Friday, March 28, 2008

Stock Options Trading System Provides Incredible Strategy - The Secrets of Partial Compounding

By : Chris Viscaya
Okay, now that you've found a good stock option trading System you are ready to rumble. You're ready to start 'cleaning house' and making huge returns sending you and yours into a rapid luxurious retirement in little under a year.

Your excitement is understood. And guess what? It's actually possible because it has been done.

We are assuming that you've obtained a really good stock option trading system, a method that uses excellent high probability entries, well placed stop losses and a trailing stop method of maximizing profits Now it is time to talk about the 'good stuff', the secrets of money management in options trading, where the real profits are created.

Options trading money management is the heart and soul of making your account grow while preventing unwelcome disasters. Trade with intelligent money management and increase your confidence.

Okay, so let's say your stock options trading system is actually making you profits. You feel that the system can be trusted and now you are anxious to 'up the ante' and start making bigger returns. So what do you do next?

Well first of all, keep trading but just keep your position sizes small, for now. It's now time to do a little tweaking with your money management of your position sizes. Doing this right could possibly make you hundreds of thousands up through millions of dollars, literally. Doing options trading money management wrong can cause you a lot of misery, pain, and suffering and wipe out your account quickly!

In essence, you want to keep your position sizes (the total amount you have invested into an options trade position) even sized and never more than 10% of your options trading portfolio (on a small account and down to 1% to 2% options position sizes on very large accounts). With options, even if you kept your 'bet' size the same, say 20 contracts for each and every trade, you could make a great living off just one stock even if you never increase your position size. But if you wanted to taste a little of that compounded, 'parabolic' growth increase your options position size by 20% to 30% max every time you double your account (never increase it to 100%!).

In case you're reading this and do not have a profitable Stock Option Trading System or stock there are excellent systems available through doing a little reasearch. You can try and figure a system out on your own or you can short cut success by obtaining some one else's system or service and emulate what they are doing.

Here are some basic trading system approaches that can net out consistent profits: Trade trends. Trade pivot points. Trade swings in the direction of the trend. And that pretty much covers it for successful moneymaking, directional options trading that's worth your time.

If your profits are bigger than your losses then you have a winning trading system. You don't necessarily have to win more than you lose. Yes you can actually make money by losing more than you win if your winners are big enough and your losers are small enough.

The issue when trading options is that when you lose you can easily take a 25 to 50% 'haircut' or more of your position just by simply stopping out through stock price action. This also goes to show that you will want a system that doesn't lose too often when trading options - remember that. Plus you'll want your winners to be able to be really big so trend and pivot point systems can perform the best.

This brings up the issue of making a fortune in options trading without losing your shirt.

There is nothing worse than making a fortune in options trading then quickly giving that fortune back. If you've ever done that you can understand why people jumped off bridges and have tall buildings in 1929 during the great stock market crash. It's a most miserable feeling because you get so high and excited, and happy from your gains and then if you lose that if worse than never having had obtained it in the first place. So promise yourself now that you'll never put your self in that position and that you'll aggressively guard your profits at all times.

So that said let's figure out how to grow a trading account rapidly without losing it.