Thursday, December 13, 2007

To GPS Or Not To GPS

Since the launch of the first Global Position System (GPS) device for automobiles some years back, more and more car manufacturers have been integrating the system into the vehicles they build. The system is still quite pricey given that its production hasn't quite reached mass market numbers. This is why the GPS systems have only been built in to higher end car models. However, if your car doesn't come equipped with a GPS device, you can opt to buy and have one installed.

However, you may ask whether having a GPS device in your car really makes a difference and if its benefits really make it worth having. Well, if you take your car for long drives and you are often away to some new destination either for your work or jusy for fun then having a GPS device installed in your car can be quite helpful.

The GPS device acts like an interactive map and most models are now voice activated so that you won't have to stop and type instructions in. Just say your command and you can interact with your GPS device. It's like having a personal navigation guide with you and this can prove handy when you are lost or just about to be. It will even inform you if you make a wrong turn or missed your destination and will guide you back to where you should be.

Having a GPS device for your car eliminates the hassle of having to pull over and consult a map. Especially when it's just not possible to stop, pullover and consult a map, a GPS device comes in handy to help you navigate your way to your destination. You can also subscribe your device to special features that alert you of important destinations like gas stations, ATM machines and the like so that you can be truly equipped to navigate your way around.

Even if you don't travel to new and faraway places, a GPS device in your car can still be very handy. With a GPS device you can subscribe to special features that allow for real time feeds to warn you of unexpected traffic and which alternate route to take in case of such events. So even if you're not traveling to a new destination you have good use for a GPS device in your car.

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