Monday, December 10, 2007

Playing Around With The GPS

Some children have grown up with the notion of finding treasure buried by pirates many years ago. When the kids are old enough, the parents buy a metal detector then go searching for stuff on the beach or in other places.

So far, no one has been able to find a treasure chest using such equipment. Instead of seeking fortune, there are those who do this for fun. The name of the game is geocaching in which one person will hide a few items, give a few clues and let others find it. Once it is discovered, the finder will then change and replace a few things and the hunt starts all over again.

Geocaching isn't something new that developed because of the global positioning satellite or GPS. This game has been going on for more than 150 years and the introduction of new technology has simply taken it to a new level.

There are different ways by which people can play the game. A series of clues could lead the searches to a number of caches until the actual prize has been discovered. This will not only involve looking at the GPS unit but sometimes solving a puzzle because there isn't any challenge by just getting a fix on the location.

There are certain rules that players have to follow in the game. For instance, a variety of mediums are permitted to be used in giving out clues. Some examples are internet, SMS messaging, stamps, landmarks and anything else that may come to mind.

Once the cache has been found, the person should log one's name, the date and time it was discovered. In the event that the item can't be taken out, simply taking a picture is enough to determine who is the winner.

There are a lot of organizations that sponsor Geocaching such as the Geological Society of America. Smaller ones will offer free memberships while others will ask for a small fee.

You can work alone or in groups when looking for the prize. The most important thing to have of course is the GPS receiver because without it, other people will be able to find it first.

In the end, this is just for fun. The chances of finding some long lost treasure worth millions probably won't happen so those who are thinking of doing this shouldn't even bother.

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