Friday, June 1, 2007

Looking for a Money Making Business Opportunity?

If you have been looking for a money making mlm business opportunity for a while now, you might as well give up now. You may never find it. Most people who are looking for a money making mlm business opportunity are so inundated with options, they spend all their time weighing the pro's and con's only to find themselves going in circles. I know, because I did the same.

The reason I say that you may never find it is because one money making mlm business opportunity that works for one person might not work for another. I know one woman who is making about $8k a month with Herbalife, but I also know many who have failed in the same venture. If you are seriously contemplating working from home, there are so many options available, that it can be very daunting to decide which is the "best". How are you supposed to be able to compare everything?

A true and legitimate money making mlm business opportunity must present itself clearly, explaining exactly what it is, with no strings attached.

Don't you hate it when you go to a website and it's all smoke and mirrors, and they won't tell you anything about the business or the product until you give them your name and email address? You can't even make an informed decision about the business opportunity in advance of giving up your personal information.

To be perfectly upfront, I have found a great money making business opportunity, but I won't promote it here; it is not appropriate. I work from home on my mlm business and I have the free time to take my kids to and from school, gymnastics, Brownies, and ballet. These are the things I missed when I was working behind a desk 9-5.

I love the freedom of taking off any time I want. My wife and I can go away for a night or a weekend and not even give it a second thought. Financially, I am better off than I ever have been in my life.

But I digress... Getting back to finding a money making mlm business opportunity, here's what I suggest: Allow yourself some time to do the research, write everything down, don't jump into anything, and ask yourself these questions:
- Realistically, how many hours a week do I have to put into this?
- Is this something I have to try to sell to my friends and family? (If you ask me, this is a seriously flawed marketing plan)
- How much will it cost me?
- How much can I make (realistically)?
- How does this compensation plan compare to other mlms?

If the person that is trying to recruit you into their "downline" makes it all sound too good to be true, run away! What they should be saying is: This is hard work. There is no free ride. There is no guarantee and there is no way you can make money without working at it.

However, a real money making mlm business opportunity is one that makes sense, and has a good product that you understand and believe in. If you understand and believe in a product it becomes very easy to sell. Find one that you like, work hard, and have fun!

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