to it. You may be very well accomplished in a variety of fields, but if it is not what the organization is looking for, it is useless. Move away from the mentality of what you can do and what you have accomplished and focus on what the unmet needs of the organization are and how you can benefit them.

Make Yourself An Expert

Do not present yourself as a do-it-all to the employer. Instead, work towards being an expert in the particular field that they are interested in. Once you are a part of the organization, then you can make them aware of all your skills and talents.

Don't Waste Time Online

You need to realize that by literally attacking all the online job forums you are not going to get a job. What you need to do is focus on one or two of the most important forums and put your best efforts into that.

Be Strategic

Make sure you make yourself known to the people who matter. Think about where all you can do the necessary strategic work. Get on company websites, be aware of press releases and use search engines. Make a connection with someone who can help you with your job prospects. It is all about networking.

Get Ahead

Make sure that you are ahead in the job-hunting race. Do not be passive and wait around for employers to seek you out. Make sure that you get out there and look for the hidden jobs that are waiting for you to discover them. Create the jobs for yourself. Select a few companies; make sure they are the kind you want to work with. Prepare presentations and approach these companies. It is in your best interest to make them realize that they need you; it could be to increase revenue, boost sales or profits.

In today's job market, you have to take risks; that is, if you want to be successful!

A Look At Bluetooth Security

By : Gregg Hall

These days, all communication technology faces the issue of privacy and identity theft, with Bluetooth being no exception. Almost everyone knows that email services and networks require security. What users of Bluetooth need to realize is that Bluetooth also requires security measures as well.

The good news for Bluetooth users is that the security scares, like most scares, are normally over dramatized and blown entirely out of proportion. The truth being told, these issues are easy to manage, with various measures already in place to provide security for Bluetooth technology.

It's true that there has been some Bluetooth phones that have been hacked into. Most devices that are hacked into are normally those that don't have any type of security at all.

According to Bluetooth specialists, in order to hack into a Bluetooth device, the hacker must:

1.Force two paired devices to break their connection.
2.Steal the packets that are used to resend the pin.
3.Decode the pin.

Of course, the hacker must also be within range of the device, and using very expensive developer type equipment. Most specialists recommend that you have a longer pin, with 8 digits being recommended.

Fundamentals of security

The "pairing process" is one of the most basic levels of security for Bluetooth devices. Pairing, is two or more Bluetooth devices that recognize each other by the profiles they share - in most cases they both must enter the same pin.

The core specifications for Bluetooth use an encryption algorithm, which is completely and entirely secure. Once the devices pair with each other, they too become entirely secure.

Until they have successfully paired, the Bluetooth devices won't communicate with each other. Due to this pairing process and the fact that it is short range - Bluetooth technology is considered to be secure.

As the news has indicated, experienced hackers have developed ways to get around this level of basic security. There are ways to get around this threat, as you can install software to prevent hackers from getting in.

With Bluetooth becoming more and more popular, it's really no wonder that security is always in question. As Bluetooth gets bigger and better, security will always be something that no one really takes lightly.

If you've been concerned about Bluetooth security in the past, rest assured that newer devices will offer bigger and better security. Preventing hackers from getting in is something every owner is concerned about - and the manufacturer's are very aware.

Job Research . . . Kick Butt With 4 Powerful Strategies!


Powerful job research strategies are critical to your job search success. It's a key part of learning to become a"job entrepreneur." Job research must be right at the top of your job campaign to-do list. Very simply, job research is a key part of running your job search like your own business.

Becoming a job entrepreneur is an
exciting "alternative" job search method and a powerful personal development technique. There are many aspects to conducting your alternative search methods like a job entrepreneur.

First, it means abandoning any kind of mass marketing approach like mailing hundreds of resumes or answering a lot of ads. Or posting your digital resume on a job website like Monster or HotJobs. If you've tried these approaches you already know they don't work. Not unless you're willing to wait weeks or months for something to develop.

Once you decide to get serious about making a job change . . . and you want to see some results in a matter of days instead of months . . . then choosing alternative strategies like becoming a job entrepreneur is the only personal development solution.

Once more, the very first technique to put to work in becoming a successful job entrepreneur is "research." The good news is you can do your job research very fast and conveniently online. Here's what to do:

1. Decide what useful information you want to acquire, e.g. corporate literature, Who's Who for specific decision makers, product or services information, job change tips, resume-writing examples, interviewing techniques, etc. Also take advantage of college alumni, community, headhunter, and newspaper sites.

2. Save, digest or bookmark sites you discover using good search engines. Put them into easily accessible digital files.

3. From all this information select areas of interest starting with geographical preferences. Then move on to products and services that attract your attention or that match with your interests or work history. Finally make a list of companies that fall within your parameters.

4. The last piece of essential research is perhaps the most important of all . . . identifying specific decision-makers by name who could possibly be your next boss. You'll find this information at the corporate websites, Who's Who, local service club info, online newspaper files, alumni sites, etc.

Once you\'ve acquired this important preliminary research your in a unique position to develop entrepreneurial strategies for getting in front of these selected decision-makers. You need a good plan of action that can show you step-by-step how to get in front of these decision-makers. And turn these contacts into a job offer. That's when the fun really begins!

The Satisfaction Of Being Self Employed

Some people wonder if they will be able to market a product without the support of a formal marketing department or worry about paying the bills until their new business venture proves to be profitable. If you follow any person who embarked onto the road of self-employment, then you will notice that personal fulfillment is the top priority for them and it ranks the highest in their ratings of satisfaction; but there is a sense of professional fulfillment as well.

You get professional fulfillment if you do a job well. You will have to try and prove yourself to people that it is possible for you to take an existing product and devise a marketing strategy for it and even implement the strategy. If you have done something like this previously for an employer, then you will get more satisfaction out of not needing a company to succeed. This way, the very thought of being successful on your own will encourage you to take greater risks.

Professional Fulfillment

Professional fulfillment for any individual begins with knowing that you will have to strive for success and prove that you are able to do a better job than any particular established company. You can add to this fulfillment the financial benefits of working for yourself, and your sense of professional success will increase all the more.

Self-employment is considered the ultimate goal, because it allows you to be the master of your own destiny and implement your own ideas your way. In the regular job market, initiative and creativity is limited to the aspirations and goals of the company - individual achievement is somewhat stifled.

If you have a business of your own, then you can enjoy the freedom of developing, designing and delivering ideas in a manner that will suit your own goals. Even though being self-employed can help you reap a lot of profit and freedom, you need to realize the reality as well. You can achieve all this only when you will are able to spend the effort and time needing to get what you want. Money does not grow on trees and you need to work hard for it.

From a business perspective, it is important to set up a company for your personal needs. It is a commitment and you need to work hard. Before you become self-employed, you will have to assess your skills and examine your attitude and experiences. You will have to understand the personal as well as professional objectives in order to know whether owning a business is the right option for you.

Playstation Cheat Codes: Bridge to Exciting Games

The age of high technology has evolved into something that is very distinct and advance. All of the things are made from the newest innovations. All are being run by computers. Everything today is being managed and controlled by the cyber technology.

One of the things that the cyber technology offers is the playstation. Playstation is a very popular console video game center and entertainment system. Many games of different types are available on CD and it can be loaded into the system to be played by one or more players.

Console video game is a game that is powered by a specialized computer desktop or sometimes regarded as software. The game software is widely available on CDs or DVDs. In the beginning of console video game, game machines used cartridges that contains read only memory chips.

The games in the playstations are of different types. It varies from a vast range of choices. The themes of the games are maybe of warfare, love story, cartoons or quest. In general, all themes of the games of playstations are about adventure.

The settings of the games are also of different categories and types. There are settings that are virtually beyond our imagination. Some are in forests, native lands. Most of the warfare games setting are inn abandoned buildings. Some setting of the games are of fantasy and magical world. There are also setting that are made from the imagination of the game creator.

The characters in the games of playstation are of peculiarity. All of them are very new in our minds and memory, but some are the traditional ones that we have already known. The characters are of different characteristics. All are very courageous and very determined. All most all characters are of super natural power.

Many or all most all of the games of the playstation use cheat codes. Cheat code is a character combination that is being entered to change the game's behavior. Cheat codes were fist used in the Atari 2600 video game adventure and it paved the way to the widespread use of cheat codes.

After its introduction, cheat codes were implemented and were used by different game creators and developers to playtest the different aspects of video games. The most common user of cheat code is to skip to a level in a game.

There are methods of entering cheat codes and it varies. On video game consoles that lacks keyboards, the code is frequently a sequence of button presses. On personal computers, cheat code can be textual and being entered with use of keyboard. It can also be entered with the use of mouse. In today's modern video games, the cheat codes are also often enabled through adding special settings in the game configuration files.

Cheat codes by definition are considered cheating and those most serious players do not use them. Sometimes the use of cheat codes is necessary particularly in the case of bugs. A cheat code has the capabilities of bypassing a bug without the need of starting the whole game from the very beginning.

One of the famous cheat codes is the Konami code- up, up,down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start. This is first used in the video game Gradius and prominently used in the game Contra. Another is the Sega Genesis version of Mortal Combat- A, B, A, C, A, B, B. This is the cheat code that allowed full blood and fatalities in the game.

The birth of cheat codes made the world of video games more exciting and challenging. However, since it is considered cheating, it is up to you if it is to used. As long as the player is enjoying, the use of cheat codes for playstaion games are not prohibited.

How To Achieve Multiple Career Goals

By : Michael Fleischner

Many people aim to achieve different or unique career goals with their resume. And in today\'s environment, having multiple career goals isn\'t all that unique. Many individuals feel that different career goals require different resumes. Nothing could be further from the truth. It\'s certainly not necessary to have different resumes for each of your career goals.

The manner in which you construct an resume for multiple career goals does however depend upon how you prioritize and organize data. Furthermore, you must think about how you would answer the following questions: Are the career fields similar? Are the career fields diverse?

If the career fields you\'re considering are similar, then your resume can cover both the specific and general aspects of your experience. For example, if you\'ve been a nurse, let\'s assume that you have worked in a hospital, served as an administrator of a nursing home, and taught nursing students. They are three distinct careers, but all basically related. A resume in this instance can be both general (for application to many jobs) as well as specific (targeting only one job). It all comes down to how you organize and prioritize the information on your resume.

For example, your Professional Experience can be broken down into three categories on your resume: Nursing Experience, Administrator Experience, and Teaching Experience. You can list the appropriate employer and duties listed within each section. Make sure to list them in reverse chronological order. Update your resume to promote the proper section. When applying for Nursing positions, that section would be listed first. When applying for a Teaching position, that section would be listed first. Using this approach, you can use one resume with only slight modifications for a number of postings.

What if you are considering diverse career fields? Today, many individuals are not only changing jobs, they are changing professions. For example, you may have begun your professional career in real estate, but then transitioned to the paralegal field, and finally chose yet another career in bookkeeping. These are three very different careers that would seem to require three separate resumes, but that\'s certainly not the case.

To avoid producing resume after resume for each job, and if at least some of the skills are transferable within different industries, then a functional format is best for you. Functional resume formats stress professional skills, rather than employers or industries. Instead of providing a reverse chronological resume that clearly shows that you\'ve been moving from career to career and back, which some employers might find troubling, a functional resume states core qualifications beneath varying subheadings.

The example given above would warrant three or more subheadings. For example, Contract Negotiation (Real Estate); Sales (Real Estate); Contracts (Paralegal); Payroll (Bookkeeping). These subheadings can be organized in order of importance to the targeted position (eg: if Sales interests you, then you would list your Real Estate Experience first, followed by your other experience).

The subheadings can also show broad experience that could very well be valued in an economy where employees are expected to have diverse skills and perform many functions. This format allows you to turn your various jobs into a position of strength that illustrates your broad experience.

Before creating your resume, consider your background. Do you have a homogeneous background or one that\'s diverse? Also, consider your career goals. Are they aligned to a specific industry or job, or multiple ones? Answers to these questions will help you determine which form or resume is right for you.

Hand ‘Em Out: Real Estate Flyers

Every regular consumer has had an experience of walking around a commercial establishment. Afterwards they find themselves furnished with a flyer or brochure of some product or service. More recently, real estate flyers have gone from a rare few to becoming the huge majority of flyers being handed out in these commercial establishments. It may be safe for you to deduce, as a real estate agent, that this trend is a result of an inherent efficacy of the system.

And this isn’t too far the target either. Indeed, real estate promotional materials serve a huge purpose on-site, in home shows, and even in commercial establishments frequented by potential buyers. At the end of the day, these flyers have become handy and powerful marketing tools for real estate agents like you. Just how and why will be further clarified in this article.

Let’s first take a look at promotional flyers being distributed to the general public in places frequented by huge volumes of people. Typically you hand out your flyers to reputable looking people who are most likely to have the means and capacity to purchase a piece of real estate. While it may seem to the untrained eye that at that very level you are already discriminating against others who may potentially buy real estate but weren’t given flyers, never remove the inherent characteristic of these promotional handouts: they are both compact and easily transferable.

What does this mean? While your regular promenade-walker or mall afficionado may not be interested in buying real estate enough to visit an agent and browse through catalogues, a real estate promotional flyer allows him or her to bring this brochure home and ponder over it for a time. A brochure featuring the best assets of the home being advertised, as well as sufficient information as to where to contact an agent may in fact be enough to convince a non-buyer to consider buying a piece of real estate. The power of suggestion here is strong, and because of the fact that this is a piece of marketing platform that the consumer can bring home, they are given more time to take into consideration the choice they can make.

Moreover, these promotional handouts are easily transferable between persons. One impressed recipient of the handout who is not interested in buying real estate may likely give the promotional handout to a friend who is. The best thing here is this: you are using the power of word and mouth with the reliability of an information sheet that allows the person referring you to give the new lead complete information about how to get in touch with you. This translates to more solid leads.

On location, a promotional handout also allows for your prospective buyers to browse over the features of the house and its excellent qualities while they tour the facility. This means that they are given more time to take into consideration these winning qualities of the real estate even long after you’ve long mentioned them. Moreover, they can bring home the said handout and, with the help of pictures that truly communicate the property’s value, remind and reinforce the good impressions they may have gotten when they visited the property.

In home shows, promotional materials allow for your prospective clients to compare your offers to that of the next real estate agents. In these home shows, these clients are willing to make on-the-spot decisions about whom to leave their calling cards with, and a well created brochure just might win them over. After all, if your brochure contains a very convincing description of the property you are selling, and contains pictures that truly showcase the finer qualities of the property, you are definitely going to find those leads you want.

It is important to remember that the efficacy of these promotional handouts lie in how well you put the property into paper,or how well you market the property. This means that layout, pictures, and other inherent characteristics of the property should be showcased prominently in these handouts. Given that these are already very effective in suggesting the acquisition of real estate, the best of all is that creating these brochures is relatively cheap in comparison to other methods of advertisement. Moreover, you can include in these brochures sufficient information about sales agent to whom these prospective clients can get in touch with.

How to Choose Between External Storage And Internal Storage Drives

By : Gregg Hall

The decision on whether to use an external storage drive versus an internal storage drive with your PC or device can be difficult. It is not just an aesthetic decision, but rather one that should be based on your needs versus the pros and cons of each type of drive.

The first thing you should consider when you begin looking for a new storage device is, no matter what kind will be whether you need or want an internal or external device. They each have their own sets of pros and cons, so it is important to be educated on each.

The first, and most obvious, benefit of an external hard drive is that it is easier to set up and get started with, especially if you are a computer novice. In most cases, it is a matter of simply plugging in the proper power source and USB cables, installing the proper drivers (which your computer will often lead you through), and you are ready to start using your external storage drive. This is really the best way to go if you are not confident or at all interested in messing around with the wires and cables inside your desktop or laptop.

A second, and perhaps less obvious benefit of the external memory drive, is that they are much easier to share between different users. Most of the USB/FireWire hard drives available today are "plug and play." This set up makes it simple to move the drive from one machine to another, since you simply unplug the drive from one machine and plug it into another. You can, then, more easily transfer files from home, to work, to school, or to a friend. The value of the convenience alone may be worth it to you, depending on your individual situation.

On the other hand, the downside of an external storage drive is that they are certainly slower than internal ones. Internal drives usually are connected to the computer through IDE/ATA busses, which are what support higher data transfer seeds than USB busses, which is how most external storage drives are connected. Also, in a simple manner of cost, since external drives generally have their own casings, they are often more expensive than internal drives.

As a general rule, internal drives are both faster and less expensive than their external counterparts. The biggest, perhaps most obvious, drawback of the internal storage devices is installing them. So, if you decide to go the internal route, look for a package that includes with it all of the cables and hardware required for installation. You will also want something that has a manual that is illustrated and easy for you to understand. In addition, good installation software can make or break it. If the package is a good one, even the most novice PC user will be able to install in internal drive.

Another advantage of internal storage drives is the price. As a rule, the greater the capacity of the media involved with the storage device, the cheaper the price per megabyte, but obviously the price is higher per device. Either way, since internal storage devices do not require their own casing, they run cheaper than their external counterparts.

The disadvantages to internal storage drives are more on par with their convenience. With most internal storage drives you lose the ease of user changing. You will have a much more difficult time removing an internal drive and transferring it to another person's computer. Of course, if you are using a laptop, such convenience is a little less necessary.

There are obviously a number of factors to take into account when making the decision between internal or external storage solutions. You must figure out what kind of access speed you need, how much backup storage you will need, overall storage needs both now and in the future, how much security and privacy you need, and a number of other memory factors. The thing is that in the end, you will do fine whether you select an internal storage drive or an external storage drive. Storage devices are more affordable than ever with more space available than ever. So make an educated guess at what is best for you and go for it, you really can't go wrong either way.

Surviving A Job Loss

By : Tony Jacowski

Many people get depressed and experience feelings of bitterness and hopelessness after a job loss. It is tough getting over rejection, but there are many ways to move beyond bitter feelings of despair. Remorse, regret and despair are emotions that will get you nowhere. As the old adage goes \'don\'t cry over spilled milk\'. What has happened has happened and so its time to move on and start a better life. But moving on can be a difficult process, so here are several ways to help you survive the loss of your job:

Ways To Get Over Losing Your Job

-Try to let go - The initial reaction for most people who experience a job loss will always be shock, followed by intense anger and then the feeling of being victimized. While these are normal reactions, dwelling on them for days on end will not help. The best thing to do is to try and move on. The worst thing you can do is wallow in self-pity.

-Find out why - If you\'ve been sacked, you need to find out the reason as to why this happened. In many cases, it has absolutely nothing to do with you, but if it does, then you must find out the reason so it will never be repeated again. If your performance, attitude, abilities or behavior were to blame, then try to learn from the experience and never repeat the same mistakes again. Getting fired can sometimes be an eye-opener that spurs people towards positive change and a better future.

-Don\'t blame everyone around you - A layoff is completely different from a firing. Most of the time, layoffs deal with company decisions to downsize, or restructure and are very rarely are they about you as an individual. So it is very important to not take this situation too seriously - and you must never allow it to turn you into a bitter, angry person.

-\"Misery loves company\" Yes, it is important for you to grieve, get frustrated, and angry. But what you shouldn\'t do is dwell on the fact that you\'ve been fired for too long. It might relieve you to badmouth your employer, but in doing so, you are badmouthing yourself as well as everyone around you. Never discuss bad layoffs at job interviews. By doing this, you can damage your job prospects and you can isolate yourself by remaining bitter and withdrawn.

-Positive thinking and productivity - Try writing down all your thoughts in a journal and limiting the amount of time to be angry. Find positive people who can lift you up and try to keep yourself busy with job-related and non-job related activities. By cutting out all the negativity and focusing on the positive, not only will you be more productive, but also you will be out of the dumps in no time at all and on your way to new and better job much faster.

How To Find Real Estate Leads Via…Local “Parade Of Homes”: A Lifetime Goal

In today’s growing economic crisis, most people are reluctant to buy their own home. This is unfortunate because it is a buyer’s market and a good time to buy.

Why? Because properties for sale abound as a response to the recent economic crisis. Some previously overpriced houses have as low as 25% discount.

Therefore, since there are too many housing projects on the horizon, realtors have to work double time and employ radical measures to be able to generate real estate leads. The competition becomes so intense that most realtors find it hard to generate the quality leads that they need.

Therefore, it is best for each realtor to find some effective strategies that will help them produce the leads that they need in order to create the sales and the money that they want.

One of the best ways to do this is through the local “parade of homes".

In this manner, realtors, builders, and developers work together, in order to display model houses that are being sold in the market. Through the parade of homes, real estate developers are able to systematize the building a number of homes under one “sub development” through the help of some group of builders. This group of builders were arranged and coordinated by the real estate developers themselves.

Basically, homes that are included in a “parade of homes” are freely available for the public for sightseeing and explorations. Usually, parade of homes showcases groundbreaking ideas for most homebuyers.

For this reason, organizing a “parade of homes” will definitely allow realtors to find their much-needed real estate leads. This is because most people who will attend this kind of event are the ones who have the potential to buy or are interested in buying a house.

Moreover, local “parade of homes” can give the potential buyer a chance to meticulously scrutinize the overall condition, structure, and features of the house. Seeing the house on its actual condition can definitely entice every customer who is very willing to buy a house.

Therefore, it would not be hard for a real estate agent to convince the person to buy the house, not unless there is a problem with money.

It is a well-known fact that people who mostly go to “parade of homes” are the ones who are interested to buy a house or those who have plans of buying a house. Hence, these people can be easily converted into leads, and leads can easily generate deals and transactions.

Besides, it would be easier to explain presentations and features of the house to a person who have exerted efforts to attend this special event just to see the house. This is all based on the interest of that person in buying the property.

The logic is simple. If the person were not interested to buy a house, then he would not go to all the trouble of finding “parade of homes” events and travel from his place to the venue.

In addition, through the “parade of homes,” realtors can easily take their client through each property in detail, explaining the topography of the lot, the neighbors, the streets, the drainage, the security, the whole package. In this way, the realtor can explain why the property will fit the buyer’s needs.

Having been informed with all the “parade of homes” can provide, the buyer could easily realize that they have gained more than just a roof over their growing families. In turn, they would be more than willing to buy the house.

Indeed, the importance of using "parade of homes” in finding real estate leads is undeniable clear. What is important when using this strategy in generating leads is to make the buyer realize that they have just made a major investment.

When you use this tactic, you should be able to make the buyer feel that money-wise home ownership in the coming decade means buying to sell in the future. Moreover, they can only be satisfied if they were able to see the actual features of the house.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that generating leads through “parade of homes” is relatively effective because homebuyers get to see what they are paying for. Hence, they get to be assured that where their money goes is worthy of its cause.

The Many Faces Of Computer Games

There are a few different kinds of computer games out there and before you start paying for them it is important for you to understand what these differences are and what they mean.

Some of the top kinds of computer games are:

PC games
Downloadable pc games
Online games

Category based on permission to use

Different kinds of games have different licenses. Many of the games out there can be downloaded online for free and many of the games that can be purchased in store have cheaper versions online that can be played sometimes even for free. There are also shareware games that have limitations in their many different features. Trial versions of the software are also available and these have time limits. You will only be bale to play them on your computer for free for a certain amount of days. They give you long enough to get hooked so that when your time runs out you will be willing to pay to get the whole shebang. These are great to get before you buy because it gives you a chance to see if you even will really like the game in question.

PC Games

These computer games need a disk. The game will be downloaded into your computer through this disk. In some cases you will always have to put the disk in to play and others will only require that you put it in the first time you play. You will buy these online and they will be mailed to you or you can go to your local computer or electronics store to get the software.

Downloadable PC Games

These games will be downloaded off of the computer and installed right into your hard drive. These do not even take long to download in most cases. You can search the internet for game downloads in just a few seconds through Yahoo or Google or any other search engine. A quick search will give you thousands of great computer games to choose from.

Online Games

Online games are those that are played online. You do not need to have the disk, all you need to do is log onto the internet and log into the game site. You can then play straight from their servers. Yahoo for example has some great computer games that are very popular these days but there are many, many sites out there and the games can vary in a big way. Many of the online computer games cost money to play and this too can vary. Some will require that you pay for membership on a monthly, yearly or a lifetime basis while some are free. It is essential that you learn the costs of the online gaming sites before you sign up, that way you will not get any unpleasant surprises on your bill.

All of these options are great for people who like to play computer games. They will all give you the hours of pleasure that you seek and if you search well, you will be able to find this pleasure for an affordable price.

How To Find Real Estate Leads Via… Virtual Tours: When Image Really Matters

It is a well-know and well-accepted fact that the Internet is currently considered as one of the best pragmatic tools that technology has ever created. It provides a lot of possible information that can be quickly accessed without having to resort to manual process and without having to exert physical prowess.

That is why most of the activities on the Internet are described as virtual, meaning the activities are executed without having to carry out the actual activity. It is when things classified as virtual fall under the category of things existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact or form.

For this reason, certain businesses have realized the potential of the Internet in giving their clients the much-needed presentation without having to physically and actually render the actions. This goes to show that people who are in different places can still get access to some relevant information about the matter without having to be physically present in order to evaluate the item in scrutiny.

This concept was greatly accepted by the real estate industry. Most realtors had seen the probability of gaining sales without having to propose the properties to their clients in actual time and space. This is possible through the use of virtual tours.

Virtual tours refer to the access of the potential homebuyers in getting a good look at the insides of the house that they plan to buy through the use of the Internet. This is possible by using a web-based software that enables the potential homebuyers to “tour” in and around the house. This enables them to assess whether or not the house is worthy enough to buy.

With the convenience that the Internet gives, most people are comfortable with online shopping. They contend that it is easier and more comfortable to access information of the things they want to buy through the Net. That is why most home buyers request virtual tours online.

For this reason, most experts contend that for every realtor who has a web site and wishes to generate real estate leads with the help of the Internet, then, it is best to use virtual tours. These tools will enable the realtors to get access to people who are willing to buy a house because they are interested in how it looks inside and out.

Virtual tours are great lead generators because they attract potential homebuyers to your web site. Keep in mind that most people who get access to the Internet are usually those who are hungry for information.

Hence, it is best to provide them the things that they need. In return, once you have provided people with the necessary things that they want, you can easily lure them to buy these things, such as properties, from you. And one way to attract and compel them to buy is to give them a reason to do so.

Such that, when they see your house is appropriate to what they have called for, then, they will definitely buy the house from you.

In fact, statistical reports show that almost 56% of the people who have plans in buying a house usually use the Internet to search for probable houses. Among these people who use the Internet as their primary source of housing information, 70% of them contend that using virtual tours had been the most effective tool in searching a house. This is because virtual tours let them save time and enables them to have fewer expenses because they have fewer trips to the actual site.

Hence, virtual tours are considered to be one of the most important marketing tool for a realtor. It’s an effective means in generating good real estate leads, which, can be converted into actual homebuyers.

However, when you want to use virtual tours in finding real estates leads, it is best if you will consider some factors first that can make or unmake the probability of your business to generate more leads.

Here is a list of some tips that you need to know:

1. Be Wary On The Images That You Will Use

The most important part for a virtual tour to be an effective tool in marketing is that you should use crisp and detailed areas of the house that you are trying to sell.

Keep in mind that the pictures of the house are one of the most important information that a customer wants in order to decide whether they will buy the house or not.

The problem comes when your pictures are not clear enough. In this case, the customer will have the tendency to look and find other virtual tour sites that provide clearer and crisper pictures.

2. Be Particular With Details

The key to an effective virtual tour is to have comprehensive description of the details of the house. This means that you have to specify everything even up to the tiniest and most obvious details.

The key here is to never assume that a particular area is already obvious that’s why you thought it is okay not to include that on your descriptive article.

Keep in mind that the tiniest detail that you might take for granted to include could definitely make or unmake your property.

Indeed, virtual tours can absolutely generate real estate leads. Just remember to use appropriate shots and pictures in order to attract more customers and generate more leads.

Cover Letters - What to Say and What Not To Say

Intro To The Cover Letter

The cover letter makes a first impression to potential employers and adds a personal touch as well. There are basically three types of cover letters. One is in response to a job opening, known as the application letter. The other is to inquire about possible job openings and is known as the prospecting letter. And then there is the networking letter, which is used to ask for information and help in a job search.

What To Say

This should be the first paragraph of the cover letter and it should include the purpose of writing the letter and for what position you are applying, or interested in when doing a job search. Make an effort to include the name of a specific person who is a mutual contact and who referred you to the employer. If you heard of the position through a flyer, advertisement, a family friend etc., remember to mention the source. Then, if it is a prospecting letter include the job objective and if it is a networking cover letter make it clear as to what information you are asking for.

Why Read The Cover

The cover letter is the reason that would make you a candidate that the company would like to hire. If not that, then at least your resume will be looked at - the rest is dependent on your skills and the personal interview. The best way to make the cover letter interesting is to take a few points from your resume that the potential employer would be interested in and give them a brief idea of your capabilities. It is best to sugar coat the language used in this paragraph, because this is what attracts the employers. Then you should try and highlight your achievements as well.

What To Say Later

This is the last paragraph of the cover letter, and it should always be left open ended. Give the reason for interest in the job, and include your contact details from telephone number to email id and also let them know when they can call you. If you have experience on your side, take the initiative of suggesting a time and day for a follow up conversation by phone. This is basically done when the job interview is for a high-level position - but always be punctual about making the follow up call. However, some employers prohibit any form of contact from job seekers; still, you could call to check if they received your material and ask if the application is complete.

The cover letter is an introduction to your resume, so it should be written to fit in a single page. It should include about three to four paragraphs and every sentence should make the objective clear as to why you have applied for the job.

What Kind Of Notebook Is Right For You?

By : Sandra Stammberger

Notebooks are not just notebooks, there are a couple of different ways to do it. We are talking about the computer kind of notebook and the old fashioned kind that is made out of paper. They both have some definite pros and cons. If you want to be organized and you want to get your thoughts down on paper then you need one of these two types to work with. They will make everything neat and orderly and easy to manage.

The computer notebook is a great buy. It is obviously a more expensive buy but one that can do so many different things. This kind of computer can be carried with you to work and home and anywhere else that you need to take it. They are compact and light and each year they get lighter and m ore powerful.

There was a time when notebook computer screens were not very good but these days they are fantastic. No longer do people who use them have to worry about getting headaches or eye strain. They are so much smoother to look at and there are not more of those strange computer waves to have to contend with! The screens are also very bright and the colors are fantastic and true to life.

On a computer notebook you will be bale to write whatever you need to write each day, whether it is for work or for pleasure. You will also be able to manage your calendar and your schedule with ease. Most computers come with programs that will help you to keep track of all aspects of your life from important business meetings to your kids soccer games. These programs are powerful and simple to use. Then of course you have the ability to go online. The internet is a great place for you to go shopping for anything from groceries to fancy clothes and accessories. You could find yourself saving hundreds of dollars each and every year by shopping online instead of offline.

As you can see the notebook as a computer is a great idea that everyone can benefit from, but what about the old fashioned kind of paper notebook? These are great too. They are not able to do quite so many things however. Of course a paper book will not have any programs that you can use and it will not have any ability to go on the internet.

A paper notebook can however help you to plan anything that you need to plan. They come with calendars and schedulers that can be just as efficient to use as any other kind.

A top benefit of using these kinds of notebooks is for writing. When you write longhand the ideas flow better and faster. Your imagination is going to flow so much better when you are writing by hand as compared to writing on a computer. There is something that the pen in hand does for the mind that cannot be accomplished with a computer notebook.

Your First House

You’ve been living in that small apartment for a few years now. You have both worked hard and saved when possible. After talking it over, the two of you decide to buy your first house.

Now what do you do? Drive around your city. Decide which areas you would prefer. Are you going to be concerned about the school district? Is it important how convenient to shopping you are? It might be important to you to be near a tennis club, golf club or fitness facility. You have to decide what is important to you.

You have the areas narrowed down. Now it would be best to select an agent. Look thru the Yellow Pages and you will see hundreds listed. What are you going to do. My suggestion would be to talk to your friends. Ask about their experiences with realtors. If it is a lukewarm recommendation, forget it. You are looking for enthusiastic recommendations. Keep asking until you have a few possibilities. Then you can interview the candidates. Have questions prepared ahead of time. It may be the answers or it may just be a “feeling”, but after the interview you should be able to decide on your realtor.

You can now sit down with your personal agent and plan the attack. Let her know which areas you prefer. She might even have suggestions of other, similar areas. She will be able to present you with several choices. Now it is possible to narrow the search down by viewing possibilities on the internet. You can even see the inside of houses by using the Virtual Tour.

Once you find the house of your dreams, you will need to work with your agent on the deal. It will be presented to the seller and , if you are lucky, it may immediately be accepted. Congratulations! You are on your way to becoming a homeowner.

Dealing With Interviews

By : Tony Jacowski

Before the interview, rehearse what you are going to say and the best answer to every potential question. Human resource professionals, as well as various career experts all agree on one principle - that one of the best ways to tackle an interview is to anticipate the questions and then develop appropriate answers.

There are plenty of websites that offer job interview questions and answers and then practice. Interview is basically selling your talent and skill. There are simple steps that can guide you through your interview.

-Research The Company- Try finding out everything about the company, its customers, its mission statement and about its working environment. By finding out about these points, you can get insight about the company and also about the questions likely to be asked by the interviewer. Being well-prepared will project you as a person who has done their homework.

-Be Familiar With The Job Description- Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and then see how you are the best match for the job. If you have previous experience, then make note of all the times where you achieved specific results, as employers give more serious consideration to those applicants who have a background of a good track record in the same job.

-A Good First Impression- \"The first impression is the last impression\". It is true - so arrive 15 minutes prior to the interview and always maintain eye contact throughout your interview. Always be enthusiastic and project sincerity towards the people you meet.

-Project Yourself As A Problem Solver - Every job requires skills, so justify your candidacy with a problem solving answer to questions put forward by the interviewer. You should also give some tips on how a specific problem can be tackled. Be calm and confident. Don\'t project nervousness by fidgeting or nail-biting - this will immediately project how well you can handle stress.

-Ask Questions- Always ask questions if you have any and do not go blank when asked questions. Ask about the company\'s track record and also about your potential job responsibilities. Always remember that while you are selling yourself to the company, you are also finding out about them, and determining whether or not you want to work there.

-Deflect Objectionable Questions- If an interviewer asks an inappropriate question that makes you uneasy or uncomfortable, smile politely and ask the interviewer the reason of this probing question. Don\'t be scared to speak up, as companies are prohibited from asking personal questions, including references to your race, gender marital status, sexual preference as well as child care situations. Your interview should be only based on your job skills and not on your home or family.

Follow Up- Once your successful interview is over, follow up with a thank-you note. Always highlight your strengths and qualifications in the resume. When following up add specific discussions or conversations you had with the interviewer to help him or her recollect that you are a polished and enthusiastic candidate.

5 Keys to Deciding on a Certification

There is clearly value and knowledge gained with earning professional certifications. The key to success is choosing the right certification. The best choice that is most likely take you toward your goals is usually one that you can apply as soon as possible.

There is some controversy surrounding certifications, as many dispute the value or are critical of the process. Really, just about anything is subject to scrutiny and controversy, but here are some key points to be considered about earning certifications.

1. Some say that the requirements for many certifications have been dumbed down. However, if you look into it, it looks like quite a bit of effort (not to mention money) goes into earning many of the more valuable IT certifications and the Project Management Professioanl (PMP). There is clearly value and knowledge gained, and the key to success is choosing the right one.

2. An IT certification is relatively short-lived. Generally, you cannot go to school for it, as it will become outdated within a few years. Then you will need an update, if not a total re-planting in a different direction. IT certification is meant to be a demonstration of a specific piece of knowledge, often related to a particular implementation of technology. The mobile work force in technology needs a mechanism to adapt and reinvent itself every few years. Certification is a big part of that mechanism.

3. IT certifications provide evidence of a minimum level of knowledge of the subject. It definitely takes work to earn one, and often it is very difficult to do if you do not have some experience in the particular technology. The purpose is to enable vendors to have an up to speed workforce in place with sufficient expertise to implement and support their products. It is in the best interest of both the vendors and the individuals to attain as high a level of proficiency as possible. In other words, there is every reason for the vendor and the practitioner to maintain the highest standards.

4. Where I have a concern is with the offering of degrees in lieu of certifications. In my opinion, a degree should be an exercise in maturing, learning to think, and seeing a pretty broad view of things. It should provide a person with a foundation so that as they progress in their career, they can learn what they need to know as they go. A strong formal universtiy educational foundation can make it easier to earn appropriate certifications as desired and needed.

5. The true rating system for a given certification is the market. If a particular certification is not that valuable, or represents a dumbed down achievement, it probably will not be worth much in the eyes of employers. There is a lot of information on the internet that can provide insights on the demand for particular certifications. Just go to Google and search, or go to some job boards, like DICE or Monster, and search on the particular certification.

In my opinion, certification is worthwhile, and individuals must make the choice on what subjects to spend their time. While many situations do not require it, mobile employees and contractors that move from position to position, as well as internal employees who want to advance, will benefit the most from certification. If nothing else, it gives confidence and indicates a high level of motivation, which are not bad things to have!

Finding The Right College Is Easier Than You Think

By : Michael Fleischner

Most college bound students find the prospect of finding and applying to the right school a real challenge. Peer pressure from your friends and family can make the prospect of an objective search seem impossible. Even with a variety of opinions about your future being discussed, don\'t despair. Find the right college for you is easier than you think.

The first step in finding the right college is to consider key selection criteria. Here are a number of criteria to consider when making a college choice. Remember that even once you\'ve narrowed down your options, nothing beats an actual campus visit.

Location, Location, Location.
So where do you want to go? Obviously, academics play a huge role in determining the right school for you, but so does location. Are you looking for an exotic location or something close to home? What are your hobbies? Will you be in a location that allows you to continue doing what you most enjoy doing?
Are you looking for a rural setting or an urban one? Start your college planning with the type of location that you will be most happy with. This can have a tremendous impact on your experience and can do a lot to help you narrow your choices.

If you\'ve always lived in the suburbs, an urban campus can result in culture shock. After a few weeks, you may be in need of grassy fields and open space. On the other hand, if you\'re used to malls and movie theaters and choose a college in a rural area, will you be racing into the student center at midnight, desperately seeking noise, lights, and people? Think about where you grew up and how much of a change you want.

Campus Size
Are you thinking big? Or do you prefer something much more manageable? Colleges come in all shapes and sizes, from a school in New Hampshire that enrolls less than 100 students to a school like Penn State that can enroll 30,000 or more. Which is better? That depends on your preferences.

Do you like being places where everybody knows you, or do you like the anonymity of a crowd? You might even want to think about how far you want to walk between classes. Large schools typically have large campuses, as well as a healthy selection of student services and things to do. On the other hand, a smaller college may offer individualized attention, as well as a more intimate and personalized experience for each student.

College Type
Despite popular belief, all college are different. Some devote much of their time and resources to research. Others focus their attention on teaching and learning. Some have a specialty in one area, while others are known for providing students a broad end enriching education. Other differences to consider include whether schools are single sex or coed, if have a religious affiliation. There are a variety of colleges that focus on a particular ethnicity. Your options are almost limitless and your personal learning style, preferences, and available resources will help you find the place where you will best succeed.

There are many factors to consider when deciding where you want to go to college. Begin by considering location, campus size, and type. By knowing the kind of university you wish to attend, you can narrow your choices and focus on curriculum and affordable options.