Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dealing With Interviews

By : Tony Jacowski

Before the interview, rehearse what you are going to say and the best answer to every potential question. Human resource professionals, as well as various career experts all agree on one principle - that one of the best ways to tackle an interview is to anticipate the questions and then develop appropriate answers.

There are plenty of websites that offer job interview questions and answers and then practice. Interview is basically selling your talent and skill. There are simple steps that can guide you through your interview.

-Research The Company- Try finding out everything about the company, its customers, its mission statement and about its working environment. By finding out about these points, you can get insight about the company and also about the questions likely to be asked by the interviewer. Being well-prepared will project you as a person who has done their homework.

-Be Familiar With The Job Description- Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and then see how you are the best match for the job. If you have previous experience, then make note of all the times where you achieved specific results, as employers give more serious consideration to those applicants who have a background of a good track record in the same job.

-A Good First Impression- \"The first impression is the last impression\". It is true - so arrive 15 minutes prior to the interview and always maintain eye contact throughout your interview. Always be enthusiastic and project sincerity towards the people you meet.

-Project Yourself As A Problem Solver - Every job requires skills, so justify your candidacy with a problem solving answer to questions put forward by the interviewer. You should also give some tips on how a specific problem can be tackled. Be calm and confident. Don\'t project nervousness by fidgeting or nail-biting - this will immediately project how well you can handle stress.

-Ask Questions- Always ask questions if you have any and do not go blank when asked questions. Ask about the company\'s track record and also about your potential job responsibilities. Always remember that while you are selling yourself to the company, you are also finding out about them, and determining whether or not you want to work there.

-Deflect Objectionable Questions- If an interviewer asks an inappropriate question that makes you uneasy or uncomfortable, smile politely and ask the interviewer the reason of this probing question. Don\'t be scared to speak up, as companies are prohibited from asking personal questions, including references to your race, gender marital status, sexual preference as well as child care situations. Your interview should be only based on your job skills and not on your home or family.

Follow Up- Once your successful interview is over, follow up with a thank-you note. Always highlight your strengths and qualifications in the resume. When following up add specific discussions or conversations you had with the interviewer to help him or her recollect that you are a polished and enthusiastic candidate.

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