Monday, June 18, 2007

Get Positioned on Google First

Most web site owners find that they get in MSN & Yahoo first but not Google. This is what I hear most of the time and one of the biggest complaints. Not to mention that they are always changing their algorithms so sites that were top ranked are not gone.

So who is the master of Google and understand all their ways? Google does. But after years of reading, experimenting and doing other things I can tell you some basic things that may help.

First, when you put your site together don’t upload it until it is a complete site. Now this doesn’t mean it has to be 100% but have working links and content in each page. Make sure to have 400 or more words per page and add a news section with a handful of articles relating to your industry.

Second, use a blog directly on your site. I like wordpress and so does Google! Give your blog a touch of class by making it match your site design. Then add some categories and write a handful of posts. Make sure to add more to the ping server list in your blog as it comes default with 1, and there are a ton of others including MSN’s, Google’s & Yahoo’s ping servers.

Thirdly, create some social book marking accounts like and places like that and link your blog content to these sites. Now, when I say add content I mean quality, well written and original otherwise you will just make everyone upset and you don’t want that kind of attention.

Now you are thinking what next, do I submit to the search engines, should I submit to directories, do I start a link exchange campaign. Okay, doing the 3 things above wait 3 weeks and check your stats and you will see traffic from Google starting. Yes, there are tons of things to do beyond this that will help but this article is about getting Google attention first and that will do the trick.

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