Monday, June 18, 2007

Establish a Prestigious Business with a Virtual Office

By : Casey Sung
Creating a prestigious image for your small business with a limited budget can be difficult because you are unable to build a fancy office or rent luxurious office space. Unfortunately, your business image may be the very key to success. Find out below why your business image is important and how you can use a virtual office to create a prestigious image, even when on a tight budget.

Why Your Business Image is Important

Your business image tells your clients who you are and how you will treat them. An image portrays your level of professionalism, customer service, product quality, and business location. Your home business might not prevent you from giving good customer service or providing quality products, but it can limit you where location is concerned.

Limitations of a Home Business

Operating your business from home has many advantages. You are able to create your own schedule, spend more time at home with your family, save on gasoline and eat in your own kitchen!

A drawback to working at home is the difficulty of building a business image. Your home is where you live and work. The two combined often spell disaster.

There are several reasons why you should not use your home's mailing address as your business location. If you use your home address, imagine your clients locating your home and stopping by for a surprise chat. When your client arrives, he/she realizes you are working from your home, not an office. The house or yard may be messy, the kids could be fighting, or you might be wearing sloppy clothes. Some clients will understand, some will not. It is not worth the risk.

Establishing Your Image with Location

You can establish a prestigious business location by renting a virtual office. A virtual office provides a physical mailing address, local phone number and other vital services while freeing your time for more important aspects of your business. With a virtual office, your business address can appear to be downtown in a well-known business area even though you actually operate from your home in the suburbs. Some virtual office services offer conference room rentals so you can hold important meetings with clients or business partners. By renting a virtual office, you are able to take advantage of modern office equipment such as a fax, phone and Internet-ready computers without purchasing your own.

A virtual office gives your business the appearance of a professional location at low cost. If you were to rent an office or building in a prestigious business park of a major city, you would probably pay hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars per month. The rent may or may not include other expenses such as utilities, water, phone, etc. Paying rent is feasible if your business is open to the public or if you have employees, but if you own a small home business, paying this amount of money per month can be devastating. The cost of virtual office services normally ranges from $75 to $200 per month, depending on the number of services you need. Therefore, with small businesses, a virtual office can be a time saver as well as a money saver.

Create a long-lasting business impression with your clients by using a virtual office. Gain prestige for your business while still working privately from your home.

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