Friday, March 28, 2008

Forex Channel Breakouts - Riding a Tsunami of Profits

By : Jason Fielder
Forex channel breakouts occur anytime that a price, either going high or low, breaks one of the set lines of a channel that is developed through technical analysis.

A channel occurs when two lines are made to show the range of a current market. This can be done whether the market is in trend or in counter-trend. One line represents the high of a current channel, while the bottom line represents the low. The channel is found through technical analysis.

Any time the price of a currency pair rises above the top line, that is an upwards channel break. When the price of a currency pair drops below the bottom line of a channel, that is a downward channel break, also sometimes referred to as a "breakdown" as opposed to a "breakout." The channel breakout in a Forex market can happen either up or down, just as long as it escapes the channel created by your technical analysis.

Not every break in the line becomes a full blown breakout. There are often times when a price may temporarily just break one of the lines, then retreat back into the channel. These are called "false breaks" or "false breakouts."

These can be frustrating because a lot of money can be made in the Forex market off of being in early on a major breakout, so false breakouts tend to get the hopes up before dashing them again, but this is all part of trading Forex. Being on the right side of a true channel breakout is worth all the false alarms you might find along the way.

Besides, if you use your stops correctly, a fake channel breakout shouldn't cost you much, and it may even lead to a very slight profit. It's certainly worth the risk because when you hit the right side of a Forex channel breakout, the profits in some extreme cases can even be hundreds of pips.

A true Forex channel breakout that takes off however, can provide fantastic profits, and is a major reason why technical analysis is used in the market: to try and determine when these channel breakouts are going to occur and to get in the market early can bring good profits.

Channel breakouts can often lead to the forming of another channel, so constant analysis should take place even as the market is in the middle of a breakout in either direction. If you are riding the price up, a trailing stop can be a good idea since reversals can happen rapidly, and sometimes seemingly without warning.

5 Forex News Reports Successful Traders Devour

By : Jason Fielder
If you're going to be a successful Forex trader, then part of that involves learning what profitable Forex traders already know. One of the major movers of the Forex market are the economic reports of each nation.

This isn't just restricted to the United States, either. Traders looking at the Yen, British Pound, Canadian Dollar, or Euro (or any currency, for that matter) will look at the economic news reports that are released by each of these nations.

There are many minor economic reports, some of which can spill over into the larger reports (look at the U.S. Housing bubble, for example), and while the "minor" reports are useful, this is going to concentrate on the big five, because these are the five major economic reports that will have the strongest and most immediate impact on the Forex market.

These are also the five reports that are acted upon by the most traders, so being able to keep track of these are critical if you're going to be able to keep a finger on the pulse of the Forex market.

The five major economic reports to keep track of are:
1. Unemployment/Non-Farm Payroll Reports
2. Interest Rates
3. Consumer Price Index
4. Trade Balance (Deficits vs. Surpluses)
5. Retail Sales

Unemployment/Non-Farm Payroll Reports
No matter what you're trading, this is always one of the most important reports about a particular area's economy. A low unemployment percentage is one of the strongest indicators of a strong, robust economy. Likewise, the opposite also applies. A country with a large unemployment rate is going through hard times.

Surprises in anticipated unemployment numbers can have a strong effect on the Forex market, as well. For example, if the unemployment rate is expected to be around 6.5% for the nation, and the report comes out with 4.9%, then that nation's currency is going to strengthen thanks to the unexpected good news.

Interest Rates
Interest rate changes directly affect the strength of a currency. A higher interest rate will usually cause a stronger currency because it will attract foreign investors and traders. Interest rates are one of the BIGGEST key influences in driving a currency either up or down; especially since carry trades remain popular among Forex traders.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)
The Consumer Price Index is a monthly report that gauges prices across the country and compares it to salary. Basically this means it tracks inflation, which is a major factor in the health of any economy. A sudden jump in inflation is never good news, and in some nations (see Zimbabwe) it can be absolutely disastrous, so keep an eye on when these reports come out.

Trade Balance
The trade balance refers to a nation's trade surplus and/or deficit. This measures how much a nation exports versus how much it imports. A deficit means you bring in more than you send out, while a surplus is the opposite. Often times you may hear "trade deficit" referring to the United States, but this is not necessarily a bad thing - it depends on the situation and why the balance is tilted the way it is. This is also a monthly report in the United States.

Retail Sales
A nation's report of retail sales may be the best indicator of how the common person feels about the economy. In the United States this is a monthly report of how sales are going for individual businesses. Some parts of the year are going to be much busier than others. December, for example, will always be expected to have great retail sales because of the Christmas holiday.

Knowing what these reports are and how they affect the markets will help you make better fundamental decisions when trading the Forex.

The Ultimate Stock Market Trading Survival Guide

By : Reggie Dunn
Stock market trading is often touted as something so simple anyone can do it and do it better themselves than if they used a broker. While this is true, it's important to keep an eye out for some of the common mistakes people make.

People are always advised never to invest money they can't afford to loose in the stock market. Even with the best decision, there's still a chance that things can go wrong, especially when emotions are involved. Pay attention to all the information you can find. Choosing a stock because its symbol is your initials might be a good sign that you need to double check how rational you're prepared to be about investing.

A rational investor has a plan. Knowing when to get out is as important as when to get in for a given stock. Planning your work and then working your plan isolates you from more volatile emotions and emotional responses. You're taking an active role in the stewardship of your finances; remember the long term goals you have.

But no plan, no matter now good will work all the time. Invest your money in discrete lots and never invest all your money in one stock. Yes, you're giving up the potential for gains but you're also providing a hedge against things going tragically wrong.

Understand that you're learning in this and set up a mock portfolio first to allow you to gain experience. The more experience you have the better you'll do at trading stocks. Getting better means you can make more profitable trades, trade more stocks - but you have to earn that experience. There is no substitute for it.

When we learned how to drive we didn't start off driving a Formula One car or a drag racer. Most of us learned with something that wasn't so dangerous to us and more forgiving of mistakes. The stock market should be treated like that. While it's possible to having amazing returns and success with the stock market, handled inappositely can lead to disastrous results. Before you play with your entire budget and exercise more complex options, be careful that you know how the basics work.

Like driving, investing in the stock market can become second nature and allow you to take into consideration more factors and produce better results. While you might feel out of your depth when you first start investing, you'll build up the experience to jump onto the highway with cars traveling 70 miles an hour and feel comfortable.

Keep in mind that it's a learning experience and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Also remember that it is game and the stakes are very real. When you do something, know why you're doing it.Rright down a log of your activities and your decisions and read and understand your environment. Darwin said that it's not the strongest species that survives, but the most adaptable. Survive and overcome the initial learning curve and you can succeed.

Author Resource:- To see how easy it is to make money picking stocks and to get a free trial of a proven system that has consistently produced profits go to Stock Trading Systems USA Review. Once you try the system you will wonder how you ever got along without it.

An Introduction to Day Trading

By : Caterina Christakos
While being a day trader used to be a personal decision that the government had no interest in, the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently stepped in and developed some day trader account management rules that you may become subject to depending upon how you trade.

There is a new category of day trader called the "Pattern Day Trader" or "PDT". This definition applies to people who make four or more day trades within any five day period, but only if those trades exceed six percent of that person's total trading activity in the same time period.

What is a Day Trader?

A day trader is an investor who opens and closes a position in the same trading day. For example, if you buy 10,000 shares of XYZ at 11 AM, and sell all 10,000 shares at 1:30 PM on the same day, then you completed a day trade. Do that enough times within 5 days and you are a Pattern Day Trader.

What are the new SEC rules?

If you are determined to be a PDT then you are required to maintain a minimum balance of $25,000 in your margin account. Traders who are not subject to the new rules only need to maintain a $2,000 balance in their margin account.

Because the SEC rules are not clear, many brokerage houses require PDT customers to maintain a $25,000 balance even if they are trading from a cash account.

Is Day Trading right for you?

Day trading is not something to be entered into lightly. While there is a great opportunity for gain, there is an equal opportunity for loss. Day traders require a great degree of knowledge and skill in order to be consistently successful. Of course, no one is born with that knowledge and skill and there are plenty of ways to learn all about day trading if you think that you are interested.

It takes discipline to be a day trader. Greed and fear are the two biggest enemies of day trading investors. When you get too greedy you set yourself up for losses by having too much money invested at once, or by not exiting a trade when you should. Fear stops you from making a trade because you don't want to risk losing the money, or it forces you to close a position earlier than you should because you think it's going bad on you.

Day trading is very risky and you should never invest more than you can afford to lose. Yes, you can earn a full time living being a day trader, but more people fail than succeed, so you have to be prepared for the worst.

Your best bet is to find a day trading program or strategy that you are comfortable with and then stick with it. There are plenty of strategies available, but remember this: Past performance is never indicative of future results. What worked yesterday for day traders may not work today. Trade responsibly!

Stock Options Trading System Provides Incredible Strategy - The Secrets of Partial Compounding

By : Chris Viscaya
Okay, now that you've found a good stock option trading System you are ready to rumble. You're ready to start 'cleaning house' and making huge returns sending you and yours into a rapid luxurious retirement in little under a year.

Your excitement is understood. And guess what? It's actually possible because it has been done.

We are assuming that you've obtained a really good stock option trading system, a method that uses excellent high probability entries, well placed stop losses and a trailing stop method of maximizing profits Now it is time to talk about the 'good stuff', the secrets of money management in options trading, where the real profits are created.

Options trading money management is the heart and soul of making your account grow while preventing unwelcome disasters. Trade with intelligent money management and increase your confidence.

Okay, so let's say your stock options trading system is actually making you profits. You feel that the system can be trusted and now you are anxious to 'up the ante' and start making bigger returns. So what do you do next?

Well first of all, keep trading but just keep your position sizes small, for now. It's now time to do a little tweaking with your money management of your position sizes. Doing this right could possibly make you hundreds of thousands up through millions of dollars, literally. Doing options trading money management wrong can cause you a lot of misery, pain, and suffering and wipe out your account quickly!

In essence, you want to keep your position sizes (the total amount you have invested into an options trade position) even sized and never more than 10% of your options trading portfolio (on a small account and down to 1% to 2% options position sizes on very large accounts). With options, even if you kept your 'bet' size the same, say 20 contracts for each and every trade, you could make a great living off just one stock even if you never increase your position size. But if you wanted to taste a little of that compounded, 'parabolic' growth increase your options position size by 20% to 30% max every time you double your account (never increase it to 100%!).

In case you're reading this and do not have a profitable Stock Option Trading System or stock there are excellent systems available through doing a little reasearch. You can try and figure a system out on your own or you can short cut success by obtaining some one else's system or service and emulate what they are doing.

Here are some basic trading system approaches that can net out consistent profits: Trade trends. Trade pivot points. Trade swings in the direction of the trend. And that pretty much covers it for successful moneymaking, directional options trading that's worth your time.

If your profits are bigger than your losses then you have a winning trading system. You don't necessarily have to win more than you lose. Yes you can actually make money by losing more than you win if your winners are big enough and your losers are small enough.

The issue when trading options is that when you lose you can easily take a 25 to 50% 'haircut' or more of your position just by simply stopping out through stock price action. This also goes to show that you will want a system that doesn't lose too often when trading options - remember that. Plus you'll want your winners to be able to be really big so trend and pivot point systems can perform the best.

This brings up the issue of making a fortune in options trading without losing your shirt.

There is nothing worse than making a fortune in options trading then quickly giving that fortune back. If you've ever done that you can understand why people jumped off bridges and have tall buildings in 1929 during the great stock market crash. It's a most miserable feeling because you get so high and excited, and happy from your gains and then if you lose that if worse than never having had obtained it in the first place. So promise yourself now that you'll never put your self in that position and that you'll aggressively guard your profits at all times.

So that said let's figure out how to grow a trading account rapidly without losing it.

Become A Day Trader To Go Long On Profits

By : Reggie Dunn
In stock market parlance, day trading refers to buying or selling shares and squaring up the bought or sold positions on the same day. However, sometimes, day traders carry forward their positions for one day at the most. Individuals who participate in this activity are referred to as day traders.

It is easy to become a day trader, but many day traders do not stick to prudent, common sense financial principles, which is why you must have heard that day traders lose a lot of money. In reality, this is not true - day traders most often make money because they have access to sophisticated stock price forecasting tools, the latest news and most of all, they do not take any positions home and hence are not subject to vagaries of company announcements, economic indicators, commodity prices, the sub-prime mess, and so on.

Having said that, let us also add that to become a successful day trader, you need to follow sound financial tenets and get a basic grip on the stock market.

Basic issues faced by day traders

1. Newbie day traders regard day trading as a glamorous, hotshot job - it is anything but that. Day trading is about acting swiftly while purchasing/selling stocks at a price and squaring up positions at a profit. Day traders have to be street-smart and nimble to survive.

2. Day traders must understand the stock markets and different indices - for example, if the utilities indices fall, then day traders can go short on the weakest stocks in that category, and so on.

3. Day traders need to work with adequate working capital. Brokers registered with the New York Stock Exchange will insist of a deposit of $25,000.

4. Online day traders also have to invest in a high-speed broadband connection and subscribe to a sophisticated, proven website that doles out technical recommendations at regular intervals every trading day.

5. Day traders must use their judgment wisely when it comes to booking profits or cutting losses.

Day trading problems and how to overcome them

1. Many day traders do not book profits or cut losses quickly - they wait to gain some more out of the trade. The result is that many times profits evaporate and losses build up. As a day trader, you must learn to snake in and out of your positions quickly and be content with small profits or losses.

2. Some day traders do not cut losses at all - instead they take delivery of the security (if they have gone long on it). The result is that they have very little or no capital left because of which they are not be able to trade daily, and that might frustrate them.

3. Day traders should trade within their financial capacity and at no time overextend themselves. Overextending yourself amounts to gambling, not trading.

4. Sometimes day traders get emotional about the stocks they deal in and feel like holding their position/s for a while. On the other hand, some traders act in haste after watching the price fluctuations on the stock ticker. These are dangerous mistakes no day trader can afford to make because it is an unwritten rule that a day trader should only deal in, and not marry, any stock and he should always stick to his profit/loss no matter how the prices on the ticker move.

5. Day traders must be wary of dealing in stocks of suspicious companies even though such stocks are riding the momentum wave. Typically, day traders must stick to trading in liquid and reputed stocks and try to avoid the mediocre ones. Having said that, some rare opportunities in mediocre stocks can be taken advantage of by these traders.

6. Day traders must read financial papers and listen to the experts on TV. This information can clue them on in their trading.

This is what you need to know if you want to become a day trader. So, go ahead, organize enough capital, use your judgment and then play the game to go long on profits. Good luck!

Author Resource:- To see how easy it is to make money in day trading and to get a free trial of a proven system that has consistently produced profits go to Stock Trading Systems USA Review. Once you try the system you will wonder how you ever got along without it.

How to Qualify for Freelance Jobs

By : Adam Boulton
If a person does not want to take up a full time job working under the control of a boss and wants to be a boss for himself, one of the options for him is to work as a freelancer. Many people have been benefited in this kind of job working from home as a rewarding career. They are even able to earn more by working in their free time. In this case the traveling time and energy can also saved.

The Freelancers are people who perceive their career without any long term commitment to any particular employer. The areas where freelancing is common are journalism, copywriting, graphic design, consultation in any field, survey online, internet research etc. Due to the prevalent of internet there are many chances of getting a freelancing opportunity these days. It acts has a largest economic sector in the intensifying markets. Freelancing prevails a lot in the software field especially in website design, business documentation etc.

Freelance depends upon company to company; some companies require people to sign an agreement and many others do only by word of mouth. It totally depends upon the related work. The payment for the work also varies depending upon the work done. It might be based on day or hour package or payment per project. It totally depends on the project work done. It might be through value based pricing method or custom payment or percentage upfront or on completion of the project.

Some of the advantages of freelance jobs are as follows:

Options of getting variety of assignments or projects are possible.
Freedom to opt for the work schedule.
Experience adds a broad portfolio of work.
Networking of more number of clients is possible.
Some Freelancers form a group or work with some more freelancers to form a virtual agency. In turn many people get a job.

Some of the disadvantages of freelancing are as follows:

The uncertainty of work prevails a lot.
Regular Income will not be possible.
Lack of benefits like pension, gratuity, health insurance, bonus, paid holidays etc.
Contracts must be handled often.
Legal issues, accounting aspects and other business functions have to be handled by the concerned person. If the freelancer appoints somebody else for these works, then he will have pay out of his pocket.
Sometime the working hours may exceed the normal office working hours.

It is very much essential for the employer to identify a qualified professional freelancer before deciding on one. As it is a project based long term activity it must be profitable to the freelancer. Then only the freelancer will also have interest to work on the project in the course of which the company in turn will get benefited. Thus a Freelance job has its own advantages as well as disadvantages and it is in the hands of the individual to decide.

Wrist Watches and the Digital Age

By : Harwood E Woodpecker
When I was growing up it was always a sign of intelligence to own a wrist watch. As kids we had no concept of time and we didn't need to worry about time. A wrist watch was something that we knew would govern our lives and was just something else to lose.
Then along came the digital watch.

I'm sure the digital watch must have been invented by some one who's kids always stayed out later that they should and were never on time for tea, but hey, they didn't own a wrist watch so they couldn't tell what time it was.

Digital watches changed all of this, digital watches were cool they did all sorts of cool digital things that posh quartz wrist watches didn't do.

The good people at Casio made the coolest digital watches, these had calculators on them, you could play games on them, albeit very basic number games and they played crazy digital tunes like "The Yellow Rose of Texas" in a horrible tinny pling plong fashion.

But all the kids loved Casio digital watches.

Soon manufacturers from all over Japan and China were coming up with digital watches that copied the Casio version but nothing could surpass it.

It just wasn't the same when on Christmas Day you eagerly opened your presents hoping for a Casio Digital watch only to discover that your parents had gone out and purchased you what they thought to be the latest thing in high-tech only to find out you were going to be just another has been at school as far as super cool digital watches were concerned.

Digital watches have come along way since my boyhood years, basically they are still the same time piece. They still tell the time on a grey screen with black digits but nowadays they have been more under engineered more than anything. The evolution of the digital watch has gone backwards.

This is mainly down to the fact that Casio decided that they'd taken the digital watch as far as they could and moved on to bigger and better things. As well as this the youth of the day moved on and realised that once you'd listened to an awfully tinny rendition of "The Yellow Rose of Texas" approximately one hundred times you didn't really care for the tune that much.

And then one day it dawned on the youth of the day that we were becoming slaves to time. We'd been lured into a world of digital slavery by our parents on the pre-tense of being cool and trendy by having a Casio digital watch that did all the things we could ever dream of, and plenty more.

But suddenly we knew what time tea was, we knew what time we had to be in by, the digital watch cut short our fun time and we had no excuse any longer.

So we all stopped wearing watches for a couple of years and dragged our childhood out for as long as we could, it wasn't cool to wear a smart quartz watch and any how they were too expensive to lose so our parents wouldn't buy us one.

So for approximately one year of my childhood I was suckered into an age of digital slavery by my parents, my peers and by Casio.

I've never owned a digital watch since but I do love my wrist watch, and yes, I am a slave to time.

And I've not heard the "Yellow Rose of Texas" for about 25 years.

Sources to Become a Freelance Copywriter

By : Adam Boulton
Copywriting plays a vital role in freelance market. Among other freelancing, copywriting is very much promising and easy to opt for. Each and every word in a brochure or advertisements, websites etc is written by someone. Some of these will be written by company itself or through freelance copywriters.

Many ways are available to become a freelancer, it might be when the person is working full time or part time or who are crazy in writing and they will be successful only if the clients pay them properly on time. But to reach this level, it takes a lot of time and effort and personality traits also included in this. The freelance jobs help to gain money by using the individual's ability to complete the work in a particular time frame by using his skills, talent and knowledge.

Being a copywriter he can choose the area in which he is skilled and to work with and he must have the capacity to write according to the clients’ requirements. The capacity is not only in writing but also in the research of the topic. The copywriter has to write with some imagination and very important is idea formation and must be more. If the freelance copywriter provides his profile on the internet he can to identify new business clients but constantly sticking to one good client who can provide him enough jobs is also a good option.

Nowadays freelance copywriting covers major areas like television, radio, advertisements, direct mail, magazines, brochures etc. Earlier it was not the case, as the copywriting was restricted only to advertising agencies. Due to the changes in the market conditions and through internet, the work of copywriter has become easier and it is also easy to find the content of the writing. This makes the business easy from home itself and offer a chance to earn a good income. Only a small amount has to be spent initially. Things necessary for this purpose is a computer and internet connection.

Sources to become freelance copywriter:

Think about the knowledge capacity and acquire the experience by creating a chance of your own and make it beneficial for yourself.

The internet provides loads and loads of information and gives an opportunity to build a platform for the individual.

Laying a good and strong foundation is very important in a business, so act slowly and steadily.

Due to the rapid changes in the development of the market, it is an excellent opportunity for the copywriters to gain a good number of clients and get into the content writing for some regular websites or news papers. The rates of remuneration for copywriting will vary according to the work done and also depend on the project. With all the freelancers, it is the fact that the client will be saving money by contacting the professional directly. So payment for advertisements, marketing agency or recruitment agency is avoided.

Guidelines in Choosing the Best Leather

By : Daegan Smith
Leather is the material made up of the hides of an animal with the hair removed from it. This material may come in different finishes, colors or textures. Leather is known for its sensuous feel, strength and durability. It is resistant to destructive factors like climactic conditions and punctures. Leather retains its shape but can also be stretched and molded. Leather is used for bags, shoes, belts, clothing and furniture. You may be often confused when buying leather. Some may be priced higher and some may be graded.

There are 5 types of leather that are used for furniture like sofas. They are the Aniline, Full Aniline, Semi Aniline, the Full Grain Leather and the Top Grain Leather. It is better that you know these types to help you choose the best leather in the market.

The aniline leather is for those who truly love natural products. Materials made of the finest hides are fall under the aniline leather. Only the best hides are used to make this type of leather. This type of leather once placed in a room creates beauty as it gets used through the years.

The full aniline is for products that are made from some of the finest hides. Unlike Aniline, there are lesser choices of hides that are used. There is also a slight protective finish that gives the leather some serviceability.

The semi aniline is processed more. This is done dying the material in large drums. This process will make the leather look like Aniline or full aniline. They fall under the Grade B category of hides and belong to next 15% of the supply. They are also finished on top like the full Aniline. The tops of the hides are sprayed with pigments to make an even finish and cover some imperfections. Semi Aniline products are resistant to scratch and light and can be easily cleaned.

The full grain leather has the natural markings and the grain features of the animal from which the leather was taken. The best leather of these types should be clean, supple and clear. Some are also dyed with clear aniline dyes. When a full natural grain is retained, that is the time you can consider it as a full grain leather. The cheaper leather of these types has the natural grains that were sanded away and the surfaces were embossed with grains. They have thick coatings to cover the imperfections, that is why they are stiff and look and feel like plastic. If the full grain leather was made with hides, the treatment is lesser and the natural grains should be exposed.

In choosing the best leather of this type, you should feel the leather to test if it feels supple and natural to your touch. You are sure that you chose the best leather if it smells good, looks natural and soft to your touch. Make sure to make a thorough inspection of the leather before you choose it and it should have the full natural grain. Full grain leather should be of the best quality.

The top grain leather is considered as the economy leather in the market. Top grain leather is often misunderstood by a lot of customers because of its name. The quality of this leather is the contradiction of what the name implies. The leather of this material is not genuine, which explains why it is called "top grain". In this leather, the grains are only imitations stamped on the leather since the original grains were sanded away. If however, the genuine grains are still intact, the leather will be called "full grain" or "full top grain". The top grain leather is also considered the much weaker type of leather. Most of the top grain leathers are graded lower but can be afforded by many buyers.

When buying a leather of any type, be sure that you know the grade of the leather you are buying. The leatherís grade will be based on many factors like the size, the severity of the blemishes and the location where the raw materials were bought. Those leather that were made from mark free and perfect hides are expensive and rare. Lower-quality leather may cost 10 times cheaper than the high-grade one. You may still opt for the lower-quality piece and can still wear well and look great.

Advantages of Freelance Web Designers

By : Adam Boulton
In today's developing technology most of the activities tend to change all over the world. It has also created the awareness to the people especially in using the internet. Many new jobs are being created and one of them is a freelance web designing. Freelance web designer usually create an entire website from designing to technical programming of the same on his own.

Many people don't know the importance of web designer jobs and the need of it in most of the companies. Nowadays, large companies have started to recruit more number of web designers in order to update their companies’ websites or to create a new website. Web designers are paid well and their challenges are also high compared to other jobs.

The web designing job can be done as a home based work also. The freelance web designers are quite cheap compared to the full time employees. Some of the advantages to appoint a freelance web designer are as follows:

First advantage of freelance web designer is that the costs are very low compared to full time web designer.

Freelance web designer offers low rates because they don't have any big overheads, as they do it from their home or from a small space.

The company or the corporate will expect the web designer to be qualified for the job. But it is very easy to learn. Most of the companies do prefer a person working independently, that is a freelancer. But most of the freelancers work on a contract basis and complete the given job at the right time with desired specifications. Even though when companies offer projects to large internet design companies, the results are not up to the mark and the clients are unhappy. This in turn has resulted in freelance designers with good experience and ability to deliver quality work being able to get considerable job opportunities and the clients will also be satisfied if they are able to get things done easily, quickly and correctly.

Most of the freelance web designer jobs can be obtained through internet and people can find them easily by registering their profile in many job portals with their samples posted in that. Mainly people get attracted to the freelance web designer job is because of the own work schedule and work can be done in the individuals spare time. This job is more flexible, variety of work, involves more creativity and constant learning about the work. Many full time web designers turn into a freelance web designer to earn more income by working in part time and be their own boss. Whatever the case may be the freelance web designer must be in a position to market his skills and talents in this competitive world.

Which Bikini Should You Wear On The Beach This Summer?

By : Harwood E Woodpecker
In the 1950's there was a worldwide revolution that shook the world. On beaches all over the world heads were being turned and questions were raised about the decency of these skimpy items of swimwear. Many countries around the world banned the bikini as they were deemed unsuitable for beaches but due to the popularization of the bikini by Hollywood actresses such as Brigit Bardot those fighting the battle to keep beaches decent were always going to lose the battle.

Thread bikini, g drawstring along bikini or what some populate call a bikini micro drawstring along is our specialty! Available in a large range of striking summer bikini colours there is always a bikini to suit you and your shape. We are wholesale suppliers of designer swimwear, bikinis, thongs, and wash up suits for ladies, teens. These designs do not require any additional side straps to keep the raiment in post. Each of their extreme bikini designs covers what you need to cover, but only just scarcely. If this occurs just wait until our update completes. These bikinis are designed with functionality rather than mode in mind. Contestants often wear sashes indicating where they are from in bikini contests, in similarity to the tradition in other sweetheart pageants. The skimpiest styles are our men's g bowed stranded instrument thongs and our women's g bowed stranded instrument thongs and thongs.

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Play online gambling casino games and invite exclusive welcome bonuses. Male bodybuilders use bowed stringed instrument bikinis to ameliorate show their muscles in competitions. America, possibly a reference to a groin drawstring as a minimum dress up for dancers and strippers.

One summer day he was workings away when a sooner attractive girl bounced in, and asking him if they sold bikinis. It gets its name from the train characteristics of its excogitation. A thread bikini is also a type of undergarment worn by both men and women. Malibu string section bikinis are the sexiest swimsuits on the planet. The homemade suits were often footling more than tiny, oddment pieces of fabric, crudely sewn together with thin twine or sport fishing line. Malibu thread bikini caller specializes in sexy swimwear and panties for the uninhibited. Home to the biggest selection of unequalled gifts for the adult with a very active voice inner kid.

Opt a thong or bowed stringed instrument bikini, or one of their other revealing choices in great colours and new styles. If this occurs only wait until our update completes. On topped beaches bowed stringed instrument halters and bras are predominant silhouette partners. Sexy, exciting bikini swimwear for the mature, confident adult female. The cloth may be cut considerably larger than the area of the pubic hair, or small adequate to force shaving.

Finding Freelance Graphic Designing Jobs

By : Adam Boulton
Graphic Designer is an artist who designs his artistic work like art, painting, photography, typography and computer design software. To become a graphic designer, he must have good interpersonal skills and ability to sell the ideas to the clients. The individual should have sense of color, composition and knowledge also how to present his ideas and talents. It is preferred to have drawing experience if possible to develop the knowledge of art. Most companies choose the graphic designers with appropriate degree and experience.

Graphic design has started to prevail a lot and many people instead of going to an office for work, opt to do freelancing and they really earn good cash. To be independent in the business, first and foremost part is communicating and starts working with small business owners on project basis or day to day basis. By doing freelance jobs the person will not have the traveling difficulty and save time and energy by working from home. Nowadays the demand for graphic designers has been increasing.

A freelance graphic designer job can be an exhilarating experience and sometimes stressful also. If the person is not well prepared or knowledgeable in the field of freelancing, then he will fail in this regard. To get to know things or to learn about graphic designing and freelance, the better place is the Internet. The main requirement to become a successful freelance graphic designer is to build a good portfolio which will impress the employer or the client.

A good workspace is very much essential for a graphic designer; it might be an extra room in his house or rented office according to his capacity to spend money. But it must be a studio where the designer can do his work and store properly. To have a work place separately is very much necessary. Through online resources the freelancers can do the project work according to their area of expertise. By listing the name and contact details online the freelance graphic designer will be able to get clients.

Some of the cost effective methods of advertising on freelancing are as follows:

Easiest and cheapest form of advertising is through word of mouth.
Registering in online free websites
To have an own website and it has to be updated often and it must impress the client with some great work in it.
To have a well designed portfolio on hand.

For doing a freelance graphic design work the most essential things are the computer and the internet connection. Both hardware and software must be considered by the freelancer. Appropriate memory, graphics card to process graphic files, and processor are to be considered while purchasing a computer. Final part to be well thought-out is to give client interaction and to satisfy their needs.

Author Resource:- is an online resource guide for finding freelance jobs worldwide. helps find genuine home based jobs.

The Maintenance of Laptop Batteries

By : Victor Epand
The life of a laptop fully depends upon the battery life. It is recommended that everyone condition their laptop battery before using it. All new batteries should go through 8-20 cycles in order to be conditioned. One cycle is a full charge and discharge. It is very important to make sure that you have conditioned the laptop battery. If you do not condition your laptop battery, it will be difficult for you to get the optimum runtime out of your battery life. It should last for a number of hours.

When you buy a new laptop, it normally comes with a fully discharged and completely unconditioned laptop battery. It is suggested that the laptop not be turned on right away, because the battery may not have enough power for it to work. Once you charge the battery, you should let it discharge completely before you charge it again. A normal batter will take 8-10 charge and discharge routines before it reaches its full capacity. At this point, the battery will have a nice long lifetime. You will receive a higher quality performance of your laptop battery if you do this.

If you do not keep your laptop battery conditioned, you may not receive accurate information regarding the charge of your battery. Your computer may display inaccurate information, so make sure that you fully condition the battery for better performance.

In some cases, people believe that their battery needs to be replaced due to the inaccurate display of the amount of battery power remaining. This is because the power seemed to run out more quickly than it should have. Sometimes at the beginning, the display will show that the battery is fully charged even though there is a low charge. In this case take the battery out, and put it back in. Then charge the battery. You should then see an accurate display of a fully charged battery when the battery is actually fully charged.

If you are looking for a recycling program to give your old laptop battery to, you can simply go to an electronic store that offers a nice deal on recycling batteries. It was not always easy to collect electronic items and get them to the appropriate recycling facility. Today, there are various stores that handle the recycling and collection of various computer components and other electronics. They will take these items to the appropriate recycling facility.

Whenever you decide to recycle you laptop battery, please check the with the manufacturer of the battery and find out if they take back the batteries when they need to be recycled.

The life of every laptop is dependent upon the performance of its battery. Laptop batteries will only perform well when they are well maintained and conditioned. Recycling is also better than throwing them away. Consider the importance of these things and handle your laptop batteries well.

A Guide to Get Started in Freelance Photography

By : Adam Boulton
Freelance photography is a very high rewarding career and people working as photographers have very good scope in this field. The traditional sources like magazines, newspapers and the internet usage help to gain more contracts. Due to the decrease in usage of ordinary cameras with the old dark room method which is very much time consuming latest methods of photography like digital have become more popular. The photography is into different types and many people enjoy it in different ways.

Some people make photography as their hobby, because photos are memories of places or events happened in their life. So many people love photos and photography also. By loving photography, many people can make it for their living. Working as a freelance photographer helps to gain income and the individual can be a boss and it is not necessary to work under any body. The work can be done on part time basis for any magazines or newspapers or any websites etc. But he must be paid for the work done.

Many people consider freelance photography as their career and some do in their spare time to earn extra money. But it is beneficial if any individual turn the hobby into a career and works at his free time and makes profit. He can also do what he loves to do very much.

To become a freelance photographer, the individual need to prepare a portfolio, in which he has to furnish his sample works in an expressive manner and his skills, developments, accomplishments etc. So this will guide the person in a right path in his career. The quality of the work plays a vital role in deciding the payment made for it. Some have the talent of taking natural pictures and some may thrive to learn so. They can even get a degree in photography in good authorized schools. Initially the person can learn things from local schools or colleges which teach photography. In some cities people form into groups often to share their photos and to discuss about photography and the tips involved. This was the case in olden days, but in recent times this can be done through online, which is much easier and as and when they come across some variety they can share with others.

Try to compare the photographs taken by famous people, so that the knowledge of compare and learn will help in the future. Main criteria to be learnt in photography are focus, colors, lighting and backgrounds. Participating in more number of contests which will in turn help to improve the individual’s skill set. The need of photography is for Magazines, Newspapers, Books, Cards, Calendars, Posters, web sites and individuals. According to the field the rate will also vary from work to work. Some works of the photographers will earn commission and some income from selling the photos.

Author Resource:- is an online resource guide for finding freelance jobs worldwide. helps find genuine home based jobs.

The Best Laptop Case You Can Buy

By : Victor Epand
Laptop carrying cases are designed to keep the laptop from getting damaged. For this reason a variety of laptop cases are being manufactured by using a variety of materials which can hold the laptop better than anything else. The aluminum laptop cases are one among those which carry all the required cautions for keeping the laptop intact. There are many benefits of aluminum Laptop Cases. Therefore, we can see why a large number of buyers go for the aluminum laptop cases rather than anything else.
The laptop cases are made of several materials like the nylon, leather, and aluminum. Among these the aluminum cases are given more importance than the others because of the benefits they have. First we can say that the price of aluminum cases are comparatively reasonable along with a warranty period of 6 months or more. Moreover, these prices can be lowered based on the size, design and facilities offered by the bag. If the buyer only wants a limited facility to carry the laptop then the cost will be less.

The Benefits of aluminum Laptop Cases can also be seen in its use. These cases last for a very long duration without letting its color fade. Therefore, when considering a strong, durable and standard laptop case nothing can perhaps be a better choice than the aluminum cases.

People who travel a lot and take longer trips finds the aluminum laptop cases more beneficial. Either for hanging the cases in the hangers or for keeping it below the seat, the person can easily store these cases without worrying about the laptop getting damaged. So for those who want to have carefree travel and mobility, Aluminum laptop cases are a treasure.

Laptop cases are available in almost every store related to laptops as well as other general stores for bags. Before buying you should compare all the choices there are in laptop cases. It is not necessary to make a hasty decision that you may regret later. Moreover, the color of the laptop does matter in reflecting a certain standard. Therefore, the choice should be made only after knowing what colors are available in the style of bag you want.. The color of the laptop should also match with its case, otherwise the combination will look a little odd.

We have now seen what things should be considered when purchasing a laptop case. We have also seen how Aluminum laptop cases can be the best bet for many situations. However, you should consider other things like style and color to fit your lifestyle as well.

Photo Software Makes You Look Like A Professional

We are in an amazing age when people can relax more about taking pictures. No longer do you have to wait until you have the perfect lighting to be able to snap a good shot. Nowadays, you can use the photo software that comes with most new computers or digital cameras to make even so-so pictures look better with just a couple adjustments.

It might take a bit of experimenting with your new photo editing software to learn all of the tools and the different options available. But many of the newest versions have some basic automated functions that can very quickly improve your photos without the need of a degree in graphic design.

One of the most basic adjustments that can be made with good photo software, such as Adobe Photoshop, and also one that quickly makes a big difference, is the adjustment for lightening the picture. Every brand of photo editing software includes options that allow you to adjust the brightness and the contrast levels of a picture by simply moving a couple sliders in a special dialog box.

As you move the sliders you will be able to see the changes to the picture. When you get it just the way you like it, you can choose to make those changes, usually just by clicking on "OK." Just remember to also go to the file menu to save the pictures permanently.

If you are not sure about the changes that you are making with the software, then you can go up to the file menu and choose "Save As," which will let you create a copy that has your changes and will leave the original file untouched. You might want to re-name the photo so that you can easily recognize the file, or you can just add a letter or number at the end of the original file name.

If you are working with files that come from a digital camera, then you will find in most cases that the file names are just a series of letters and numbers that almost seem random. If you are going to be doing a lot of editing with your photo editing tool, then it is a good idea to develop some sort of standard naming system and convert the file names so you can easily identify your digital pictures. Using a combination of a good file naming scheme with a good system of file folders will be helpful and will help you keep your hard drives organized as well.

Many photo editing programs also have a function that helps you to organize and categorize your digital pictures. This is important if you will be taking digital pictures on a regular basis, as you can soon find that sorting through folder after folder of digital images to find that one photo can be frustrating. It is best when dealing with a lot of photos to use image management software to make your life easier.

Once you have had a chance to do some basic adjustments to some of your images with your photo software, you may decide you want to delve in and learn about some of the more advanced features. There are some great software downloads sites that have some plug-in software tools to add features to different photo editing software. And, while you are online searching for those, drop by some of the forums for tips and tricks from power users.

Understanding The Term Data Backup

What would you do if you had a complete data loss on your desktop computer? Would it bring you crashing to a stand still? For most people the answer would be yes. They do not consider their data backup until it is too late and they have lost vital files and information that was essential to their computer working.

Do you have your data backed up? It is important that you have systems in place, for your desktop computers and notebooks, should this ever happen to you.

A data backup is making a copy of your information that is stored on your computer. There are several different ways you can back up your data. These ways are: through a hard disc, a partition, a database and online databases and through the server for a LAN (Local Area Network). Lucky for you there is a website and different products that can help you make the choice on how your data is backed up.

Three of the best crucial memory backups are actually generic memory backups that you can find at many discount computer hardware stores and websites. One website in particular rates the top ten backup systems available on the market. This website is "Data Backup Software Review Top Ten Reviews".

Three of their top rated back up plans for generic memory backups are: the Genie Background Manager (ranked the best overall), the Aconis True Image and the NTI Backup Tool. The Genie is sold for around $49.95 but does not have the backup capabilities that the NTI does. The NTI is $74.99 so you will pay less for the Genie.

You need to know the difference between a backup and an archive. The archive is the primary copy and backups are the secondary copy of your vital information. Before you make that purchase you will need to address: the RPO (Recovery Point Objective), the RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and the generic memory data security. You will also need to consider the system impacts, the bandwidth speed and the cost for initial installation and maintenance.

Once you have an understanding about how a data backup works, you will be able to perform crucial memory backups that are absolutely essential if you do not want a system crash to leave you stranded. If you are unclear as to what is vital and what is not, then you can always ask someone that is computer savvy to help you out. Just make sure you do a backup as soon as possible.

Water Damaging a Cell Phone

By : dror klar
No, everyone you have seen strolling down the street, cruising in their cars, or shopping for groceries in the grocery store are not talking to themselves. They are likely on their unit. It seems everywhere you end up people are either using their cell phone headset or grasping a unit in their hand. The older people appear to love the technology and convenience of cell phones just like the younger individuals.

The most advanced cell phone combinations are becoming a much enjoyed part of our daily lives. They have photographic devices, an address book, internet connections for emailing, text messaging, and can play music.

People have become addicted cell phone junkies and can be so freaked out when their cell phone has a dead battery or gets lost or damaged. It could appear hilarious to a lot of people, but if you are someone who is really dependent on your cell phone, these instances are a serious problem.

Water saturation is one of the most horrifying things for cellular users. Sometimes a cell phone's guarantee will not cover water damage. This is bad enough, but the worst result is losing all the important data that could be stored in them. It is so annoying to have to buy a new phone, paid for out of your own pocket, and must go through the difficult process of adding all that information again.

Many of those water wet phones get dumped in the waste can because individuals just think because it was damaged from it falling in the tub, had water spilled all on it, or from falling in a pool, that it is probably totaled and can not be repaired.

Now if it was drenched by coke or another sticky substance, it is likely to be ruined. If it was just plain water, there might be hope. A lot of times, if you just let them alone and give them a little while to dry out thoroughly, they will work like it always did, occasionally. Not every time.

If this does not work, it may still be able to be restored. There are repair sources where you can send it that may repair your water logged phones and in many cases will return your records with it. This might cost you a certain amount of money to do it, but with the cost of a combination phone that can do a variety of things the repair money can still be more cost efficient than acquiring a new phone.

After your phone goes for an unexpected bath, just try to be smart and see if it repairs itself. If you can not make it work send it to a cell phone healer for CPR, cell phone repair.

Your Cell Phone, Water, and a Sticker

By : Jim Corkern
Water is a part of our everyday lives, but most of us who own electronic devices can readily admit that it is not only the source of live, but also the source of some pretty pricey problems.It is every cell phone or blackberry owner's nightmare: dropping that $400 device into the bathtub or into the pool.

What do you do with it after you drop it into water? How late is too late to save it? And if it can be saved, how do you do it? Well, if you have a newer cell phone, odds are that if you drop it in water, you will not be able to get the phone's warranty to cover the water damage.

It is not covered under most cell phone warranties and this is one reason that you should be especially careful if you plan on getting your phone anywhere near water. The new phones have been equipped with small white stickers both inside the battery compartments and on the circuit board deeper inside the phone.

When the phone gets wet (or when it is simply exposed to humidity that is just too high), the sticker changes color due to a powdered dye underneath it. When you take your phone to the manufacturer to try and file a claim, they tell you that they cannot give you any compensation because the phone has been water damaged, even if you have not actually dropped the phone in water. If humidity is too high, the sticker trips and you are out of luck.

What can you do to try and remedy this problem? If you live in an area that is subject to pretty high humidity, you can take a piece of satin finished scotch tape and place a piece over the sticker on the battery compartment. The problem is getting to the other sticker that is usually on the phone's circuit board. If you can manage that, then hats off to you. If your phone stops working and you need to file a claim, remove the tape.

If you do happen to drop your phone in the water, get it out in under 20 seconds and remove the power supply completely. Submerge it in a bowl of uncooked rice at least overnight and do NOT try to power on the phone until you are completely certain it is dry. If you put the battery back in and it works, congratulations. If not, try using it with your AC adapter. If this works, all you need is a new phone battery.

Mobile Phone Safety

By : Chris Marshall
It is a sad fact that mobile phone theft is a common occurance in our modern society. Phones are often stolen to be sold on and with ever changing models and special features, the lastest phones are in increasing demand and more likely to be the target of a theft.

What is even sadder is that children of school age are the most likely to be victims of mobile phone theft. However, this does not mean that everyone should not take steps to prevent themselves from being a victim of mobile phone theft. There a few simple precautions that can be taken to decrease your chance of having your phone stolen and they are as follows.

Around a quarter of all mobile thefts occur when the phone is being used or can be seen by others. The statistics are even higher in city centres. Therefore, if you are out in a busy place avoid using your phone, even for text messaging. If you are using your phone then not only are you putting it on display, then you are probably not concentrating on your surroundings and the people around. This makes you more vulnerable to mobile theft.

Also avoid having your phone on display, such as round your neck or on a belt clip. This clearly advertises that you not only have a phone but the model that you have. Phones on a lanyard can be easily snatched and used to pull a victim in the direction a potential thief wants.

In fact, London's Metropolitan Police advise that you treat your mobile phone like you are holding a 100 pound note in your hand.

Here are some facts about mobile theft that hopefully you can use in order to understand the situations that could make you more vulnerable:

- 90% of offenders are male and 80% of victims are also male
- The majority of robberies are committed by offenders working in groups
- The peak age for offenders is 16
- The peak time for theft of mobiles belonging to people under the age of 18 is between 2pm and 10pm
- For over 18s the peak time for theft is between 10pm and 6am
- A mobile phone is stolen around every three minutes in the UK

In order to protect yourself and your mobile phone, there are steps you can take in case you become victim of a theft. Firstly, by typing *#06# into your phone, you will get what is called the IMEI number (15-digit serial number). Keep a safe note of this number, and should your phone get lost or stolen then it can be blocked by your phone service provider rendering it useless to anyone who finds or steals it.

Also take steps to mark your phone with your postcode and house number using an ultra violet pen. This acts as a deterrent and should your stolen or lost phone be recovered it can easily be traced back to you. Take steps to register your phone with the supplier when you purchase it so that they have your details on record in relation to the actual phone unit. Finally, use your phone's security lock code or PIN to stop anyone else using it. For more information about activating your PIN, refer to the manual that came with your handset.

If someone tries to take your phone from you by force, it may be best to give it to them. This will help you avoid getting injured. If your phone is stolen then report it to the police and your service provider straight away. By providing them with as much detail as possible about the phone, including the IMEI number, then the handset can be barred on all networks and will be useless to thieves.

Author Resource:- YouTalkForLess discusses mobile phone options both in terms of handsets and tariffs. It provides up to date news and reviews on the latest handsets and deals available ensuring that you find the best deal to meet your needs. For more information please visit

The Anti-Social Mobile Effect

By : Jonathon Hardcastle
Traveling with any type of public transportation vehicle today in a metropolitan city, one could easily assert that the common mobile use has embraced different societies and penetrated the communication practices of people of all ages.

Answering a sleek mobile phone that rings, by loudly reproducing a lesser quality version of the latest music hit, while ridding a packed bus or a crowded train carriage, is considered to be common practice. At the same time, playing games with your cell phone, or calling family or friends to let them know where you are and what you will be doing next, needs no justification as to whether it might be viewed as a token of responsibility or a mechanical act of boredom. Given the fact that mobile telephony has took by storm various publics in almost every continent, finding the fine line between living a mobile-saturated life and using your mobile as a convenience tool has become the subject of colorful debates.

According to researchers, citizens of the US, Finland, Japan, Germany, Italy and the UK have become the pioneers in exploring different technological developments in relation to their everyday tasks. Surfing through the Internet over a mobile phone while ridding the metro, or answering phone calls and sending e-mails while ordering the morning's coffee, are examples of scenes almost everyone has witnessed at some point or another. However, this new type of social network, mastered by the latest mobile technologies, does not necessarily bring people together according to some critics.

People reach for their cell phones in an effort to connect with others, but the mere notion of being isolated from the rest of the world in order to reach someone on the other end of a telephone line, with whom you do not necessarily interact, contradicts the whole idea of "closeness" or "contact." But numbers speak otherwise, as the mobile phone ownership has tremendously increased over the last two decades.

Unfortunately, as Kofi Annan's 2000 speech to the Australian Press Club pointed out, "half of the world's population has never made of received a phone call." Digital divide, the technological gap the exists between the developed and developing countries of the world, has become the central point for sociologists, developers and scientists, who now speak of a digitally misplaced 50 percent that drifts further and further away from the rest of the technology-savvy half.

But, even in the midst of the heavy mobile telephony users, isolation and annoyance have recently come to destroy what some would like to translate as a new type of group dynamic. The telecom industry, powered by the new technologies that emerge, targets contemporary mobile phone customers to form an extremely technology dependent crowd.

Smaller in size, carrying cameras and having wireless internet capabilities, today's mobile phones are packed with useful or totally useless features. Only the future will determine which of those can in fact bring people together or further push forward the anti-social factor.

Cost Effective Mobile Communication with TracFone

By : Kip Goldhammer
There are many reasons why TracFone has become so very popular among cell phone users today. This cell phone network provider, owned by America Movil, is the most popular prepaid wireless network service in the US. A prepaid network is that in which you have to charge up your cell phone by paying some amount beforehand, and then you can use your phone till the amount become zero. When that happens, you charge up again and continue using.

There are many advantages of using prepaid cellular networks like TracFone. Here we list a few of the most obvious ones:

- You save money with prepaid networks. This is because you pay up in advance and then you have to use your cell phone only as much as you have paid. With postpaid networks, users tend to get careless as they have to pay a bill at the end of the month. This difference is quite akin to having an economical debit card instead of a frivolous credit card.

- There are many less hassles in getting a TracFone prepaid card connection than in getting the postpaid cards. The documentation is pretty straightforward. You will need to submit some personal identification and some address proof. However, you will not have to give anything on your income or your credit card. Since you are paying in advance, TracFone providers do not much care about these identifying details.

- A TracFone is activated almost as soon as you charge the card at their center. Again, this is because TracFone does not need to verify details such as bank records and credit card records. Your activation is done right away.

- There is no monthly bill to put up with. Since it is a prepaid account, you have paid for your TracFone usage well in advance, and you do not have to pay bills on a monthly basis.

- Also, you are spared from all kinds of additional costs. Postpaid wireless providers will charge a fixed sum per month, which goes towards the rent of the service. Even if you haven't used the cell phone at all during the month, you have to pay this rental amount. Since this rental amount is not present with TracFone, your total expense on the phone is significantly lesser.

In this way, a prepaid TracFone subscription becomes much more economical than some of the costlier postpaid ones. However, being cheaper does not mean that you have to put up with compromises. TracFone's services are impeccable, and they are compatible with GSM, TDMA and CDMA, which are the most popular technologies available today. Also, you get a whole range of bonus features, such as hundreds of thousands of free ringtone downloads that will play for you in both polyphonic and real sound versions.

Is There A Solution For Bad Cell Connections?

By : Anthony Wayne
Bob Bentz co-owner of Advanced Telecom Services has heard many tragic stories from friends and co-workers alike about losing important calls on their cell phones.

His friend Mike, a contractor from St. Louis, lost the chance to bid on a huge project becuase he had to call the potential client back twice after losing the call in a "bad area". The third time, the potential client was fed up and decided to go with someone he knew he could get in touch with.

His twin daughters, Alison and Brenda have complained that it's impossible keep up with your high school social life when your phone keeps dropping calls! They have said their friends just don't bother calling back after the call is lost, because they know it will happen again and again.

And then there's the time Bob himself tried to contact his stock broker while on a train to Washington, D.C.. Bob wanted his broker to make an important trade based on a news article he had just finished. Again and again Bob lost the call because of a poor signal, and also lost his chance to make a huge profit.

Because of this, Advanced Telecom Service has decided to give a free cell phone signal booster to anyone who wants one. There's no catch. Finally, you'll be less likely to lose your cell phone connection when in a tall building, elevator, tunnel, or rural area. Cell phone antenna boosters will be sent absolutely free, with no shipping and no handling charges while supplies last. Advanced Telecom Services will even pay for the postage (limited time offer).

Once you install the antenna booster, users no longer need to worry about scratchy background noise or lost calls. Users will find improved, crisp, clear reception in elevators, tunnels, even office buildings. This antenna is discreet and easy to install. Plus, it fits onto any model of phone.

This clever device is like having a four foot long antenna on your phone.

"The distributor made us a great offer on the devices," said Bentz, director of marketing and sales at Advanced Telecom Services. "So we decided to do something that we've never done in our 18 years of business--give away something for free to the public with no obligation. We are asking webmasters to spread the word of this offer by linking to our offer page."

And, businesses can encourage their valuable customers to get one too. All they have to do is link to the Free Cell Phone Signal Booster web page.

Advanced Telecom Services and its subsidiary, Spark Network Services, offers a complete array of text message solutions for advertisers, media, and emergency text message alert services. Its text message solutions include: interactive text message services; text message alerts; text message services for radio stations; text message solutions for newspapers.

Author Resource:-
Anthony Wayne is a marketing intern at Advanced Telecom Services. Advanced Telecom Services offers text message alerts solutions to advertisers and media.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Defining "Safety Stocks"

by: John Mussi
With so many stock market scandals and the daily fluctuations of various securities, it might seem as though there is no simple method of investment that allows you to avoid the major risks of the market. Luckily, things are not always as they seem… some stocks, dubbed “safety stocks” by some investors, are stable enough that they tend to hold their value even when the rest of the market is in shambles. While these stocks aren't immune to the changes and fluctuations in the stock market, they usually weather the changes well and are much less prone to sudden drops in value.

If you've never heard of safety stocks or would like to know more, the information below is designed to give you some information on these relatively stable investments.

Safety in a turbulent market

Though no stocks are completely immune to the daily changes in the stock market, some manage to do better than others. Some of these companies have been around for a long time and that produce everyday items that are known around the world (such as the first aid and baby care manufacturer Johnson & Johnson), and aren't likely to encounter major scandals to bring down their prices. While these stocks aren't known for major increases in value, they don't perform poorly… instead, they offer a slow-but-steady increase that's much more stable than many other investment opportunities.

Safety stocks and diversification

Because of their general consistency, safety stocks are considered a must-have by many serious investors. They are great tools for diversification, allowing investors to use their stability to offset some of their more volatile investments. This effect can be increased even further by making investments in precious metals or the diamond market, both of which tend to offer a similar stability that works well with that of the safety stocks. A diverse investment portfolio with a strong base of safety stocks and precious metal and diamond investments is likely to weather even the most turbulent market with minimal long-term losses.

Safety stocks and high-risk investments

Even without using safety stocks for true diversification, it's possible to use these stocks to offset higher-risk investments. When investing in high-risk stocks, a smart investor might buffer their investment with a secondary investment in one or more safety stocks which will help to minimize any losses that might occur. If the higher-risk stock performs well and is sold at a good price, then the safety stocks may either be sold or kept since they're not likely to drop significantly in value. Should the higher-risk stock not perform well and ends up being sold low, then the value of the safety stocks as they slowly but surely show an increase will help to offset any losses.

Safety stocks and long-term investment

Obviously, safety stocks are great for long-term investments. Purchasing safety stocks over the course of several years is much more likely to show a definite improvement than other stocks that aren't nearly as stable. When combined with precious metals or the diamond market as mentioned above, the effects can be even more noticeable due to the similar nature of the two types of investments.

Safety stocks can also be combined with bonds or other types of investments that do well in the long term, either using the stocks in smaller amounts to accentuate the earnings of the other investments or as simply another long-term investment among many. This can make safety stocks ideal for retirement plans or any other long-term financial planning.

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John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help homeowners find the best available loans via the website.

Trading Guru Reveals Personal Money Management Secrets

by: David Jenyns
How personal money management works: In the markets it`s possible to be right, and to still lose money. In fact, it`s pretty common. Traders who win on a high percentage of their trades often end up with their capital eaten away, and nothing to show for their work. They lose their gains because they don`t know how to manage their money.

Being a good manager of your own money is one of the most difficult trading skills to learn. But if you don`t use good personal money management to lock in profits, take small losses on the picks you`re wrong about, and control your use of margin, eventually you`ll lose everything, no matter how good of a trader you are. You need to make protecting your capital your first priority if you want to be successful.

As a trader, your capital is the most valuable thing you have. Without it, you can`t trade at all. For this reason, bringing in no profits on a trade is better than losing any part of your capital. If your account is intact, you can always make a profit another day. If your capital has suffered a loss, you`ll be wasting effort playing catch-up. The more you`ve lost, the longer it will take to get back to where you started from, because you`ve got more to make up for, and because you`ll have a smaller chunk of capital to work with. A smaller capital base means smaller percentage returns on profits. Making 10% on a $10,000 account earns you $1,000, but if you`ve lost half of that account and have only $5,000 left, making 10% on your money will earn you only $500. You`d have to do that twice to make the same $1,000.

Sound personal money management has two main goals: to avoid losing money, and to avoid missing profit opportunities by tying up capital in problem trades for long periods of time. Failing to avoid either of these will cost you. The first goal is straightforward. You want to preserve your capital and whatever profits you`ve accumulated. But you don`t just want to keep your capital, you want to trade with it as well, to continue to grow it and make your returns larger and larger.

Working to avoid losing those profit making opportunities isn`t quite as obvious a goal. With the second goal in mind let`s compare the outcomes of two money-management decisions. Trader A buys a stock, expecting it to go up, and finds that it doesn`t. However, he`s certain it will go up eventually, and he`s incurred a small loss, so he decides to wait it out. He ends up holding the stock for three months before finally selling it. Trader B buys the same stock at the same time as Trader A, but once he sees that it isn`t going up, he sells it at a small loss. He buys another stock and makes a 15% profit on it. His next trade loses 1%, but after that he makes 8 %, 15%, and 30% on a series of trades. Because he is growing his account, he makes these percentages on a larger and larger base of capital each time. At the end of three months, his account has grown by 48%.

Whose personal money management decision turned out to be the best? While Trader B made a nice profit, Trader A not only lost time but also never made his money back. Even if he had made his money back on that stock, it`s hard to see how this was a good use of his capital over the course of three months.

Clearly the goal of not tying up your capital in problem trades has an important impact on your profits. Practising sound personal money management will keep your capital and your profits safe. Though it is a difficult skill to learn, once you know how to practise good personal money management, you can almost guarantee that you will be a success as a trader.

About The Author
David Jenyns is recognized as the leading expert when it comes to designing profitable trading systems. His most recent course Trading Secrets Revealed is a step- by-step trading roadmap to having excellent money management. Learn how *you* can become one of his students.
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Trailing Stop Loss Tips

(TSR) Why Are We Giving Away These Trailing Stop Loss Tips for Nothing - This Is Not A Misprint

by: David Jenyns
A trailing stop loss is calculated in a manner like the way we calculated our initial stop loss. The only difference being that while we calculated our stop loss from the entry price, we're calculating our trailing stop loss from the highest price since entry. The key to the trailing stop loss is that you need to make continual adjustments to make sure that the stop is moved in your favour.

The method that you use to set your trailing stop loss can vary dramatically. However, if we use the ATR method that we used to calculate our initial stop to set our trailing stop loss, we'll have the ability to lock in the profit as the share price increases.

For example, if you bought a share at one dollar, and your initial stop was set at 90 cents, your trailing stop would also have a value of 90 cents. If, after the first day, the share price moves in your favour and moves to $1.10, you would recalculate your trailing stop loss by subtracting two times the value of the ATR from the new high price of $1.10. For simplicity, let's assume that your stop size hasn't changed, and is still ten cents wide. When you calculate your new trailing stop loss, by subtracting the 10 cents from $1.10, it would be set at one dollar.

At this point, your initial stop was at 90 cents, and your trailing stop loss is now at a dollar, with the share price is at $1.10. Since your trailing stop loss is higher than your initial stop, the initial stop becomes obsolete, and our trailing stop loss becomes your active exit.

Now, my question is, How much profit have you made on this trade? The share price is at $1.10 and we entered at one dollar. If you thought, No, I haven't made any money, then you'd be right on track. Remember, our stop loss strategy gives the share price a little bit of room to move.

You're not going to exit this position until the share price reverts to one dollar. I'ts important to note that when you are valuing any open position, you should always value it based on its stop loss value, since if you were to exit this share, you would wait until that price point was breached.

Let's go back to the example. Now, what happens if the share price begins to fall? Let's say that the share price falls from $1.10 down to $1.05. What does your trailing stop loss do? Would it move down also? Here's another important point. A stop loss will never, ever move down. A trailing stop loss can only move up. This ensures you lock in profit and that you'll also get out of the shares once they start to turn. A trailing stop loss is always calculated from the highest price since entry, so the highest price is still $1.10.

It's not until the share price makes a new high since entry that the trailing stop loss would begin to move in your favor again. However, if you're using the ATR method, there's another way for our trailing stop to move up. This would occur when the volatility of a stock begins to decrease. If a share price were to begin to move sideways, the ATR value would start to drop off. This would cause the trailing stop to move up as the share price became less volatile.

The best way to understand these concepts is to print out a chart with the ATR values along the bottom. Then on the chart, identify the point where you would have received an entry signal, and mark your initial stop loss and your trailing stop loss.

As the trend progresses make sure that you recalculate the value of your stop so you can begin to get a feel for the way this method of using a stop loss works Seeing how the changes in stock price affect you trailing stop loss will give you the confidence to make them a key part of your trading system.

About The Author
David Jenyns is recognized as the leading expert when it comes to designing profitable trading systems. His most recent course Trading Secrets Revealed is a step- by-step trading roadmap to having excellent money management. Learn how *you* can become one of his students.
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Winning at Stock Trading

by: Gay Redmile

The world of trading and investment can be as frustrating as it can be rewarding! You need to be prepared...

Firstly, decide if you are a trader or an investor.

An investor is someone who enters the stock market inadvertently - usually via their superannuation policies. A trader is someone who makes a decision to buy and sell shares via the stock market. This can be done online or by using the services of a stock broker.

If you decide to become a trader - to win - you must have a survival strategy...

You need to study the market yourself - not just rely on 'reading the news', or listening to others advice and tips.

Take advantage of technology - computers, software, electronic data - all at your finger tips. Seek out charting software and appropriate internet sites - they are plentiful.

Ensure that you 'manage' your money and keep some in reserve.

Have the ability to quickly identify failures as well as successes.

Stock Market trading appeals to those who are a little adventurous - rather than just placing their capital into bricks and mortar.

But - be mindful that portfolio values are less stable than real estate as they are continually moving up and down.

However - investing in the Stock Market means that you are putting your money to work - be aware, and enjoy the gains!

About The Author
Gay Redmile is the webmaster of several finance and investment sites. Having been a trader for most of her adult life she understand the importance of research and fully understanding the market. For further information visit her site at

How to Make Money in a Down Market

By : Nicholas Swezey

There are actually a few ways to make money in a bear market but the main one we will discuss here is called Short Selling.

Short selling is a technique that many stock brokerages allow. It allows you to Sell High then Buy Low, which is the opposite order of the traditional Buy Low, Sell High technique.

First, you will need to apply for a margin account with your trading brokerage. Having margin gives you the ability to buy more stock than the cash you have available by borrowing money from your brokerage. This is also called leverage because it allows you to do more with the money you have. All brokerages require a margin account to do short selling.

Second, you need to find a stock that you believe will be dropping in price soon. However, not all stocks are available for shorting due to supply limitations or other restrictions. When you go to short sell this company, your brokerage will let you know if it is available to short on their system. The brokerage needs to have those shares available to lend to you before you can sell them.

This concept may sound strange, but after you read more about it and try it on your own it will start to make sense. It is used successfully every day by thousands of traders. It is somewhat controversial, however. In fact, the SEC considered banning it for a while. But after they made better regulations on it, they decided to continue allowing it because it is a healthy part of the market. When prices are dropping, who is going to buy the shares from people needing to get rid of them? Short sellers, along with traders looking for bargain prices.

Caution: Before you try it this technique, keep in mind that you will be "swimming against the current," so to speak. The market in general has a tendency to go up about ten percent every year. You will be betting that the company is going down in value, which is the opposite intent of most companies! The owners and managers will be trying to turn the company around every day, so do not hold your shorted position for long! You should also practice this technique with an online stock market game to get the hang of it.