Friday, December 7, 2007

Learn Magic Card Tricks

What would a magic show be without a few great card tricks? All magicians will incorporate card tricks into their shows. If you are starting out learning the ropes of magic, you should learn a few magic card tricks. Card tricks have the ability to amaze and they have a mystical feel about them.

When looking for good magic card tricks to learn, start at your local toy store or discount chain store. This may seem too elementary for you, but if you have never performed card tricks before, getting a basic child's magic kit is a great place to start. Learn the card trick in the kit and master it. Learning and mastering are two different things. To master a trick, you must be able to repeat it successfully hundreds of times with no mistakes.

Once you have the child's kit mastered, do a search online for good card magic tricks. A lot of sites will have tricks that you can learn for free. You may want to purchase some videos and books from these sites that show you the more advanced card tricks. But it is important to learn the basics first before trying the more advanced tricks.

Spend a lot of time practicing your card tricks in front of a mirror. If the tricks you use involve sleight of hand, as most card tricks do, you want your brain to actually memorize the hand movements needed to perform the trick. Repetition is the key. Once you have learned the card trick, practice, practice practice. Carefully study yourself in the mirror while performing the trick. Is there any movement that you are making that can give away the secret of the card trick?

Once you have practiced in front of a mirror and you feel that you have it right, get a video camera and tape your card trick. Have a friend run the camera and do closeups of your trick. Study this video to make sure that the card trick is being performed correctly and that you are doing the correct sleight of hand movements. Sometimes you will find that you need to animate your movements a little more to draw attention away from the cards. Study professional magicians and then study your video. Note the differences and do what you can to correct them.

Once you have mastered the card trick, work on your dialog. Maintain a running dialog while performing your card trick. This will keep people focused on what you are saying without giving them the opportunity to try to figure out the card trick. It is also more entertaining for the audience. After all, they came to your show to be entertained. Don't bore them with just a series of magic tricks. Perform your card magic tricks with flair. Put your passion into it and you will become a great magician.

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