Friday, December 7, 2007

What Is Black Magic?

Black magic is known as a type of magic that is used to accomplish wicked things. One usually uses black magic in order to harm somebody. As such, black magic can be used for one’s personal and selfish gains.

Generally, one who does black magic is known as a witch (female black magic doer) or warlock (male black magic doer).

The similarities as well as differences between white magic and black magic are often debated if not heatedly disputed, and there are various theories offering explanations that compare and contrast these two types of magic. These theories include the theory of “all as one,” theory of “no connection,” and last but not the least, the theory of “separate but equal.”

The “all as one” theory

With the “all as one” theory, all kinds of magic are inherently evil. In short, every type of magic is “black” magic. No white magic or any qualifier that would make a type or kind of magic more on the “good” side than the other. Among the religions in world today that have this opinion include many branches of major religions such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism. According to this view, black magic is generally associated with Satanism.

The “no connection” theory

According to the “no connection” theory, both white magic and black magic are types of magic. However, they are entirely different from each other. They are different from their foundation, and are also accomplished differently, although both types of magic could achieve effects that are similar. This view is the most often communicated message in fiction stories, such as the popular Harry Potter series.

The “separate but equal” theory

The “separate but equal” theory states that there is no difference between white magic and black magic. They are essentially the same thing. What differs white magic from black magic is in the end goals. The majority of today’s religions follow this view, as well as those fiction stories that do not believe on the “no connection” view.

For more information on black magic and its nature, you might want to try getting more information from various publications available in retail stores and specialty shops. There are also a wide array of information that are likewise available in the Internet.

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