Monday, February 25, 2008

How to Get Started Investing in Stock - 3 Must Do Checklists

By : Zainul Anuar
Many novice investors are not sure how to start their stock investing career. Often than not, due to their ignorance and arrogance, they start buying stocks without following the most basic and simple rules to be successful. Get your hand dirty first if you want to make one million dollar profits from stock investing.

Specific Investment Plan

You must be hearing the importance of investment plan so much. Unfortunately, most investors do not get it right. Initially, you should set up specific financial goal. For example, you want to retire by 40 with $5000 passive income. Secondly, discount it to current value with the inflation rate to identify how much cash you need now or later. For example, you need to have $500k cash in five years time to generate $5000 per month by 2020.

Last but not least, discover which investment option that can help you to achieve the financial goal. For example, plain saving, stock investing, option trading or real estate.

Discover Investment Niche

Once you have the investment plan in place, you will have clearer picture where are you heading to. The next questions would be how do you get there?

Look, there are so many ways to make money in stock market. So many ways that is enough for everyone to make the least money. Therefore, instead of looking for the fastest way to make money, why don't you concentrate on which investment style suit your needs, niche and time commitment. But first, you have to understand the methodology of each concept. Day trading, value investing and swing trading are some of the most common techniques used in stock market investing.

Recognize Investment Personality

Although penny stocks investing suit me very well, the same might not hold true for you. You might not comfortable with the Over-The-Counter (OTC) purchase, its unproven track records or its natural price volatility. The fact is, neither you nor me were created equal. And same goes to other investors as well. Since individual personality, habits and thinking are affecting the decision making process, it really worth the time and effort to understand which investing personality you belongs to.

You can either be a reserved investors, speculators or optimist investors. Whoever you are, discover what you capable of, overcome your weaknesses and start investing in stock market. you might want to make that as a habit whenever you want to start doing anything.

Stock Investing Basics - 3 Simple and Easy Steps to Get Started

By : Zainul Anuar
Stock market investing gains its own popularity recently. But many beginners are losing money investing in stock than making any profits. The truth is, investing in stock doesn't have to be that complicated. In fact, it has a lot to do with simple common sense than a rocket science. Believe it or not, with these simple steps, everyone can invest in stock successfully.

Pick Quality Stocks

High quality stock must be supported by strong business performance. You can use some important financial ratios to discover the hidden gems. ROE, EPSGR and D/E are the ratios you can't invest without. However, you still need to evaluate the stock qualitatively before betting any money into it. For example, the stock must have great business model, serve profitable niche market and have unique selling point than its competitor. Else, consider buy other stocks.

Calculate Intrinsic Value

Intrinsic value is the actual value of the stock. It can be the same or different from the market price. It is your job to calculate intrinsic value so that you remain vigilant and always ready for the next opportunity. For example, if the current stock price was 90% less than its intrinsic value. You can either use dividend, cash flow or earnings discount model techniques to value stocks. I myself use combination of earnings and dividend discount model most of the time. The reason is, they are quite simple, straightforward and the data required are easily accessible.

Margin of Safety

Margin of safety is critical in reducing risk of losing money in stock market. The idea is to buy stocks when the market price is much cheaper than its intrinsic value. It can be either 40%, 60% or even 80% discount from its intrinsic value. It helps you made profits from the day you buy the stock, just like when you buy real estate properties for rental income. Besides, you'll be getting huge compounded return if you manage to buy the stock much cheaper than it should be as you able to maintain the initial investment at very low price.

Investing in stock is not something new, but so many novice investors just don't know how to invest in stock market the right way. If you stick to the steps mentioned above, you are not one of them. In fact, you can make more money than your fund managers did. However, it takes discipline and systematic approach to be profitable in stock investing.

Stock Investing Basics - 3 Things to Do Before You Get Started

By : Zainul Anuar
No doubt you can make millions of dollar and get rich from stock market, but it won't happen if you missed these critical checklists in the first place. In case you are so eager to invest in stock market, hold yourself first. Make sure you have the right starting point before putting any money in any stock.

Have Enough Money

You can invest everything you have in savings into stock market, but it is like risking your life into it. The truth is, there is nothing as guaranteed as cash deposit when it comes to investing no matter how strong the stock is. So, it is a wise decision to create an emergency fund in case the stock is turning against you. I always advise my friends to keep at least six months income worth in savings before investing in share market.

Trust me, you can concentrate much better by doing just this.

Understand Yourself

There are many ways to make money in stock market. For instance, you can buy and hold the stock forever, buy and sell stocks after holding them for few years or even trade the stocks in the same day. Believe me, there is no one way that is better than the other. It is really up to you which investing style suits your needs. Besides, your investing capability, commitment and the available fund will affect your preference too.

Spend time asking yourself, which investing style you prefer the most.

Aware of the Risks

There are three risks associated with stock investing; namely individual financial risk (possibility of you went broke), company business risk (possibility of the company went down) and market risk (possibility of weak market sentiment). There is no way you can avoid these risks, but you can reduce the risks by applying some mitigation measures. For example, invest in stock market whenever you have enough money or buy stocks that offer huge growth potential only.

It is not about avoiding risk that matters, but how you can manage the risk is more important.

Not many investors did these whenever they've decided to invest in stock market. What they do is simply jump into the market using others tips. Stock brokers, insiders and friends influence them the most in deciding which stocks to invest. If you are high risk investors' type, then it is fine. But if you are looking for long term profits, I suggest you stop it now.

Author Resource:- Find out step by step stock investing tips, zecco review and doublingstocks review in

Stop Trading Individual Shares If You're Not Beating The Market

By : James Woolley
Every share investor enjoys hunting out profitable companies they can invest in, and hopefully finding a potential ten-bagger that will make them rich, but there comes a time when you have to analyze your portfolio and make harsh decisions if you're not beating the overall market.

After all what is the point in spending hours and hours researching different companies if the end result is that you are underperforming the overall market. You may as well just invest in a tracker fund that tracks the market or a top performing mutual fund and spend your time doing more worthwhile things.

I know it can be quite exciting doing your own research and investing in the companies of your choice, but professionals are paid to do the same job and will generally have access to more information than you do, and can make better informed decisions.

So take a look at your share portfolio over the years and see how it's performed in percentage terms. Then compare this to the performance of the FTSE 100, for example (or the Dow Jones if investing in US shares) and see how you compare.

If you find that the overall index has seriously outperformed your own efforts then something is seriously wrong here, and it might be an idea to seriously rethink your investment strategy.

For instance, taking the FTSE 100 as an example, this index has increased dramatically since 2003 almost doubling in value so almost all good quality companies will have risen a lot during this time. Now look at the companies you've been investing in. If they haven't risen during this time when the market as a whole has been extremely bullish, then your investment strategy is seriously flawed.

If however, you have achieved excellent gains in percentage terms then your individual share picking strategy is of course justified, although it might still be an idea to place your money in a tracker or mutual fund, depending on your performance.

This isn't always true though, because it's important to note that portfolio managers have more constraints placed on them in terms of the types of companies they can invest in, plus of course there's the added fees you have to pay for their service, so ultimately it's a matter of choice and convenience.

I personally have done extremely well investing in my own portfolio over the years and have plenty of time to do my own research. However for people who have busy lives and have maybe shown that they are not that successful in managing their own portfolio and selecting individual companies to invest in, then paying someone else to do it for you is probably the better option.

Stock Broker or Stock Analyst - What's the Difference?

By : Denise Villani
Depending on what type of investing you plan to do, you might need to hire a broker to handle your investments. Brokers work for brokerage houses and have the ability to buy and sell stock on the stock exchange. You may wonder if you really need a broker. If you intend to buy or sell stocks on the stock exchange, the answer is yes, you must have a broker.

Stock brokers are qualified and regulated professionals who buy and sell shares and other securities through market makers on behalf of investors. In order to become a stockbroker in the United States, a person must pass exams such as the General Securities Representative Exam, also called the "series 7 exam". Also, most brokers have a background in business or finance, with a Bachelors or Masters Degree.

It's important to differentiate between a stock broker and a stock analyst. A stock analyst basically analyzes the stock market, predicts what it will or won't do, and predicts how specific stocks will perform. Keep in mind that it's fairly common for some stock brokers to also be analysts and vice versa.

Stock analysts basically do alot of research and make recommendations to help companies and clients make investment decisions. They read company financial statements, analyze commodity prices, sales, costs, expenses, and tax rates to determine a company's value to help project its future earnings. Sometimes the analyst will meet with company officials to gain an insight into the company and determine how effective the company's management is. Analysts usually study an entire industry, assessing the current trends in business practices, products, and industry competition. They also keep current with regulations and policies that affect the industry and monitor the economy to determine its effect on earnings.

Putting all this together, analysts write reports and make presentations citing their recommendations on whether or not to buy or sell a particular investment or security. Analysts summarize their reports with ratings such as "buy", "sell", "market perform", "overweight", "hold", etc.

Stock brokers, on the other hand, are usually there to follow instructions to buy or sell stock, not necessarily to analyze them. Stock exchange transactions must be made between two members of the exchange. Basically, the typical person can't just walk into a stock exchange and make trades.

Stock brokers perform three types of stockbroking services: execution only, advisory dealing, and discretionary dealing. Execution-only, or discount brokers, just carry out the client's instructions to buy or sell, nothing more. Advisory and discretiony dealing is done by full service brokers who do research and provide advice. In advisory dealing, the broker acts as an advisor and advises the client on which shares to buy and sell, but leaves the decision making up to the investor. In discretionary dealing, the stockbroker knows the client's investment objectives and then makes the decisions on that client's behalf.

In most cases, brokers get paid from commissions on transactions made for their clients. Brokers usually earn a flat per transaction percentage of each transaction they perform.

If you are new to investing, you may need to go with a full service broker to ensure that you are making wise investments. They can offer you the skill that you lack at this point. However, if you are already knowledgeable about the stock market, all you really need is a discount broker to make your trades for you.

3 Factors Affecting Share Prices That Most Stock Investors Do Not Know

By : Zainul Anuar
Certainly, there are just so many factors affecting share prices. For example, high oil prices, interest rates, GDP and CPI to name few. However, many beginners are focusing too much on the external factors than what can happen from the accounting perspective. They can easily get frustrated from their own ignorance. Therefore, before you think of getting cheated next time, spend time to read this article very carefully.

Dividend Effect

I love dividend as much as you do, but apparently, it does not comes for free. Simply because, the share price drops in the same value as the dividend paid after the ex-date. For instance, if Wal-Mart Stores Inc. decided to distribute $1 per share as dividend to its shareholders, its share price will generally drops from $49 to $48 per share after the ex-date.

So, do not comment so much in the future if the stock price drops after the dividend payout, because you took the money away already.

Bonus Issue

Bonus issue is additional shares given by the company to its existing shareholders. By doing so, the company is able to reinvest the dividend cash for better earnings growth. In fact, this is another way for the company to maintain its share price at cheaper rate without splitting the stocks. Bonus issue is also a good way to reward long term stock investor.

Ideally, the share price drops the same ratio of bonus issued. For instance, if the company is giving one new share for each four shares own by the shareholders, the share price will drop by 20%.

Warrants Exercise

With warrants, you have the right to buy shares from a company after the exercise date at specified price. As a result, its earnings will be diluted as more shares are sharing the same earnings pie. In general, the share price drops the same proportion of the number of exercised shares. For example, if the exercised share is 10% of the existing number of shares, the stock price will normally drops by 10% as well.

Unfortunately, unlike stock split, these factors are diluting the earnings per share (EPS) of the stock, which in turn will adjust the share price accordingly. That is why, the stock price will get affected if any of the events happen. Although long term investors do not care much about it, stock traders (esp. swing traders, day traders, position traders) should consider these factors seriously.

Author Resource:- Find out step by step stock investing tips, zecco review and doublingstocks review in

Top 2 Hottest Online Businesses

By : Scott Johns
Do you like to write? Have you dreamed of seeing your name in print? It is possible to make money as a freelance writer. The term freelance may be misinterpreted by aspiring writers. One may assume that work will be hard to come by. This is not true if you are willing to do research and can produce quality work. Thanks to the Internet, a myriad of possibilities exist. Finding writing gigs, is not as difficult as it seems. There is a high demand for writers and freelancers in just about any area of expertise. Today, companies are interested in saving dollars and time by electing to freelance work; instead, of the hassle of overhead and overhead expenses. Online magazines are a good place to start. It seems that most are looking for writers. However, you may have to start off writing for free. Yet, you are still making your name known to viewers and building respect with the magazine. It also, looks great in your portfolio. Some websites may also list companies looking for freelance writers.

The research for finding writing opportunities is time consuming, but rewarding when you find yourself writing, getting published, and getting paid.

Websites to Consider
This is a very helpful website, besides having writing job listings.
You can sign up for their weekly email newsletter, which is loaded with tips for writers, and possible markets.

As a freelance writer, you will find that most potential clients expect to be able to view your portfolio . This allows them to gain perspective of your writing style and ability. If you dont have a portfolio they may ask you to provide a sample writing on a topic the employer suggest. Do not be intimidated. This is common procedure.

Ebay/Online Auctions

Ebay is the most popular online auction community. It is also a lucrative source of income for sellers. Selling is easy and fun with Ebay tools and its large community. If you have a solid product, a well written sales letter, and patience, online auctions can be a lucrative and successful online business. You do not have to be an expert to sell on Ebay or any other online auction site. I most cases, the tools are already in place. The buyers are ready to bid. The key to success is the product. It has to be a product that buyers want. It does not have to be expensive or unique just easy to sell. As an auctioneer research is required an necessary to discover what items are hot and which ones are not. Take the time to do a little research and business will be running itself in no time.

Free Online SMS Messaging

By : Christa Kowalczyk
This small electronic device is fast finding its place in everybody\'s pocket. It is your cell phone which we are discussing about and with the increased use of it we can agree that it is such an object you cannot imagine your life without. Your cell phone is not all about making or receiving calls but it is also popularly used for sending SMS or texts and also receiving them.

If you have been texting your friends regularly you know how much fun is to send some interesting messages to them and bring some smile on their faces. Buy what generally stops you is the fees charged by your cellular service provider on sending Texts or SMS.

But worry no more we have some information which will bring smile to your face. If you want to send some cool, funny, romantic and sexy messages to your friends and that too free of cost just log on to mobile-sender for sending free texts or SMS to your friends all over United Sates.

No catch it is all 100% free. With this amazing service you can still bring the smile on your friend\'s faces and that too without increasing your phone bill. What you need to do is to visit the particular website and follow the simple steps.

To start with as soon as you hit the home page the first step is to enter the receivers cell phone number in the mentioned field. While doing so remember not to use dashes or other characters other than the number and to enter the area code as well. The second step is to enter the subject of the message you want to send. It helps the receiver in identifying the content of the message.

The third step is to enter your message you intend to send to the receiver and here you need to remember that the limit of the message is 140 words. So enter the precise message and continue to the final step. The fourth step is to choose the receivers cellular service provider from the given list.

And the final step is to click on the send text message button to send the message. Using these simple steps your message is delivered to the person you want to send it to. Isn\'t it a simple way of sending your message across without you or the receiver paying anything for using the service.

It is the simplest way of sending SMS which is getting popular everyday. What you benefit is sending free texts whenever you want to and whomever you want to. This free SMS are well protected by spammers and a complete privacy is maintained over the data.

Plus you never receive any advertisements or spam messages and the messaging always remains clean. It is better to cut down on your phone bill and start using this service which is easy and 100% free. Play prank on your friends by sending anonymous messages using this service.

Secrets Of How To Make Money Online

By : Saleem Rana
Do you want to learn the secrets of how to make a living online? There are plenty of people offering their secrets to help you make more money online. The only problem is that as you trawl around the web searching out these secrets you soon discover they aren\'t secrets after all.

What you will learn is good, old-fashioned business common sense. These secrets will teach that some kind of a promotion is necessary to attract people to your web site. Once attracted, you need to entice people further with more offerings in exchange for their contact information (email address). As the saying goes, the money is in the list. You cannot run any kind of business online, or offline unless you have a list of potential customers.

So, the secrets that you are searching for online have been there ever since business began. Find something people want, entice them to connect with you, get their details and sell, sell, sell to them over a period of time to convert them from interested parties to confirmed customers.

But the one secret that is often missing from much of the information online has been around offline for centuries as well - be different. Don\'t try to be the same as your competitors. Stand out from the crowd. Do something different that gets you remembered.

For example, take the cab driver who gets the name and address of every passenger. Each Christmas they get a card from him. And guess what, people remember him and recommend him. He gets most of his fares from referral business, rather than having to wait around. Have you ever met a cab driver who sends all his passengers cards at Christmas?

Yet online, everyone seems to be the same. New online businesses follow the rules set by the experts and gurus. The result is that almost all web sites trying to sell something are starting to look the same. They all do the same thing - have a great offer and a box to fill in your details. Many of them even use the same templates. If you follow the \"rules\" that are part of the secrets you will end up following the pack and you won\'t be noticed. If you truly want to make it online, you have to be different.

So stand out from the crowd by being different - not just visually, but in the way you approach your readers. Do whacky things perhaps. You will be noticed and remembered - and online that\'s nine tenths of the battle. This is a simple but effective secret on how to make money online.

The Best Way to Increase Website Conversions?

There\'s no question that the marketplace is loaded with vendors offering solutions to increase website conversions. With an increased drive toward true alignment of search marketing and site optimization for online shopping, it would seem that a majority percentage of people arriving on a website would buy.

But they\'re not.

In fact most organizations rarely have better than a 1% conversion rate for all unique traffic. What\'s worse is that many of these organizations have less than 1% unique traffic conversion. Yet, marketing directors and other leaders responsible for online sales in organizations whose names you probably know, continue to burn through massive online budgets, running large infrastructures and managing large teams for what amounts to an anemic performance.

Increasing conversion is the only thing that matters online.

You\'ve really got to sit down and ask yourself why these organizations think the only way to increase revenues is to increase traffic. This is insane. For starters, traffic is not infinite. In fact, most website traffic will never come back to your site. The majority of good prospects are lost to no decision at all.

If you think your traffic is going to come back and buy from you, you\'d better think again.

* In a study released by BizRate and The NPD Group, more than 10,000 consumers were surveyed. Respondents indicated what occurred after they abandoned the shopping cart:

* 39% did not purchase the item at all

* 26% purchased the product from a competitor

* 17% made their purchase offline

* 18% returned to the site to make the purchase at a later time.

The next largest group of departing site traffic is driven into the arms of the competition. When you consider how poorly sites convert, you\'ve got to wonder why people continue to burn cash and other valuable resources on traffic without looking closer at this problem.

Instead, marketers should first re-focus on making the site convert better, THEN turn up the tap on traffic. The etailing Group found in a study that 47% of e-commerce directors didn\'t even know their abondoment rate.


What\'s worse, consider the following facts:
* 35% of online shoppers find navigating sites difficult (Yankee Group)
* 20% of online shoppers find technical glitches frustrating (Zendor)
* 61% of people who abandon may not come back (Zendor Study)
* 55% of online shoppers are reluctant to provide their credit card information online (Yankee Group)
* Consumers, on average, spend more than 19 hours deciding where to buy online for a given purchase. (ScanAlert)

The fastest way to long term conversion improvements.

One of the best ways to increase site traffic without wholesale changes to navigation and graphics is with real human beings. Deploy a service that offers live chat to site visitors when they arrive based upon some entry criteria like the keywords they used to find your site in the first place. Chat is anonymous and non-confrontational for site visitors who genuinely would appreciate some help.

Staff that chat system with trained sales agents who know your products and can properly qualify based upon the most common needs of your visitors. Be careful not to overload those agents with too much traffic or you\'ll burn your brand with yet another version of poor customer service. Offer people the ability to speak with your agents on the phone during that sales cycle and conversions will go up even higher.

Then measure those results.

Is it that easy?

Probably not, but you won\'t know if you don\'t try. And with websites converting less than 1% of traffic, it would be hard for things to get much worse. Realistically though, you WILL increase conversions.

If you do it right, conversions will DOUBLE. What would that mean for your revenues?

People like to buy from people.

A sale is not just a is a transfer of positive energy from one person to another. It is one person helping another make a solid buying decision. Imagine going to the mall and no one being in any store to help you. That would seem weird wouldn\'t it?

So why do we think it\'s normal to abandon decades of learning and retailing best practices from with on-line stores? Forget about new navigation and fancy graphics for now. Leverage something that will always be more powerful: the human element.

Then outsource it.

Author Resource:- Brooks helps organizations convert existing traffic into revenue without increasing advertising spend.

Some Free Ways To Make Money Online

By : Saleem Rana
When it comes to free ways to make money online there is no shortage of ways to do it. Of course if you have a product of your own that is the best place to start. What if you do not have a product of your own?

Here are a few ways you can sell stuff online with affiliate marketing to make money for yourself.

Affiliate Programs. Getting paid to sell other people\'s products is the quickest way to get going that I have found. Affiliate marketing has been around for over 10 years now and many people look at as one of the first companies to sell products this way.

You can make money selling clicks such as with Google Adsense. You can make money selling leads with affiliate programs like Max Bounty. You can make money selling products. One such way is to sell information products like you would find at ClickBank.

Another thing you can do is affiliate program directories like or Commissions Junction where they have compiled some of the best products to sell in one place.

Certainly network marketing also offers some great residual income for repeat business on a monthly basis. Many MLM companies will set up your customers and distributors on auto-ship and the products they order go out like clock work every month. When they do you make a commission every month just like clockwork as well.

Selling memberships is also profitable. This can be done through both affiliate marketing as well as network marketing. Getting paid over and over for making one sale is called residual income. Products that can be accessed online and offer value to your customer are great to sell. Paid memberships fit this description. Subscriptions on how to run a home business, personal development, paid newsletters on every subject imaginable, website hosting, autoresponders, and just about anything you can think of, offer you a chance to create residual income.

Two tier programs where you get paid on the sales of people you recruit work great for paid membership programs as well. Of course network marketing falls into this category and can even be better because you can make money every month on the sales of a large group of people.

The key with most paid subscription programs is you make a little bit of money on every sale. The first month this may not amount to much. The second month it can be more. In a year it can be quite a lot. Kind of like compound interest if you know how that works.

Free ways to make money online abound and it is really a question of deciding what interests you and what income model you want to use.

Which Ones Are the Best Golf Sunglasses?

By : Mike Herman
The best golf sunglasses take care of your style and protect your eys. Not only do they keep you looking good so you can impress everyone with your style.

The glasses also keep the sun's glare out of your eyes and protect them from its harmful rays and keep the dust and grime, blowing around you, out of your eyes.

The big-names on the market include Oakley, Bolle, NYX, Arnette, and RayBan. These glasses tend to have pretty hefty price tag, unless know where to look and some good online shopping. If your new to golf and just dropped a few grand on clubs and a country club membership, you may not want to spend much on sunglasses.

Inexpensive glasses can be just as advanced, comfortable, and good looking as the high priced versions. They can come with lightweight polycarbonate materials so they are barely noticeable once they're on your face. They can also come with special attachments to loop the glasses around your ears, so no matter how hard you hack at the ball, those glasses won't fall off.

More importantly for your eyes' health, the best golf sunglasses come with lenses that block 100 percent of the deadly ultraviolet rays from the sun. Look for glasses that block both UVA and UVB. The higher the nanometer rating, the better.

Depending on the weather conditions you'll want to consider the color of the lenses. Bright sunny days need a darker colored lense, maybe even mirrored or polarized.

Darker cloudy days can still be glary and hard on the eyes, a light grey or an amber lense would be perfect.

Best yet is to find a pair with interchangable lenses. Allowing you the ability to change the lenses as you need.

You'll have more cash in your pocket to purchase balls, equipment, green fees, and, of course, frosty beverages from the drink cart.

At the same time you'll be protecting your eyes and you'll look good doing it, too.

Author Resource:- Get the Sunglasses you want at the prices you need. Go to

Give Gifts of Fashion with Belts and Belt Buckles

By : Charles Kassotis
For anyone who has ever had a person in their life that was hard to shop for, the right fashion accessory could be just the thing you are looking for. The right belt or belt buckle can put just the right touch on any outfit.

Belts and buckles can be great for any gift giving occasion. Whether it is a holiday, birthday, special event, or even a funny gag gift, this could be the right accessory. Many people dislike getting clothes that they weren't able to try on. However, all you have to have is a general size for belts. They all fit basically the same from there. However, you do need to know the general size of the person for it to be practical.

When you are giving someone a belt or buckle, you should stop to consider their personality and style of dress. There are styles and sizes to go with every person and their outfits. Whether they dress in a country western, hip hop, trendy, or a style that is all their own, there is something for them. However, if you don't know the person very well, stick with something less extravagant that would look good with anything.

Some specialty shops will help you to personalize your gift if that is your wish. You can get belts with a special and unique design, words, or names on them. Of course, to personalize a belt you should really know what a person is like. If you personalize a belt to your own style, you will likely miss the mark with their sense of fashion. Remember that everyone's taste is different and unique. Taylor to them, not to you.

You can also order specialized buckles from many places. These offer a variety of unique options. You can choose different metals to make the buckles from, including silver and gold. You can choose different shapes, styles, sizes, and themes. You can also add jewels to really draw attention.

While the large, sparkling, attention drawing buckles appeal to many people, others are turned off by them. Make sure the person you are shopping for dresses for them if you are going to buy something that draws that much attention.

Many people dress with the same basic theme from day to day. Some people stick with a country and western style, gothic style, golf style, etc. Whatever the theme, there are belts are belt buckles for every style and every person.

Before you order a belt for someone, make sure that you have their size right. If you guess wrong, you are likely to offend someone. If you guess too low, they may feel fat when they try to put it on. Or they may think that you are trying to give them a hint - even though you aren't. And if you guess too big, they may think that you think they are fat. If you don't know the size, don't guess. Stick with the buckle and a gift certificate for them to pick their own belt.

Diamond Rings are Symbolic Gifts For Graduation, Wedding, and Engagement

By : David Arnold Livingston
Rings, as jewelry, will never go out of style. Sometimes they don't just serve the purpose of embellishing nimble fingers but also as symbols of relationships and events of great values such as an engagement, wedding, anniversary, graduation etc. Diamonds are very popular stones in all of them. Here are the various kinds of rings:

1. Graduation or Class Ring

These rings are customized or designed for a particular class of students. They could either have the school's logo engraved and/or have the name or initials of the student who owns the ring engraved on the inner side of the ring.

2. Friendship Ring

These symbols of bonds could be in any kind of personalized design the wearers prefer. A group of friends could have these rings with the same design or in complementing designs.

3. Engagement Ring

The celebration of the decision that a couple will spend the rest of their lives together is often sealed with this piece of jewelry. Women usually enjoy the privilege of being given an engagement ring. An engagement ring is more appreciated when a man is just so in tune of his fiancée's character that he is able to give one that complements her personality so well. She may also want to be involved in the selection of the ring. Oftentimes, the couple will decide to buy the rings, as a set at the same time of becoming engaged. Engagement rings with diamonds often earn two thumbs up.

4. Wedding or Anniversary Ring/Band

Classic wedding rings usually comprise of diamond rings. However, platinum wedding bands are fast gaining popularity. This is because compared to gold, platinum is said to be a lot denser, thus more durable. Platinum wedding rings are known to be more able to last a lifetime, which is the very perfect symbol of marriage.

Now after that rundown of the different types of rings and their symbolic meanings, how about knowing more about the ring that often gets the most attention - the diamond ring?

Known as woman's best friend, it is imperative that one knows the basics of a diamond. Here are the 4 basic C's of a diamond:

1. Clarity

This is the clearness or the purity or imperfection of the diamond. The more clarity the more costly the diamond ring gets.

2. Color

This refers to the amount of color in the diamond. Black diamond is known to be more expensive than clear diamonds.

3. Cut

This refers to the proportion and polish of the diamond. It also determines the shape of the diamond. The more intricate or ornate the diamond the more attractive and, of course, the costlier the diamond gets.

4. Carat

This is the unit of measurement of a diamond. 1 carat is equal to .20 grams. The higher the carat of a diamond is the heftier its price tags becomes.

Although diamonds are known to last forever as having the reputation of being the hardest mineral, they still require proper care to be able to live up to that expectation.

a. Clean your diamond ring regularly with a soft cloth or a soft brush and jewelry cleaner particularly for a diamond ring.

b. After cleaning, rinse it thoroughly in warm water and wipe it dry with a lint-free cloth.

c. When doing rough work, common sense should tell you not to wear your ring or any kind of jewelry for that matter. Sweat and dirt may damage the metal setting of your ring.

d. Have your diamond ring checked by a jeweler for possible wear and tear.

With that indispensable information, wearing a ring could mean more than just accessorizing your hands.

Author Resource:- David Arnold Livingston enjoys shopping for friends and family,

Shopping For Sunglasses For Running At Discount Stores

By : Mike Herman
If you are in need of a sleek pair of shades to wear while jogging or completing any activity that involves running, you may experience sticker shock once you begin your search!

These specially designed shades are often outrageously pricey since they are specifically made for individuals to wear while jogging.

Instead of shelling out big bucks at fancy sporting goods stores, consider shopping for sunglasses for running at discount stores.

Quite often, your local discount store stocks a great variety of sporting shades for a variety of uses, including jogging glasses.

The selection of sunglasses for running at discount stores will not be as great as your sporting goods store, but the prices will more than make up for the lack of styles!

Mant stores, especially stores online, have an several pairs of shades made for specific sports that are a great deal less expensive than comparable glasses at specialty stores.

In addition to saving money by shopping for sunglasses for running at discount stores, you will have less to lose in the event your glasses are broken or lost.

When searching for shades, be sure you find a pair that fits your face.

You may need to sacrifice a bit of cash and purchase a pair of glasses that you can wear comfortably to ensure you will indeed wear your purchase and protect your eyes from harmful Ultra Violet rays from the sun.

Also, consider investing a bit more in a pair of shades that are polarized, which will further protect your peepers from potentially harmful rays and allow you to continue your activity of choice even in the most blinding conditions, including bright sunlight and reflections off surfaces like pavement or snow.

Jewelry Shopping for Gifts, Hobbies, Symbolism and Health

By : David Arnold Livingston
How else could humans accessorize themselves aside from wearing clothes and shoes? Also through jewelry, right? However, did you know that jewelry is not only used as accessories? Here are the other reasons as to why many don't bother splurging some good dough over these often small yet grand in value items:

- as a sign of wealth and authority (crowns and tiaras)
- as a hobby (as with collectible antique jewelry)
- for symbolic purposes (crucifix, wedding bands, and mourning jewelry)
- for health reasons (as with medical alert jewelry)
- for amusement (as with puzzle jewelry)

Aside from the generic bracelets, earrings, necklaces, bangles and rings, jewels are now also in the forms of tiaras, anklets, studded belts, cufflinks, belly chains, armlets, thigh bands, toe rings and brooches. Surely, there's one kind of jewelry that will enthrall each and every gender and genre.

Jewelry may be made of any kind of material, from precious to semi-precious gems to metals and less valuable materials such as those used for costume jewelry. Here are the most commonly used materials in making jewelry:

1. Organic material - such as shells, pearls and other similar objects

2. Gemstones - these include rhinestones, diamonds, rubies, and other precious and semi-precious stones.

3. Metals - a wide array of metals are used in jewelry. Here are those that are widely-used:

a. gold or gold plated - a metal or alloy that is one of the most commonly used b. sterling silver - often used as body jewelry and is very popular among teenagers c. platinum - often used in wedding bands, more rare and expensive than gold d. titanium - stronger and yet light, those who are sensitive to other metals prefer this e. niobium - also for those with metal sensitivity f. Lucite and Plexiglas - usually used for earrings

4. Wood - ethnic-designed jewelry and bangles

5. Plastic, pounded copper and brass are also used in making jewelry and are fast gaining popularity.

Whether your jewelry is a valuable one or simply something that you got from the flea market, surely it won't hurt to take care of it properly for it to last and probably still be in good condition to be given as an heirloom. Jewelry is not only precious because of the material they are made of. Oftentimes, it is the sentimental value that makes these items more than just accessories. If you are considering giving more value to your jewelry, here are some tips on how to take care of your jewelry, particularly a metal jewelry:

1. Don't use it every so often. Using it only during special occasions makes your jewelry earns more attention because of its novelty.

2. Don't wear it when you are taking a bath, washing the dishes or whenever you have to submerge it to the water such as when you are swimming. Components of water and soap may diminish the sheen of your metal jewelry.

3. Clean it regularly with a soft cloth and jewelry cleaner.

4. When engaging into activities that would make you sweat, don't wear your metal jewelry. Perspiration may make it lose its shine.

5. Have a jewelry box. This way, you not only secure the safety of your jewelry from thieves but also from other harsh elements that may tarnish it.

With those jewelry information in mind, your jewelry may just gain more value.

Oprah Features Apple Bottom Jeans On Her Favorites Show

By : Yo Fujikawa
Every year, Oprah hosts a holiday segment called Oprah\'s Favorite Things on her famous talk show and if you, like hundreds of thousands of Americans out there, have some trouble figuring out what the best gifts for your family are, these recommendations are great! In the past, Oprah has recommended key lime pie, Apple iPods, the Neiman Marcus cookbook and a lot more, but one of her most popular suggestions has been Apple Bottoms jeans. Apple Bottoms jeans were quite popular before the recommendation, but afterwards, their success went through the roof. What made these jeans so successful in a market that is clogged with design clothing?

Apple Bottoms jeans are designed by the hip-hop artist Nelly, and they have a unique appeal and very glamorous aesthetic. Nelly himself is personally involved in the design process and has been quoted as saying, \"The clothes should fit a woman, not the woman fit the clothes,\" a sentiment which has become the best way to judge the clothes that are produced. The intension of the brand was to make sure that they enhance rather than conceal the natural beauty of the women who wear them, a viewpoint that has been a great relief for many women who are tired of shopping for clothes that don\'t fit quite right.

One of things that distinguish Apple Bottoms jeans is rather than being straight-legged or cut in a way to minimize the hips, Apple Bottom jeans are frequently clingy without being tight, something that many women, whether they are on their way to a club or to visit family, can appreciate. Moreover, they are made to be exceptionally sturdy, so if you give a loved one the jeans as a gift, you can ensure that they\'ll be able to enjoy it for a good long time.

They are also quite versatile, and can be suitable for a dressy occasion or for just hanging around the house. They are made of 96% extra strong cotton denim with lycra forming the remaining 4%, so they tend to stay snug to the body without feeling constricting and many women comment on the perfect fit after just a small amount of time breaking them in,when it comes to cuteness and a sense of urban style Apple Bottoms jeans are perfect.

It\'s a trendy venue for women of all sizes, and more than just being a line of clothing for women who are bigger, it\'s also designed for women who are more uniquely shaped than is common. A lot of importance is placed on natural curves and instead of hiding them, celebrating them.

Author Resource:- Yo Fujikawa reviews the latest Hip-Hop fashions and apparel. For more information about Apple Bottom Jeans and Nelly try visiting

All About Sunglasses

By : Chris Simpson
Any time of year, sunglasses should be a part of your daily heath-consciousness routine. Sunglasses are not just for summers on the beach anymore or just for looking cool and mysterious. Designer sunglasses are no longer just for wealthy movie stars. Sunglasses are crucial in protecting your eyes from the permanent damaging effects of Ultra Violet radiation.

Sunglasses in some form have been around for a very long time. Roman Emperor Nero made sunglasses by watching gladiator competitions through polished light emerald green gems held up to his eyes. The true invention of sunglasses was somewhere between 1268 and 1289.

Before 1430, smoky quartz, flat-paned sunglasses were worn by Judges in the Courts of China to conceal any expression in their eyes. Prescription sunglasses were developed in Italy in 1430 and were later used by the Chinese Judges. In the mid 18th Century, James Ayscough developed blue and green corrective lenses, beginning the use of sunglasses for correcting optical impairments.

Until 1730 when Edward Scarlett invented hardened sidepieces, there were problems in keeping eyeglasses propped on the nose. Glasses frames had been made from leather, bones and metal and sidepieces began as silk strips of ribbon that looped around the ears. Instead of loops, the Chinese added ceramic weights to the ends of the ribbons. Benjamen Franklin's invention of bifocal lenses followed in 1780.

By the 20th Century, sunglasses were used to protect the eyes from the sun. In 1929 Sam Foster's "Foster Grants" were the first mass-produced sunglasses and they began the trend of sunglasses for fashion.

In the 1930's the Army Air Corps asked Bausch & Lomb to develop sunglasses that would efficiently reduce high-altitude sun glare for pilots and they came up with dark green tinted sunglasses that absorbed light through the yellow spectrum.

Edward H. Land had invented the Polaroid filter and by 1936 he used it in making sunglasses and soon, sunglasses became "cool." Movies stars began wearing sunglasses to hide behind and for fashion. Aviator glasses became popular with the movie stars and the general public in 1937 after Ray Ban developed the anti-glare sunglasses using polarization. The longer lens was created to give more protection to pilots' eyes from light reflecting off their control panels.

By the 1970's Hollywood stars and fashion designers made a huge impact on the sunglasses market. Clothing designers and stars put their names on glasses and sunglasses and everyone had to have them. In 2007, stars are still hiding behind their oversized designer sunglasses, making fashion statements and protecting their eyes from the harmful effects of the Ultra Violet radiation.
Today's trendy designer sunglasses are a status symbol; however, in order to be fashionable in sunglasses, you do not have to give up quality. Quality designer sunglasses can be polarized to reduce the glare of sunlight reflecting off surfaces like the highway, cars, water or snow. Polarized sunglasses work by blocking off horizontal light reflections and only let in vertical light reflections. The polarization of designer sunglasses makes them fashionable in other areas of lifestyle like golfing, boating, biking, swimming, fishing and aircraft flying.

Marketers of designer sunglasses target children who choose the same hot styles and brand-names as their parents and their idols. Sunglasses for children have Disney and cartoon characters in many colors, shapes and styles. Children's designer sunglasses can also be polarized to block the harmful UV radiation.

With modern technology and improvements, the making of sunglasses continues to evolve. We have gone from holding green gems up to our eyes to Oakley's 2004 sunglasses with digital audio players built in.

Author Resource:- Looking for some new designer sunglasses? Check out Cheap Designer Sunglasses at and grab yourself a bargain.

Building Cheap Computers in 3 Easy Steps

By : Nicky Pilkington
Just a decade ago, the only people who put computers together were those individuals who possessed an extensive technical background. Advancements in technology have eliminated some of the complexities in how computers work. This change has resulted in average people who have a basic understanding of computers being able to build a system themselves. Whether you are interested in building computers to establish a new hobby or to start a business, you can so in only a few easy steps and on a shoestring budget.

The first step in building cheap computers is to determine the route you want to use to build systems. You basically have three choices when considering building cheap computers: build a system from scratch, expand on a bare bones computer, or upgrade an existing system. Building a system from scratch can be a rewarding experience. However, it is not for everyone. If you are impatient or are intimidated by mechanical tools, you are better to choose one of the other two options.

Regardless of the method you choose, you will follow three basic steps:

1. Plan
2. Assemble
3. Test

The planning phase of your project involves determining the specifications for the computer you want to build. Once you know this information you can start shopping for parts that meet those specifications. Your main considerations should be
hard-disk, memory, and CPU (central processing unit). The harddrive is important because it determines how much information you are able to store on the computer. While you could build a computer with a harddrive smaller than 2 GB (gigabytes), it is not recommended.

The harddrive and memory work together. The amount of memory you place in your computer will directly affect how the system is able to complete the different processes that you request when using the system. If you have no idea what size hard-drive and the amount of memory you need, you should consider the type of operating system you intend to load on the system. You can consult the manufacturer of your hard-drive or review the information on, which features a list of minimum harddrive and memory requirements for various operating systems, and use this information as a guide.

The equipment presented in this article includes the basics of a computer system. Of course, nowadays people want far more than the basics and you undoubtedly feel the same way. There are optional components available that you may want to add to your systems, which include CD or DVD drives, a modem or other communication component for Internet connectivity, or a video graphics card.

Once you have decided on the specifications of the computer you want to build, you are ready to assemble the system. In addition to detailed information about the parts you will need to build your computer, includes step-by-step instructions for assembling a cheap do-it-yourself computer.

When you have finished assembling the computer, you will then need to test to make sure that the system boots and that all components are functioning properly. Once you have completed all these tests you will have built your own cheap computer.

Author Resource:- You can find detailed information about planning, assembling and testing computers at the website.

How Can The CompactFlash Expansion Plus Improve My iPAQ?

By : Jon Butt
With an iPAQ Compact Flash Expansion Pack Plus, you can go and buy Type I or Type II CompactFlash cards compatible with your Pocket PC's operating system and extend the functionality of your iPAQ. The HP iPAQ CompactFlash Expansion Plus, as far as PDA handheld accessories go, is indeed a smart buy for your PDA.

You can now put more files on your PDA or swap more files with others. You can even access the great WWW wirelessly through a cellular data network. Expansion cards are also important for the smooth running of multimedia files.

iPAQ CompactFlash Expansion Pack Plus - Enhancing... Extending...

The iPAQ Compact Flash Expansion Pack Plus works on two levels - it enhances the 'life' of your PDA because it adds a removable, rechargeable battery, and it extends the functionality of your PDA via an open Type I or Type II CF card slot. This means that with the iPAQ Compact Flash Expansion Pack Plus, you can buy CF cards that can boost file storage space on your iPAQ Pocket PC.

Further, with the right CF card, you can access your firm's WLAN for important email messages. Bored? Access the Internet for the latest news (or gossip!). Lastly, the iPAQ Compact Flash Card Expansion Pack Plus launches a new cover pack design with a removable display cover to protect your iPAQ's screen and buttons at the front.

If you're also one of those who dread the day their PDA 'dies' on them, then you will surely like the fact that the iPAQ Compact Flash Card Expansion Pack Plus has removable slim battery to prolong the life of your Compaq iPAQ between charges!

Author Resource:- Jon Butt is the publisher of One of the web's leading sources of information on how to choose your perfect PDA or PocketPC or Handheld, where to get the biggest discounts online, which software downloads will enhance your life and what accessories will enhance your little PDA friend

Create Your Own Download Links

By : Mark Meshulam
One of the great features of working with the web is the ability to download a file by clicking on a link. As most earthlings know, a link is most frequently visible as blue underlined text displayed on a website, or on an HTML email. Links can also be presented as hot spots on an image, or a button which can be clicked.

Sometimes when we click on links, we are magically transported to a new web page. Behind the scenes, we are actually receiving new files from a web server, and our browser software is "rendering" the files on our screen according to instructions contained in the files.

These new files could be served up by the same web server which served up the previous page, or with equal ease we could be receiving files from a totally different location, possibly from halfway around the world! Such are the wondrous ways of the web.

Other times when we click on links, we get a different experience. Our browser offers to download a file and patiently awaits our answer. When we accept and possibly tell our browser where to file the download, the web server sends the file to our computer and a download takes place.

The usefulness of this functionality is obvious. We don't always want to see the information painted on our screen, sometimes we just want to use it. Consider a spreadsheet file as an example.

If I want to share my spreadsheet with you, I can easily send it to you as an email attachment, but what happens if the file is too large? Chances are, your file attachment could hit a bottleneck somewhere in your, or your recipient's email system and may never deliver.

However, if I send the file as a download, email system bottlenecks are bypassed and the pipe is wide open. Here's how it works:

1. First, I upload my large file to a web server somewhere.
2. Then, I place a download link to that file in my email to my pal.
3. When he receives the email, he either clicks on the link or pastes it into the address bar of his browser.
4. He easily downloads the file.
5. He is incredibly impressed.

To do this, here is what you will need:
1. Rights to a web server to host your file - many web hosting companies offer this.
2. Software for uploading your file - for starters you can actually use Windows Explorer.
3. Knowledge of the correct "path", or URL which will allow your recipient to access the file. This should be available from your web hosting company.

The format of the URL will look like this:
Where "domain" is the domain you have registered for your use, which is targeted at a folder on a web server, which has a subfolder named, for example, "downloads".

Your example filename, in this case, "myspreadsheet.xls" should match the actual filename exactly. Filenames should not have spaces or odd punctuations.

In case the above steps seem too intimidating or labor intensive, there is a software/webhosting package available called Personal FTP available at

The software uploads your large files to your private webspace on the Personal FTP server, opens a new email, and places a download link onto the email, all in a few clicks. In addition, you receive a subdomain which adds your identity to the link and enhances the reliability of the download.

Author Resource:- Mark Meshulam offers Poingo Productivity Suite, unique & inexpensive software which speeds your work and makes it more fun. Includes:
Send files using FTP. Email tickler system. Create JPGs and PDFs. Edit images in Outlook. Timestamp filenames. Hotkey shortcuts to anything. Cropped screen capture. Much more.
See Mark's blog, educational ruminations on people and technology in the workplace.

Slow Processor? To Upgrade or Not?

By : Nicholas Spriggs

To upgrade or not? That is the question. At least, since the release of the new Athlon 64 FX-57, that is the question I have been pondering. Even though the FX-55, (which I am currently running), was everything I had hoped it would be, is the new FX-57 that much better? Well let's take a look.

The Athlon 64 FX-57 has an increased clock speed of 200 MHz bringing it to 2.8 GHz, up from the 2.6 GHz found in the FX-55. AMD didn't stop there though, they added a few extras to improve performance.

The chip's core is actually based on a revised K8 core code named San Diego (1 MB L2 cache), which bring's the size of the chip's die down to 90 nm from 130 nm. this is made possible by building the chip on AMD's latest SOI (Silicon and Insulator) technology.

The FX-57 has an improved memory controller, making it more flexible in terms of allowing you to use different size DIMM's on the same channel.

So is the FX-57 fast? It's screaming fast, but is it an enough of an improvement to warrent an upgrade? Well that depends a little on you. If you have to have the latest and greatest then this is the processor for you.

With a $1000+ price tag, I would be willing to say that the Athlon 64 FX-57 is a little too pricey for most mainstream users or enthusiasts (myself included). Especially if you just dropped $800-$900 on an FX-55 just six months ago like I did.

One other factor to consider is the future direction of processors. With an industry shift to dual-core processors, such as the Athlon 64 X2, the Athlon 64 FX-57 may be AMD's last installment in the single core processor market.

Now having said that, the FX-57 still out-performs (in terms of gaming) even the fastest dual-core processor such as the Athlon 64 X2 4800+. This is largely due to the fact that most games are not built to take advantage of a dual-core processor, not yet anyway.

So for the time being, the FX-57 will remain the fastest gaming processor on the market.

Author Resource:- Nicholas Spriggs at is dedicated to providing up to date information in the computer and technology field. For more info check us out at Computer Hardware

How To Effectively Use The Touchscreen On Your PDA

By : Gregg Hall
PDAs, or personal digital assistants, are similar to computers in many ways. One way they are different is that you typically use a touch screen to input data to your PDA. On a computer, you would type on a keyboard or point and click with a mouse. With a PDA, you simply tap the screen with a stylus.

The touch screen is used in various ways. One is the virtual keyboard. The letters, numerals, and other characters are displayed on the screen just as they are situated on an actual keyboard. It is only a picture, but if you tap the characters with the stylus you can create documents on your PDA. This is also good for setting up appointments on a calendar or writing a to-do list.

You can also tap some of the touch screen figures to activate buttons or select from a menu. You can tap and drag the stylus to highlight the information that is the most important to you. The touch screen is very versatile.

Another use of the touch screen and stylus is letter or word recognition. In this mode, letters or words are actually written with the stylus onto the screen. The PDA takes this data and converts it into computer text characters. This technology has been met with mixed reviews. Some like the way it works while others find it inadequate.

In stroke recognition, certain strokes are set up to correspond to the different characters on the keyboard. The strokes are easy to learn because they are similar to the letters. They are also easier for the PDA to recognize and so work better than letter or word recognition.

One thing to remember when using a PDA touch screen is that you only have to tap it lightly to get the effect you want. If you have to jab hard at the touch screen, it means there is something wrong. You may, for example, need to clean it.

When you clean your touch screen, be sure to use an electronic cleaner. Dust and other foreign material can get on the touch screen of your PDA. A daily cleaning will keep it working at its peak performance.

It may be tempting to use a pen or other pointed object to tap on the touch screen. This can damage the touch screen so much that you will not be able to use the PDA at all. Make sure that you keep track of the stylus so that you can always use it.

You can protect the touch screen with screen covers that are available in any department store. They come in multi-packs so that you can get several at one time. They will keep dust and dirt out when you are not using the PDA. They can be used for a period of time so that you do not have to have a new one every time you take out your PDA.

Using a touch screen on a PDA is easy. Whether you are using a virtual keyboard, tapping menu choices, or using one of the letter or stroke recognition systems, you will find that the touch screen offers ways to input data into your PDA.

Author Resource:- Gregg Hall is an author living with his 18 year old son in Jensen Beach, Florida. Find more about cell phones as well as a quality PDA at

How To Effectively Use Your PDA As An MP3 Music Player

By : Gregg Hall
Your PDA can be used for many business and personal applications. One of these personal uses is that it can play MP3 music files. All PDAs come with MP3 players already in them. All you have to do is learn how to use them.

The first thing you will have to do is to store songs on your PDA. This is usually done by uploading songs onto a memory card from your computer. Then, you can put the songs into your PDA by attaching the memory card and downloading the songs.

You can also download music to your PDA using USB cables from your computer if your PDA has this capability. Another way to get music is by email, assuming your PDA can receive email. An internet-ready PDA can capture songs from the internet. When you get your PDA, look to the instructions to find all the different ways your particular PDA can download MP3s.

You can keep a set of memory cards with songs you want to hold onto, or you can use one memory card. If you use just one, you will always have to download any music you get from the internet or email onto a computer before your PDA memory becomes overcrowded.

If you are trying to play MP3 files from a stand-alone MP3 player, you may find that the files are not compatible with your PDA. MP3 files have to be formatted for the PDA. If this is the case, you will get an error message that lets you know.

Once you have downloaded your songs, you need to arrange them. You can sort them into play lists. That makes it easier for you to find the MP3 you are looking for when you want to hear it. With a few taps on your touch screen, you will be hearing your favorite tunes.

The windows media player makes it easy to know what you are listening to as it goes down a play list. The screen will display the name of the song, the artist, and the album. You can pause and un-pause the song that is playing by tapping a virtual button on the screen.

Of course, you can still use the MP3 function of your PDA even while you are busy accessing other parts of the PDA. It might slow down your work, depending upon how fast and powerful your PDA is. However, many people have gotten accustomed to working on their computers while playing their MP3s. If you are one of those people, you might like this feature.

When you start playing MP3s on your PDA, you will notice that there are small speakers on the PDA that allow you to hear the MP3 music. Some people are satisfied with these speakers, while others prefer the sound of the headsets that can be purchased separately. The headsets may have a higher quality sound. They also provide privacy for the user and keep down noise pollution for those nearby.

If you learn to use your PDA to play MP3 music, you will get a new kind of enjoyment from it. It is nice to have a tool that accomplishes the tasks you need to complete. It is even better to be able to do it while listening to the music you like.

Author Resource:- Gregg Hall is an author living with his 18 year old son in Jensen Beach, Florida. Find more about MP3 cell phones as well as a quality PDA at

Helpful Laptop Handling Tips

By : Jim Brown
A lot of busy-bodies in this time and age have a dependable handy dandy laptop that they carry everywhere they may go. It is expected that these are brought with them not only in the four walls of the hectic office but also at home where they can check their emails whether personal or business anytime or at their favorite cafe while sipping that fully bodied aromatic cappuccino. You can be sure that laptop would never be absent during those critical business meetings where they can typically type in their observations and comments without much use for a notebook.

For those laptop laden individuals perhaps one of the issues of concern and anxiety is on the usage of this nifty device. Not that it is not all that useful as it advertises but because the laptop is not actually ergonomically friendly. It has been said that the computer has basically one ergonomic requirement and that is that its screen and its keyboard be separated to make the user more at ease and relaxed when typing in those words or numbers. It was in the late 1970\'s when computer users finally had enough of musculoskeletal discomfort and decided to write up the guidelines stating forth that the keyboard and the screen be distanced away from one another from that moment and onwards.

Perhaps the best defense against a sore neck or back or cramps on the hands and wrists is to make sure to maintain good posture when using a laptop computer. For occasional users, it is advised that you go for a comfortable chair where you can sit your back in. To avoid wrist pains, it is better to place the laptop on your lap as this is the most neutral location. Make sure to position the laptop in an angle where you can see the screen comfortably without having to twist and turn your neck in to view it.

More so, ease and comfort is of greater deal for those full time users of laptop computers. And if you are one who use one as a main computer then do so to position the laptop on a desk where you see the laptop screen without craning your neck. This can be achieved by placing the computer on an elevated surface or you could make use of a computer monitor pedestal for support. It is appropriate that you use a separate keyboard and mouse which can be easily set up at the back of the laptop or through a docking station. Utilize an adjustable position mouse platform for greater ease and efficiency. For wrist, a negative tilt keyboard tray would be a great help.

It also helps to know your user concerns and issues before you purchase your laptop. This can include your laptop dimensions and weight. Think of the places where you will be working on your laptop on the issue of dimensions. Small sizes could work better in almost all places as compared to the large ones where you could have difficulty fitting in the space on your car or train seat. Weight is a big deal if you travel or go about a lot. Lugging a heavy laptop is not really a fortunate thing. So if you are always on the move, think small.

Author Resource:- James Brown writes about Apple Store promotion code, coupon code and Sony Style bargains

Thursday, February 21, 2008

How to Invest In Stocks

By : Sameep Shah
Investing in stock market to make capital gains is often a very tricky affair. There are thousands of stocks floating in the market, and to pick the right stock at a price that will maximize the return on investment requires deeper knowledge and insight into the stock price movements and other technicalities. If you are intending to invest in shares and stocks, then to start with, you must open a brokerage account with a stock broking firm. After that you need to learn about the different instruments which are being traded in the stock market.

For beginners one of the safest investment options is bonds, which are devoid of any risk and offer assured returns. For other investment options one must calculate the compensation factor -- the return on investment compared to the interest offered by banks. If you are new to the stock market then choose a broker who is well established and has a good track record. If you want to play safe then invest in bonds that are guaranteed by the government which tend to have lower risks.

But how does a brokerage account work? There is a simple legal agreement between an investor and a licensed broker. Through this account the investor can make investments in securities as well as place orders through the firm. So the next time you decide to buy or sell securities like stocks, bonds and mutual funds, operating through a brokerage account is one of the safest avenues for carrying out investment transactions.

Investment in stock market can be for a very short period, known as short-term investment, or it can be for a fairly longer period, which is known as long-term investment. Short-term investment can bring in good returns when the market is dynamic and there are rapid movements in stock prices. In this kind of investment the investor should be an active trader and should keep a close look into the share prices. Traders generally take independent decisions but often the weight of numbers has a direct influence on short-term prices.

Long-term investment is suitable for investors who want to earn substantial returns from investments. However, for long-term investment it is essential to identify stocks, which have greater potential for growth in future. While purchasing shares for long- term one should opt for the shares, which are well established since shares are even more risky than mutual funds. While asset management companies manage mutual funds, portfolio shares are to be managed by the retail investors themselves.

There are two major ways of judging and selecting stocks - through fundamental and technical analysis.

Fundamental analysis, as the term suggests, is concerned with the economic fundamentals which may have an effect on the stock prices such as interest rates, exchange rates, performance of different sectors, fiscal and monetary aspects of the economy and stock management. If you're a long term investor then you should familiarize yourself with fundamental analysis.

Technical analysis, on the other hand, is an extensive research on the stock price movements over a shorter period of time such as weeks and months at most. If you're a short term investor, which I am, then you should familiarize yourself with technical analysis.

In stock market investments, both short term and long term investments come with risks and therefore nothing comes with absolute guarantee. However a smart investor with deeper insight and skillful analysis of the stock prices can reap the benefit even in a volatile market condition.

Author Resource:- Sign up for our Free Stock Picks Newsletter to find out how our last stock pick, Netflix, could have helped you gain a whopping 31% in less than 2 months. How To Invest In Stocks

Day Trading Against System Trading

By : John Porter
What a day trader does is he restricts his investments to a day. This means that whatever he buys on the day he sells on the same day. The philosophy is there is hardly any chance of a stocks hitting rock bottom over the space of a day.

So even if there are losses, it will be marginal. Of course, the profits are also limited since stocks get hardly the time to gain value in just a day. Of course there are exceptions when stocks plummet or shoot-up in hours. But those are generally irregularities.

However there are a few issues with day trading. First of all, when someone invests on the stock market there is generally a hope for high returns. Day trading runs counter to that philosophy. Of course you can make high profits even in day trading but for that you will need huge capital where you can pump in money to buy rising stocks, and then sell them at the end of the day when the stocks have gone higher. It is the number of stocks you buy that makes the most difference and not the change in the price of the stock.

Also day traders discount the history and performance of a stock. When a day trader buys stock in a particular company, he will try to buy the ones which have shown profit in the recent past. But it might happen that on the day he bought the stock it showed a marginal decrease.

There is every promise for the stock to again gain momentum and go up. But the day trader has to sell the stock cause as a day trader you cannot hold on to any stock at the end of the day. So while you were almost certain of profit over a period of time, you end up making a loss just because of the weird way day trading works.

The basics of system trading is quite simple. What you need to do is fix certain parameters on when to buy a stock and when to let it go. It is like a guide book that you follow by the word. Now these parameters should be made based on a lot of research and inputs from successful traders.

Once you have it ready, your emotions play little role in the trading. You now know exactly when to buy and when to sell. And this is where system trading brings some sense to the erratic trading of amateurs who are into online trading.

Author Resource:- Find more Online Trading and Online Trading info online. For Online trading related articles:

The ABCs of the Stock Market

By : Jonathon Hardcastle

A recent study indicates that Americans are saving less these days than they were 10 years ago, except for entrepreneurs and corporate executive and in one particular segment - young middle-managers who are about six to 10 years into their careers and only beginning to make headway into the higher echelons of their particular industry.

Are you one of these people? If you are, then chances are that you are currently in the process of planning or expanding your base of investments. You have probably given real estate a good look and determined that, although attractive, it is more ideal for a full-time real estate investor because it demands a lot of effort and time. You also probably have a tidy little sum invested in various banking tools like savings and time deposits as well as common trust bonds and government securities. That's all well and good and your money is safe right there. But now you want to shoot for the moon, mainly by investing in the kind of company and industry that you may be familiar with. You are eager to try the stock market.

Here are a few basics about the stock market business.

The stock market is mainly a place where you sell or trade a company's stock. These stocks are small shares in the company which it sells to the public in order to raise capital to finance its other ventures. Of course, you already know that capital is the money that a company spends for producing, improving, expanding, distributing and promoting its products and services. If you buy a company's stocks, you are one of its shareholders.

The use of the term stock market also applies in reference to all the stocks that are available for trading (as well as other securities) as in the statement "the stock market performed well today."

You can also trade bonds on the stock market. Bonds are a business IOU that indicate that the bond issuer holds the bond holder a debt. Bonds are traded directly between two parties over the counter.

You may opt to trade commodities on the stock market. The term commodities refers to agricultural products (coffee, sugar, wheat, maize, barley, cocoa, milk products) and other raw materials (pork bellies, oil, metals). For example, if you feel that the price of coffee will increase next month, you buy the coffee commodity now and reap the benefits of the price increase next month when you sell.

Author Resource:- Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Investing, Business, and Finance

Europe And NATO Are Making Defense Efforts For Security Strategies

By : Victor Epand
A conference on European security has opened in Berlin. It is focusing on ways to effectively strengthen European defense efforts with a view to improving joint missions in crisis areas on the continent and elsewhere. The two-day conference in Berlin has drawn high-ranking politicians, NATO officials and EU defense experts and aims to highlight efforts to further harmonize defense cooperation within the North Atlantic Alliance and the EU's own defense initiatives.

It is being held at a time when both the EU and NATO are in the process of building up rapid reaction forces, or battle groups, as European strategists prefer to call them. Both organizations are potentially drawing upon the same pools of soldiers which indicate that rivalry can never be ruled out. But in a bid to further heal transatlantic relations after the controversy over the US-led war in Iraq, assurances are being heard ever so often that the EU's own security efforts are invariably intended to complement -- not duplicate or rival --NATO.

"It would be totally wrong to view the development of European defense capabilities separately from advances within NATO," said Germany's Social Democrat Defense Minister, Peter Struck. He added that both NATO and the European Union are currently making efforts to be better prepared for out-of-area missions in a bid to adapt to a fast changing security environment.

"NATO must be open to reform". There can be no doubt whatsoever that in future NATO has to be the place where dialogue on transatlantic security strategies must be intensified, Struck added."The alliance has to be open for reform," Struck added.

This is what German chancellor Gerhard Schroder demanded at a recent security conference in Munich, and his words are being taken seriously by NATO leaders. Struck's message to the conference was taken up by Alessandro Minuto Rizzo, deputy secretary-general of NATO. He made it clear that it had been wrong to try and sweep different threat perception levels on both sides of the Atlantic under the carpet and demanded that a fresh initiative be made to debate security strategies more openly within NATO.

"We need to understand that NATO is not only a forum for action. We must also understand that it's a forum for debate," said Minuto Rizzo. "During the Iraq controversy, NATO was manifestly under-utilized as a consultative forum, and we paid a high price for that," he said. "I'm confident that we've learned our lesson. If we want to preserve NATO as a central framework for effective multilateralism, we must engage in multilateral debate."

The conference of NATO members, currently taking place in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, has seen the conclusion of a military cooperation agreement between the military alliance and Russia. The deal - hailed as a milestone by NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Schaffer - will make it easier to hold joint military exercises and for NATO troops and Russian forces to cross each other's territory. It now requires the approval of the Russian parliament.

Speaking at the conference, a senior NATO official said the alliance has no desire at the moment to get involved in the Middle East peace process. However, he added that it is not ruling out the possibility that it may do so in the future. Ukraine's Foreign Minister Boris Tarasyuk was also at the NATO meeting, where he announced that his country hopes to join NATO within the next three years. He said Ukraine could contribute to greater stability and security in the region.

Author Resource:- Victor Epand is an expert consultant for carries the best selection of military clothing, war gear, and combat accessories on the market.

Iran and Nuclear Power

By : Victor Epand
On Iran's nuclear ambitions, some have suggested an approach which mirrors our policy vis-a-vis N. Korea. In other words, if they really insist on the need for a peaceful nuclear infrastructure, then the world should help them build nuclear power plants which do not produce the kind of nuclear byproduct which can be used to produce nuclear weapons. The trouble is N. Korea and Iran clearly have ambitions of possessing nuclear weapons. In fact, most experts believe Pyongyang already has several such weapons in its inventory. This approach, nonetheless, may be worth pursuing with Iran - if only to call Tehran's bluff. So far, however, the U.S. and Europeans continue to pursue this issue in the UN context.

In this regard, many experts believe this close collaboration to steer Iran away from its nuclear weapons program may pay off. The following Feb. 24, 2004 article from the International Herald Tribune lays out this argument well and succinctly:

Early next month, the International Atomic Energy Agency's board of directors will once again meet to consider how to respond to new evidence that Iran has continued to hide significant elements of its nuclear program. Although the board may agree to refer the issue to the UN Security Council, the United States and Europe still differ on how best to respond to Tehran's continuing violation of its nonproliferation obligations.

The trans-Atlantic partners urgently need to coalesce around a long-term strategy for confronting Iran. Such agreement is needed to effectively deter Iranian violations and to keep the prospect of a diplomatic resolution open.

It is needed for a second reason too: This dispute has all the makings of repeating the disastrous fissures that developed over Iraq, except this time Britain appears to be siding with its European partners against the United States. That would be tragic for many reasons, not least because in this particular case there is absolutely no difference between the two sides on the ultimate objective.

Everyone, Europe and the United States as well as Australia, Canada, Japan and even Russia, knows that the consequences of Iran becoming a nuclear power are exceedingly grave.

Tehran's long-range missiles would put much of Europe within reach of a possible nuclear strike. Neighboring states might respond by acquiring deterrent capabilities of their own. And Israel, which has long seen Iran as a serious threat, might decide to strike preemptively, as it did against Iraq in 1981.

To prevent such a dangerous spiral, Iran's nuclear weapons development must be halted. It is not enough that Tehran sign on to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, as it has done. Nor is it sufficient only to allow additional inspections by the IAEA.

As long as Iran has the inherent capability to produce nuclear weapons materials, be it by enriching uranium or reprocessing plutonium, it will have the option of following in the footsteps of North Koreas withdrawing from the nonproliferation treaty, ousting the inspectors and finishing a bomb.

Only when the key weapons-material-production parts of the nuclear fuel cycle have been dismantled and destroyed can there be any confidence that Tehran will not become a nuclear power.

Europeans and Americans agree on this goal. Now they need to agree on a common strategy to get there.

The first step must be an agreement to refer the issue to the Security Council, which should warn Iran that its continued failure to fulfill all its nonproliferation obligations constitutes a threat to international peace and security.

Next, the United States and Europe should agree on a common strategy that combines Europe's preference for carrots with America's preference for sticks. They have to agree on a clear set of benchmarks and deadlines for Iran to give up its enrichment and reprocessing capabilities. Tehran's compliance would lead to the economic and technology cooperation that European leaders promised last fall.

At the same time, the United States and Europe would have to draw red lines that Tehran could not cross. And they would have to reach a clear understanding on the kinds of coercive actions they would take in the event of further noncompliance from economic sanctions through, ultimately, the destruction by force of Iranian nuclear facilities.

The high costs of U.S.-European disagreement over how to deal with Iran are all too obvious. It should not be beyond the capability of U.S. and European diplomats to forge a common strategy.

Author Resource:- Victor Epand is an expert consultant for carries the best selection of combat clothing, gear, and accessories on the market.

What is SEO?

By : Peter Slevin
SEO is not rocket science, it just requires some serious research and work. In an ideal world, a website would be built around core SEO principles from the start...unfortunately this is not always the case! Sometimes we have to redesign elements of the site so that it performs at its best.

Here are the key steps in optimising your site:

*Research your keywords, and write lots of content around these keywords. All search engines love content, so the more the better. DO NOT cut and paste from other sources, as this will get your site tagged as duplicate content. Update this content frequently, as again this will impact favourably on your search engine rankings.

*Make sure that all your HTML tags are utilised fully. Title tags and alt tags are very important. Too often I come across sites that have not used their tags fully, and they wonder why they are not receiving good rankings!

*Add a privacy policy, contact page, and a good sitemap page to your site. All of these add to the trust factor with the search engines. A good sitemap shows the search engine how to crawl your site correctly, and will help identify any problems within the sites' structure.

*Submit your site to all of the major search engines. Some companies will tell you that this is not neccessary; they are correct in that eventually the search engines will find your site. Submitting your site, however, will just speed the process along.

*Submit your site to lots of good quality web directories. Start with the big directories, such as Google, Yahoo, and Dmoz. There are literally thousands of other directories out there that can be useful to you.

*Find places that you would like to be linked from, contact the webmasters, and exchange links. This is the most time consuming part of any SEO campaign, but also the one that can produce the best results.

*Implement a good analytics tool and use the data to enhance your marketing thrust. Google analytics is a great, free, tool for doing this.

*As an ongoing process, write good articles about your industry, and submit them to article sites. This will provide a link to your site, and if the article is reprinted, will result in more visitors to your site.

These are the general guidelines for successful SEO, but I also recommend using a PPC campaign, especially with Google. It will take you a while to get this right, but when you do, will result in great results for you.

Happy "SEO"-ing

New Weapons For The US Military

By : Victor Epand
I have read the article about the M-468. I believe it is a superior firearm in terms of ease of integration into the US military inventory. Those of you who read history in terms of US military small arms may remember that General Douglas McArthur wanted a rifle that would shoot the 30.06 since the US had millions of crates of it in storage. That is how Garand won the contract with the M-1 since his rifle did chamber the 30.06 round while the contenders were using other type rounds.

This sounds like a great replacement for the M-16 and the sole consideration in selecting the replacement should be what is best for the troops and not what is best for the bean counters. If this increased stopping power saves one American life what value do we place on that life if we stay with the 5.56 mm and lose that life so it fits into some neat budget of someone who will not be in harms way.

I hope the armed services accept the M-468 as the primary weapon. Shoot to wound is the most stupid statement ever made by any military, ever. The purpose of the military is to kill the enemy. I thought the 7.56 was bad, the 5.56 was worse. I don't think any enemy we have, has a shoot to wound philosophy. I'm glad our defense dept is looking to upgrade our weapons.

I have read the article about the M-468 and was quite impressed by its lethality and transitional ease. We do need a more lethal round than the 5.56mm NATO round that we use today. I as an individual soldier would like to see the U.S. Army and the military as a whole convert to this M-468. The article also added the reality check in there about the U.S. military having millions of 5.56mm in stock. My answer would simply be this in that we would still have use for the 5.56mm round due to the fact that we still have the M-249 S.A.W. in our inventories. We could get the rounds converted into drum ammunition for that purpose.

Then again what would the cost be? That is what it unfortunately boils down to. Not saving soldiers lives on the battlefield but what does it cost and what amount of effort has to go into it. I hope that the military goes to this new rifle but in all of my 17 years in the Army I am not expecting miracles.

The M-468 sounds like a great upgrade to the basic infantryman's needs. Proven technology, and small upgrades in foreshock and sir, main problem is going to be retooling to a 6.8 round. But considering how much a Y-22 air superiority plane costs, I think the cost is minimal, just cut one plane and you got all the money you need to retool. Also why do we need such a high tech toy when most of today's conflicts are infantry necessities?

The issue in general with the 5.56x45mm ball ammo (whether the original 55 grain or the newer 62 grain SS109 projectile) isn't so much a question of velocity (which is superior) or ballistic coefficient (which is adequate) but of bullet is 'ball' or full metal jacket ammunition, designed not to expand.

If it is truly the philosophy of the US military to "shoot to kill" then stop piddling around with changing calibers and allow some decent, expanding bullets to be issued. Supposedly these bullets are not allowed by the Geneva Convention, which is madness..if it is "legal" to shoot the enemy then it should be "legal" to use properly designed ammunition. The current M4 round makes a neat .223 caliber hole in the target and keeps on going. The suggested 6.8x43mm will make a nice .270 hole and keep going.

The idea is to have a bullet that expands and transfers all of its energy to the target, not one that punches little holes. I guarantee the shot/kill ratio would improve significantly...and it's a hell of a lot cheaper than adopting a whole new weapons system. The current M4/M16 system is fine...just feed it some decent ammo!

Author Resource:- Victor Epand is an expert consultant for carries the best selection of combat clothing, gear, and accessories on the market.

The Real Political Spectrum

By : Rob Wickes

Now that another one of those vitriolic, antagonistic, exercises in mutual character assassination that we call an election is past us, it is the perfect opportunity to examine our perceived political polarization.

Elections reveal that we characterize most people or groups today by their view towards government either and by the type or the amount of power they feel government should wield. It's impossible to pick up a newspaper or watch the evening news on television without seeing or hearing all kinds of references to "liberals" and "conservatives" or to a "right wing" and a "left wing." From such labels we're supposed to get the impression that the terms are used to describe opposite sides of an issue or opposite ends of some spectrum of political philosophy, with "moderates" and "centrist" in the middle.

From another perspective, however, such a spectrum not only does't really provide a very useful description of these groups it actually ignores or obscures what's really going on. Forget Democrats versus Republicans, left versus right, liberals versus conservatives, fascists versus communists, or revolutionaries versus reactionaries. To bring things into the proper focus, we need to rearrange the political spectrum into a more realistic representation:

On one end is the individual, making his own choices and decisions about his personal life and property; on the other end is the state, or government, where a relatively small number of people are able to make everyone else act in ways they might not otherwise have chosen, usually by wielding or threatening the use of some kind of force or other penalty for not complying.

The extremes of this more logical political spectrum would be total anarchy on one end versus rigid totalitarian dictatorship on the other. If you arbitrarily drew a line and placed totalitarianism on the left end and anarchy on the right then, yes, traditional Democrats/liberals would fall more to the left of Republicans/conservatives but the distance between the two groups is not as great as it once was and certainly do not represent the extremes. Both major parties in the country have moved inexorably to the left, when measured by their actions and policies and not merely by their rhetoric (this concept was explored in depth by David Boaz in his book, Libertarianism: A Primer).

This spectrum is a pretty useful tool for understanding politics. All political philosophies, from individualists to Marxist-Leninists, fit along this new line. On one end is the individual; on the other is the state. Every philosophy just varies in its degree of an individual's control over himself versus state control over the individual. For example, it doesn't really matter whether Medicare policies are set by Republicans or Democrats; the important thing is whether seniors are individually afforded the opportunity to determine for themselves the nature of their health plan or if the government makes enrollment in their plan mandatory.

Liberty versus Power. It is never a surprise, of course, that power is always more appealing to those who have it than to those who don't. While the nature of power has taken many forms in history, there has always been a single recurring theme: The will of some is coercively forced upon others.

Power fuels man's ambition to rule others by providing the ability to impose one's will on another. And with the imposition of will comes the likelihood that someone will take exception to it. And then you have conflict. Conflict leads to disharmony, disruption, and possibly destruction.

It seems to me that if government is the organized imposition of will by some over others, and that the imposition of will leads to conflict, then we ought, therefore, to enjoy more peace and prosperity in proportion to the degree we limit the power of government.

Do men have to be governed? Or do they just have to be restrained?

Author Resource:- Robert V. Wickes is an Ordinary Joe who believes that other Ordinary
Joes need to educate themselves about the reality of the American political
system. Learn more at