Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Choosing The Right Online Brokerage Firm

Currency trading is one of the more interesting investments that a small (personal) investor can make at this point in time; the basic principle, like all trading positions, is to buy low and sell high, and currency trading is all about playing the spread in thousandths of a cent, between the exchange rates at different parts of the day. There are a lot of technical details muddying the water, but ultimately, your aim is to scope out a currency exchange rate, buy at one point in time, and sell at another.

A typical margin in a foreign exchange rate is expressed in hundredths of a penny. For example, a forex trade that we committed recently was to buy Euros at $1.41425, and sold them at $1.41200. Yes, we bought and sold Euros trying to make a profit of three quarters of a US cent on the transaction. Our transaction was run through an online brokerage account, and we would like to talk a bit about what things to look for in a Forex brokerage firm.

First and foremost, when you set up an account, you are paying for a service. Your service relationship is set with expectations. You need to know what to expect and when. Therefore, how quickly and easily you can get ahold of your representative is important.

Look for brokerages that offer personalized service. You should be able to reach your representative quickly and easily when the market turns volatile. You should have an established relationship with one or two representatives at the firm, not be routed to a call center and getting the next available operator.

Foreign exchange trading moves quickly if you are going into a day-trading strategy. For small investors, we do not actually recommend a day-trading run, because while the profits are higher in a day-trading strategy, the risks are as well, and day-trading requires almost constant access to your buy-sell window.

Now, you can get accounts with stop-loss and profit-now techniques, where if a trade goes beyond certain parameters, you are cashed out on your bet as quickly as is possible, but the speed of the transaction is what is important in day trading. For longer term positional trading, the risks are much less, but you are also not committed to watching numbers on a screen for 10 hours a day. Whichever strategy you take, your forex broker should be aware of it, and should structure their buy and sell advice for it.

Your online trading account is going to cost you fees per transaction or a monthly access fee. Forex brokerages make their bread and butter off of those fees. Do not begrudge your broker the money they use to make a living off of but do not be blindly trusting either. Your broker is going to suggest trades that make them money as well as you, and you need to be aware of the fee structure and what they are getting out of each piece of advice before signing up with the account. This ties into the above advice of get a broker who supports your strategy.

Online trading is predominantly a numbers game, it is all numbers. It is also a game of trend spotting, whether drilled down (watching the London close, or the Tokyo open), or sitting long term (watching bank exchange rates and the news). Whatever the trade margin is, you will want to make sure that your information is timely and fast, and that your transactions are timely and fast; if you have to make a call (or send an instant message), you are competing with all the other clients your broker has to get your trade in under the wire.

The alternative is automated trading programs. Automated trading programs are an essential tool for day trading and less so for position trading, but the key here is how quickly you get updates on your information (transparency) and how quickly you can make changes to your position (velocity).

Lastly, you should look at details like minimum balance required in the account, and how much access you have to your funds. As in all investing, read the fine print, and be aware of where the person selling you the service makes their money so you can make an informed decision. Online brokerages are trying to make a win-win situation, but for that to happen, you need to be well informed.

A Simple Introduction to Forex Trading

By : Ian Armstrong
Short for Foreign (currency) Exchange, Forex is the world's biggest market for trading in currencies. As much as 2 trillion US dollars worth of currency are traded on the Forex on a daily basis. Compare this with the approximately 25 million US dollars traded on the NYSE and you'll get the picture - Forex is huge.

So what is Forex all about? Simply put, Forex entails buying one currency, let's say Turkish Lira, and selling another, say US Dollars. In Forex, currencies are always traded and quoted in pairs. The exchange is made through a broker.

Just like the stock market where you are investing in a company, with Forex you are in a way investing in a country. If your company is a success, the value of your stock goes up. Much the same principle is at work in Forex. If the economy of the country whose currency you are trading is robust, the value of that currency will also go up - and you can then sell it for a profit.

Unlike stock markets, there is no "trading pit" in the world of Forex. Forex operates through the internet and other electronic communications and runs 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

It has only been in the last several years that the Forex has been open to the average person to invest in. The Forex market itself has been around since 1971, but for most of its history only large companies and a few very wealthy individuals possessed the resources to be able to trade in foreign currency. Today however, anyone with a high speed internet connection and a small initial investment (as low as 50 US dollars) can get in on the Forex market.

The seven most commonly traded currencies on the Forex market are U.S. Dollars (USD), Euros (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), UK Pounds (GBP), Swiss Francs (CHF), Canadian Dollars (CAD) and Australian Dollars (AUD). Foreign currencies are identified by means of a three letter code. The first two letters stand for the country, while the last letter identifies the nation in question's currency.

For example:-
USD: U.S. = United States, D = Dollars.
GBP: GB = United Kingdom (Great Britain), P = Pounds.

At any given time, business is going on somewhere in the world. Global business never sleeps, and neither does Forex. This can be beneficial to you - you can trade on the Forex market any time that is convenient to you.

There are seven currencies on the Forex which are called Major Currencies, due to their being the most heavily traded currencies on the market. The biggest four are, in order: U.S. Dollars (USD), Euros (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), and UK Pounds (GBP). The remaining three are Swiss Francs (CHF), Canadian Dollars (CAD) and Australian Dollars (AUD).

Advantages Of Forex Trading

There are a few advantages which the Forex trader enjoys which those who trade in the stock market do not.

1.Unlike with stock brokers, the investor does not pay commissions, per se, to the broker. Instead, the dealers in Forex trading receive part of the "spread" (that is to say, the difference) between the buying and selling price of currency. This is generally a very small amount per trade; a fraction of a percent.

2.You can trade on the Forex market any time which is convenient for you, unlike the stock market - it is closed only on weekends, from 5pm Eastern time on Fridays to 12AM on Mondays.

3.As opposed to the stock market, it is nearly impossible for companies or individual investors to manipulate the Forex market. The volume of Forex trading each and every day prevents any one actor from having undue influence. We all know of instances of the stock market being artificially influenced by unscrupulous persons and companies however.

4.Forex trading can be done with borrowed capital, meaning that you need not have hundreds of thousands in liquid assets to trade currency in large numbers. This concept is called Margin Trading. A small amount of your own capital (less than 5 percent) can be used to leverage a large chunk of borrowed assets, which may then be invested. Forex is traded in what is called lots, the normal size of a lot being 100,000 US dollars. Depending on the dealer with whom you deal you may be able to trade is smaller amounts, these are known as mini-lots or micro-lots.

The 7 Most Common Forex Trading Mistakes

By : James Theiss
When trading currencies online, there seems to be no end to the mistakes a beginning forex trader can make. Beginning traders are always the most susceptible, but experienced traders can often revert back into bad practices as well. Here are some of the most common trading mistakes listed in no particular order, and how to avoid them.

Predicting instead of reacting. Otherwise known as overconfidence. This usually happens after a winning trade or two. The trader starts to think that if he can enter a trade sooner, he will get more pips. He begins to believe he can pick the top or bottom before the market reveals it to him. So instead of reacting to what the market is telling him, he starts to predict what the market will do. He enters a trade and the market continues its move, which is against him. Now, does he admit he was wrong and close his position, or does he add to it?

Adding to losing positions. Here is an extension of predicting instead of reacting. Look, you just entered a trade and the market is going against your position. The market is telling you, you are wrong. Now is the time to close your position, not add to it. If you add to your losing position, you are making at least two incorrect decisions. First, you are predicting the market will turn around. Second, you are hoping the market will prove you right because you are unable to admit you made a losing trade. Losing trades are a fact of life in the forex market. You weren't wrong, simply, your edge didn't play in your favor on this trade. Close your losing position and move onto the next trade.

Insufficient capitalization. Forex trading is already highly leveraged. Insufficient capitalization just magnifies the potential problems you can face. If you read about the famous and big name traders, they never use more than 1% - 2% of their trading capital on a position. Get out a calculator and let's see... 1% of $10,000 is $100. So as a position trader who might have a stop-loss order of 100 pips, you can only trade one mini lot of one currency pair for each $10,000 in your trading account. That is, if you want to trade like the pros. Do you have $10,000 in your account? Why do forex dealers boldly advertise you can start trading with only $250 then? Because they are in business to make money, and if they can convince you to commit trading errors, they stand a much better chance that they will soon have your money.

Overtrading. A close cousin of insufficient capitalization. Knowing that very few currency traders trade with sufficient capital in the first place, they further compound the potential problems by trading too actively and in too many currency pairs. Spreading themselves too thin you might say. Potential problems include loosing focus and margin calls. Getting a margin call is a very irresponsible position for a forex trader to be in and is a direct result of overtrading, over leveraging, and insufficient capitalization. This is as close to the perfect recipe for failure as you can get.

Not using stop-loss orders. There are very few times when not using stop-loss orders is the correct action to take. Large traders with several hundred or more lots don't want to advertise where their stops are placed is one. The other might be scalpers whose stop is only 10-15 pips away. By the time they figure the math and enter it in the system, the price might already be there or even past it. And some forex dealing stations won't let you place stops closer than 15 pips anyway, especially in fast moving situations. Other than those times, you need to put stop-loss orders in on every position. It is in your own best interest to protect yourself. I know, some people whine that their stops are always being run by the dealer. A whole article could be written on stop-loss order management, if not a complete chapter in a book. Let's just say for now, don't put them where everybody else does, and don't put them too close.

Trading as a hobby. Golf is a hobby and it costs you money to play. Horseback riding is a hobby and it costs you money as well. The point is hobbies cost money, business makes money. You need to treat your forex trading as a business if you ever hope to make money on a consistent basis. That means keeping records, keeping a trading journal, and have a written business plan. You wouldn't invest money into a start up business without first seeing a business plan, so why would you invest money into your own trading account without the same thoughtful consideration.

Not having a trading plan. This is one of those catch-all mistakes. If you have a written trading plan, and follow it, you will already have identified and hopefully eliminated all of the above mistakes. If you don't have a written trading plan, you are almost assuredly making some, if not all of the above mistakes. Maybe not all at once, but even occasional mistakes add up quickly. Do yourself a favor and don't put on another trade until you think through and write down the response for all of the above mistakes and any others you can identify, as well as entry and exit rules. Then follow it.

These are just some of the many mistakes you can make as a forex trader. You need to take responsibility for yourself and your money and act in your own best interest. The currency markets are a zero sum game and the many players are out to make a profit. Don't let them profit with your money. Do your best to eliminate the above mistakes, and you will go a long way to ensuring you are the one who profits in the forex market.

Author Resource:- James is a successful online currency trader and also runs the popular website Go there now and you can sign up for his FREE, "Currency Trade of the Week".

Smart Energy Tips

It has become a very common reality for the majority of household owners to spend huge amounts of money on monthly utilities. Most of the time, the most expensive things we all have to pay for are related to heating and cooling the house, but, however, the use of home appliances can also make a difference in the overall cost of living for a common family.

In order to prevent spending unnecessary amounts of money, for a quality of life that we can obtain cheaper, it is always good to keep in mind a series of simple energy saving techniques, which eventually are going to make a consistent difference in the overall utility cost. These techniques or tips can be easily put into practice and moreover, they can be adapted to the necessities of each household, in order to maximize the percentage of energy saved.

Thus, the living room, for example, can be heated during the warm season by simply keeping the shades on the south-facing windows open during the day and closed during the night, instead of using artificial form of heating. In addition, to avoid undesired chilling of the room, make sure the fireplace damper is closed, when the fire is not burning. Moreover, if you never use your fireplace, it is recommended to plug and seal the chimney flue.

As far as the kitchen energy tips go, it is advisable to keep the preheating time of the oven to a minimum and try to open the oven door as few times as possible, because you actually loose heat with every single opening. When cooking, make sure you cover the pots and pans with lids, so that you keep the temperature high and reduce cooking time.

Thinking about minor details, such as switching off the light when you go out of a room and saving water when you brush your teeth, will eventually result into an important difference, as far as the amount of money you have to spend on your utilities bills.

The Pros and Cons In The Work Of A Cultivator

A cultivator is a person who is involved in the cultivation and supervision of a land, whether he may own the land or not.

They play a vital role to the development of agriculture all throughout the world. Since agriculture is one of the most important of all existing industries, these cultivators provide the world with the most basic necessity which is food.

If these all of the world's cultivators decided to stop plowing their crop, majority of the world's population would be stuck of panic and a world-wide hunger would occur. In the end, their country and the world depends mostly upon their services.

There are many benefits and disadvantages on working as a cultivator.

Since the beginning of time, the cultivator does their own tilling of the soil, planting and after a while, harvesting of the crops.

Many of the traditional cultivators still use this process. But, because of recent scientific discoveries on agriculture, studies on soil, high-tech machinery, and modern fertilizers, the cultivators' job becomes more stress-free.

Because of these up to date discoveries, further learning on machineries and knowledge on their soil and fertilizers should be taken into consideration for all cultivators. They have to know how to take care of the machines to be able to go to work instantly.

The efforts of a cultivator may be very disappointing when the forces of nature are beyond the cultivators' control. Because agriculture depends on the weather conditions, extreme rain, sunshine, or frost may cause the entire crops of the farmer to get ruined. The total year-round work wasted with a few days of weather calamity.

Other factors like plant diseases and insect pests are another factor for the downfall of a cultivators' work. These factors could be dealt with the advice of experts from the government which updates these cultivators on what to do.

For the cultivator to start his own farm, a considerable amount of money is needed for the business capital. Not anybody could afford buying a large area to be planted on, so the farmers resort to taking care of other landlord's farm.

Plus, the market of the products is unstable depending on the location of your farm. If the transportation costs exceed the returns he gets from his harvest, the work is not worth it.

A farmer is independent in his work. The cultivators' boss is his own. He has the control of his daily routine, whether he prefers heavy or light work for the day. He will decide the modernization of his own land if it needs innovations.

He could try anything he likes on his farm. If he has studied on a modern variety of tomatoes, he could experiment on his own and grab success or fall on his own mistake. His farm is always a work on progress.

The best advantage of all cultivators is his work cannot be studied on books and research alone. The more experience one farmer has on the field, the knowledgeable he becomes on the end product of his crop.

But, it wouldn't harm the farmer to study about new technologies that could help raise his profession into a new level. This would make his job a lot easier and a better opportunity for market.

Many professions and trades are available in the competitive working force. But one trade stands out, which is agriculture, because nothing can replace food than food itself. The cultivator, who produces the world's food, is a worker whom the world couldn't manage without.

Author Resource:- James Monahan is the owner and Senior Editor of and writes expert
articles about cultivator.

Here Comes The Sun!

By : India Cooper
Life is easy. On chilly days we turn up the heating, boil the kettle and settle in front of the TV, feeling nice and cosy. But at the back of our minds we all know that our children and grandchildren may end up paying the price for our comforts. We need to start implementing alternative sources of energy in our homes, and we need to start now.

For the last 100 years or so we have been relying on fossil fuels to power our lifestyles, but this is now recognised as damaging to the environment and anyway, resources are limited. If we want to carry on enjoying our creature comforts then renewable energy is the way to do it.

Renewable energy is continually replenished by nature. Sources such as the sun, wind, water and thermal (underground) heat are harnessed rather than used up. The sun's energy can be converted using solar panels that can be placed on buildings or on posts, facing the sun.

The good news is they can be retro fitted onto the existing roof. If the roof is very old it may be worth hiring a structural engineer to confirm the load bearing capacity of your roof. Next find out how much electricity you use (your current electricity supplier will be able to let you know) and then decide what percentage of this you want your solar energy to replace. This will be a balancing trick. The price of solar panels will depend not only on efficiency but also on their capacity - also find out whether you can get any financial help from the Government or your local authority. This may depend on the system you choose.

Of course, once you know how much electricity you are currently using you can also look at ways of cutting that figure. Improving insulation in the roof and around windows and doors is always worthwhile and simply cutting down on energy use by switching off lights and half filling kettles all do their bit to cut your energy consumption.

In countries such as the UK where sunshine can be limited, it's a good idea to get a system that includes a battery. The battery will store electricity in times of increased sunlight, so that you have a supply on cloudy and short winter days and of course in the evening. A battery is of course vital if you're aiming for 100% solar power. But here's another balancing trick you'll need to consider - solar batteries are lead-acid batteries and their manufacture and use isn't particularly environmentally friendly. However it may be better than using fossil fuel generated electricity from the national grid...

Positioning your solar panel will be crucial for maximising the electricity it generates. Solar panels only work if the sun is shining directly on them. So you will need to work out the best spot on your roof - clearly south or south west facing is a good start. Also if you live in an urban area or in a low level house make sure you don't pick a spot on the roof that is shaded by trees or other buildings.

One of the major advantages of a solar power system is that it's made up of interconnecting components and is modular. So components can be added as your needs grow. Typical components are the solar panel, which converts sunlight into electric energy; the battery which can store electricity for later use; a charge controller which ensures the batteries are recharged by the solar panel and also prevents overcharging; and an inverter converts DC power from the solar panel into AC power which is needed by most household appliances.

Beyond these basic components you could fit a motor so that the solar panel can move and track the sun as it moves across the sky. You could also have a meter - this is essential if you are selling excess energy on to the national grid.

As you are installing an electrical system it's essential to get an electrician who is an expert in the field to do the work. This is not a DIY job! But once installed, you should quickly start reaping the rewards and paying back the cost of the hardware and installation. Best of all, you can free yourself from those monthly energy bills and guilt trips about the planet's future.

Author Resource:- Expert electrician India Cooper advises the public to seek the assistance of a professinal electrician when harnassing the power of solar energy. To find out more please visit

Global Warming - Does Global Warming Lead To A High Death Rate

By : Chris Marshall
Global Warming is one of the things people search a lot for on the Internet. People often search for articles with questions like does global warming lead to a high death rate and whilst there is information around a lot of it will not be useful if you do not word your search well. It is also important to remember that the Internet is full of websites written with agenda and that the information on some websites may not be factual or correct, this is especially important in the case of websites about Global Warming.

Climate change can affect everything and it could eventually affect the death rate of our population if things do continue to get worse over the next few years. Climate change will affect everything and that includes global warming affecting ocean life. The truth about climate change is that no matter how people deny or ignore it the Worlds temperature is increasing and with that rise the sea levels in the world are rising so the global warming affecting ocean life will happen and make things different in the World.

If you are wanting to know about the human causes global warming then there is not only plenty of information available online but also plenty that you can do to help prevent global warming from getting worse.

People often want to know about the effects of global warming in Singapore and the places like this that are at major risk and there are websites on the Internet that can offer you accurate advice about what exactly climate change will do and what areas will be most affect by Global Warming.

One of the biggest worries about the planet is that global warming can't be reversed and it will eventually destroy our planet if we do not take action against the rising temperature and the problems that it will cause for future generations. If you do ignore the problems then they may go away for you but will not in the long term and we are all accountable and could do more to ensure that our planet is save for many years to come. If you are interested then there are plenty of things you can do and you can start to make a difference straight away even with little things like turning appliances off and making sure that you wash clothes on a lower temperature. They may seem trivial things but if everybody in the world starts to do them then it will start to make a big difference.

Author Resource:- Global Warming Website explores the issue of climate change and the environment so that you can find out more information about the effect you have on the environment and the effect it has on your life. For more information please visit

The Greatest Product Design Of All Time

By : Catherine Harvey
When it comes to product design, there can be little doubt that plastic is the one time biggest invention that has helped make billions of items affordable and readily available to everybody.

Plastic, coming from the Greek word Plastikos meaning to mould or shape, is the product design of Alexander Parkes and was first publicly demonstrated at the 1862 Great International Exhibition in London. This is an organic material made from cellulose that can be heated and moulded to any shape, retaining this new shape on cooling.

The invention of plastic has opened the doors to a myriad of new product designs that otherwise would either not have been possible, or at best would have still been invented but at vastly inflated prices as to those that plastic brings about.

Plastic has increasingly been used in product design throughout the years with varying popularity. Warehouses were full to the rafters with plastic furniture in the sixties but some people saw the products as 'cheap' as in cheap quality as well as cheap prices. And this was looked down upon for a time.

But that is the whole beauty of this product design. It is cheap. It is flexible, mouldable, resilient and very strong. It means that anything from furniture to food and drink containers, from toys to paints, from cameras and phones to radios - all have plastic elements.

Plastic can be coloured in whatever way you want it to stand out or blend in, to look natural or completely manufactured.

The invention of plastic itself has opened doors to product design in every single area of life. And this itself brings about another problem. Plastic does not simply rot away. It can give off toxic fumes if burnt and will overwhelm landfill sites the world over.

However, there really is no reason to be throwing plastic items away in landfill sites as it can all be recycled. The problem arises in trying to encourage people to do the right thinking when plastic products are finished with. Water bottles are one derivative of plastic product design and with today's emphasis on health and well being many people have taken to constantly carrying water bottles with them and sipping regularly.

It seems crazy that they want a healthier body so they drink more water but care little about their environment to the point where they are quite happy to pollute it by not recycling in a responsible manner. In 2002, a staggering 15 billion plastic water bottles were produced and of this total, a mere 12 per cent were recycled. This compares with thirty per cent of soft juice drinks bottles but is still nowhere near enough.

It is relatively easy to recycle plastics and they can simply be reformed into something else. Take a look at the blonde woman from Texas. One minute she was normal but after some reforming with plastic surgery she turned into Pamela Anderson. All very well but what happens after death? In years to come will the ground be littered with plastic body parts that used to be implants?

On a more serious note, plastic surgery is one area that has hardly been touched by actual plastic and the name is slightly misleading. Plastic surgeons concentrate on remodelling bones, cartilage, muscle and skin using various products and are sometimes mistakenly called cosmetic surgeons.

One way or another, it has to be said that plastic is one of the greatest product design results the world has ever seen and has opened the floodgates for so many more possibilities. All we need to do is dispose of it responsibly and it will see us through many more generations.

Five Things To Do With Old Computer Equipment

By : Daniel Johansson
As with most electrical items computers have become totally disposable when it comes to buying a new model. If one breaks down it is often cheaper to buy a complete new set-up rather than have your equipment repaired. Or, if you simply need a go-faster, bigger-memory machine in some cases it may also be cheaper to buy new, than upgrade. So, what can you actually do with old computer equipment? Is it possible to recycle it or is your PC destined for the landfill?

1. Send them to a worthy charity - certain charities collect and either export older, but perfectly functioning computers to Africa and other under-developed economic countries, or upgrade them and distribute to schools around the UK. If you have a social conscience then this will be your preferred way of getting secondary use out of your old computer system.

2. Refurbish, upgrade and keep - in some cases, although definitely not all, it can prove cheaper to upgrade your equipment rather than purchase a completely new system. Adding more RAM, upgrading your motherboard and/or adding a faster processor to convert your current system to an all-singing, all-dancing high-spec computer may be the way forward. So, it is definitely worth costing up your options before considering other computer disposal methods.

3. Secure destruction - We've all heard of those cunning technical wizards who can find all the information that you thought you'd deleted from your machine, and use it for ill-gotten gain. So, if you, or your company, have sensitive information that should prove very damaging if it got into the wrong hands consider a specialist company to handle your PC disposal. They'll ensure that the hard drives are destroyed in such a way as to make data retrieval impossible.

4. Re-marketing - There are companies out there that will help you sell on your old computer equipment if it is in good cosmetic condition and working order. In return for a percentage of the price obtained, usually 20 - 30%, they will refurbish and sell on your equipment, either in the UK or abroad using their contacts or networks.

5. Rebuild the Enterprise Bridge - Be the envy of all your Trekkie mates and construct your own home-based Enterprise operations room. Strategically distribute your various computer components around your living room - the more monitors the better - add a few coloured lights and a lot of silver paper. For the final touch purchase a prestige leather chair such as a Lazyboy, and place it plum centre in front of a huge 72" plasma screen to recreate your own Starship Enterprise Bridge. In the words of Captain Picard: "Make it so!"

Author Resource:- Daniel Johansson is an Internet technologist whose main interests include Web Standards, XML and writing for the Web. Computer disposal companies offer a reliable means of securely disposing of, refurbishing and recycling old computer equipment.

For The Safety Of Your Laptop Batteries

By : Victor Epand
The laptop battery is an indispensable organ of the laptop. The battery is what gives your laptop the convenience of being portable. These batteries can be recharged over and over again.

Laptop batteries should be charged only when they fall below 80% in its capacity. These are usually manufactured for a long lifetime and can be used at least for 500 to 1200 cycles. The use of the laptop batteries can be optimized by handling them carefully and with caution. These batteries should be conditioned on a regular basis. and that should be at least once in a month. While charging the battery, the laptop should be turned off when possible. If kept on, the batteries won't acquire the required charging power. Also the metal connectors that connect the battery to the laptop should be cleaned. Any dust or moisture in this area can damage the battery.

When you wish to see a movie or listen to music on your laptop, it is better to write the
CD or DVD onto your had disc. Doing this will not require as much power as when you just play the CD or DVD on the laptop. In turn, this will help extend the overall life of the battery. A few cautions like these can help the battery to last a long time.

The performance of the battery is determined by its weight, cycle period and rate of discharge. There are three types of batteries available, Some are costly while others in comparison are quite reasonable. These batteries will have a long life if properly stored
and used. Hotter temperatures will have an affect on the battery as opposed to keeping the battery at room temperature. However, the terms for storage and usage of the battery vary from one brand to another. The newly manufactured batteries have certain rules
for charging them. The new chargers are designed in such a way that they don't need to be directed regarding the voltage, trickle charge, etc. Therefore, these batteries are said to be "smart batteries" which are smart enough to perform all their tasks own their own.

Theses batteries usually come with the laptop when purchased, and hardly ever need to be replaced because of damage. However, a reputed brand name should always be used to guarantee longer life and better performance. Also, most brand names will come with a warranty.

Laptop batteries can be purchased online also. However you should make sure that the site you are using will offer you quality products and service.

Fixing Computer Slowdowns and Stopping Them From Crashing

By : Ed Lathrop
Most people recognize it as "the blue screen of death." The computer crash screen can be a very frustrating experience. The sudden appearance of this screen is a terrifying, especially if you were about to finish something important and you forgot to save it.

All of your hard work is lost because your computer decided to give up and crash. Most people never expect their computer to crash, but they should understand everyone is prone to having computer failures.

The Early Signs

Prior to crashing, your computer will probably start to act differently. This can include things like going very slow and even freezing. This should be the first sign your computer is about to crash, or that there are problems with it. Your computer needs a little bit of fixing or tweaking so it can get back to proper working condition.

The first cause of a computer crash could be associated with recently installed hardware or programs. Check to make sure any new additions to your computer have been installed properly. Sometimes, your programs just need to be updated, especially if you are running a brand new operating system. Some older versions of hardware and software might not be compatible with your system at all, so do your research before you install anything.

The Registry

The registry can become corrupt and cause a lot of problems for your computer. The registry is what your Windows operating system is made of. If it gets too bloated and its files become unorganized, a crash is likely to occur. The registry files can be repaired, and better yet, kept in top condition by running a registry-cleaning program on a regular basis. This will in most cases prevent computer slow downs and crashes.

Your computer is able to perform several different types of tasks. It's not uncommon for it to get bogged down and tired. Crashing means serious problems are developing with your registry. This is something that can't be taken lightly. In fact, there could come a point when the registry gets so corrupted, only a complete hard drive reformat will help.

There is hope

On the other hand, I've seen it happen many times when somebody was advised it was time to reformat the hard drive and then re-install the operating system when this was not necessary. What really needed to be done was to have a technician scan for viruses and spyware from another computer.

Then when the computer got back up on its feet again, a registry cleaner finished the job of restoring the computer to excellent health. Of course, if the registry had been cleaned regularly in the first place, the computer may never have gotten to this critical stage of near death.

There was an old T.V. commercial where an automobile mechanic proclaimed, "You can pay me now or pay me later." He was referring to the fact you could pay a little more for a better oil filter now, or pay for a new engine later.

This axiom holds true for today's operating systems. You can spend a little time and incur a small expense now to keep your registry clean and organized, or you may lose all your files to a reformat later. If you ask me, it is an easy choice!

Author Resource:- The author, Ed Lathrop is a certified computer technician familiar with the repair PC's. His site, Free Use Registry Repair Compare Website, rates the latest registry programs and tells what works and what might actually be dangerous to your computer. Also, get up to date tips on your registry at: Registry Repair Tools.

How To Fix Your Ever-Increasing Windows Registry Problems

By : Alex Miller
Many are the problems that may occur while operating our personal computers. Viruses are somewhat popular as the main cause challenging the health of our computers, and also our patience. Yet, they are not the only ones to fear. Errors and slow operation can negatively affect the efficiency of our work and they stand for a serious source of trouble. Is there anything to do in order to remove those nuisances? In order to fix the problem, we first have to identify its cause. And the most often this cause has to do with the Windows registry.

Again, in order to cure the Windows registry one has to acquire a registry cleaner. Registry cleaners are programs designed to deal with the difficulties that the Windows registry has to face. The Best Registry Fix program is one of these registry cleaners that understand how the problems occur and consequently get rid of them. Any Registry Fix Review shows, like all others objective reviews, that this registry cleaner is appreciated as well as it is criticized. The fact that some users are extremely pleased with this program and others denigrate it makes you wander.

The Best Registry Fix program is designed to scan and inform the user about the presence of errors related to ActiveX controls, Windows explorer and Windows installer issues, Runtime errors, Svchost and EXE errors, and a lot of other issues. As great as it may be the Best Registry Fix program has some limits, and in order to be satisfied with it, one has to learn about them. It is only natural to be disappointed with anything if you expect it to perform beyond its actual limits.

Reading a Registry Fix Review may puzzle you a little. Some customers pretend they had to pay after the first fifty scans. Others do not mention something like that, but express their gratitude. Others claim the program is not Vista compatible, and others again state that the program is much more performing than any other similar program. Who to trust? And, above all, what should we understand from so many contradictory testimonials? Perhaps confronting any Registry Fix Review is not enough for gaining a proper understanding of this program. Reviews may encourage us to acquire the program, as well as they may dissuade us from doing so. In any case, the decision we make should not be entirely grounded on these reviews.

Choosing the Best Registry Fix program requires a prior study. One should learn about what this program is supposed to do. Errors linked to missing system fonts and DLL files, application paths and invalid device drivers, as well as to startup programs and missing file associations are on this programs agenda. Some testimonials prove that the program scans and identifies about six hundred errors. However, the result is a faster operation. Computers begin to respond much prompter; surfing on the Internet is much more rapid. Everything begins to work as it was supposed to be and, above all, our work developed on the computer is no longer at risk.

Using Registry Cleaners To Speed Up Your PC

By : Alex Miller
In case you have problems with your personal computer, the first thing to do is try to find the cause in order to eliminate it. Should you neglect those problems, your entire activity and work stored on that computer is at risk.

A large range of errors is due to the fact that the Windows registry is affected by several events, for instance, traces of information left after some uninstalling processes. Acquiring one of the best registry cleaners will solve your problems, but why do these problems occur from the first place?

The explanation is that if we uninstall certain programs, some items may resist to the process. Consequently, these items will interfere with our operating the personal computer. But an incomplete installation of programs may just as well trigger errors. Also, frequent installation and un-installation of programs and hardware can corrupt the Windows registry.
Infected drivers, spyware and viruses, malicious Internet sites and countless other circumstances have a negative impact on the Windows registry. All sorts of errors will pop up troubling our activity and endangering it as a result of the above mentioned causes. Employing one of the best registry cleaners will save us from that trouble and will allow us to focus on whatever it is that we work on the computer.

RegCure is an example of a registry cleaner. This software is engineered to cope with a large range of issues: application installer and uninstall errors; errors regarding Windows boot, start up and shutdown; errors linked to DLL, EXE and runtime; disabled drivers and spyware applications; partition and hard disk slowdown and Windows media player error. These are just a few of the many problems that have a negative impact on your personal computer.

Due to the fact that RegCure is designed on the most recent technologies in registry cleaning, it is highly rated with respect to effectiveness, speed, ease of use and support. It is designed to provide a series of services, such as: creating a backup file in order to assure no useful item is removed; the removing process can be set both on automatic and manual mode. RegCure also displays the scan process, can be scheduled to perform the scan whenever the user wants, deletes empty registry keys and checks the invalid class ones, removes duplicate files and so on.

Tests have been made and the results were at least impressive. Lots of so called registry cleaners were simply inefficient, some of them had a decent performance, but RegCure proved to be the best of all. It was able to identify most of the redundant items and corrupted files specially stored in some computers.

Friday, April 18, 2008

What Makes A Good Forex Trading Market?

Whatever you are trading, whether it is stocks, futures, bonds, foreign currency or anything else, there are certain conditions which must exist for the market to be attractive to the trader and profitable for him. The four characteristics of a good investment market are liquidity, transparency, minimal trading costs and trending.

Trading in its simplest form comprises two elements, a sale and a purchase, and the liquidity of a market is nothing more than the ease with which a trader can both buy and sell. For a market to be truly liquid however a trader must not merely be able to buy and sell with ease, but he must also be able to do so in substantial volume without this having a marked effect on the price of the items being traded.

If a market is not sufficiently liquid delays in buying and selling can often result in considerable differences between the price when an order is placed and when it is executed. Additionally, traders can often find that it is difficult to sell items in a market with poor liquidity.

The foreign currency market is arguably the world's most liquid market with an enormous trading volume which is second to none.

When we talk about the transparency of a market we are referring to a trader's access to accurate information throughout the trading process. The greater the access to accurate information, the greater the transparency.

Information is the key to successful trading in many of the world markets and indeed there are numerous examples of individuals and companies running into problems because they did not have access to accurate information.

Fortunately, in addition to being the world's most liquid market, the Forex market is also the world's most transparent market.

Minimal Trading Costs
In any market the market makers need to make a profit and that means that there are inevitably costs to be met by the trader. The secret to a successful market, as far as the trader is concerned, is for trading costs to be as low as possible, as the higher the trading costs the lower his profit, or the greater his loss.

The Forex market enjoys some of the lowest trading costs of any market with no commission or similar trading costs and trading costs being largely limited to the difference between the buying and selling price in any currency trade. This difference, which is known as the 'spread' and which is common to many markets, is also extremely tight in the case of the foreign currency market, keeping trading costs to a minimum.

In most markets the biggest problem traders face is knowing when to buy and when to sell and it is vitally important that traders have some way of gauging the direction in which a market is moving.

In the case of the Forex market many traders employ a technique known as technical analysis, which essentially studies the past performance of the market and looks for trends which can then be used to predict its future direction.

Such predictive tools are not unique to the Forex market and most markets will display at least some form of trend. However, the Forex market shows particularly strong trending characteristics and this makes it much easier for traders to identify when to enter and exit trading positions than is the case in most other markets.

Getting Into The Lucrative World Of Forex Trading

For many years the foreign exchange market was the preserve of major players such as national banks and multi-national corporations. In the 1980s however new rules were introduced which permitted smaller investors to enter the market through a margin account. In simple terms, a margin account allows you to trade with more money than you actually have in your trading account. For example, a 100:1 margin account allows you to participate in trading up to $100,000 with an investment of only $1,000.

Now, although this entry level has opened up the market to the smaller investor, care needs to be taken as Forex trading is not easy and is certainly not without its risks. For this reason the very first thing that any novice trader needs to do is to sit down, study the foreign exchange markets carefully and learn the ins and outs of trading before putting any money at risk.

In addition to some basic training, the newcomer will also need to find a good broker as all trading must be conducted through a broker. Here a personal recommendation is often the best place to start but, in the absence of this, you should choose a broker who is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM). This will provide you with protection against both abusive trade practices and fraud.

It is normally a simple process to open an account with a broker and once this is done and funds are added to your account you can start trading. Brokers will normally offer a number of accounts to suit individual clients and most will have "mini" accounts which will allow you to begin trading with as little as $250. The margin on which you are permitted to trade will vary from one account to the next.

One thing that you should always look for when selecting a broker is the ability to cut your teeth by carrying out simulated, or paper, trades for a period of time. This is a facility which many good brokers will provide and which simply allows you to trade in the normal manner but to do so simply on paper and without any money changing hands until you have found your feet. Many online brokers provide simulated accounts allowing you to make free paper trades for up to 30 days.

One thing that worries newcomers is the subject of trading charges and brokerage fees. Unlike many other markets, the Forex market is free of commission and so you can make as many trades as you like without worrying about running up huge brokerage fees. Your broker will make his profit from the 'spread' on each trade, which is the difference between the buying and selling price of a currency pair and is a subject all of its own.

Online Stock Trading Companies

Everything is happening online. You do not need to go to a bigger store. There are many online department stores and shops at your disposal.

You do not need to visit the bank. The banking transactions can now be coursed through the Internet. Bookings at hotels and housing? You guessed right, they are today made on the net.

Stock markets

The stock markets are not left behind either. Various operators transact billions of dollars worth of investment around the world.

The stock markets have now gone online. Yes , you can now trade stocks and shares by sitting online, through the portal website.

The stock markets are always active. Through investment in stocks, we can double or triple investment amounts overnight. That's how fast-paced the stock markets are.

Of course, because the trading has gone online, the concept of selling portals and online services to users of stock transactions can be a good source of income to technology companies.

A little about online stock trade companies

There are many companies trading stock online today on the markets. It should be kept in mind that these companies are mostly doing good and making significant income. Offering online trading has proven a very profitable venture. So many companies generate income from these transactions. In addition, the number and volume of these enterprises are growing steadily and significantly thanks to the increase in demand.

Stock companies on the net are highly profitable and successful. This is because almost all investors, whether individual or institutions, are making the move to online transactions.

The Convenience

And why not move online? The convenience of the service is very significant. Commercial operations can proceed, even if the investors are nowhere in the city.

Offshore border trades or transactions can be easily and effectively facilitated. Thats the best thing about online technology.

Buying and selling stocks is truly the best investment you can make in the market place of today.

Therefore the stock exchange is the happening thing and holds the most confidence of all options that an investor may face today.

Beyond just the reliability and convenience, accuracy of information and transaction details are also important. And they are clearly and effectively coursed stock trading online through transactions.

So how can you find these online stock trade companies?

These stock trade companies are really everywhere. Why not look on the net to find their locations? You will no doubt find a company offering these services located close to where you live. All you would have to do is keep a look out and soon you will find one. And then you can always consult with other who trade using such services. Be sure you work with a trusted company.

Author Resource:- Abhishek has an uncanny insight into Trading! Visit his website and download his FREE Trading Report and learn some amazing Trading tips and tricks for FREE. His tips would save you thousands and make you better at Trading! But hurry, only limited Free copies available!

Stock Exchange - Everyday Trading On The Stock Exchange

By : Abhishek Agarwal
The stock markets are pretty unpredictable. One minute you could be excited and encouraged thanks to the fact that the stocks you invested in are booming, and the next you could be broken because the bull run reversed and the stock fell even lower than it started.

Obviously, a profit or a loss is calculated by comparing the prices of purchase and sales of the stocks.

Stock exchange trades usually are done in the day. This is because of the assumption that it is during the day, that most of the big companies around the world normally conduct business transactions.

As the saying goes, a work day cant ever be too long for stock trades. It is a common feeling that a work day is too short to negotiate all trades you wished to.

Stock trade transactions

Prior to the purchase and sale of stocks,one is expected to do some homework, meaning do some background checks on the companies you are planning to invest into.

The choice is solely yours, where you put your money in, or if you take out investment from a particular stock. Make sure you have a well thought out decision because your profits of commercial transactions will be based on this.

When you buy securities, you should inform your brokerage partner on your intention and the amount you would like to buy, on whatever stock.

Make sure you have all adequate information on your choice of stock. What good would it do to invest in a company on the edge of bankruptcy?.

Your money would soon disappear with the company's losses.


In a time span of over 4 centuries, trading has gradually evolved to be a safer and better tool for investment.

Within this short period, the stock markets of Commerce have emerged as the largest and most widely used investment strategy in the world, across every market, from the third world to the American economy.

Any country's average economic performance is today judged and evaluated on the basis of how its local stock market trading or exchange is doing. This system of research in the economy should proliferate and spread over time.

Every day, as mentioned earlier, brings fresh threats and promises of new markets for stocks on the Exchange. Trading is not similar to trading the previous day.

Every day is just as promising and just as risk prone as the other day in the stock market. But one thing is certain, when you face a terrible day, you still have the hope that tomorrow will bring success.

This is one of the beauties of the rapid and happening stock trades exchange. Go ahead, try your own hand at it.

Laptop and Notebook Buying Guide

A laptop is the ideal replacement for your desktop computer. The greatest advantage of a laptop is its portability. Unlike desktop computers, you can easily move a laptop around your home, carry it to work or class and take it with you when you travel. Laptops are a big investment, so before buying one, you should consider many factors like the manufacturer, performance and features.

What kind of laptop user are you?
A home user wants all the features of a desktop PC in the form of a notebook. If you are a home user, then choose a notebook which is easy to carry and comes with the most basic computer applications. Students should opt for an affordable laptop which is light and durable. Frequent fliers need slim notebook models with long-lasting batteries. A business user should purchase a laptop with plenty of hard disk space and advanced security features while a gamer needs a fast processor and the latest graphics card.

What are the different kinds of laptop computers available?

Laptops for Entertainment:
Multimedia laptops are always more expensive and heavier than your standard model. These laptops come with a powerful processor, abundant memory and a large hard drive. You can use these laptops as a mobile DVD player, MP3 jukebox and a digital photo album. If you buy a TV tuner card, you can even use your multimedia notebook as a television set. These notebooks are ideal for PC gaming.

Laptops for Business:
Laptops especially designed for business use are ultra portable. These laptops are durable and more secure than the basic laptop. They are best suited for consumers who are always on the move. A good business laptop should offer a fingerprint reader or SmartCard support to prevent data theft. These notebooks usually have advanced computer applications and wireless capabilities, so you can work even when you are away from your desk.

Laptops for Home:
The home user typically uses a laptop for checking mail and browsing the web. These laptops perform general tasks. A high speed processor is an unnecessary luxury and tends to be wasted on most home users. Opt for a notebook with at least a 14-inch screen and a comfortable keyboard. These laptops are generally heavy, weighing more than 4 kg at times. Their average battery life is less than three hours.

What constitutes a good laptop?

If you are going to use your laptop extensively, then you need to be comfortable with the keys. Try a laptop with slightly larger keys to avoid straining your fingers from typing. Most laptops come with a touch pad or a tracking pointer instead of a mouse. If you are a PC gamer, buy a separate mouse which can keep up with the fast-paced action on screen.

Operating Systems:
The Windows XP Media Center Edition is a good operating system for entertainment laptops. It makes optimal use of multimedia features like TV tuners, radio tuners and media players. If you are a professional who prefers Apple notebooks but are concerned about compatibility, check out the dual boot models by Apple that allow you to install and run Windows as well as Mac OS X. If you prefer PCs, Microsoft Vista is an ideal alternative to Windows XP. Vista comes in several editions, including Vista Home Basic and Vista Home Premium for the home user, Vista Business for the professional and Vista Ultimate for the best of both worlds.

Memory and Storage:
All data and applications are stored in the RAM (random access memory). Many laptops commonly use 256 MB of RAM. Most business laptops and entertainment laptops come with 512 MB or more of RAM. The more RAM you buy, the more data you can store.

The hard drive stores all programs and files. For the average home user, a 20 GB hard drive will more than suffice. If you buy a laptop for entertainment or business purposes, a 60 GB hard drive will better serve your needs. Some entertainment laptops even have multiple hard drives for better performance. Hard drives come with different speeds. Most laptop hard drives have a speed of 5,400 rpm. However, faster hard drives go up to 7,200 rpm.

The size of a laptop is based on the size of the screen. Screen size starts as small as 10.6 inches and goes up to 20 inches diagonally. Most laptops have an LCD monitor. However, if you are using your laptop for CAD, a CRT monitor will serve you just as well, if not better. The screen resolution determines the crispness of your image. A 12.1 inch display uses WXGA resolutions (1,280 by 800). A 14 or 15 inch display typically uses WSXGA+ (1680 by 1,050), although a small number of notebook computers use WUXGA (1,920 by 1,200) instead.

It is more difficult to upgrade a notebooks processor than it is to upgrade a desktop computer. For this reason, you should buy a processor with a speed that will best suit your use. Also, it is wise to choose a processor with less battery consumption. Processors with 1.4 to 1.6 Ghz are preferred by most users.

Lithium ion batteries are commonly used in laptops. The average battery life is about 3 hours. It takes around 75 minutes to fully recharge a lithium ion battery.

Graphics Card:
A graphics card, sometimes referred to as a video adapter, is responsible for generating the images you see on a laptops display. For businessmen who need to do lot of presentations, a graphics card containing 32 or 64 MB of dedicated memory is the right choice. There are also specially designed cards for gaming. These cards are expensive and should be avoided unless you require excellent graphics.

USB Ports:
Laptop computers come with at least one USB port so that you can connect peripherals to the notebook. Recent models have a FireWire connection that lets you transfer digital information from camcorders or MP3 players.

Optical Drives:
Most laptops come with either a CD-ROM (compact disc, read-only memory), a CD-RW (compact disc, re-writeable) or a DVD-ROM (digital versatile disc, read-only-memory). The DVD+RW/+R with CD-RW is a combination drive which will read a CD or a DVD and write data to a DVD as well.

Laptops are available with integrated modems for dial-up connections, Ethernet ports for cable internet and DSL and wireless modems for Wi-Fi connections. Many business laptops also have a cellular wireless modem so you can browse at broadband speeds with just a mobile phone signal.

A Purchase Guide For Notebooks

By : Roberto Sedycias
The term Notebook computers and laptop computer is often used interchangeably. However notebook computers are smaller, lighter and costlier than laptop computers. You can carry this computer with you when you are away on a business trip, can watch movies and access internet also.

The first notebook computer which was launched in the market in 1981 was expensive and was not as versatile like present day computers .Portable versions of laptops were launched in the market by IBM and Epsom in 1983.

With introduction of Windows 95, the world of notebook computers took a giant leap forward and was now able to compete with other personal computers because of the operating system and the advancement of technology. Prices of these computers started falling, attracting more consumers. Life of battery improved and acids were no longer required. The notebook computers now consumed less power and could hold more data.

Notebook computers come in various sizes. For a quick reference, have a look at the following figures (without power adaptors and accessories): Tablet PC - it weighs less that 3 lbs; Ultra Portable - it weighs less than 4 lbs and less than 1.3 inches thick with size between 10 and 11 inches; Thin and Light - it is between 1 and 1.4 inches thick and weighs between 5 to 7 lbs with size from 11 to 14 inches; Desktop replacements (Largest) - it is 1.5 inches thick and heavier than 7 lbs. Size between 11 and 13 inches.

Some important points are listed here which may help you to have an informed purchasing decision:

Size and Weight: The point to remember that while choosing a very lightweight and small size, you may have to sacrifice some items such as drives. So you have to decide what you want.

Processor: Note book processors perform like desktop processors. Dual core processors carry multitasking and are common. Notebook processors directly impact the battery life and performance of the computers. For Intel premier processor, higher the number, the faster it will process. The rotational speed of the disk also affects the performance of these computers.

Memory (RAM): For Windows XP and Mac OS X, at least 256 MB is required. However the capacity of RAM is increasing with new varieties of notebook computer and in some machines it is 2 GB even!

Displays and Video: In a notebook computer video consists of video processor and display. Again the display consists of native resolution and screen size. But portability will be reduced with larger display. These days the popularity for the wide screen displays is increasing. Performance of PC gaming and 3D graphics will be determined by graphic processor.

Drives: Optical drives play an important role in notebook computers. These may be simple CD ROM drives to the high definition DVD burners. Most notebook computers these days are equipped with a dual layer DVD burner.

Connections: Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g, Fujitsu lifebook N6010 having trimode of 802.11a/b/g, etc are different wireless system available with notebook computers. Transferring rate of data depend on the type of wireless connection chosen.

Battery Life: Notebook computers come with four cell, 6 cell, and 8 cell batteries. Normal battery life is 2 to 3 hours. However 5 or 6 hours battery life is also available these days. Generally, the bigger the notebook computer, the lower is the battery life.

Warranty Plans: Make sure that you get at least one year warranty from the manufacturer while choosing your notebook computer. A system having a three year warranty will be a better choice if you are going to use your computer extensively.

It is suggested that you should update your knowledge periodically by logging onto the net keeping in mind the factors which need to be checked as stated above.

Author Resource:- This article can also be accessed in portuguese language from the Article section of page

Profits Through Clickbank

By : Scott Taylor
It is entirely possible that someone reading this article may never have heard of Clickbank. For those of us that "eek out" a living online, Clickbank is one of the core resources used to generate cash flow.

There are several ways to produce income through Clickbank and they can all add up to a tolerable income paid in two week cycles.

The two main ways of creating income through Clickbank are "affiliate sales" and "direct product sales".

Affiliate Sales
There are thousands of downloadable digital products for sale at Clickbank in a variety of categories covering a wide range of topics. When products are added to Clickbank by the sellers they are given the opportunity to allow for affiliate sales. The product owner determines the percentage to be paid to the affiliate, if any.

Anyone can view all the products with affiliate sales potential at this link:

Once a category is clicked on in the Clickbank Marketplace, sub-categories and product listings appear. For example, today in the 'Business to Business' category the top selling product listed is: Data Entry Ads Online - Join The Best! [Earn 50%].

As an affiliate marketer, you would click on the [Earn 50%] link and fill in your Clickbank ID to capture the correct Clickbank Hoplink for the product. This Hoplink would be used in conjunction with all ads directing traffic to a particular product.

Each product Hoplink contains the ID of the affiliate and the ID of the seller thus making successful affiliate sales attributable to the correct parties.

Clickbank has an automated tracking system that determines which affiliate, if any, is to be associated with the sale. Although Clickbank feels their tracking system is "more fair and accurate than any alternative" it is still not perfect.

There are apparently ways for unscrupulous people to take advantage of the system for their benefit at the expense of those of us who do not delve into such matters. Link cloaking can be useful in these situations.

The benefits of affiliate marketing through Clickbank far outweigh any potential negative experiences that may arise due to an unscrupulous few.

Direct Product Sales (Your Own Products)
A popular way for internet marketers to get their products to the public is by using Clickbank payment processing. Clickbank makes it very easy for anyone to sell a downloadable product through their service and their fees are not likely to be out of the reach of anyone with computer access.

Although not shy about being one of the most expensive payment processors on the Internet, Clickbank makes up for their several imperfections by general ease of use and reliable service.

It is simple to sign-up for a Clickbank ID; just go to and create an account. You can begin to promote affiliate products immediately after your membership is confirmed.

To sell your own products on Clickbank there is a seven step process:

(1) Signup with Clickbank

(2) Make a "Pitch Page"

(3) Make a "Thank You Page"

(4) Make a Test Purchase

(5) Submit Product Approval Request

(6) Pay $49.95 Product Review Fee

(7) Set Your Product Price and Start Making Sales!

It is not mandatory to offer affiliate sales of your products but there is at least one good reason to do so. Often sellers get to a point where affiliate sales produce enough income that they can stop using pay per click advertising to drive traffic to their site. What is lost in direct sales at the full item price is made up by the savings in pay per click marketing.

Overall, Clickbank is an excellent place to get a start in product sales on the Internet. Whether you are selling your own product or putting up affiliate links, the potential to create a viable income is available to everyone.

Notebook - Why Do Business Executives Like It?

By : Roberto Sedycias
Notebooks are light-weight and easy to carry anywhere you want. Notebook computers can also be used in the same fashion as desktop computers. Moreover, they are better than the bulky and difficult-to-port desktop computers. So, notebooks have now become more popular than any other gadgets available in the market. A person who travel quite extensively, notebook is the best option as it enables the user to stay connected to the internet anywhere. Hence, it helps you stay connected with your friends, relatives, business and the rest of the world through the internet. Notebooks relax your mind when stress and strain invade your mind.

Which One to Pick?

Today, notebooks come with various substantial features which are really essential for the modern man. We can`t ignore the benefits a notebook provides us with. Some buy a notebook for business, some for education, some for entertainment, some for the thrilling experience of games.

Before buying a notebook all that you need to do is just be clear about your needs, the purpose of using it and the features you really need your new friend should possess. Because various notebook models are available in the market for fulfilling the diversified needs of us. Initially, you have to make a study of the notebooks available in the market on your own, because a very wide range of models with different brands are available in the market .To mention, some of the most popular brands are DELL, ACER, HP, COMPAQ, etc. You have to select the right kind of notebook consulting an expert as per your requirement. Obviously, you have to go for the best and latest model in terms of quality, features, and price, too.

Standard Features of Laptop :

Laptop computers have different features such as: High-end processors like Intel Pentium M, Mobile AMD Athlon 64 and AMD Turion 64 Mobile and Low-end processors like Intel`s Celeron M and AMD`s Duron and Sempron. Screen Size varies from 12 to 19 inches. If you are an extensive user, then you can have a larger screen notebook. With the portable nature of notebooks, power and battery life are important points to consider.

Life of a battery has improved a lot with the introduction of Intel`s Pentium M processor. Battery life varies from 3 to 7 hours depending on use. The rechargeable Lithium Ion battery is the most popular battery available in the market. Removable media cards such as CompactFlash (CF), MultiMediaCard, Secure Digital (SD), Memory Stick, or Smart Media can be used in the card slots of latest notebooks.

Other features are Memory Size, Hard Drive Capacity, Wireless Technology, Network Interface Card, etc. Integrated network interface card helps you to get connected to the latest modems like high speed DSL and cable modems as well. You won`t have to buy or install a separate card. Notebooks are carried down to connect to the internet wherever you want and print without cables. The wireless technology is thus very beneficial for these features. You can stay connected or disconnect to internet because of this latest technology.

With adequate knowledge of notebook, one should feel confident of making the right buy according to his needs. However, the decision whether one should buy online or directly from the store is primarily personal. Gone are the days when consumers used to harbor doubt over the credibility of online sellers. The countless online transactions over the internet each and every day prove that you can safely buy online no matter how small or big is the product is. It not only saves your valuable time but also allows browsing through all the brands that are available in the market. Besides, notebook computers are also offered at a very competitive price and better service guarantee.

What Shoe Colors Do Women Absolutely Need?

Women have so many different choices available to them when it comes to style and color of shoes available. The reason is that shoes and women are an entirely different subject than men and shoes. A pair of shoes worn by a man is considered an extension of his outfit and is worn to compliment. With women, a pair of shoes is intended to accessorize an outfit. Shoes are chosen along with hand bags, belts and other accessories to give an over all affect. Many times, a stylish, well thought out ensemble of shoes, bag, belt and jewelry will create a conversation point with women or even envy!

Although there are millions of different colored shoes on the market for women, the most functional and popular color shoe that absolutely every woman should have in her wardrobe is black. Black is about the only color known to man that will match well and compliment any color scheme possible and is considered to be very dressy. Although black is not the only color shoe that a woman should have, it is absolutely necessary to own at least five pairs of black shoes! Yeah, I know you are thinking that is crazy but when you consider that you need open toe, closed toe, dressy, casual, and semi casual it doesn't take long to add up!

Another must have shoe color is white. Like black, white is a color that can be used with a wide variety of colors to enhance an outfit. White is generally difficult to keep clean and is easily scuffed or marked so it is not quite as popular as black. Never the less, it is absolutely necessary to have at least two pairs of white shoes as part of a complete wardrobe. If you work in the medical profession this figure may have to be multiplied quite a bit!

The colors and types of clothing that a woman has in her wardrobe will often dictate the colors of shoes needed. With that in mind, it is fairly obvious why many women need an entire wardrobe dedicated to their shoes. The colors a woman chooses for her wardrobe will have a lot to do with favorite colors and what is considered 'hot' this season and shoes are no exception.

If you were to ask any woman what color shoe was absolutely impossible to live without, I am positive the reply would be that every color shoe is needed!

Backup Your Data On Your Computer Or Lose It Forever

By : Gregg Hall
Computers, though they are meant to make our lives generally easier, depending on the perception, usually are much like a double-edged sword. Any person, who has used a computer for a while, will have an understanding on just how safe their date is. More the fact, that safe date simply does not exist, when it comes to computers. It really does not matter what type of work you are doing you have experienced computer failure likely numerous times. Occasionally, as is expected, we will experience disruptions within the work we are doing on the computer rather we are laying out a business plan, writing a book, or simply surfing the internet.

Each piece of data you store upon your computer is in danger of a variety of threats. Because of this, regular computer users have integrated recovery of data directly into our knowledge of computers. While it is possible to recover data, it does not mean it is always a necessity. There are rules all computer users should know and apply; the following will help in preventing the need to use data recovery.

You should practice regular backups of:

Games you have Saved
Your System Settings
My Documents Folder
My Music Folder
My Pictures Folder
Applications that you do not have copies of

It is important to back up the above; because doing so will help you prevent the need to use data recovery. When backing up these items you should use secondary method of storage such as tapes, disks, floppies, or zip drives, this allows you to ensure hard disk recovery.

Once you have performed the backup, you will want to keep the backup medium stored in a location away from your computer where it will be protected from contamination, heat, and dust, all of which may destroy the data contained on the storage medium. This helps in prevent data recovery from becoming necessary.

Data recovery is still possible, if you accidentally delete a much-needed file. However, before running out to buy the data recovery software, you will want to look into your recycle bin. The recycle bin is the holding folder before permanent deletion. If you have accidentally deleted an important file, first look there and data recovery could be as easy and just restoring the file. However, once it has been emptied, recovering in this manner is not longer available.

If you have ever suffered a crash you know how crucial it is to back up your computer, I have and I know the damage that can be done. Take the time to back up your computer before it is too late.

Some Things To Consider When Buying Shoes

Children can be very hard on shoes and they tend to wear them out much more quickly than the rest of the population. As a parent it is our duty to constantly monitor our children's shoes and inspect them for uneven wear, stressed seams, holes in the soles, etc.

One sure sign that the child's shoes do not fit properly is bulging out from the sides and toes curving upwards. If you discover worn out toes or heels then you know you definitely need to buy new shoes.

We have assembled some tips to help you when shopping for shoes for your child; hopefully this will help you with your mission.

The first thing you need to do is always shop for shoes in the afternoon or evening because feet swell during the day and the shoes will fit differently in the afternoon than in the morning.

Always have your children's feet measured each time you buy shoes. The child's feet should be measured while standing and you should always have both feet measured since one foot will usually be larger than the other. Always buy shoes to accommodate the larger foot.

When fitting the shoe to your child leave approximately a half inch of clearance between the end of the shoe and the edge of your child's toes. At the same time do not buy shoes that are more than one size too large for your child. Buying shoes that are too big can cause your child's foot to slip within the shoe and make them trip. Also, be sure that the heel of the shoe rests comfortably around the back of the foot while at the same time, not too tight.

The shoes you are buying for the child should feel good and fit properly now. Don't buy the shoes with the thought that they will feel better once they get broken in.

You should buy shoes for children that have laces so that they can be adjusted and tightened properly. Also, buy children's shoes from breathable materials such as canvas to help alleviate odor and promote comfort.

You should buy shoes for children with flat bottoms and sturdy, flexible soles with a patterned grip to prevent slipping.

By following the guidelines above you will have a much more enjoyable experience shopping for your child.

Author Resource:- Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. Get a great selection of children's shoes at

How To Protect Your Hard Disk Drive Against Electrostatic Shock

By : Ali Jamalan
If you've ever walked across a thick carpet and felt a shock after touching a grounded object (or shocked a friend on purpose) you know about the general effects of static electricity. But do you know how it works, or how damaging it can be to computer components? Although it may seem a bit silly and unimportant, "static shock" or Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can cause significant damage to your hard drive. Comparable to a lighting bolt damaging a tree, ESD can act like a bomb exploding in your drive, blowing apart parts of the circuit board. But don't worry - if you follow a few simple steps you can ensure you're well protected and avoid letting a minor thing like ESD cause major problems.

ESD or "static shock" is a portion of an imbalanced high voltage field on a non-conductive surface (e.g. your hand, the carpet, a screwdriver) that has just moved to a conductive surface in a rapid, uncontrolled fashion. "Static electricity" is the same portion of an imbalanced high voltage field on a nonconductive surface, but it has not yet reached the point of releasing it's electrons to equalize the imbalance between a conductor with a greater positive charge than itself. This imbalanced high voltage field will not "discharge" until conditions are right, that is until the number of electrons the charge grabs from around its location builds to a point in which no more electrons can be sustained. When a conductive surface of some type gets within 'jumping" distance, the process of equalising the electrical field is experienced.

Imbalanced high voltage fields are everywhere, constantly flowing over and around us, and people feel them because we are good conductors. The shock you sometimes get when touching a door knob after shuffling across the carpet is made in the same way a thunderstorm makes a lightning bolt.

Some Examples of Voltage:

• 3,000 volts - the average human can't feel voltage below this threshold.
• 8,000 volts - yawning and stretching with clothes on.
• 15-20,000 volts - shoving a plastic-coated box across the carpet with foot.
• 18,000 volts - getting up from a foam cushion on a nylon-covered couch.
• 35,000 volts - walking across a typical carpet.5

While ESD won't kill you, it can definitely kill your computer components. While it takes an electrostatic discharge of 3,000 volts for you to feel a shock, much smaller charges, well below the threshold of human sensation, can and often do damage semiconductor devices. Many of the more sophisticated electronic components can be damaged by charges as low as 10 volts.

ESD damage occurs when a charge on a hand or tool finds a path of lesser resistance from itself to a drive. If the energy of that charge is larger than the amount of energy the drive can safely dissipate, damage may occur.

Especially sensitive to ESD are integrated circuits: processors, memory, cache chips and expansion cards. This damage can be immediate, resulting in melting, junction breakdown or oxidation. Even scarier, you could electrocute your drive and never even know it - the effects of ESD are difficult to trace and often do not affect the drive until several days to several months after the ESD occurrence.

Luckily, a few simple steps can help you avoid ESD damage and promote long life for your disk drive.

• Keep your drive in an ESD bag until you handle it - an ESD bag is specially designed to prevent ESD.

• Always wear an ESD wrist strap grounded to an unpainted surface on the chassis of your computer.

• If a wrist strap is unavailable, touch an unpainted surface on the chassis of your computer before handling your drive.

• Only touch the connector pins on your drive with the proper cabling ends or jumpers. Never use a bare finger or non-insulated tool.

• Protect your drive from sources of high voltage power such as fans or vacuum cleaners.

• Never try to plug a power or data cable into a drive unless power to the box is completely off.

Finally, by controlling the temperature, you can also help limit ESD. By increasing the relative humidity of the room where the computer is located, you can greatly reduce build-up of ESD. Static builds up more readily in dry environments than in moist ones; this is why you get zapped much more often in the winter time in northern climates than in summer.

So what happens if by some freak accident your hard drive experiences ESD and your data is lost? Don't panic, because your best solution is only a phone call away. Many 'Data Recovery' companies have experience dealing with hard drives damaged by ESD and will apply the most advanced technology in the industry to perform data recovery. Contacting these immediately upon discovering ESD damage is the best option to keep you and your clients working and productive.

Knowing that ESD exists is the first step in prevention. By following ESD handling procedures and understanding the dynamics behind "static electricity," you can ensure that working with a hard drive is never a shocking experience.

How To Choose The Right Handbag

know women that have a handbag for every day of the week and then some, but regardless of whether you only want one or two, or if you are one of those that has to have them in all shapes, colors and sizes there are some basics to follow.

Many women will see something they think they are going to love; only to get it home and find out it really only goes with the outfit they were wearing when they bought it!
So it ends up sitting the closet collecting dust along with the collection of once worn shoes.

If you follow a few guidelines you can eliminate a lot of these issues.

You see someone wearing a bag that you just have to have or you find one on the internet and you can't wait to get it. STOP! The first thing you need to ask yourself is, "Is this going to look as cute on me?" Let's face it, just like with jeans and dresses there are some women that can look good carrying a brown paper bag. Also, is it really your style or are you wanting it just because everyone else has one? It needs to go with more than one outfit in your wardrobe, unlike all those extra shoes.

Are you going for the cute and sexy look or do you want a more conservative style? Having one bag for work and another for going out is perfectly acceptable especially when you may have some white collar job where you have to be reserved and your true personality needs a bag that screams, "Look at me!"

Another thing you want to keep in mind as I mentioned earlier is to consider your own body when choosing a handbag. You want to choose one that is flattering to you, if you are a little heavier you don't want a bag that you can barely get over your shoulder, cutting off the circulation in your arm, just because it is cute.

Next, think about what you are going to put into the bag. Is the bag you like up to the task? Will it hold everything you need it to hold? The key word is NEED! Also, be sure that it going to be comfortable.

What is it worth to you? This is a much bigger issue than just price. Are you going to use the bag on a regular basis? Is it worth what you had to sacrifice to buy it? If you are happy with the price and feel it was worth it to you then it was a good price.

Author Resource:- Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author to many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida. Go to for a great selection of handbags.

When You Delete A File Or Lose Data, Where Does It Go? Can It Be Recovered?

By : Ali Jamalan
When a file appears lost where does it go? Contrary to what most people think, delete doesn't mean gone and the file doesn't disappear off the hard drive forever. It's best to think of the computer file as a page in a book. When the file is deleted, that page is not destroyed like it was torn out and put through a shredder. Instead, the table of contents that points out the location of that page is erased. The part that gets erased on your computer is the tiny bit of information that points to the location of the file on the hard drive. Eventually, the hard drive will write new data over the area where the old file is located.

The pointer, along with other pointers for every folder and file on the hard drive, is saved in a section near the beginning of the hard drive and is used by the operating system to create the directory tree structure. By erasing the pointer file, the actual file becomes invisible to the operating system, even though it is still there until the file system reuses the space.

The challenge in recovering data is finding the original table of contents which can tell where the files actually exist. Qualified data recovery companies have experienced engineers that can rebuild the file system structure and save those lost files from being overwritten. That said, it's a matter of reaching those hidden places to recover data that appears to be gone forever. Data Recovery providers are often able to recover 100% of the data, but how is it done?

Data recovery is the science of putting the file system back together so that the data files can be accessed. Every operating system has a file system, which is a unique method of indexing and keeping track of the files. Unfortunately for those that lose data, file systems can be very complex, which is why it can be so difficult to locate missing files. For instance, file systems that are used in business environments require security details and access transaction details. A good example is a transaction-based or journaling file system, whose goal is to log when each file is accessed, modified or saved - making the file system more complicated and harder to rebuild.

The best data recovery companies have developed proprietary tools to work with all of the main file systems in use today. Recovery engineers are internally trained to work on data recovery, working with computer hardware for a number of years and learning the low-level specifics of every type of file system. Rather than using third-party tools and employing an 'Auto-fix' on all of the file system errors to automatically fix the file system, recovery engineers are taught to discover the cause of the file system error and then to fix the file system in the best interests of the data and the client. Many jobs actually require the file system to be repaired by hand.

After the file system is repaired, it is often necessary to repair the internal structure of data files themselves. Like file systems, today's business software data files are incredibly complex as well. In fact, some of the most common files used every day by users are more intricate internally then the file system that is storing the file! This is why it is important that recovery companies have developed file repair software utilities for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, and also database recoveries on Microsoft Exchange server and Microsoft SQL server.

There are two phases when a storage device arrives for data recovery. The first phase is the diagnosis. The goal of this phase is to produce a file listing showing all the files that can be recovered. The safest method is to always work on a copy of the client's drive, never working on the original drive. During this stage, recovery engineers can determine if the drive requires special attention from the cleanroom, which is an ultra-clean environment used when working with microscopic components. The cleanroom will work at an electronic and mechanical level to get the drive operational. This can include anything from physically cleaning the disk platters so they can spin properly to swapping out electrical components to power up the drive.

After the drive is operational and a copy of the drive can be made, data recovery engineers work to repair the file structures and produce a complete file listing that shows all of the files and directories on the volume. This file listing will also tell the customer if there are holes (or Input/Output errors) within the file itself. The final phase is the recovery phase. The goal of this phase is to copy out the data and backup that data on media that the customer requires. It is also during this phase that the client can request some of the files to be tested within the lab. For example, on drives that have sustained severe media damage, the customer could ask to have some of the more common files to be tested. The engineer that worked on the job will try to open some of the files and see if the data is present.

When looking at how data recovery works, it's important to understand that data recovery is a highly skilled discipline that takes years of practice to establish credentials. Recovering data is made possible by constant research and development, and proficiency with working on storage technology as it is developed. Knowledgeable engineers that are highly trained and tested have the skills and technical expertise to know how to handle every data recovery job - ensuring you have the means to protect your data and provide them with additional value.

Preventing And Reversing Data Loss

By : John Morris
One of the most stressful times that a simple student or employee may encounter is a loss of an important file on the computer. It can be a day of doom if you are due to submit your paper or make a presentation and at the worst possible moment your file is deleted. Thus, data recovery may be the answer you are looking for. Data recovery is technology that will help you to salvage lost data. First things first, you may want to take out your rolodex and try calling your tech-savvy friends to help you out. In case you have no more choice, you just might have to spend a little bit to get yourself a data recovery software or a specialist to help you out.

1. Determine What's Wrong:

- your computer will not start at all
- blue screen of death
- your computer boots up, but files are missing or are corrupted
- your computer opens up but you cannot seem to find some of your other drives

2. Weird Sounds

Before doing anything, try to hear if there are any sounds coming from your hard drive like a weird scratching, scraping or ticking. If you do hear something like it, then it is enough to conclude that your hardware may be physically damaged. The only possibility for you is to take your computer to a data recovery service where experts might be able to get your data off for you. Of course, this would entail a lot of time and money, so you may want to weigh the value of the data you lost before going a step further.

3. Do-It-Yourself Data Recovery Tips:

- Acquire and download software to help you out
- Not all software is free
- Attach your hard drive to another computer if your computer has only a single drive. This is to provide enough space to store all your data
- If your computer has a rollback safety feature, try and roll back to a previous saved state to restore damage

4. Possible Causes Of Damage:

- Lightning strike
- Virus
- Hard drive failure
- Accidental deletion of data
- Water/fire damage
- Improper software installation overwriting important data

5. Be Prepared - Make Backups

Having back-ups is the only solution to your data loss problems. They come in various forms:

- Virus protection software
- Personal firewall
- CD backup
- DVD backup
- RAID hard drive

6. Back-Up Tips

- Try investing in backup software of good quality and performance. Products that leave you secured from data loss disaster or further computer file crashes are always a good investment.
- Double check the restore capability. The software should have features that guarantee that while the product is performing your back up it checks all the data down to the level of bits and bytes.
- Double check the capability of your back up medium. Invest on the best back up software you can get and at the same time, for the purposes of prevention, start manually and diligently backing up your data regularly.
- Do an inspection of your hard drives from time to time. Always be on guard of viruses and spywares that can possibly crash your hardware. Defrag your computer regularly to correct errors and check bad sectors as soon as they are detected.
- Be sure you conduct a proper documentation of what transpired during the data loss disaster, what you have observed, as it progresses and the things you attempted doing to give your files the first aid. This will help the data recovery expert to track the problem and recommend the best solution for your problem.

Author Resource:- For more great data loss related articles and resources check out