Monday, February 25, 2008

Top 2 Hottest Online Businesses

By : Scott Johns
Do you like to write? Have you dreamed of seeing your name in print? It is possible to make money as a freelance writer. The term freelance may be misinterpreted by aspiring writers. One may assume that work will be hard to come by. This is not true if you are willing to do research and can produce quality work. Thanks to the Internet, a myriad of possibilities exist. Finding writing gigs, is not as difficult as it seems. There is a high demand for writers and freelancers in just about any area of expertise. Today, companies are interested in saving dollars and time by electing to freelance work; instead, of the hassle of overhead and overhead expenses. Online magazines are a good place to start. It seems that most are looking for writers. However, you may have to start off writing for free. Yet, you are still making your name known to viewers and building respect with the magazine. It also, looks great in your portfolio. Some websites may also list companies looking for freelance writers.

The research for finding writing opportunities is time consuming, but rewarding when you find yourself writing, getting published, and getting paid.

Websites to Consider
This is a very helpful website, besides having writing job listings.
You can sign up for their weekly email newsletter, which is loaded with tips for writers, and possible markets.

As a freelance writer, you will find that most potential clients expect to be able to view your portfolio . This allows them to gain perspective of your writing style and ability. If you dont have a portfolio they may ask you to provide a sample writing on a topic the employer suggest. Do not be intimidated. This is common procedure.

Ebay/Online Auctions

Ebay is the most popular online auction community. It is also a lucrative source of income for sellers. Selling is easy and fun with Ebay tools and its large community. If you have a solid product, a well written sales letter, and patience, online auctions can be a lucrative and successful online business. You do not have to be an expert to sell on Ebay or any other online auction site. I most cases, the tools are already in place. The buyers are ready to bid. The key to success is the product. It has to be a product that buyers want. It does not have to be expensive or unique just easy to sell. As an auctioneer research is required an necessary to discover what items are hot and which ones are not. Take the time to do a little research and business will be running itself in no time.

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