Sunday, December 9, 2007

Magic Spells

Beginners in the world of magic should be aware of several techniques in magic spells and how to cast them. These are the first and the last thing that magicians and people practicing witchcraft and spells should be perfected.

Potions and Spells

Magic spells and spell techniques come in different forms depending on your predetermined set of purpose. Techniques may come in preparing a set of potions and spell casting while conducting your own spell-craft.

Other strategies in the conduct of spells are the use of effigy-dolls, doll-baby baptism techniques which represent the person you are trying to cast spell with. Body parts or products of them such as hair, nails, and personal products such as towels and clothing can be used.

White Magic Spells

Spells and other forms of incantations are either categorized as white or black magic depending on their intended purpose on the subject.

If you are into healing or into the process of promoting good health, calling for luck, inner peace and balance, romance and the like, white magic spells are used.

White magic spells are also used to protect people from possible harm brought about by disasters and unexpected accidents that may come along the way. They break the flow of jinxes and pave the way for luck.

Somehow, if you believe that someone is trying to cast a spell on you who also are familiar with this art, you can deliberately protect your self from possible curses and keep you from experiencing the intended hurt.

Black Magic Spells

As the message implies, black spells are meant to cast harmful magic. They are coercive and bring about physical or financial discomfort.

Black spells cause illnesses, bad luck, increase the influx of jinx in love life or career. They are also used to serve justice and vengeance on people who are badly hurt due to a certain situation caused by someone.

Black magic spells are mediums which help you to attract injurious and deadly spirits to inflict dangers and harm to others. Like any other magic, black magic involves the use of physical objects in order to make your way through performing such feat.

Other Magic Spells

In other context, magic spells are based on the color to which the purpose is usually associated with. For example. Green spells are chanted if you are working on a moneymaking activity.

Red magic works for people who are aiming for romance and sex and purple spells for individuals working in the world of management and entrepreneurship.

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