Sunday, December 9, 2007

Coin Magic Tricks

Coin tricks are probably some of the oldest magic tricks known to man. Ever since the coin has been in existence, magicians have been trying to make it disappear, reappear, change size and even multiply into many coins. The coin tricks are the favorite among many magicians and audience members. Street magicians use coin tricks a lot in their acts also.

Learning a coin trick takes a lot of practice and you have to be good at sleight of hand. You have to have excellent dexterity and a lot of flourish to make your coin trick believable. People are skeptical by nature and if you don't practice your coin tricks enough, they will be able to spot your mistakes or be able to figure out how you did the trick. It is best to engage your audience with witty conversations or tell a few jokes as you are performing. This will keep them focused on you and what you are doing.

Always practice your coin tricks before performing them live. Practice in front of a mirror to perfect your hand movements, your facial movements and even your body language. All of these things work together for a successful magic trick.

Work hard at misleading your audience. Don't tell them what you are going to do. Instead lead them in the other direction. Some magicians even prefer to turn their magic act into a comedy show by pretending to be a bumbling idiot. If you mislead your audience in the opposite direction, they will lose focus and be even more amazed by your coin tricks. They will come away feeling more entertained also. You want to please your audience and give them the most for their money.

Keep learning a variety of new coin tricks to use on your audience. A good magician is ever evolving and learning new things. It is not a good idea to use the same old tricks over and over again. Incorporate new tricks into your act to keep your audience happy and entertained.

The most important rule in magic is never, ever, disclose how you do a magic trick. If your friends are insistent on learning some of your tricks, show them a few simple ones but don't give away your best, most amazing tricks. Guard these well. You don't want your fans to lose interest in you and they will if they know how you do all of your best coin tricks.

Coin magic tricks are a very popular part of any magic show. Just remember to practice, practice, practice. When you have mastered the coin magic tricks, practice some more. Incorporate a few coin tricks throughout your magic show and you will keep your audience entertained and ready for more.

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