Wednesday, April 30, 2008

For The Safety Of Your Laptop Batteries

By : Victor Epand
The laptop battery is an indispensable organ of the laptop. The battery is what gives your laptop the convenience of being portable. These batteries can be recharged over and over again.

Laptop batteries should be charged only when they fall below 80% in its capacity. These are usually manufactured for a long lifetime and can be used at least for 500 to 1200 cycles. The use of the laptop batteries can be optimized by handling them carefully and with caution. These batteries should be conditioned on a regular basis. and that should be at least once in a month. While charging the battery, the laptop should be turned off when possible. If kept on, the batteries won't acquire the required charging power. Also the metal connectors that connect the battery to the laptop should be cleaned. Any dust or moisture in this area can damage the battery.

When you wish to see a movie or listen to music on your laptop, it is better to write the
CD or DVD onto your had disc. Doing this will not require as much power as when you just play the CD or DVD on the laptop. In turn, this will help extend the overall life of the battery. A few cautions like these can help the battery to last a long time.

The performance of the battery is determined by its weight, cycle period and rate of discharge. There are three types of batteries available, Some are costly while others in comparison are quite reasonable. These batteries will have a long life if properly stored
and used. Hotter temperatures will have an affect on the battery as opposed to keeping the battery at room temperature. However, the terms for storage and usage of the battery vary from one brand to another. The newly manufactured batteries have certain rules
for charging them. The new chargers are designed in such a way that they don't need to be directed regarding the voltage, trickle charge, etc. Therefore, these batteries are said to be "smart batteries" which are smart enough to perform all their tasks own their own.

Theses batteries usually come with the laptop when purchased, and hardly ever need to be replaced because of damage. However, a reputed brand name should always be used to guarantee longer life and better performance. Also, most brand names will come with a warranty.

Laptop batteries can be purchased online also. However you should make sure that the site you are using will offer you quality products and service.

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