Friday, March 28, 2008

Is There A Solution For Bad Cell Connections?

By : Anthony Wayne
Bob Bentz co-owner of Advanced Telecom Services has heard many tragic stories from friends and co-workers alike about losing important calls on their cell phones.

His friend Mike, a contractor from St. Louis, lost the chance to bid on a huge project becuase he had to call the potential client back twice after losing the call in a "bad area". The third time, the potential client was fed up and decided to go with someone he knew he could get in touch with.

His twin daughters, Alison and Brenda have complained that it's impossible keep up with your high school social life when your phone keeps dropping calls! They have said their friends just don't bother calling back after the call is lost, because they know it will happen again and again.

And then there's the time Bob himself tried to contact his stock broker while on a train to Washington, D.C.. Bob wanted his broker to make an important trade based on a news article he had just finished. Again and again Bob lost the call because of a poor signal, and also lost his chance to make a huge profit.

Because of this, Advanced Telecom Service has decided to give a free cell phone signal booster to anyone who wants one. There's no catch. Finally, you'll be less likely to lose your cell phone connection when in a tall building, elevator, tunnel, or rural area. Cell phone antenna boosters will be sent absolutely free, with no shipping and no handling charges while supplies last. Advanced Telecom Services will even pay for the postage (limited time offer).

Once you install the antenna booster, users no longer need to worry about scratchy background noise or lost calls. Users will find improved, crisp, clear reception in elevators, tunnels, even office buildings. This antenna is discreet and easy to install. Plus, it fits onto any model of phone.

This clever device is like having a four foot long antenna on your phone.

"The distributor made us a great offer on the devices," said Bentz, director of marketing and sales at Advanced Telecom Services. "So we decided to do something that we've never done in our 18 years of business--give away something for free to the public with no obligation. We are asking webmasters to spread the word of this offer by linking to our offer page."

And, businesses can encourage their valuable customers to get one too. All they have to do is link to the Free Cell Phone Signal Booster web page.

Advanced Telecom Services and its subsidiary, Spark Network Services, offers a complete array of text message solutions for advertisers, media, and emergency text message alert services. Its text message solutions include: interactive text message services; text message alerts; text message services for radio stations; text message solutions for newspapers.

Author Resource:-
Anthony Wayne is a marketing intern at Advanced Telecom Services. Advanced Telecom Services offers text message alerts solutions to advertisers and media.

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