Monday, February 25, 2008

How to Get Started Investing in Stock - 3 Must Do Checklists

By : Zainul Anuar
Many novice investors are not sure how to start their stock investing career. Often than not, due to their ignorance and arrogance, they start buying stocks without following the most basic and simple rules to be successful. Get your hand dirty first if you want to make one million dollar profits from stock investing.

Specific Investment Plan

You must be hearing the importance of investment plan so much. Unfortunately, most investors do not get it right. Initially, you should set up specific financial goal. For example, you want to retire by 40 with $5000 passive income. Secondly, discount it to current value with the inflation rate to identify how much cash you need now or later. For example, you need to have $500k cash in five years time to generate $5000 per month by 2020.

Last but not least, discover which investment option that can help you to achieve the financial goal. For example, plain saving, stock investing, option trading or real estate.

Discover Investment Niche

Once you have the investment plan in place, you will have clearer picture where are you heading to. The next questions would be how do you get there?

Look, there are so many ways to make money in stock market. So many ways that is enough for everyone to make the least money. Therefore, instead of looking for the fastest way to make money, why don't you concentrate on which investment style suit your needs, niche and time commitment. But first, you have to understand the methodology of each concept. Day trading, value investing and swing trading are some of the most common techniques used in stock market investing.

Recognize Investment Personality

Although penny stocks investing suit me very well, the same might not hold true for you. You might not comfortable with the Over-The-Counter (OTC) purchase, its unproven track records or its natural price volatility. The fact is, neither you nor me were created equal. And same goes to other investors as well. Since individual personality, habits and thinking are affecting the decision making process, it really worth the time and effort to understand which investing personality you belongs to.

You can either be a reserved investors, speculators or optimist investors. Whoever you are, discover what you capable of, overcome your weaknesses and start investing in stock market. you might want to make that as a habit whenever you want to start doing anything.

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