Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Great SEO Tip

By : Braian rankandroll

A lot of us internet marketers know what to do when it comes to Search Engine Optimization South Florida but we may not know exactly how it should be done. After all, everything in search engine optimization is never known 100% for sure since Google’s algorithm is constantly changing. For example, we know the keyword should be in the page title but do we know the exact percentage of words consisting of our keywords would be best for optimization? Of course not, a lot of us think we know though. I don’t want to waste your time, as many others have before.

Instead of teaching you something you already know like most articles on Search Engine Optimization Palm Beach I would like to offer you some information that’s actually valuable and practical. Something you can apply right now. You have probably already learned this technique or strategy just not in this much detail. In SEO tt’s all about linking as you already know, but in order to get a valuable link sometimes you need to give one. This brings up an issue though. As we all know we don’t want to link out to too many other websites, but how many links exactly is too many? Where is that fine line? Well in all my testing I have come up with a magic number, a number you should always abide by when you’re building your links pages.

No links page should have more than 25 outgoing links per links page. If you have more than 25 you should start a second links page and so on. Once you start going beyond this number that is when trouble starts to arise. I have played with this number a lot and it seems as if you lose your page rank a little above 25, I can’t say the exact number for sure, but its always somewhere between 25 and 35. So your best bet is just to make your max 25 to keep it safe. The less obviously the better but in order to gain high quality links sometimes you have no choice but to give them back.

To make this easier you may want to set up your links into categories such as business, shopping, etc. You can have separate pages for all of these categories and that should make the number of links per page go down. This categorization will also make the links a little more valuable as the page they are on will be more relevant. And as you know if your links are more valuable you are passing on more page rank to the other site allowing that site to pass on more page rank to you. It seems small but doing a bunch a little techniques like this can make a huge difference, after all even a bump of one number in page rank is

I hope you realize the value in this tip; it’s the little tweaks like this that can really separate your page from its competitors. I wish you luck in all your online endeavors, apply this tip right now and your page rank could increase within a few short weeks.

The author of this article is from the creator of one of the leading SEO firms. Contact if you looking for “keyword with link” Rankandroll a South Florida SEO company specilized in organic search engine optimization south florida.

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